How to properly close a WCF Netnamedpipebinding Channel? - wcf

I have a WCF Netnamedpipebinding from my application to an Office Addin. I have noticed that when the office app is busy doing something else that my application locks up when using a WCF method. I have added an example of my code. It appears that the code stops and waits with the channel.close method.
Is the solution to change channel.close to channel.BeginClose ?
What is the the state object I need to pass in to the BeginClose method?
Public Function RequestPersonStatus(ByVal id As String, ByVal email As String)
Using factory As New ChannelFactory(Of IToOffice)(New NetNamedPipeBinding(), New EndpointAddress("net.pipe://localhost/" + XXXXXX))
Dim OfficeChannel As IToOffice = factory.CreateChannel()
OfficeChannel.RequestPersonStatus(id:=id, email:=email)
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
CloseChannel(CType(OfficeChannel, ICommunicationObject))
End Try
End Using
Return True
End Function
and the closeChannel
Private Sub CloseChannel(ByVal channel As ICommunicationObject)
If channel.State = CommunicationState.Opened Then
Dim caller As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf callback)
channel.BeginClose(caller, New Object)
' channel.Close()
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Log(LogTypes.AllExceptions, "CloseChannel - Error closing the channel. ", ex.ToString)
End Try
End Sub

There seems to be a lot of discussion on what and when to clean up / Dispose / close down channels. I am just posting here what I am now doing and thus my answer to my question.
Private Sub CloseChannel(ByVal channel As ICommunicationObject)
If channel.State <> CommunicationState.Closed AndAlso channel.State <> CommunicationState.Faulted Then
End Try
End Sub, Nothing)
End If
Catch commEx As CommunicationException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

As far as I know, most of the cases like the timeout error/connection/communication error are caused by that the channel/client proxy is not properly closed. Putting the client proxy/Service Channel in a using block will eliminate the problem.
using (ServiceReference1.ServiceClient client=new ServiceClient())
var result = client.Test();
The Using statement is useful for automatically closed the service proxy/service communication channel after completing the invocation. Besides, Service client proxy is similar to the communication channel created by the ChannelFactory.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.


Thrown exception stopping application despite being in a try block

I have an async function that makes a call to an API, but sometimes there is bad data and I want an exception to be thrown to stop other subsequent procedures from having to run. The Async procedure looks like this:
public async Function getInfo(url as string) as task(of string)
Dim htpRes As HttpResponseMessage = Await url.GetAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)
Dim result = htpRes.Content.ReadAsStringAsync.Result
If result = "" Then
Throw New Exception("API Failed")
Return result
End If
End Function
That function is called by a procedure that looks like this:
sub hitAllAPIs(apiList As List(Of String))
For each i In apiList
Dim info As String = getInfo(i)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End sub
The desired behavior is for the forloop in 'hitAllAPIs' to keep running even if an exception is thrown within 'getInfo'. Instead, what happens is that the exception gets hit and stops the code from running, whether I'm in Debug mode or Release mode. If I'm not there to babysit it and hit 'continue' then the forloop will just stop and the program won't run anymore. Once I hit 'continue', btw, the 'Catch' will work and the error will be logged.
The issue is that I need this to all happen automatically and that's not happening. I can't just eliminate the exception and check the function for a null value, since this is a very simplified version of my code and the function is actually called all over the place. I know that I can change my exception settings to simply skip over all exceptions like this, but this is happening even in Release mode to code that has been deployed. I can't imagine that my debugging exceptions should have an effect on code deployed in Release mode. In any case, I'm hoping someone can help me understand why this exception isn't being automatically handled by the try block.
It seems result = "" is an expected result not an exception. Using Try/Catch is rather heavy handed. Exception handling is for unexpected results. Get rid of the Throw in the Function and add and If in the For Each.
Public Async Function getInfo(url As String) As Task(Of String)
Dim htpRes As HttpResponseMessage = Await url.GetAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)
Dim result = htpRes.Content.ReadAsStringAsync.Result
Return result
End Function
Sub hitAllAPIs(apiList As List(Of String))
For Each i In apiList
Dim info As String = getInfo(i)
If info = "" Then
'Add an overload of logError that accepts a string
logError("API failed")
End If
End Sub

Preventing exception from lack of internet connectivity

I have a simple Windows Form application. I have used a Timer and on Timer interval I am checking online database for values and updating it on the form.
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
String ConnectionString = globalConnString
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT AnnouncementID, AnnoucementText FROM tblAnnouncements"
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(SQL, conn)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet("Announcements")
Catch ex As Exception
LogError("Timer_Tick", ex)
End Try
End Sub
Now sometimes the internet is disconnected or there is very slow internet. For that I have created a function as below,
Public Function CheckInternetConnection() As Boolean
If My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable = True Then
Return My.Computer.Network.Ping("")
Return False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
This function is pinging google public DNS but in my application this is the IP address of my database server. I have wrapped the functionality inside Timer_Tick inside CheckInternetConnection so that when there is internet connection only then the database operation is made.
Now problem I am facing is that when I switch internet (using two different wifi conenctions) and when I turn on and off the internet then very rarely the code is broken and exception is created for line adapter.Fill(ds). My guess is that it is because at the start of function there is internet connectivity available and the condition for internet check is passed. When program starts to execute database operation then at that point rarely internet is gone so the program raises exception.
The example I have given is for one function and the actual application (which is quite big and written long time ago) is like this and I have to fix the connectivity issue within the same code. How can I make this fool proof that no database code is ever reached when there is no internet connectivity?
Use a loop to try multiple times. E.g.
int numTries = 3;
while (numTries > 0) {
try {
// open connection, fill
// your code
break; // got here means success
} catch {
if (numTries == 0)
throw; // propagate exception to next level
Thread.Sleep(500); // optional sleep

will everything automatically close in this code if there is an exception

three questions please
1) If there is an exception in the try below will the request stream automatically close as it is in a using
2)do I even need the requestStream.Close() and requestStream.Dispose() as it is in a using?
3) do I need to close the System.Net.FtpWebRequest?
Dim rqst As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(""), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
rqst.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("useb", "pass")
rqst.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
'Throw New ApplicationException("Exception Occured")
Dim fle() As Byte = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\test.txt")
Using requestStream As Stream = rqst.GetRequestStream()
requestStream.Write(fle, 0, fle.Length)
requestStream.Close() 'do I need this?
requestStream.Dispose() 'do I need this ?
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
No you dont need if you are using using. As using itself is used to dispose of. Also the reason for the "using" statement is to ensure that the object is always disposed correctly, and it doesn't require explicit code to ensure that this happens.
Dispose method is called immediately when control flow exits the using block.
Yes. If the exception occurs while executing code inside the using statement, the stream will be disposed before it goes to the Catch block.

Error not being caught (AsyncCallback)

Hi there i have a piece of code which connects using sockets to a server
'Connect To The Server
Dim socketclient As New TcpClient
Dim success
Dim result
result = socketclient.BeginConnect(ip, port, socket.EndConnect, socketclient)
success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5000, True)
If socketclient.Connected = False Then
Throw New Exception("Server is offline")
End If
catch ex as exception
End Try
As you can see. if a server is offline, my try-catch setup doesn't catch the error "host is unknown" i believe this is because the error occurs during the async call. IF this is true, how does one catch an error in an async call?
You should end the async operation.
Your wait is totally unnecessary, if you just want to block waiting for the connection just call EndConnect over the socket ;)

Double exception throwing in a try / finally block

Here's the code example :
Throw New FirstException()
Throw New SecondException()
End Try
I figured out it only throws SecondException out and FirstException just vanishes.
I thought FirstException would be inside InnerException property of SecondException but it appears it is not.
I'm not blocked on anything as I don't really need the FirstException to show up, I'm just rather intrigued about this behaviour.
Is there a way to know SecondException did get thrown first when
catching it all at upper level ?
If the first exception really is overriden by the second, what is the
reason ?
Does it happen in every other language ? Is it logical ?
I guess the primary explanation for why this works this way is that you are never catching your first exception and passing it along the chain. If you have a situation like the above where you may be throwing several exceptions on the way back to the original caller then you have to either catch them as they are thrown (and include them as an inner exception when creating the next one) :
Dim ex1 As Exception = Nothing
Throw New Exception("first exception")
Catch ex As Exception
ex1 = ex
Throw New Exception("second exception", ex1)
End Try
Or, probably better - just don't throw until you have all of the exceptions figured out:
Dim ex1 As Exception = Nothing
ex1 = New Exception("first exception")
Throw New Exception("second exception", ex1)
End Try
Throwing and catching exceptions is expensive, so it's probably best to not throw until you're ready to return and just log along the way.
One of the limitations of exception handling in .net is that there is no nice way for code in a Finally block to know what exception, if any, caused the code in the Try block to exit, nor is there any normal way for code in a finally block which does have such information to make it available to code which might throw an exception.
In, it's possible to kludge things in a manner that works pretty well, even though it looks a bit ugly.
Module ExceptionDemo
Function CopySecondArgToFirstAndReturnFalse(Of T)(ByRef dest As T, src As T) As Boolean
dest = src
Return False
End Function
Function AnnotateExceptionAndReturnFalse(ex As Exception, TryBlockException As Exception) As Boolean
If ex Is Nothing Then Return False ' Should never occur
If TryBlockException Is Nothing Then Return False ' No annotation is required
ex.Data("TryBlockException") = TryBlockException
Return False
End Function
Sub ExceptionTest(MainAction As Action, CleanupAction As Action)
Dim TryBlockException As Exception = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception When CopySecondArgToFirstAndReturnFalse(TryBlockException, ex)
' This block never executes, but above grabs a ref to any exception that occurs
Catch ex As Exception When AnnotateExceptionAndReturnFalse(ex, TryBlockException)
' This block never executes, but above performs necessary annotations
End Try
End Try
End Sub
Sub ExceptionTest2(Message As String, MainAction As Action, CleanupAction As Action)
Debug.Print("Exception test: {0}", Message)
ExceptionTest(MainAction, CleanupAction)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim TryBlockException As Exception = Nothing
Debug.Print("Exception occurred:{0}", ex.ToString)
If ex.Data.Contains("TryBlockException") Then TryBlockException = TryCast(ex.Data("TryBlockException"), Exception)
If TryBlockException IsNot Nothing Then Debug.Print("TryBlockException was:{0}", TryBlockException.ToString)
End Try
Debug.Print("End test: {0}", Message)
End Sub
Sub ExceptionDemo()
Dim SuccessfulAction As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Successful action")
End Sub
Dim SuccessfulCleanup As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Cleanup is successful")
End Sub
Dim ThrowingAction As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Throwing in action")
Throw New InvalidOperationException("Can't make two plus two equal seven")
End Sub
Dim ThrowingCleanup As Action = Sub()
Debug.Print("Throwing in cleanup")
Throw New ArgumentException("That's not an argument--that's just contradiction")
End Sub
ExceptionTest2("Non-exception case", SuccessfulAction, SuccessfulCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in main; none in cleanup", ThrowingAction, SuccessfulCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in cleanup only", SuccessfulAction, ThrowingCleanup)
ExceptionTest2("Exception in main and cleanup", ThrowingAction, ThrowingCleanup)
End Sub
End Module
The module above starts with a couple helper modules which should probably be in their own "Exception helpers" module. The ExceptionTest method shows the pattern for code which might throw an exception in both the Try and Finally block. The ExceptionTest2 method calls ExceptionTest and reports what exception if any comes back from it. ExceptionDemo calls ExceptionTest2 in such a way as to cause exceptions in different combinations of the Try and Finally blocks.
As shown, if an exception occurs during cleanup, that exception will be returned to the caller, with the original exception being an item in its Data dictionary. An alternative pattern would be to catch the exception that occurs on cleanup and include it in the data of the original exception (which would be left uncaught). My general inclination is that it's probably better in many cases to propagate the exception that occurs during cleanup, since any code which was planning to deal with the original exception will probably expect that cleanup succeeded; if such an expectation cannot be met, the exception that escapes should probably not be the one the caller was expecting. Note also that the latter approach would require a slightly different method of adding information to the original exception, since an exception which is thrown in a nested Try block might need to hold information about multiple exceptions that were thrown in nested Finally blocks.