Change a layout variable value from a page in Nuxt.js - vue.js

There is something I really dont get about Vue / Nuxt, If I import a component in my /blog/slug.vue I am able to change the variables as I want but how I can do that I want to change something in the /layouts/default.vue ? I am able to do it with the and the by using head() but can I do that with a simple variable like {{ navbar_title }}
For example my /layouts/default.vue look like this :
<div class="navbar">
{{ navbar_title }}
Is it possible to can change {{ navbar_title }} value from a page like /pages/about.vue ?

Please visit code sandbox link
in NavBar.vue
<div>NavBar component {{ title }}</div>
export default {
props: {
title : {
type: String,
required: true,
default: 'Website title/ suitable title'
from page component pages/index.vue
<NavBar :title="title"/>
<h2>Starter for CodeSandBox</h2>
import NavBar from '~/components/NavBar.vue'
export default {
pageTitle: 'from Home Page',
components: {
computed: {
title() {
return this.$ => {
return r.components.default.options
? r.components.default.options.pageTitle
: r.components.default.pageTitle;


VUE3 use different v-for for the same component

I have a JobComponent.vue component where I fetch data from a VUEX Store. This component is used on two separate pages, first page Home.vue and second page AllJobs.vue.
In AllJobs.vue I used JobComponent.vue and everything is works fine, it's rendering all the jobs, but, here comes the problem...
In Home.vue I want to render only the last 5 jobs, so in store I make a getter that slice me only the latest 5 jobs.
How can I use this latestJobs from getters on the same component?
When I import the component in Home.vue page I can't use another v-for direct on the component...
here you can see my project structure and files
<div class="cards-container">
<JobComponent />
<div v-for="job in allJobs" :key="" class="card">
<div class="position">{{ job.position }}</div>
<div class="department">{{ job.department }}</div>
<div class="location">
<span class="material-symbols-outlined">location_on</span>
{{ job.location }}
<span class="material-symbols-outlined right-arrow">arrow_right_alt</span>
<span #click="deleteJob(" class="material-symbols-outlined right-arrow">delete</span>
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
methods: {
...mapActions(['fetchJobs', 'deleteJob']),
computed: mapGetters(['allJobs']),
created() {
store.js (vuex)
const getters = {
allJobs: (state) =>,
latestJobs: (state) => {
const response =, 5);
return response;
Your component should be as independent as possible from the store. It's role is to display what ever is provided so it could be reused as you want, using props :
<div class="card">
<div class="position">{{ position }}</div>
<div class="department">{{ department }}</div>
<div class="location">
<span class="material-symbols-outlined">location_on</span>
{{ location }}
<span class="material-symbols-outlined right-arrow">arrow_right_alt</span>
<span #click="$emit('deleteJob', id)" class="material-symbols-outlined right-arrow">delete</span>
export default {
props: {
id: string,
position: string,
department: string,
location: string
In this component you only display the provided data, and leave the responsibility of the parent component to choose how many components to display.
<div class="cards-container">
<JobComponent v-for="job in jobs" :key="" :id="" :position="job.position" :department="job.department" :location="job.location" #delete-job="deleteJob" />
export default {
created() {
computed: {
jobs() {
return this.$store.getters['latestJobs'] // Or allJobs, just make sure your getter returns an array even if no jobs are loaded yet.
methods: {
deleteJob() {
// Your logic for job delete

Vue2 How to use nested <template> tags?

I'm using Vue2's latest version.
I have 2 components; 1st component:
<template #first>
<template #cell(details)="row">
{{ row.details ? "Hide" : "Show" }}
2nd component:
<slot name="first"></slot>
export default {
data() {
return {
row: {
name: 'Test',
details: true
I want to simply insert the contents of the <template #first> from the 1st component into the slot in the 2nd component while maintaining everything inside the <template #first> tag.
So the desired outcome would look like this; the slot would be replaced with the contents of the <template #first> tag:
<template #cell(details)="row">
{{ row.details ? "Hide" : "Show" }}
export default {
data() {
return {
row: {
name: 'Test',
details: true
However, the 1st component does not work like this. It says that I cannot have a template inside a template. Is this actually possible what I'm trying to achieve here? If yes, how?

Problem with watching prop changes Vue.js

What's the problem
I wanted to assign a local component variable to prop. I constantly get Vue alert Invalid watch handler specified by key "undefined". Maybe the case is that the prop is passed from another component, where I use v-model, but I don't really know. I would really appreciate your help, because my small exercise project really depends on this mechanic.
Parent Component
Here I have some HTML select, this is where I actually model my state.selectedPhysicsModule
<h1>Some header</h1>
<form class="choosePhysicsModule">
<label for="selectedPhysicsModule"></label>
<select class="select_Module" id="selectedPhysicsModule" v-model="state.selectedPhysicsModule">
<option :value="option.value" v-for="(option, index) in importedListToSelect" :key="index">
<list_of_exercises v-if="state.selectedPhysicsModule" :what_exercises="state.selectedPhysicsModule"/>
export default {
name: 'ChoosePhysicsModule',
components: {list_of_exercises},
setup() {
const state = reactive({
selectedPhysicsModule: null,
return {
Child Component
export default {
name: "list_of_exercises",
props: {
whatExercises: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
exercises: this.what_exercises,
watch: {
whatExercises: function () {
this.exercises = this.whatExercises
In the parent component where you are passing the prop you need to add a setter for the prop passed. Here is an example:
<div id="app">
<input name="whatExercises" v-model="whatExercises">
<ListOfExercises v-if="whatExercises" :what_exercises="whatExercises" />
export default {
data() {
return {
whatExercises: null,
P.S: as a side note, I recommend using camelCase for prop names. It's more in-line with the rest of the community. If you have time feel free to check out the style guide on the official website.

How can I set custom template for item in list and than use it inside `v-for` loop?

What I want to achieve is something like:
<li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index>
<div v-if="item.Component">
<item.Component :value="item.value" />
<div v-else>{{ item.value }}</div>
But anyway I don't like at all this solution. The idea of defining Component key for an item in items list is hard to maintain since at least it is hard to write it in template-style way (usually we are talking about too long HTML inside). Also I don't like to wrap item.Component inside div.
data() {
return {
list: [{
value: 'abc',
Component: {
props: ['value'],
template: `123 {{ value }} 312`
Does anyone know the best-practice solution for this and where Vue describes such case in their docs?
You can use Vue's <component/> tag to dynamically set your component in your list.
<li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index>
<component v-if="item.Component" :is="item.Component" :value="item.value"></component>
<div v-else>{{ item.value }}</div>
data: () => ({
list: [{
value: 'abc',
Component: {
props: ['value'],
template: `<div>123 {{ value }} 312</div>` // must be enclosed in a element.
You can also import a component too so you can create a new file and put your templates and scripts there.
import SomeComponent from "#/components/SomeComponent.vue"; //import your component here.
export default {
data() {
return {
list: [
value: "abc",
Component: SomeComponent // define your imported component here.
<div>123 {{ value }} 312</div>
export default {
name: "SomeComponent",
props: ["value"]
Here's a demo.

How to share ajax results between two components with the first one using the second?

First of all, I'm a beginner with VueJS, so I may presenting you a bunch of non-sens. :-) I read all the beginner doc, but I'm still stuck for this case.
I have 2 template component managed by a functionnal component:
<h2>PageSpeed performance score: {{ results.score }}.</h2>
The second one, using the first one (the first one is needed to be used elsewhere to display score only:
<template v-if="results">
<hosting-performance-score :results="results"/>
v-for="(result, rule) in results.rules"
v-if="result.ruleImpact > 0"
class="panel panel-default"
<div class="panel-heading">{{ result.localizedRuleName }}</div>
<div class="panel-body">
{{ result.summary.format }}
<b>{{ result.ruleImpact }}</b>
class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"
import HostingPerformanceScore from './HostingPerformanceScore';
export default {
components: {
And then, the functional one with the AJAX logic:
import axios from 'axios';
import axiosRetry from 'axios-retry';
import HostingPerformanceScore from './HostingPerformanceScore';
import HostingPerformancePage from './HostingPerformancePage';
export default {
functional: true,
props: {
scoreOnly: {
default: false,
type: Boolean,
slug: {
required: true,
type: String,
data: () => ({
results: null,
created() {
axios.get(Routing.generate('hosting_performance_pagespeed', {
slug: this.slug,
})).then((response) => {
this.results = {
rules: Object.entries( => {
const result = entry[1];
result.ruleName = entry[0];
return result;
}).sort((result1, result2) => result1.ruleImpact < result2.ruleImpact),
render: (createElement, context) => {
return createElement(
context.props.scoreOnly ? HostingPerformanceScore : HostingPerformancePage,,
The issue is: I can't access the result and I don't know how to pass it properly: Property or method "results" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
Or maybe functional components are not designed for this, but I don't know how to achieve it otherway. How would you do it?
Thanks! :-)
You appear to have this a little backwards in terms of which components can be functional and which not.
Since your HostingPerformanceScore and HostingPerformancePage components are really only rendering data, they can be functional components by just rendering props they accept.
Your other component has to maintain state, and so it cannot be a functional component.
I put together an example of how this might work.
<template functional>
<h2 v-if="props.results">
PageSpeed performance score: {{ props.results.score }}.
<template functional>
<h2>Hosting Performance Page</h2>
<HostingPerformanceScore :results="props.results"/>
import HostingPerformanceScore from "./HostingPerformanceScore.vue";
export default {
components: {
<HostingPerformanceScore :results="results" v-if="scoreOnly" />
<HostingPerformancePage :results="results" v-else />
import HostingPerformancePage from "./HostingPerformancePage.vue";
import HostingPerformanceScore from "./HostingPerformanceScore.vue";
export default {
props: {
scoreOnly: Boolean
data() {
return {
results: null
created() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.results = {
score: Math.random()
}, 1000);
components: {
And here is a working example.