Javascript structure representation using Kotlin JS - kotlin-js

my question is about creating javascript structure within KotlinJS and use them calling external modules.
Let's say we have the following js code and we want to translate it into KotlinJS.
const config = {
defs : "something",
resolvers : {
Query: {
books: () => []
myFunction(config) // This can be any kind of external js function that accepts the above structure
How do we represent that config structure above using Kotlin JS? Is there an easy way to handle structures/json Kotlin side? Can we declare in some way that structure as dynamic?
Using Kotlin objects doesn't help.

As of now you gotta introduce interface and it's implementation, so it would be something like this:
external interface ConfigInterface {
var defs: String,
var resolvers: QueryHolder
external interface QueryHolder {
var Query: BookProcessor
external interface BookProcessor {
var books: () -> Array<Any>
For more complicated structures it can easily become a challenge.
Here's what can be done to automate such translations.
You can:
generate typescript declaration for this code with typescript compiler (using tsc -d)
generate kotlin declaration with dukat.
Dukat is a tool from Kotlin/JS team created specifically for this, there's ongoing battle for improving the quality of this tool. Here is what would be generated in your particular case:
external interface `T$0` {
var books: () -> Array<Any>
external interface `T$1` {
var Query: `T$0`
external object config {
var defs: String
var resolvers: `T$1`
Which is far from optimal - for instance the name of generated entities is something we didn't wanted to encourage people to reuse but the more it goes, the more it looks like a mistake (which we will fix this way or another).


How to bind i18next-browser-languagedetector to Kotlin?

The Gradle project is set by the JS plugin:
plugins {
kotlin("js") version("1.6.10")
and uses the LEGACY compilation backend:
kotlin {
js(LEGACY) {
// ...
My goal is to use the following dependencies in Kotlin sources:
dependencies {
implementation(npm("i18next", "21.6.11"))
implementation(npm("react-i18next", "11.15.4"))
implementation(npm("i18next-browser-languagedetector", "6.1.3"))
It was pretty easy to describe JS-Kotlin bridging for the first two dependencies:
external val i18next: I18n
external interface I18n {
fun use(module: dynamic): I18n
external val reactI18next: ReactI18next
external interface ReactI18next {
val initReactI18next: dynamic
Unfortunately, the last one - i18next-browser-languagedetector - is driving me some nuts with its configuration. Something like this:
external val LanguageDetector: dynamic
doesn't work - the actual LanguageDetector provided by the declaration above is {}, so i18next doesn't consume it in Kotlin code (the JS code throws You are passing a wrong module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()):
i18next.use(LanguageDetector) // fails
Can anyone please help me with a declaration of a JS-Kotlin bridge for the LanguageDetector?
Well, by debugging a little bit I've managed to solve this JS-Kotlin bridging issue. The working solution is the following declaration:
external val i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector: I18nextBrowserLanguageDetector
external interface I18nextBrowserLanguageDetector {
val LanguageDetector: dynamic
Now it's possible to do first parts of the i18next initialization chain:
// ...
Unfortunately, it's difficult to say that I'm getting any intuition behind it (maybe because of my huge blind spots in JS) - so any additional clarification or explanations would be helpful still.
My biggest concern is that LanguageDetector from the declaration above should be a class, but it seems like no way to use something else rather than dynamic property. When I try to lift up the #JsName("default") annotation to mark some class protocol with it, it doesn't compile:
external class LanguageDetector
It's not possible to use a nested class inside of the interface as well in this case:
external interface I18nextBrowserLanguageDetector {
class LanguageDetector
So while it seems to be solved, it's super-frustrating still.

Is it possible to easily build DSL in Kotlin?

TypeScript allows very nice and clean and 100% type-safe way to build data-like DSLs. I wonder if it's possible in Kotlin?
For example, in TypeScript code below (playground) we defining columns for data table. It checks that values are correct (string enums), checks all the optional / required fields, has autocomplete etc. And it just works out of the box, all you need to do is define types.
Is it possible to use something like that in Kotlin? It's possible to use Java Builder-pattern, but it's not ideal, and it requires to write lots of code for builder-methods. Also, Kotlin doesn't have a way to use "number" enum, it would be Type.number, doesn't look nice. Or maybe I'm missing something and there's a way to build nice and clean DSL in Kotlin without too much boilerplate code?
// Defining DSL ---------------------------------------------
type Type = "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "unknown"
interface StringFormatOptions {
type: "string"
interface LineFormatOptions {
type: "line"
ticks?: number[]
interface Column {
type: Type
format?: StringFormatOptions | LineFormatOptions
// Using DSL ------------------------------------------------
const columns: Column[] = [
type: "number",
format: { type: "line", ticks: [1000] }
type: "string"
Yes, you can create type-safe DSLs in Kotlin. It may be tricky to understand at first, but it really become very easy when you get used to it.
It works by creating functions that receive lambdas which have a specific receiver type... Well... let's try again. Assuming you are the user of already existing DSL, this is what happens:
There is a function that requires providing a lambda to it.
You provide a lambda.
The function provides a this parameter of a specific type to your lambda.
You can use properties/functions of provided this object in the lambda, effectively making possible to go deeper into DSL chain.
Let's see this example:
fun copy(init: CopyBuilder.() -> Unit) { TODO() }
interface CopyBuilder {
var from: String
var to: String
fun options(init: CopyOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit) { TODO() }
interface CopyOptionsBuilder {
var copyAttributes: Boolean
var followSymlinks: Boolean
We have a copy() function which receives a lambda. Provided lambda will have access to CopyBuilder object as this, so it will have access to e.g. from and to properties. By calling options() from the lambda we move deeper and now we have access to CopyOptionsBuilder object.
copy() is responsible for providing a proper implementation of CopyBuilder object to your lambda. Similarly, implementation of options() need to provide a proper implementation of CopyOptionsBuilder. This was omitted from the example above.
Then it can be used as:
copy {
from = "source"
to = "destination"
options {
copyAttributes = true
followSymlinks = false
If you use Gradle with Kotlin DSL then build.gradle.kts file is actually a regular Kotlin file. It just starts with some variables provided to you. Another good example of DSL in Kotlin is kotlinx.html library. It generates HTML code with syntax like this:
html {
body {
div {
a("") {
target = ATarget.blank
+"Main site"
You can read more about this here:

Modelling external JS objects

PixiJS (or rather, Resource Loader), returns a JS object shaped like this in the callback of the load function:
"resource-you-asked-for.png": {
url: "foo.png",
error: <optional error>,
data: <binary data>
"second-resource.png": { ... }
My question do I model this in Kotlin.js? I can't just say this is a Map<String, LoaderResult> -- then Kotlin will try to use get (a mangled get actually) to index into it. And I can't subclass dynamic obviously.
JavaScript object that acts like a Map can be used in Kotlin as external interface with extension get and set operator functions:
external interface ResourceDictionary
inline operator fun ResourceDictionary.get(name: String): LoaderResult? =
inline operator fun ResourceDictionary.set(name: String, result: LoaderResult?) {
this.asDynamic()[name] = result
JavaScript object that acts like a class be used in Kotlin as external class
external open class LoaderResult {
var url: String
var data: ByteArray
var error: Error?
You can also convert TypeScript definitions using ts2kt tool:
$ npm install -g ts2kt
Find index.d.ts file for PixiJS
$ ts2kt index.d.ts
Then you'll be able to find external interface ResourceDictionary and external open class Resource in pixi.PIXI.loaders.kt:

How to find all classes in a package using reflection in kotlin

Is it possible to find all kotlin classes in a given package?
I also need only annotated classes but it's not a big deal. Any suggestions ?
Kotlin on the JVM suffers the same issue as Java in this regard due to the implementation of class loaders.
Class loaders are not required to tell the VM which classes it can provide, instead they are just handed requests for classes, and have to return a class or throw an exception.
Source and more information: Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?
To summarize the linked thread, there are a number of solutions that allow you to inspect your current class path.
The Reflections library is pretty straight forward and has a lot of additional functionality like getting all subtypes of a class, get all types/members annotated with some annotation, optionally with annotation parameters matching, etc.
Guava has ClassPath, which returns ClassInfo POJO's - not enough for your use case, but useful to know as Guava is available almost everywhere.
Write your own by querying classloader resources and code sources. Would not suggest this route unless you absolutely cannot add library dependencies.
Here's an example of querying classloader resources, adapted from
Requires Java 8 or higher.
// Call this function using something like:
// findClasses("com.mypackage.mysubpackage")
// Modified from
fun findClasses(pckgname: String) {
// Translate the package name into an absolute path
var name = pckgname
if (!name.startsWith("/")) {
name = "/$name"
name = name.replace('.', '/')
// Get a File object for the package
val url: URL =
val directory = File(url.getFile())
println("Finding classes:")
if (directory.exists()) {
// Get the list of the files contained in the package
.filter { f -> f.isFile() &&'$') == false &&".class") }
.forEach {
val fullyQualifiedClassName = pckgname +
.dropLast(6) // remove .class
.replace('/', '.')
try {
// Try to create an instance of the object
val o = Class.forName(fullyQualifiedClassName).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()
if (o is MyInterfaceOrClass) {
// Optionally, make a function call here: o.myFunction()
} catch (cnfex: ClassNotFoundException) {
} catch (iex: InstantiationException) {
// We try to instantiate an interface
// or an object that does not have a
// default constructor
} catch (iaex: IllegalAccessException) {
// The class is not public

Typescript error when using interface from module as field within class

I am working on providing a type definition file for fabric.js. The general structure is shown in the following sample:
declare module fabric {
export interface Canvas {
selectionBorderColor: string;
selectionColor: string;
var Canvas: {
new (): Canvas;
This pattern allows me to use fabric.Canvas in a 'interface-like' way, so that variables are associated with the fabric.Canvas interface. At the same time it allows me to call "static members" (such as the constructor of fabric.Canvas).
But this leads to a problem when using a field of interface 'fabric.Canvas' within a class. The following sample shows such an case:
This problem only occurs when placing the interface within a module, otherwise everything works fine.
Any solutions for this problem?
There is some type confusion because you have an interface and a field with the same name - I know this is common in the lib.d.ts file, but I don't think it is a good practice when writing new TypeScript code. It seems to be something of a necessity for defining existing code.
If you rename var Canvas to var MyCanvas (or anything else) your code works.
I tend to prefix my interfaces with an I, for example ICanvas - but this isn't a TypeScript convention (yet).
declare module fabric {
export class Canvas {
selectionBorderColor: string;
selectionColor: string;
class MyClass {
canvas: fabric.Canvas;