flexDirection has no effect on Text element in React Native? - react-native

I need some text to wrap differently based on the screen width. flexDirection appears to have no effect here:
<Text style={{
flexDirection: breakpoint ? "column" : "row"
<Text>Choose </Text>
<Text>your workout</Text>
Can Text elements not apply this style?

You cannot apply flexDirection and you are missing a close '}' in style check this
<Text style={{
flexDirection: breakpoint ? "column" : "row"
<Text>Choose </Text>
<Text>your workout</Text>
<View style={{
flexDirection: breakpoint ? "column" : "row"
<Text>Choose </Text>
<Text>your workout</Text>


Text alignment is off after being wrapped with Pressable

I am trying to include a clickable email within a body of text and I'm finding that when I wrap <Text> with <Pressable> the alignment of the link is higher than the rest of the sentence. Why is this and how can I fix this?
<View style={{padding: 10}}>
This is the body of my text
<Pressable onPress={() => Linking.openURL('info#company.com')}>
<Text style={{color: 'blue}}> info#company.com</Text>
<View style={{padding: 10}}>
<Text style={{ alignVertical: 'center' }}>
This is the body of my text
<Pressable style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }} onPress={() => Linking.openURL('info#company.com')}>
<Text style={{color: 'blue}}> info#company.com</Text>
Keep the main Text tag separate. Text doesn't contain any other tags in it. so your code will be like as below:
<View style={{padding: 10, flexDirection:"row"}}> // Add flexDirection:"row"
<Text>This is the body of my text </Text>
<Pressable onPress={() => Linking.openURL('info#company.com')}>
<Text style={{color: 'blue'}}> info#company.com</Text>
I hope this will work for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.

How can you float: right and left in React Native?

how to put the amount label and value on left side
amount Paid label and value on right side
i am also want the button on front of Date on right side
renderItem={({ item }) =>
<View style={style.listItems}>
<Text style={style.textHeader}>Amount: </Text>
<Text style={style.text}> {item.Amount} </Text>
<Text style={style.textHeader}>Amount Paid: </Text>
<Text style={style.text}> {item.AmountPaid} </Text>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
how can i fixed this issue
Depending on your existing styles, you would typically solve this by wrapping in a View like so:
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>
<Text style={style.textHeader}>Amount: </Text>
<Text style={style.text}> {item.Amount} </Text>
{...other rows}
*Note that I discarded the Text element that was wrapping your rows
*Note2: a common issue with Text elements inside a View with flexDirection: row is that if you have very long text in the first Text, it might push the other Text out of your View's bounds. To fix this, apply flexShrink: 1 to the first Text style (in your case, textHeader).

How to send Text to end of the screen in react-native

I want to send <Text> World </Text> end of the screen.
This is my code :
<Text style={{position: 'relative}}>
<Text>Hello</Text> <Text style={{position: 'absolute', right:0}>World</Text>
I guess right: 0 sends 'world' end of the in this text <Text style={{position: 'absolute', right:0}>World</Text>. How do I send child <Text> end of parent <Text> ?
Edited :
<Text>Hello</Text> <Text>World</Text>
Try this:
<View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>
This should work, you don't need a parent <Text>. This TouchableOpacity will act if you click both text's
<View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>

React Native Absolute Positioned Component elements onPress events not working

I created a custom dropdown component which has a transparent Scrollview with ToucableOpacity elements. However the onPress on them are not working, even though, zIndex is making them appear on top of everything else.
In the main screen, I created two elements, 1 header containing the Dropdown and 2nd one is the body which contains the rest. Its code is given below:
<View style={styles.body, {zIndex:0}}>
<View style={[styles.header,{zIndex:1}]}>
<Text style={styles.header_text}>Search In </Text>
<Dropdown items={CATEGORIES}/>
<View style={[styles.main,{zIndex:-1}]}>
<Text style={{backgroundColor:'blue'}}>I am the body</Text>
I have included the render event markup of the Dropdown element. Its code is given below:
<View style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.main_container} onPress={this.animate}>
<Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.selectedCategoryText}</Text>
<View style={{zIndex:3}}>
<Animated.View style={[styles.animated_container,{opacity: this.opacity, zIndex:4}]}>
<ScrollView style={{height:60,zIndex:4}}>
{ this.data.map( (item, i)=>
<Text >{item} {i}</Text>
Styles for Dropdown are:
flexDirection: 'row',zIndex:2
fontFamily: fontStyles.PoppinsRegular,
fontSize: moderateScale(14)
backgroundColor: colors.secondaryWhiteColor,
position: 'absolute',
top: '100%',
width: '100%',
Screenshot is given as. zIndex makes the elements appear on top but i cannot trigger onPress on Toucable opacities.

How to move some View next line in React-Native?

<View style={styles.item} onPress={this._onPress}>
<View style={styles.itemLeft}>
<View style={styles.itemRight}>
<ReviewInNewsItem/> <<<<<< I want to move this to next line.
item View's style is below.
item: {
borderBottomWidth:1, borderBottomColor: 'grey'
So, Views in item is deployed horizontal.
But I want to move ReviewInNewsItem to next line.
Surely, I can move ReviewInNewsItem out of the item but the item have border. I want ReviewInNewsItem is in border of item.
If I'm using web, I'll use this.
clear: both;
Is there similar property like this in React-Native?
I can't find property like clear:both in React-Native.
So I've changed like below.
<View style={styles.item} onPress={this._onPress}>
<View style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}> // Add
<View style={styles.itemLeft}>
<View style={styles.itemRight}>
And I've remove flexDirection:row in style of item.
item: {
borderBottomWidth:1, borderBottomColor: 'grey'
you can use another row for another line
<View style={styles.item} onPress={this._onPress}>
<View style={style.row}>
<View style={styles.itemLeft}>
<View style={styles.itemRight}>
<View style={style.row}>
<ReviewInNewsItem/> <<<<<< your next line
now row has a style of flexDirection:'row' . so everything is on one line similar next row will display in next line