Backpack 4.0 base configuration key "passwords" - laravel-6

This is my first time using Backpack and I have a question about the base.php Backpack config. One of the keys there is called passwords and it has this random string value as shown in the screenshot below.
For the life of me I don't know what that means. The only thing I know so far is that the Forgot Password form submits to a page with the following error.
Password resetter [c45#$%TCC)*$%tc;pvctHJ^] is not defined.
When I set the passwords config value to null, the form works but the Reset Password link from the email shows a link like:
instead of:
So it is not matching the route defined in Backpack. But I guess that is another topic.
For now I just need to understand what the passwords config does and why is the value set like it currently is. Can anyone please explain?

That config should hold the name of the password broker that Backpack uses inside the Authentication.
It should NOT be gibberish, but the actual name of the password broker to be used. By default that's backpack as you can see in our demo. If commented out, it will use the same password broker that the stock Laravel Auth uses - as explained in the comment. I recommend you write backpack there - that should fix it for you.
This value should only be changed when you want to customize the authentication, and have mixed auth for users and admins, things like that. It uses Laravel's authentication, which is unnecessarily complicated if you ask me, but that's where the password broker concept is from.


Modifying password entered by the user when logging into Windows account

I'm writing a credential provider that would correct user's password when the user is logging into Windows account and accidentally types password using wrong keyboard language settings (Ukrainian rather than latin for example). The same keys but different letters. Now I need a way to intercept the user-entered password and if it is entered wrongly to correct it. As a starting point I'm using the credentials provider from the Windows SDK. It works fine in a standard mode (like the default CP). But I cannot find where to obtain and correct the password entered by the user. I thought that HRESULT CSampleCredential::GetStringValue( DWORD dwFieldID, PWSTR* ppwz)
method is the right place to do it. To replace
hr = SHStrDupW(_rgFieldStrings[dwFieldID], ppwz);
string with
hr = SHStrDupW(ppwstrCorrected, ppwz);
Where ppwstrCorrected contains either the original password or the corrected one. But this does nothing. Credentials Provider continues to work as it did. I even tried to "break" my provider by making GetStringValue return some gibberish any time it is called. But the sample provider still works as a standard one. And yes, I've tried to log in via the sample provider and not the standard since they are easy to distinguish by bitmaps on their tiles. So where can I intercept the entered password that goes into Windows for checking?
I think it will be better to re-set corrected password back using ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents::SetFieldString()
ICredentialProviderCredential::GetStringValue() called by LogonUI to retrieve values of static text fields.
Answering my own question. There were two problems with my provider. First, provider's code was simply unused and standard provider's code was used instead. I don't know why it is so but I solved this by filtering out the standard providers, like it is described in Windows Credential Provider, Filter, and Unlock Workstation Scenario question.
Now, as far as SDK example is concerned, the unmodified user-entered password may be accessed in the CSampleCredential::GetSerialization() method. It is stored in _rgFieldString[SFI_PASSWORD] string. The password may be passed to the encryption function from this method, so it should be modified before it is encrypted.

How do we use Django-allauth with lazysignup

I'm using Django-allauth for social and simple login. I want that when a user who hasn't signed up or isn't logged in makes a shortlist of items, the shortlist is still present when the user signs up or logs in. So I'm using Django-lazysignup.
Right now, a new lazy_user is created everytime I'm not logged in with Facebook, or it gives me a "column user_id not unique" error. The shortlist is also not converted.
How do we integrate the two? Or how do we do this without using lazysignup?
Any help on this would be great, thanks!
Have a look here:
and here:
Here, a new User instance is created for local and social users respectively. These adapter methods can be overriden, and instead of spawning a new instance they could be changed to return an existing lazy user instance.
With django-allauth out of the box you will probably run into the problem that you don't have access to the request instance here, but I am willing to adapt allauth to match your use case...
You could use a custom user model (Django 1.5) tweaked in a way, so that it uses the session key as identifier for example.
Later on signup.. just fill in the username and/or email etc.
This could make sense if you want to save the lazy users interactions even if they do not sign up (e.g. for statistical usage). I have not tested this.. but it might work. :)

ExtJs:How to get Session variable

In my Java web application,when a user gets logged in,i store the user name and other details in session as follows,
I am using ExtJs4 for UI.How to get the session variables in extJs?
I can second #Geronimo approach. You need to get user Id and/or permissions when you authenticate the user. However...
You can't rely just on the username/permissions that you store somewhere in your JS code because it can't be easily spoofed. If you present user with some information that can be different for different levels of access you still need to do server side validation of the user identity.
You can't get session variables off the server web container using javascript only.
I do the same thing (storing userId as a session variable in java). I use Ext.Request to perform an Ajax request to a java servlet to get it (along with other data about the user like permission settings for the webapp to enable or disable features they wouldn't be able to use).
I second sha's answer also, the only reason I pass the authentication information back to the client is for cosmetic reasons - so that user doesn't think he can use a feature in javascript that would be denied by my server side authentication. If he were to spoof the userId or permissions and try to use the feature, the real authentication on the server side would stop him.
I understand that the question has been asked for a long time ago, but despite the large number of views and the absence of an plain answer, I decided to offer this answer:
Assume that the session variable is registered like /index.php?PHPSESSID=9ebca8bd62c830d3e79272b4f585ff8f
In this case, you can get the variable PHPSESSID through JS object "location" and transform it through Ext.Object.fromQueryString()
console.log( Ext.Object.fromQueryString( ) );
will prepare PHPSESSID variable for your needs.

Glassfish 3.1.2's JDBCRealm has a new Password Encryption Algorithm field. What is it for?

The Glassfish JDBC realm features several different properties you can set.
I am interested in the Digest Algorithm and Password Encryption Algorithm properties (that's how they show up in the admin console).
The second one is new as of Glassfish 3.1.2 as near as I can tell.
I have consulted the official Glassfish 3.1.1 documentation but it does not address the new property, and does not really explain what the first property is used for.
There is a documentation bug that references a bug number (13363269) that must point to a defunct bug system because I can't find the bug to which it refers. This phantom bug presumably details what the Password Encryption Algorithm property is for, but alas seems to be lost to the mists of time.
From the command line, the property is named (improbably): digestrealm-password-enc-algorithm. It looks like this will live on next to the digest-algorithm property.
I attempted to read the source code, but the file appears to be missing although I am doubtlessly simply looking in the wrong place. A prior copy that I found does not reference the property anywhere.
What are these two properties for? I have a hazy sense that together they ensure that if I use the realm to login with a plaintext password I can somehow delegate the hashing-and-comparing operations to the realm, provided of course that the hashes used to store the original password and the hashes used on the incoming password were calculated the same way.
The manual also indicates that if I want to use digest authentication that I should be specifying the jdbcDigestRealm JAAS context. If I don't want to use digest authentication, then I should be specifying the jdbcRealm JAAS context. To my eyes, this looks like yet another place where I am effectively specifying what kinds of hashing algorithms are involved.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
I wrote about this (related issue) here - Glassfish 3.1.2 JDBCRealm configuration.
In short, the password encryption field does not seem to be mandatory at all anymore - so just storing passwords as SHA 256 hashes should work well enough.

Forgot Password: what is the best method of implementing a forgot password function?

I'm wondering what the best method is for creating a forgot password function on a website. I have seen quite a few out there, here are a few or combination of:
passphrase question / answer (1 or more)
send email with new password
on screen give new password
confirmation through email: must click link to get new password
page requiring user to enter a new password
What combination or additional steps would you add to a forgot password function? I'm wondering about how they request the new password and how they end up getting it.
I'm operating on the principal that the password cannot be retrieved; a new password must be given/generated.
Edit I like what Cory said about not displaying if the username exists, but I'm wondering what to display instead. I'm thinking half the problem is that the user forgot which email address they used, which displaying some sort of "does not exist" message is useful. Any solutions?
I personally would send an email with a link to a short term page that lets them set a new password. Make the page name some kind of UID.
If that does not appeal to you, then sending them a new password and forcing them to change it on first access would do as well.
Option 1 is far easier.
A few important security concerns:
A passphrase question / answer actually lowers security since it typically becomes the weakest link in the process. It's often easier to guess someone's answer than it is a password - particularly if questions aren't carefully chosen.
Assuming emails operate as the username in your system (which is generally recommended for a variety of reasons), the response to a password reset request shouldn't indicate whether a valid account was found. It should simply state that a password request email has been sent to the address provided. Why? A response indicating that an email does/doesn't exist allows a hacker to harvest a list of user accounts by submitting multiple password requests (typically via an HTTP proxy like burp suite) and noting whether the email is found. To protect from login harvesting you must assure no login/auth related functions provide any indication of when a valid user's email has been entered on a login/pass reset form.
For more background, checkout the Web Application Hackers Handbook. It's an excellent read on creating secure authentication models.
EDIT: Regarding the question in your edit - I'd suggest:
"A password request email has been
sent to the address you provided. If
an email doesn't arrive shortly,
please check your spam folder. If no
email arrives, then no account exists
with the email you provided."
There's a trade-off being made here between ease of use and security. You have to balance this based on context - is security important enough to you and your users to justify this inconvenience?
Send email with new password.
FORCE a password change when they arrive and key in the new password.
This ensures that the person who wanted the password will be the only only getting in to the account.
If the email is sniffed, someone could get in to the account (of course), but the real party will discover this immediately (as their password you just sent them doesn't work).
Also send confirmations of password changes to the users.
If someone get the new password, and then an email saying "thanx for changing the password", they're going to be rather puzzled and will talk to an admin if they didn't do it.
Using the email verification/password reset link will give you better security.
If you look around this is how most websites do it and people are pretty used to this verification, so I'd recommend using this type of authentication.
I would think (gbrandt's) Option 2 would be a great method if it is combined with some personal information you already have for the user. i.e date of birth.
When the user requests a new password (reset) via entering his email address, he also has to enter a correct date of birth (or something else) before the password is reset and a new one is emailed to the user.
Only those who know him well can possibly annoy him by resetting his password! It cant be a stranger or a bot
Upon 5 or 7 bad email-address & date of birth combinations the user is emailed that his password has been requested to be reset and has failed due to an incorrect credential. Then password resetting for that account is suspended for 24hrs or any desired period.
(if too many users contact the webadmin regarding this email he'll know someone is trying to maliciously attain information from your website/app)
What do you guys think?
Option 1. is not a good idea, as generally his becomes easily guessable by others. Sarah Palin's personal email (Yahoo I think) was hacked in this way by a third party.
The other options are better and previous posts have outlined the detail.
The idea I was thinking about was to sign the data in the link that is sent to the user. Then, when the user clicks the link and the server receives the call, the server also gets the encrypted part and can validate that the data was untouched.
I have implemented a JAVA project for this use case. It is on GitHub, open source. It answers your question perfectly... implemented in Java.
As for the link in the email - it generates the link, plus validates it upon usage.
There are explanation for everything (and if something is missing - let me know...)
Have a look:
See a Demo here.
This is the client web-app that uses the auth-flows, with the README with all explanations. it directs you the implementation: