How to label my own point cloud data to have the 3D training labels (.txt) files like KITTI 3D object detection dataset? - object-detection

I am new to this field, I have collected some point cloud data using lidar sensor and camera and now I have .pcd files for the point cloud and .png files for the images. I wanted to make this data like the KITTI dataset structure for 3d object detection to use it in a model that uses kitti dataset as training data for 3D object detection. Therefore I want to change my .pcd files to .bin files like in kitti and also I need to have .txt files for labels, so i need to annotate my data in such a way that will give me the same label files like in kitti dataset. Can somebody help me ?. I searched a lot and all the labelling tools don’t output the same attributes that are in the .txt files of KITTI.
This is the link for the KITTI 3D dataset.

There is a lot of different questions in your post, so I'm going to answer those I can. Here is a snippet of code how you can read pcd file:
import open3d as o3d
pcd ="../../path_to_your_file.pcd")
and then you can format it as you want, including writing to binary.
This could be a helpful library, check this out
link to open3D docs
link to open3D github
You can get more references from below -


I want to do semantic segmentation of mapillary dataset. Is csv mandatory to create for the same?

I am a beginner to EndtoEnd learning. There is no .csv file in mapollary dataset. I want to know do I need .csv file and if so why .csv file is needed for image segmentation?
Can anyone share link for beginner for semantic segmentation as I am not able to decide how to do classes for labels in images.
I want to do semantic segmentation of image dataset. I am not able to understand how to labels like vehicle, road etc. in python. I want to use CNN with tensorflow and keras model.

Huge size of TF records file to store on Google Cloud

I am trying to modify a tensorflow project so that it becomes compatible with TPU.
For this, I started with the code explained on this site.
Here COCO dataset is downloaded and first its features are extracted using InceptionV3 model.
I wanted to modify this code so that it supports TPU.
For this, I added the mandatory code for TPU as per this link.
Withe TPU strategy scope, I created the InceptionV3 model using keras library and loaded model with ImageNet weights as per existing code.
Now, since TPU needs data to be stored on Google Cloud storage, I created a tf records file using tf.Example with the help of this link.
Now, I tried to create this file in several ways so that it will have the data that TPU will find through TFRecordDataset.
At first I directly added image data and image path to the file and uploaded it to GCP bucket but while reading this data, I realized that this image data is not useful as it does not contain shape/size information which it will need and I had not resized it to the required dimension before storage. This file size became 2.5GB which was okay.
Then I thought lets only keep image path at cloud, so I created another tf records file with only image path, then I thought that this may not be an optimized code as TPU will have to open the image individually resize it to 299,299 and then feed to model and it will be better if I have image data through .map() function inside TFRecordDataset, so I again tried, this time by using this link, by storing R, G and B along with image path inside tf records file.
However, now I see that the size of tf records file is abnormally large, like some 40-45GB and ultimately, I stopped the execution as my memory was getting filled up on Google Colab TPU.
The original size of COCO dataset is not that large. It almost like 13GB.. and from that the dataset is being created with only first 30,000 records. so 40GB looks weird number.
May I know what is the problem with this way of feature storage? Is there any better way to store image data in TF records file and then extract through TFRecordDataset.
I think the COCO dataset processed as TFRecords should be around 24-25 GB on GCS. Note that TFRecords aren't meant to act as a form of compression, they represent data as protobufs so it can be optimally loaded into TensorFlow programs.
You might have more success if you refer to: (corresponding script can be found here) for converting COCO (or a subset) into TFRecords.
Furthermore, we have implemented detection models for COCO using TF2/Keras optimized for GPU/TPU here which you might find useful for optimal input pipelines. An example tutorial can be found here. Thanks!

Image Detection & Classification - general approach?

I'm trying to build a detection + classification model that will recognize an object in an image and classify it. Every image will contain at most 1 object among my 10 classes (i.e. same image cannot contains 2 classes). An image can, however, contain none of my classes/objects. I'm struggling with the general approach to this problem, especially due to the nature of my problem; my objects have different sizes. This is what I have tried:
Trained a classifier with images that only contains my objects/classes, i.e. every image is the object itself with background pre-removed. Now, since the objects/images have different shapes (aspect ratios) I had to reshape the images to the same size (destroying the aspect ratios). This would work just fine if my purpose was to only build a classifier, but since I also need to detect the objects, this didn't work so good.
The second approach was similar to (1), except that I didn't reshape the objects naively, but kept the aspect ratios by padding the image with 0 (black). This completely destroyed my classifiers ability to perform well (accuracy < 5%).
Mask RCNN - I followed this blogpost to try build a detector + classifier in the same model. The approach took forever and I wasn't sure it was the right approach. I even used external tools (RectLabel) to generate annotated image files containing information about the bounding boxes.
How should I approach this problem, on a general level:
Should I build 2 separate models? (One for detection/localization and one for classification?)
Should I be annotating my images using annotations file as in approach (3)?
Do I have to reshape my images at any stage?
PS. In all of my approaches, I augmented the images to generate ~500-1000 images per class.
To answer your questions:
No, you don't have to build two separate models. What you are describing is called Object detection, which is classification along with localization. There are many models which do this: Mask_RCNN, Yolo, Detectron, SSD, etc..
Yes, you do need to annotate your images for training a model for your custom classes. Each of the models mentioned above has needs a different way of annotation.
No, you don't need to do any image resizing. Most of the time it is done when the model loads the data for training or inference.
You are on the right track with trying MaskRCNN.
Other than MaskRCNN, you could also try Yolo. There is also an accompanying easy-to-use annotating tool Yolo-Mark.
If you go through this tutorial, you would understand what you care about.
How to train your own Object Detector with TensorFlow’s Object Detector API
The SSD model is small so that it would not take so much time for training.
There are some object detection models.
On RectLabel, you can save bounding boxes in the PASCAL VOC format.
You can export TFRecord for Tensorflow.

Object detection using CNTK

I am very new to CNTK.
I wanted to train a set of images (to detect objects like alcohol glasses/bottles) using CNTK - ResNet/Fast-R CNN.
I am trying to follow below documentation from GitHub; However, it does not appear to be a straight forward procedure.
I cannot find proper documentation to generate ROI's for the images with different sizes and shapes. And how to create object labels based on the trained models? Can someone point out to a proper documentation or training link using which I can work on the cntk model? Please see the attached image in which I was able to load a sample image with default ROI's in the script. How do I properly set the size and label the object in the image ? Thanks in advance!
sample image loaded for training
Not sure what you mean by proper documentation. This is an implementation of the paper ( Looks like you are trying to generate ROI's. Can you look through the helper functions as documented at the site to parse what you might need:
To run the toy example, make sure that in the datasetName is set to "grocery".
Run to generate the input ROIs for training and testing.
Run to train a Fast R-CNN model using the CNTK Python API and compute test results.
The algo will work on several candidate regions and then generate outputs: one for the classes of objects and another one that generates the bounding boxes for the objects belonging to those classes. Please refer to the code for getting the details of the implementation.
Can someone point out to a proper documentation or training link using which I can work on the cntk model?
You can take a look at my repository on GitHub.
It will guide you through all the steps required to train your own model for object detection and classification with CNTK.
But in short the proper steps should look something like this:
Setup environment
Prepare data
Tag images (ground truth)
Download pretrained model and create mappings for your custom dataset
Run training
Evaluate the model on test set

mnist and cifar10 examples with TFRecord train/test file

I am a new user of Tensorflow. I would like to use it for training a dataset of 2M images. I did this experiment in caffe using lmdb file format.
After reading Tensorflow related posts, I realized that TFRecord is the most suitable file format to do so. Therefore, I am looking for complete CNN examples which use TFRecord data. I noticed that the image related tutorials (mnist and cifar10 in link1 and link2) are provided with a different binary file format where the entire data-set is loaded at once. Therefore, I would like to know if anyone knows if these tutorials (mnist and cifar10) are available using TFRecord data (for both CPU and GPU).
I assume that you want to both, write and read TFRecord files. I think what is done here should help you converting MNIST data into TFRecors.
For reading it back, this script does the trick:
This could be done similarly with cifar10.