How to use titanium inspector using titanium 5.2.2? - titanium

I am using Appcelerator titanium CLI to build ios app. I want to debug the app With Chrome DevTools but it seems like it's not compatible with the version which I have installed currently.
As per ti-inspector documentation, I have installed the node package by the below command.
npm install -g ti-inspector
So, When I tried this into my titanium project directory I am getting this response which is unexpected.
Unexpected error: undefined
NOTE: titanium version - 5.2.2
Useful GitHub link:
Need help to understand or mitigate this issue. Thanks in advance!!!.

That repo is 5 years old and might not be compatible with the current SDK. You can use this instruction: to use the internal dev tools connection.


Error when running nativescript-imagepicker

I am developing a mobile app by using nativescript with angular. I want to include an image upload in my app. So, I tried by cloning git repo for nativescript-imagepicker. It is ok if I used the command tns run. If I used tns run ios/android --bundle, it gave me the following error:
What is the solution to fix this?
Did you installed the plugin through
tns plugin add nativescript-imagepicker
If not, try checking if you have the dependency with:
tns plugin list
if nativescript-imagepicker is not there, try reinstalling it. I got it working with app

Titanium Appcelerator **BUILD FAILED**

Getting the following error when I try to run my program on an iOS device
[INFO] : Invoking xcodebuild
There is no other information displayed in the console about why the build has failed. I don't think my code is the issue because
It runs fine on the simulator, and
I tried running an example "Hello World" app and the same error occurred
I have recently updated my certificates and provision profiles, which is when this error started occurring.
I am running:
Node.js Version = 8.9.1
npm Version = 5.5.1
Appcelerator studio Version =
Titanium SDK Version = 7.5.0.GA
Xcode Version = 10.1
Based on other forum posts that I have read, I have tried:
Cleaning the project
Using an older version of the Titanium SDK
Deleting old provision profiles from Xcode
Deleting old certificates from the keychain
Assigning correct provision profile and certificate from Run > Run Configurations
Removing modules used on the project
Using devices with different versions of iOS
Really at a loss of what else to try. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
You can run appc run -p ios --log-level trace which will invoke the xcodebuild command with the highest possible log level. After that, the actual error will be shown. Most likely you are using a 3rd party module that is missing a framework link. If you got the log, you can paste it into a GitHub Gist and send it here, then we can find it for sure.

cannot create iOS folder on my react native app

I am asking this question for the third time and I don't get it why no one even tries to help on this, is this question not well explained? If you can ask for more information I can give!
I am having trouble created iOS folder inside my react native app(detached) as when I created the app I created it from windows machine and iOS folder didn't come when I wrote: exp detach
Now that I have got a macOS, how can I get to create iOS folder so I can use that to build from xCode. I tried react-native upgrade, this is telling me that I have some version conflicts, so I don't want to upgrade it actually, I just want to have iOS folder on my react native.
What would be the best solution in here?
Interestingly I tried exp detach over my detached app and it created iOS, it's working! hopefully this will help anyone!
Please follow the below steps:
Step I: Ensure below installable are installed
Java Sdk Android Studio
Xcode (in case of OSX)
HomeBrew (in case of OSX to install node)
Node/NPM (Node runs Javascript outside the browser. NPM is used for installing and managing Dependencies. Node and NPM come
Those are some essential installs that you will need in your Project
**Step II: **
For windows/OSX you need to run the following commands in your command prompt/command line:
This is the important part for running a react native project:
**Step II: **
npm install -g react-native-cli
Then you can use this cli to start a new project like this:
**Step III: **
react-native init
Hope this helped you, please vote..

no version found in react-native-fcm

I'm using react native version 0.40, and followed the read me from this repo and i'm getting the following error when I try to run react-native run-android:
could not find any matches for as no versions of are available.
I have no clue what is the source for this error. I searched everywhere and I couldn't debug this problem.
I have found the answer, i need to update the android sdk google play services and google repository.
I am using ubuntu with android sdk installed, i type android in console and updated the packages.

TransformError react native 0.7.1

when i build my react-native application using Xcode and launch it, the emulator shows the error red screen with the following message:
TransformError: /path/to/app/index.ios.js: /path/to/app/index.ios.js: Cannot read property 'line' of undefined]
message: 'TransformError: /path/to/app/index.ios.js: /path/to/app/index.ios.js: Cannot read property \'line\' of undefined',
I've built one application a month ago with react-native v 0.4.x and i've never had this message.
I've tried with node 0.12 and different versions of iojs
I'm using react-native v0.7.1 and xCode v6.4
The project is totally empty of any code wrote by me, i just:
$ react-native init reactNat (with react-native-cli v0.1.4)
I read that now react-native is directly integrated with babel and I suppose the problem came from that but with no more clues.
If anybody have an idea it would be very nice!
Thanks guys
You'll need to use node.js >= 4.0, as per the 'getting started' guide. You can use nvm to install multiple node versions on your system.