Why does expo gives error when install native-base - react-native

When I try to get native-base and when I run the app. It gives me that error. How can I fix that. I am using expo and I installed expo-font.

Looks like that's a bug in the native-base package.
There is a PR that resolves this issue, but as of me writing this one - it's still not merged yet.
The only workaround is to either try to install older version of native-base, either fork the native-base package and apply in the native-base code the change which fixes the issue.
Or of course, wait... until native-base contributors accept the PR and release a new version with the fix.


yarn start in React Native doesn't work after upgrading from 0.62.2 to 0.68. Fails silently

I just upgraded from RN 0.62.2 to 0.68 using the react-native upgrade command and using the upgrade helper to fix the unchanged files. Now when I run yarn start --reset-cache, it just runs react-native start --reset-cache and then prints Done in 1.20s.. I am not able to understand what do I do or what did I do.
I am not sure what all information I should post here. Do let me know. Any help here is supremely appreciated!
first what the error you get?
second the best way to update is to use read:
and use this:
please be careful when upgrading react-native,
many libraries from the yarn/npm maybe should be updated to.
when you update react-native you have to be ready to get errors.
wish you luck!

TypeError: global.__reanimatedWorkletInit is not a function. (In 'global.__reanimatedWorkletInit(_f)', 'global.__reanimatedWorkletInit' is undefined)

TypeError: global.__reanimatedWorkletInit is not a function. (In 'global.__reanimatedWorkletInit(_f)', 'global.__reanimatedWorkletInit' is undefined)
I am using React Native (not expo). I don't even have reanimated downloaded. I had it downloaded then I removed it and rebuilt the app, and it's giving me this error now.
Things I've tried:
deleting node_modules and re-running yarn install
-git reset HEAD~ to a prev commit where I didn't install the reanimated2 packages
I just followed the below steps to solve this issue.
step1: npx react-native run-android
step2: npm start -- --reset-cache
and it solved
Ok, what I ended up doing to solve this was:
-just deleted the whole repo from my local
-cloned it again from github
-uninstalled the app from Android emulator
Then it seemed to work. So maybe it was an error related to cache or something lingering around even after I had removed all instances of the word/package "reanimated" from the whole codebase.
Using Expo in a bareworkflow
Clear app memory
run expo start --dev-client --clear
I solved my issue doing this:
On top you just have to do this: import 'react-native-reanimated';
on your app or index file.
I have tried all the solutions from stack Overflow. (Not working)
Here is the fix:
first check your version for react-native-reanimated and then see the actual documentation of the right version for the configuration.
I am using version 2.4.1 and have solved by this link
I had a require cycle warning from a git submodule inside the src folder which I thought wasn't doing any harm but turns out fixing that solved this issue. I am unsure why the require cycle was causing so much grief but I guess if you've got a require cycle in your output try solving that and it may fix this.
What I did was degrading react-native-reanimated to ^2.6.0. It solved the issue for me.
I had this problem too and simply moved the babel plugin react-native-reanimated/plugin to the last place in the babel's config as stated in the doc.
I should probably mention it worked for me before but when I started migrating the react-native app for web this was the problem for me. I am using expo. I had to run expo with --clear CLI arg as expo start --dev-client --clear.
I Just solved this issue by doing these steps:
close Metro bundler
run this command
npm start -- --reset-cache
react-native start --reset-cache
rebuild the project again

How can I install Storybook for react native?

I have a fresh Expo project and I would like to add Storybook for all the components, the documentation seems deprecated, does anyone know how to install the latest version?
I have just tried the docs and I got Storybook on my Expo project (no longer available).
Answering your question, the package is not deprecated because, I quote,
This community translation has not been updated to the latest version of Storybook yet.
For future reference, during the installation process I faced the following "freeze" using Git Bash, if you get the same just ctrl + c to resume your terminal.

How solve problem with install vue native?

When I install vue native. I get this Err.
enter image description here
I cant understand what I need to do.
I find some link about babel Requires Babel "7.0.0-0" but was loaded with "6.26.3"
install and it doesnt work.
I solve it, when I move in my created project, and make command npx babel-upgrade.
It's strange, because I was upgraded babel globaly erly

Requiring unknown module Object.assign, with ReactNativeTextComponent in the stack trace

I upgraded to the latest react-native (0.23.1) and started getting the error:
I keep getting this error even after downgrading, so not sure if react-native is the cause, or another dependency I have. I could not find this error message by searching Google.
I also tried installing npm install object-assign and that did not help.
I am running babel preset babel-preset-react-native-stage-0.
Turns out the issue was with react. downgrading to React 0.14.8 fixed the issue.
I also meet this question today. Maybe, it is beacuse you upgrade the React to #15.* version. Downgrade the React to #0.14.8 version, it works!