Vuejs Passing Data through the same component - vue.js

Im a noob in vuejs and i want to pass some data : profile that you can find inside of created() into
<span v-if="isLoggedIn">{{this.profile.username}}</span>
I know i'm missing some basics behind how vue works but im still learnig:)
<v-card class="mx-auto" color="dark" dark>
<v-app-bar clipped-left dark app>
<v-app-bar-nav-icon class="grey--text" #click="drawer= !drawer"></v-app-bar-nav-icon>
<v-toolbar-title class="grey--text">
<span class="font-weight-light">anime</span>
<span v-if="isLoggedIn">hi{{profile.username}}</span>
<v-btn icon>
<v-btn icon to="/login">
<v-btn icon v-if="isLoggedIn">
<v-icon v-on:click="logout">mdi-logout-variant</v-icon>
<v-navigation-drawer app expand-on-hover clipped v-model="drawer">
<v-list nav>
<v-list-item v-for="item in items" :key="item.title" :to="item.path" link>
<v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon>
<v-list-item-title>{{ item.title }}</v-list-item-title>
import firebase from "firebase";
// import db from "#/Firebase/firebaseInit";
export default {
data() {
return {
profile: {},
name: "navbar",
isLoggedIn: false,
currentUser: false,
drawer: false,
items: [
{ title: "Anime Home", icon: "mdi-view-dashboard", path: "/" },
title: "Trends",
icon: "mdi-chart-line-stacked",
path: "/trends"
{ title: "Save", icon: "mdi-bookmark", path: "/save" },
title: "Profile",
icon: "mdi-badge-account-horizontal",
path: "/profile"
{ title: "About", icon: "mdi-label", path: "/about" }
right: null
created() {
this.profile = {username:'hello'}
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
// var name, email,uid;
//, photoUrl, emailVerified
if (user != null) {
this.isLoggedIn = true;
this.profile = {
username: user.displayName,
userid: user.uid,
photoUrl: user.photoURL,
emailVerified: user.emailVerified
// The user's ID, unique to the Firebase project. Do NOT use
// this value to authenticate with your backend server, if
// you have one. Use User.getToken() instead.
// console.log(user)
methods: {
logout: function() {
.then(function() {
// Sign-out successful.
if (!firebase.auth().currentUser) {
alert("Signed out successfuly ");
.catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
this.isLoggedIn = false;
this.$router.go({ path: this.$router.path });

in your html :
<span v-if="isLoggedIn">{{profile.username}}</span>
in your script
import firebase from "firebase";
export default {
data() {
return {
profile: {},
//all your stuff
created() {
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
if (user != null) {
this.isLoggedIn = true;
this.profile = {
photoUrl : user.photoURL,
emailVerified: user.emailVerified
// console.log(user)
methods: {//all your stuff }


Page display and refresh problem in vueJs

I have a small problem with the display of the Authentication with VueJs page.
Once on the authentication User page I also have the menu which remains displayed, and once authenticated it redirects me to the Home page however when I disconnect I have the same concerns, it redirects me to the authenticationUser page but with the menu that remains displayed.
and if I do a refresh on the authenticationUser page the page remains blank without error.
I don't know if you have any idea for the cause of the problem.
Thanks in advance.
<v-app id='inspire'>
<div v-if="user && user.sub">
<Menu />
import AuthentificationUser from "./views/AuthentificationUser";
import AuthenticatedUserUtils from "./utils/AuthenticatedUserUtils";
import Header from './components/common/Header';
import Menu from './components/common/Menu';
export default {
name: "app",
data: () => ({
user: AuthenticatedUserUtils.user
components: {
enter code here
import User from '../models/User'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter, { RouteConfig } from 'vue-router'
import AuthenticatedUserUtils from '../utils/AuthenticatedUserUtils'
const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [
path: '/',
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
path: '/inventory',
name: 'Inventory',
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
path: '/inventory/authentificationUser',
name: 'AuthentificationUser',
component: () => import('../views/AuthentificationUser.vue')
path: '/inventory/home',
name: 'Home',
component: () => import('../views/Home.vue'),
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
path: '/inventory/parametrage',
name: 'Parametrage',
component: () => import('../views/Parametrage.vue'),
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
path: '/inventory/rfid',
name: 'RFID',
component: () => import('../views/RFID.vue'),
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (!!to && !!to.meta && to.meta.requireAuth) {
// TODO : voir si le cookie existe et est valide
if (document && document.cookie) {
const potentialCookie = document.cookie
.split('; ')
.find(row => row.startsWith('access_token='));
let token = '';
if (potentialCookie) {
token = potentialCookie.split('=')[1];
const parsedJwt = parseJwt(token);
if (new Date() <= new Date(parsedJwt.exp * 1000)) {
const usr:User = new User();
usr.created = parsedJwt.created;
usr.sub =JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parsedJwt.sub));
usr.exp = parsedJwt.exp;
AuthenticatedUserUtils.user = usr;
} else {
AuthenticatedUserUtils.user = undefined;
// token non valide sur une page qui a besoin de l'authent
} else {
} else {
// appInsights.trackPageView({ name: });
function parseJwt (token: string) {
var base64Url = token.split('.')[1];
var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return JSON.parse(jsonPayload);
export default router
enter code here
<v-navigation-drawer color="#80e27e" app v-model='drawer'>
<div style="background-color: #F5F5F5; width:260px;height:63px;">
<v-list-item-title class="text-h6" style="text-align:center; padding-top: 5%; color: #087f23;">{{ $t("label.inventaire") }}</v-list-item-title>
<v-list dense nav>
<template v-for='item in items'>
<v-list-item :key='item.text' #click="goToRoute(">
<v-icon v-text="item.icon" style="color: #087f23;" />
<v-list-item-title v-text="item.title" style="color: #087f23;"/>
<div style="color: #087f23; margin-top: 150%;">
<b><span block style="color: #087f23; margin-left: 23%; ">{{ $t("label.bienvenue") }} Frédéric</span></b>
<div style="width:150px;height:35px;border:0px solid #000;border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;margin-left: 20%;background-color: #F5F5F5;">
<img v-if="checkValueCodeLangueMenu() === true" style="width:35px; height:35px; margin-left:39%; border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;" src="#/assets/fra.png"/>
<img v-if="checkValueCodeLangueMenu() === false" style="width:27px; height:27px; margin-left:39%; margin-top:2%; border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;" src="#/assets/eng.png"/>
<v-btn style="color: #087f23; margin-top: 10%;width:200px;height:35px; margin-left: 10%;" #click="logout()">
<label>{{ $t("label.deconnexion") }}</label>
<v-app-bar app color="#4caf50">
<v-app-bar-nav-icon #click="drawer = !drawer" style="color: #087f23;"></v-app-bar-nav-icon>
<v-menu offset-y>`enter code here`
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<div class="text-center">
<v-btn icon v-on="on">
<v-icon> mdi-earth </v-icon>
v-for="langue in languesDispo"
<img v-if="checkValueCodeLangue(langue.codeLangue) === true" style="width:26px; height:26px;border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:8px;vertical-align:middle" src="#/assets/fra.png"/>
<img v-if="checkValueCodeLangue(langue.codeLangue) === false" style="width:26px; height:26px;border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:8px;vertical-align:middle" src="#/assets/eng.png"/>
<v-icon v-on:click="logout()">mdi-logout</v-icon>
<v-main >
<v-container fluid>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import i18n from '#/plugins/i18n';
import Langue from '#/models/Langue';
import PaysUtils from '#/utils/PaysUtils';
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'Menu',
data: () => ({
currentPays: 'fr',
languesDispo: PaysUtils.lstPays,
drawer: null,
imgLangue: null,
items: [
{ title: 'Accueil', icon: 'mdi-home', to: '/' },
{ title: 'Paramétrage', icon: 'mdi-cog', to: '/inventory/parametrage' },
{ title: 'RFID', icon: 'mdi-help-box', to: '/inventory/rfid' },
methods: {
logout (){
document.cookie = "";
goToRoute(route: string): void {
changeLocale(langue: Langue): void {
if (langue.codeLangue && langue.codePays) {
this.$vuetify.lang.current = langue.codeLangue;
i18n.locale = langue.codeLangue;
this.currentPays = langue.codePays;
checkValueCodeLangue : function(langue: String) {
if(langue === 'fra') {
return true
return false
checkValueCodeLangueMenu : function() {
if(this.currentPays === 'fr'){
return true
return false

I want to add editing functions using Nuxt.js

What I want to come true
I am creating TodoLists.
I tried to implement the following editing features, but it didn't work and I'm having trouble.
Click the edit button to display the edit text in the input field
If you click the save button after entering the changes in the input field, the changes will be reflected in the first position.
<v-row v-for="(todo,index) in todos" :key="index">
<template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-list-item-title #click="toEdit(todos)">
<v-list-item-title #click="removeTodo(todo)">
color="pink lighten-3"
data () {
return {
editIndex: false,
hidden: false,
itemText: '',
items: [
{ title: 'Edit', icon: 'mdi-pencil' },
{ title: 'Delete', icon: 'mdi-delete' }
computed: {
todos () {
return this.$store.state.todos.list
disabled () {
return this.itemText.length === 0
methods: {
addTodo (todo) {
if (this.editIndex === false) {
this.$store.commit('todos/add', this.itemText)
this.itemText = ''
} else {
this.$store.commit('todos/edit', this.itemText, todo)
this.itemText = ''
toEdit (todo) {
this.editIndex = true
this.itemText = this.todos
removeTodo (todo) {
this.$store.commit('todos/remove', todo)
export const state = () => ({
list: []
export const mutations = {
add (state, text) {
remove (state, todo) {
state.list.splice(state.list.indexOf(todo), 1)
edit (state, text, todo) {
state.list.splice(state.list.indexOf(todo), 1, text)
Click the edit button and it will look like this
What I tried myself
toEdit (todo) {
this.editIndex = true
this.itemText = this.todos.text //add
// Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
For some reason I get an error that I couldn't see before
The properties/data types in your code are a bit mixed up.
Here you're accessing state.todos.list...
todos () {
return this.$store.state.todos.list
...but in your store the const state doesn't include todos:
export const state = () => ({
list: []
Furthermore, you're writing to itemText the content of todos, which should be a string but actually is an object - which leads to the output of [object Object].
toEdit (todo) {
this.editIndex = true
this.itemText = this.todos
Also, please check out kissu's comment about the mutations.

Vuetify v-dialog not showing the second time

I'm trying to to conditionally show a dialog. The dialog shows up the first time just fine.
But when second time I try to remount the component I can't see the dialog.
The dialog also fetches some data when it is mounted. I can see the logs that the dialog is being mounted and unmounted and also the network request on chrome devtools network tab but I can't see the dialog.
<v-list-item-title #click="changeDialogState">
//This is defined inside methods
changeDialogState() {
this.showEditDialog = !this.showEditDialog // this.showEditDialog is just a boolean value define inside data()
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" width="700">
<v-card v-else>
<v-card-title> New Customer </v-card-title>
<template v-slot:footer>
<v-btn text #click="$emit('editDone')"> Cancel </v-btn>
<v-btn color="primary" type="submit" class="ma-1">
Save Customer
import { formHandling, paginatedResponse } from '~/mixins'
export default {
mixins: [formHandling, paginatedResponse],
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({
//some stuff here
error: {
type: Array,
required: true,
default: () => {
return []
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
async fetch() {
this.fetching = true
this.customer = await this.$axios.$get(`/customer/${}/`)
this.fetching = false
data() {
return {
dialog: true,
customer: {
errors: {
fetching: true,
mounted() {
console.log('TestDialog - mounted')
beforeDestroy() {
console.log('TestDialog - unmounted')
methods: {
async editCustomer(customer) {
try {
await this.$axios.$put(`/customer/${}/`, customer)
this.dialog = false
} catch (err) {

Add/Edit list item at parent from child component form

I am developing a recipe app. At my CreateRecipe component, I have child component to add ingredients to the recipe or edit existing ingredients. Ill start by showing the code and what i want to achieve and then the problem
Parent component:
<v-dialog v-model="AddIgredientsDialog" max-width="800px">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn color="secondary" dark v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
Add addIngredients
import AddItemsForm from "./AddItemsForm"; //Child Component
data: () => ({
article: {
headline: "",
img: "",
content: "",
subHeader: "",
description: "",
igredients: [], //List to add/edit item at AddItemsForm child component
preperation: []
editedIgredient: { //Item to use for editing or adding new item to article.igredients
title: "",
subIgredients: []
defaultItem: { //Item used for resetting editedIgredient item
title: "",
subIgredients: []
editedIndex: -1, helper variable for knowing whether i need to add new item or edit exiting item
editIngredients(item) {
this.editedIndex = this.article.igredients.indexOf(item);
this.editedIgredient = Object.assign({}, item);
this.AddIgredientsDialog = true;
SaveNewIgredient(newItem) { //Triggered on #click of save button at child component New item is the
//item passed from children
if (this.editedIndex > -1) {
this.editedIgredient = Object.assign({}, newItem);
} else {
this.AddIgredientsDialog = false;
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.editedIgredient = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
this.editedIndex = -1;
Child Component:
<span class="headline">Add Ingredients</span>
<v-text-field v-model="newIngredientsItem.title" placeholder="כותרת">
<v-row align="center">
<v-col sm="11">
placeholder="New Igredient"
<v-col sm="1">
<v-btn icon #click="addNewIgredient">
<v-col class="mt-0 pt-0" cols="12">
<v-row no-gutters>
<v-col cols="12">
<v-card flat tile>
v-for="(item, index) in newIngredientsItem.subIgredients"
<v-list-item :key="index" class="mr-0 pr-0">
<v-edit-dialog #click.native.stop>
{{ item }}
<v-btn icon #click="removeIgredient(index)">
<v-icon small>
v-if="index + 1 < newIngredientsItem.subIgredients.length"
:key="item + index"
<v-btn color="primary" #click="AddIngredients">
export default {
props: {
newIngredientsItem: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {
title: "",
subIgredients: [ ]
data: () => ({
newIgredient: ""
methods: {
addNewIgredient() {
this.newIgredient = "";
AddIngredients() {
this.$emit("addIngredient", this.newIngredientsItem);
removeIgredient(index) {
this.newIngredientsItem.subIgredients.splice(index, 1);
My Problem:
At the moment im only trying to use the SaveNewIgredient() method.
After 1st time of adding item the item is added as it should and the parent defaultItem state remain as is which is good:
defaultItem: {
title: "",
subIgredients: []
After adding a second item the defaultItem changes and takes the editedItem properties.
For example if i add at the second time
title:'Test 1',
subIgredients: [
'Test 1 - 1',
'Test 1 - 2',
'Test 1 - 3',
That is what the defaultItem will be and then this assignment causes a bug
this.editedIgredient = Object.assign({}, this.defaultItem);
because editedItem should be:
title: "",
subIgredients: []
I tried to solve your problem. To do this I modified and in some places simplified your code to keep only what was close to the SaveNewIgredient() function. So here is my code.
Parent Component (for me App.vue):
<AddItemsForm #addIngredient="SaveNewIgredient" />
import AddItemsForm from "./AddItemsForm"; //Child Component
export default {
name: "App",
components: { AddItemsForm },
data() {
return {
article: {
igredients: [], //List to add/edit item at AddItemsForm child component
editedIgredient: {
//Item to use for editing or adding new item to article.igredients
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
defaultItem: {
//Item used for resetting editedIgredient item
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
methods: {
SaveNewIgredient(newItem) {
console.log("Received: ", newItem);
this.editedIgredient = newItem;
this.article.igredients.push({ ...this.editedIgredient });
console.log("defaultClear: ", this.defaultItem);
console.log("infoItem: ", this.editedIgredient);
this.editedIgredient = this.defaultItem;
console.log("defaultClear: ", this.defaultItem);
console.log("editedWillClear: ", this.editedIgredient);
console.log("listFinal: ", this.article.igredients);
Child Component (for me AddItemsForm.vue):
<input v-model="newIgredient" placeholder="New Igredient" />
<button #click="addNewIgredient">ADD</button>
<button color="primary" #click="AddIngredients">Save</button>
export default {
props: {
IngredientsItem: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {
title: "",
subIgredients: [],
data() {
return {
newIgredient: "",
title: "TEST",
titleNbr: 0,
resetIgredient: false,
computed: {
newIngredientsItem() {
return this.IngredientsItem;
methods: {
addNewIgredient() {
if (this.resetIgredient === true) {
this.newIngredientsItem.subIgredients = [];
this.newIgredient = "";
this.resetIgredient = false;
console.log("ADD: ", this.newIngredientsItem.subIgredients);
AddIngredients() {
this.newIngredientsItem.title = this.title + this.titleNbr;
console.log("EMIT: ", this.newIngredientsItem);
this.$emit("addIngredient", this.newIngredientsItem);
this.resetIgredient = true;

Vue-i18n: how to save the selected locale

There is a site on vue to which i18n library is connected.There is a button for switching languages.
<div class="locale-changer">
<v-menu v-model="changeLocaleState" offset-y>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
v-for="(lang, i) in langs"
#click="$i18n.locale = lang.locale"
<v-list-tile-title><img :src="lang.img">{{ lang.locale }}</v-list-tile-title>
export default {
name: 'VeLanguageSwitcher',
data () {
return { langs: [
name: 'en',
locale: 'en-US',
img: '/assets/img/flag/GB.png'
name: 'ru',
locale: 'ru-RU',
img: '/assets/img/flag/RU.png'
] }
computed: {
changeLocaleState: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.ui.changeLocale
set (val) {
this.$store.commit('ui/setChangeLocale', val)
The selected locale is not saved.Theoretically, I understand that when choosing a language you make SET in vuex, and GET displays a picture of the current locale inside the button.But I don't know how to do it