Getting a Value if a Field and Record number is known? - vba

Good Evening,
I am working on a Combo Search Form that is designed to search for information by criteria. The form has a combo box containing field values and a text box beside it. The selection of a field value in the combo box will fill in the text box beside it with the relevant information for that record, all the relevant information is contained in the PetTable.
I have managed to get the combo box to display the fields from the PetTable by setting the rowSource to PetTable and the sourceType to Field List... however that's where I hit my dead end.
In the Text Box beside the combo-box I tried grabbing the value of the combo box and putting it into the textbox by making the Text box control source "=ComboBox", however this just created a textbox which has a literal text string to that of the combo box.
My next thought was to make the text box Control source "=PetTable.PetComboBox" my thought was that the PetTable references the table with my information and the "PetComboBox" becomes the field a need to get. This did not work either and gave a #Name error"
What should be happening is: In the Combo-box if I selected [Pet Name], I would hope that the textbox beside it becomes "Fido" but instead it also becomes [Pet Name].
Any and all help would be appreciated!
Desired Effect

What you need to do is to change the Row Source Type of the Combo Box to "Table/Query". Then in the "Row Source" click on the "..." to open up the Query Builder. Select the table that you want. Add the columns that you want. I would suggest the table's primary key PetID, and then any other fields - in your case at least PetName. You may also want to sort by PetName to make it easier for the user to scroll through. Close the Query Builder and save the changes. Change the combo box's ColumnCount to 2, and set the Column Widths to be "0cm;6cm" (setting the first column to have a width of 0 means that it is not displayed to the user).
Now move to you TextBox, and set the Control Source to be:
Note that columns in a combox box are 0-indexed, so the first column is column 0, the second (in your case containing PetName) is column 1.
As you actually want to show the field names, rather than the data in the combo box, then you will need to set the RowSourceType to be "Field List", and then select the table name as the RowSource.
You will then need a small piece of VBA to lookup the value of that field in the table for the current record:
Sub sListFieldData()
If Not IsNull(Me!Combo0) Then
Me!Text2 = DLookup(Me!Combo0, "tblPet", "PetID=" & Me!PetID)
Me!Text2 = ""
End If
End Sub
And you will then need to call this procedure in the combo box's AfterUpdate event (to catch when it has been changed by the user) and also in the form's Current event (to catch when the user moves between records):
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Call sListFieldData
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
Call sListFieldData
End Sub


MS Access Displayed v. Saved Value in Combo Box

I have a simple database with two tables and one relationship between them:Employees, Managers, Relationship.
Each employee has exactly one manager, but each manager can manage multiple employees. For adding employees to the database, I have this form: Employee Form.
As it stands, the user must enter the ManagerID of the new employee's manager when adding an employee. What I would like is for the user to select the new employee's manager from a combo box. The drop down options should be the names of the managers (say, from the FullName column of the Managers table). However, once the user selects a name from the drop down, I would like the ManagerID corresponding to that name to be saved in ManagerID field of new employee's entry.
Can I solve this problem by basing the form off of a query, or will I need to customize the form/combo box with some VB code?
This will take basically just one line of VBA code; most of it is done through Access.
Point the combo box's data source to the table of managers. In the 'Row Source' property of the combo box under 'Data' in the Property Sheet, set the Row Source to a query for the first + last name of the managers. For example:
SELECT ManagerID, FirstName, LastName FROM tblManagers ORDER BY FirstName;
Then go to the ComboBox's Format tab and set the Column Count to 3. Set the column widths appropriately; to hide the first column with the ID field, set it to 0, and set the other column widths to whatever looks right. For example: 0";0.5"'0.5" will hide the first column, and set the other two to a half-inch width.
To have the TextBox automatically display the ID number of the manager in the ComboBox (which honestly, if you don't need to display it for some reason, why not just hide the ID field from the user altogether? Food for thought), you will need to add the VBA code to the ComboBox's AfterUpdate event. That way, whenever the combo box is updated, the textbox will change accordingly. You may need to first go into design mode and change the 'HasModule' property of the form to 'Yes'; after that, use the 'Events' tab of the ComboBox's Property Sheet to open up the code builder for the 'After Update' event. It should take you to the VBA builder, with an auto-generated Private Sub [combobox's name]_AfterUpdate()
Set the code to the following:
Private Sub ComboBox_AfterUpdate() 'Obviously, sub your combo boxs name for ComboBox
Me.TextBox = Me.ComboBox 'Obviously, sub your text boxs name and your combo boxs name here
End Sub
Since the default bound column for the ComboBox is the first, this sets the value of the text box to the value of the first column of the ComboBox.

Getting typed OR selected value from combo box

I have a combo box (myCB) in a form. The user can either select a drop down value or type a value in the box. When the user clicks a button, I want to get the value in the combo box for use in a query.
I am using myCB.Column(0) to grab the value. This works if the user has clicked a selection in the combo box. However, if the user has typed the value, then myCB.Column(0) is null. I have also tried myCB.Text and myCB.Value. Both give null.
How can I grab the combo box value regardless of whether it was selected or typed?
Edited to add properties:
Row Source: "SELECT DISTINCT Item FROM tblItems" (this is set in VBA code, and not in property sheet)
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 1
Column Widths:
Control Source: ItemName
Figured it out. I was grabbing the combo box value after DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNewRec in the OnClick procedure, and the behavior was wonky. Running the value-testing stuff before a new record is accessed yields the correct behavior. Thank you everyone for your help.

MS Access: text box value show #Name?

I have created a form and set the form's RecordSource to a query. Below is my query:
SELECT GeneralT.*, SalaryT.[Status]
FROM GeneralT INNER JOIN SalaryT ON GeneralT.Deposits = SalaryT.Deposits;
In the form I have 4 textboxes. In the first 3 textboxes I show value from GeneralT table and in fourth textbox I show SalaryT.[Status] value. But this fourth value doesn't show in the textbox rather it show #Name?.
If I open the query in datasheet view I can see all the value properly. I don't understand what is wrong here. Please help me to show the result properly in the form.
Displaying #Name? for a field says that field has a control source that does not match with the query linked to the form. Some things to check:
Make sure Status is a selection from one of the pre-existing options in the Control Source drop down combo box. Click on the combo box to make sure.
Double check to make sure it is a "Text Box" and not a custom
Make sure there isn't another text box named Status
Try chaning the control source to just Status instead of SalaryT.[Status]. If the field name does not conflict with the naming of a field in GeneralT, the selected SalaryT.[Status] will actually be displayed named Status.

Access combo box filling text box

I want to use the table "services" which is filled with (id, service, price) at the moment i have a combo box (combo51) which lists all of those. now i have to get price from the selected thing in the combo box and get the price for it.
i have a query, but honestly i have no idea how to apply it to the text box and if it would even work.
SELECT price
FROM services
WHERE Services="Combo51";
From what i've seen in other topics they don't really make much sense to me, if someone could just explain basically what i have to do it'd be appreciated.
You shouldn't need to query the db after the combobox values are populated. Set the bound column property of the combobox to whatever value you want, and access it with combo51.value
If you insist on querying the db again, try something like this (assuming ID is the bound column):
msgbox dlookup("price", "services", "id=" & combo51.value)
You are already halfway. In the VBA code dialog, you can refer to the ID easily, e.g.
Debug.Print Combo51
but if you want the price, assuming the price is the third column in your table, use
Debug.Print Combo51.Columns(2)
So, if you want it displayed in a separate text box, add an 'On Change' event to the combo box and add the following code:
TextBox = Combo51.Columns(2)
Now every time you make a selection in the combo box the price will be displayed.

How we can grab value from list box and fills automatically related text box in new form

I have a list box and its row source is "tblitems" with bellow fields.
Now I like when right click on this list box and select one option for example "new task" it opens new task form and automatically Grab the item number from a list box and fills related text box "item number" in "new task" form that is bounded to table "tbltask"
Now when I press "Apply" button it insert new record in "tbltask".
item number (pk)
item name (text)
task number (auto number,pk)
item number
enter image description here
Getting a value from a list box in a form is:
Or if you have unbound values then get it based on the column:
or whichever column you need.
You can then populate fields with DLookup or a recordset. Then if you want this to happen when you open a new form, you may want to look into this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Stuff you want to happen when that form loads
End Sub
The following will print out the value each time you click it. You can use this method to trigger a new form to open, or you can have a user click a submit button afterwards.
Private Sub Test_List_Click()
Debug.Print Me.Test_List.Value
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_Name"
End Sub
Now I'm not exactly sure the best way to add your variable to the opened form. If it were me with my limited knowledge, I would add a global or public string and have the Form_Load() check to see if that string length is greater than 0. If yes then it will populate the field.
Hope that helps
Update 2
Actually this link will help you populate a field from previous form:
MS Access - open a form taking a field value from a previous form