How can I use clear() method of Select component in UI-kitten? - react-native

In a react app I am using ui-kitten components, specifically a Select component:
placeholder="Selecciona el departamento"
onSelect={(newDepartment) => {
// props.department = newDepartment;
style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}
I would like to reset the Select component on the placeholder after every re-render, not the previous selected option.
I know that that method clear() is available as is described in the official documentation: ui-kitten docs but I don't know how to use those methods.
Any idea on how to use these methods (e.g clear(), blur(), show(), hide(), etc.).

I was wondering the exact same question too, and the docs weren't really clear about using methods. However, I found that the section on the Icons component has an example of how to use methods to animate the icons on the press of a button.
You need this at the start of your function body:
const select = React.useRef()
Then in your select component, have something like this:
<Select ref={select}>{...}</Select>
Finally, just do select.clear() when needed to clear the select component.
Let me know if this helps.

This one helped me const select = React.useRef(). I've shared a small snippet of code that you can refer to and the GitHub link that helped me.
const [clear, setClear] = useState(false);
// Create a ref
const select = React.useRef();
//useEffect to check when the clear value has changed
useEffect(() => {
//clear the ref when the clear value has changed
}, [clear]);
// Here is your select component
ref = {select} // ref we created before
selectedIndex = {selectedIndex}
onSelect = {(index) => setSelectedIndex(index)} >
<SelectItem title = "Option 1" / >
<SelectItem title = "Option 2" / >
<SelectItem title = "Option 3" / >
Check out this issue on the UI-Kitten GitHub repo.
Here is the link to the comment that helped me.


How can I remove the radio icon from a ToggleButton in a ToggleButtonGroup?

I am trying to create a button group where a user can choose between multiple options. react-bootstrap 2.0.0-rc.0 provides the combination ToggleButtonGroup + ToggleButton for this purpose. Unfortunately, a radio icon appears next to the button. I want to get rid of it. Below, you can find a minimal example to reproduce the radio icon.
import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "react-bootstrap";
interface OwnState {
val: boolean;
export default class SomeToggleOptions extends React.Component<OwnProps, OwnState> {
constructor(p: Readonly<OwnProps>) {
this.state = { val: true }
setVal = (newVal: number) => {
val: newVal == 1
render() {
return (
<div className="p-1 text-right">
<span className="p-1">Auto Refresh:</span>
value={this.state.val ? 1 : 0}
{, idx) => {
return (
this.state.val === radio.value ? "dark" : "outline-dark"
NOTE: I already found React-Bootstrap Toggle Button is Failing to Hide the Radio Button Circle and this is NOT working for me.
The icon seems to disappear when I use the normal ButtonGroup + Button instead. But this is not primarily an option as you don't have the radio-like "exclusive" behavior there.
I reverted to the earlier react-bootstrap version 1.6.4. This is probably not fixable (without any hacky moves, css-overwriting, or similar) and induced by react-bootstrap 2.0.0 being only a release candidate so far.
In the earlier react-bootstrap version, my code snippet worked flawless.
This appears to be a temporary issue when upgrading react-bootstrap, see my answer here on duplicate question:
Also here is the closed issue on github:

React, what does "e" do?

i have this code:
function MyControlledInput() {
const [altaData, setAltaData] = useState('');
const onChangeHandler = (e) => {
return (
<div>Input value: {value}</div>
<button onClick={ShowSentenceByWord}>Activate Lasers</button>
can someone please explain what "e" does? i don't understand how the user data end up being in the "altaData" variable, thanks a lot
This "e" is the short term for event, which is related to the native html change event
In the link above you can check the details about its content, but most likely you'll be using to get the newest value from the input.
And how you're using this value to call the setAltaData, the result of that will be the altData being changed.
That's the purpose of this react-hooks#useState

Fluent/Fabric - Is it possible to clear the input of the NormalPeoplePicker programmatically?

Is it possible to clear the input text (e.g. "qweqweqweqwe" in the example below) of the (Fluent/Fabric) NormalPeoplePicker programmatically?
I have tried accessing the input element (via the onBlur event) and attempted to change it's value and innerHtml but that doesn't work. Also, that doesn't seem to be a good way of doing it.
NormalPeoplePicker Component keep input value inside state and its not possible to change it directly:
const picker = React.useRef(null)
onBlur={() => {
if(picker.current) {
picker.current.input.current.value = ""; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property value of #<Autofill> which has only a getter
From Official Documentation inside implementation section there is useful method updateValue which allows to change the input value.
const picker = React.useRef(null)
onBlur={() => {
if(picker.current) {
Codepen working example ln: 104.
This is a temporary solution, test every use case before production.
let orgSelected: ITag[] = [];
orgSelected.push({key:0 name:''});
const [selectedOrg,setselectedOrg] = useState(orgSelected);
On TagPicker Property just assign the statevalue like this.
This way the tagpicker property will always be selected with an empty item.

Get cursor position in Ionic 4?

I cannot find selectionStart in Ionic 4 when I am referencing ion-textarea. In Ionic v3 I did something like this to get cursor position:
for iOS textArea._native.nativeElement.selectionStart
and for Android
but it seems like I cannot find selectionStart on elementRef.
I tried to access element using
#ViewChild('txArea', { read: ElementRef }) textArea: ElementRef;
(keyup)="onKeyUp($event, txArea)"
autocorrect="on" autocomplete="on"
placeholder="Enter description (i.e. #JoeDoe, #forehand)">
Can somebody help with this?
I think you're looking for this:
You can use querySelector() on the nativeElement.
Assume that you are trying to access the view child reference using an instance variable as follows:
#ViewChild('txArea', {static: false, read: ElementRef})
txArea: ElementRef;
You can get selectionStart from an event handler (class method) as follows:
onClick () {
I found a way to get the real input in Ionic
onKeyUp($event, txArea){
const realInput = $'input')
const start = realInput.selectionStart;
const end = realInput.selectionEnd;
this way you can get selectionStart and selectionEnd

How to close menu onNewOptionClick?

My Code
options = {this.state.productOptions}
value = {this.state.productType}
onNewOptionClick = {this.createProductType}
onChange = {this.handleProductChange}
createProductType(option) {
var options = this.state.productOptions;
var label = option.label.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + option.label.slice(1);
label: label,
value: option.value
productOptions: options,
productType: option.value
Before I click new option:
After I click new option:
Desired UI state after clicking new option:
Did not whether to post this as issues on Github as I am not sure of the exact way of using onNewOptionClick.
I was able to solve this by adding a ref
ref={input => this.productSelect = input }
and then calling it so;
This ( provided the final clue which helped me solve this. Thanks.
closeMenu() has been depreciated in v2 of React-Select. It has been replaced by blur() The following worked for me:
// Assign the ref in your Select object
<Select ref={input => this.selectRef = input } ... />
// Later in your code when you are trying to close the menu;
Not sure if there have been breaking changes in the library since the first answer, but I had to do this:
ref={input => {
if (input) this.productSelectMenu =