Excel xlsx files in drive with google sheets API - google-sheets-api

does somebody manage to use xlsx files with Google Sheets API?
The thing is that the user wants to keep using Excel to edit the sheet and upload the updates with google file stream cause it's a more convenient way. I'm building an app that interacts with google sheets API.


Google Sheets API Timing Out

I currently have a very heavy Google Sheets workbook with about 8 sheets, thousands of rows, and complex formulas. We use this a source file for many tasks and link to this workbook from several other Google Sheets using Import Range and a 3rd party tool called Coupler.IO.
This week, the ImportRanges and Coupler Imports all started timing out and would not finish. Nothing has been changed in the source file except some minor additions of data.
This seems to be an API or Google Server Bandwidth problem, but there's really no way to confirm.
Is anyone else having similar issues? Is there a solve out there?

Can you access Google Drive file revision history in Google Colab?

I wrote over filenames in Google Drive and want to link the old names listed under file revision history in the GUI (ex from picture: medium.1.jpg) to the new ones (ex from picture: 504.jpg). Is there a way to access this metadata directly in Google Colab so I can make a dictionary?

Is there anyway to get the feature data of .sldprt file without opening it in solidworks?

I need to get the features of each .sldprt file as the data of other project. But the truth is I have over 50000 .sldprt files, which takes lots of time to open each in solidworks and traverse its features and close it automatically. And I didn't find any solution in api documentation of solidworks in SOLIDWORKS Document Manager api Help. So is there anyway to get the features and sketches directly without opening the file in solidworks? Such as using the solidworks Document Manager api?
Unfortunately, no. SolidWorks Document manager can not access any feature or sketch information.
There is no way to go around opening each files in SolidWorks.
But there are some options that could speed up the process. See:

Upload Excel document to shared folder on Google Drive with Excel VBA?

I have found different scripts for Java, C#, and Access VBA for uploading a file to Google Drive. But the only thing I have found with Excel VBA, is a script saving the file in your local Google Drive folder and then wait for the application to sync it.
Is it possible to somehow upload the Excel file directly to a folder that has been shared with me? If yes, how?
I actually managed to do this.
First, you need to create credentials. Follow this guide: https://updraftplus.com/support/configuring-google-drive-api-access-in-updraftplus/
The credentials should be OAuth Client ID
Application Type: Other
Secondly, I downloaded this Access VBA code found here https://stackoverflow.com/a/34627231/1042624
Afterwards, in the Access document, there will be a settings box. You need to fill in the information about your account and the credentials from step 1 here. Then you can use the upload button, and it will work.
However, if you want to use this in Excel and without the form boxes, then you have to step through the code and find where the settings form boxes´ info are being used. It takes quite a while, and the code is too long to post here. But now you at least have the information on how to do it.
NB: I still did not crack the 2-step verification that I have enabled.

How to read changes in excel file into vb.net application

I have an excel file which is auto generated by third party software..and its readonly file and its data constantly keep changing online.
now i want to use or read that data in my vb.net application whenever its changes take place in excel file automatically.
please help me..
Cody's right. No question, but I'm guessing you're looking to do something along these lines.
First, you'll need to pull down a copy of that XLS file (sounds like it's online at a website somewhere). To do that, you'll need to perform a pretty normal HTTP get or use whatever API the website provides to pull the file down.
Save the file locally, then open it and read it using EXCEL AUTOMATION. Just google excel automation for loads of examples of opening a worksheet file, reading cell values, and closing the file.
There's other options too such as the OpenXML api from Microsoft to allow you to read the contents of XLSX files directly without using excel automation, so that may be a possibility. not enough in the original post to know which would work best for you.