How to split the terminal in PhpStorm 2020.1? - ide

I've read it's possible to split the terminal in PhpStorm 2020.1 in half. How to do that?

Im using IntelliJ, but it should be the same:
Right click on a terminal and choose if you want to split vertically or horizontally.


Show terminal and database sections on IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to show terminal and database sections on IntelliJ IDEA 17.1.3 but I'm not winning. Am I not doing it right by hovering on the bottom left corner or by going to View and Tools Windows? Any idea on how to go about this?

Keyboard shortcut to switch between horizontally split windows in Intellij

I've done numerous searches to find out how to switch between two files that are horizontally split but can't seem to find it. I know that you can switch between vertically split files by using the Goto Next Splitter option, but there doesn't seem to exist an option for horizontally split. Has anyone else figured this out? Thanks!
An example of a situation where I can't switch between the top and bottom files:
I just tried this out, and Goto Next Splitter (Option-Tab on mac) works just fine for me on horizontally split panes
Note: Using CLion 2017.1.2
If you have IdeaVim installed, you can use the Control-W - J/K command to switch between Vim split panes. See also How do I switch between panes in split mode in Vim?
Use Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab to switch between opened buffers (or "file editors", if you like). If you have only two buffers like on your screenshot, you can just press Ctrl + Tab and then by pressing Enter the other editor will become focused.
Important addition:
The shortcut varies depending on your keymap. To figure out proper key combination, open File -> Settings -> Keymap and search for "Switcher" keymap in the search field.

What is the shortcut to split editor window?

Is there a way to split your window vertically with a keyboard shortcut?
Right now I have to Ctrl+Shift+A and choose split vertically.
There is no mention of a shortcut here: Splitting and Unsplitting Editor Window
File->Settings->Appearance & Behavior->Keymap
Search for Split
Then you may define your own keyboard shortcut.
For IntelliJ 2020.3 (Mac) the command is now called Split-Right.
Context-Click on a tab and Split-right will create a new window to the right.

how to open a file in two split windows?

I split the editor
and I want to show the file in the both sides of the editor,
most probably this is too easy but I can't find how to do that,
I find a way, I close all other files, and keep only the target file, and then I split the editor. now phpstorm will show the file in both windows. and then I reopen other files. but I don't think this is smart. Probably there is a better way.
thank you
In general: to split current tab in editor:
Right click on editor tab
choose Split Horizontally or Split Vertically
you can also use Move Down or Move Right -- but this will move editor tab into new split instead of "copying" it.
Let's assume you have this setup (notice "test.php" is already located in both splits):
Now you want to have "css.css" to be in both splits as well. Depends on your IDE version you will have 2 choices:
1) Split this file -- you will have 3 splits now:
Using mouse move "css.css" from newly created split into existing split:
2) Use Open in Opposite Group action
In newest version (my 2021.2) found this option here:
Window -> Editor Tabs -> Split Right/Split Down

IntelliJ Split Window Navigation

If I split the editor window (horizontal or vertical) into N tab groups, how do I switch/toggle from one tab group to another via the keyboard? If all of the tabs are in the same group you can switch from each tab easily (CTRL + right/left arrow), but when they're in separate tab groups I can't. I've searched through the key mappings and have not found one that seems to accomplish this. I know I can use the mouse, but I'm trying to find ways to avoid the mouse and stay with the keyboard.
TIA for any help on this.
Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab for Window | Goto Next Splitter and Goto Previous Splitter. However, these hotkeys may be taken by the Switcher, so you need to remap them in Settings | Keymap.
It looks like it's now mapped to Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab so no need to remap (at least for OSX 10.5+ settings).
I had the same case and this plugin solve my problem:
As I write this, here is what it support:
Move tab to another editor split
Move focus between splits
Resize the split
You may refer more details on the page/github. It works pretty well in 2019.2
I can switch the splitters with CTRL+E and then ENTER.
If you have more then 2 splits, then you can navigate or quick search in the Recent Files dialog.
Switching the splitters with the Switcher doesn't work.