Shut down HSQLDB in server mode from the shell - hsqldb

How can I stop a running HSQLDB server instance from the shell (e.g. as part of a shell script)?

Try the following. Replace dbname with the name of your database and change credentials if necessary, and adjust the classpath to your system as needed:
java -cp $CLASSPATH:/usr/share/java/hsqldbutil.jar:/usr/share/java/hsqldb.jar "org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlTool" --inlineRc=url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/dbname,user=SA,password= --sql="SHUTDOWN;"
If your distro comes with a shell script wrapper for SQL Tool, you can shorten that as:
hsqldb-sqltool --inlineRc=url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/dbname,user=SA,password= --sql="SHUTDOWN;"
Instead of using --inlineRc you can also build an rcfile with the parameters you need and specify that.


How to create sh script which will run SQL file on CentOS without sqlplus lib

I'd need to create a sh script, which will connect to Oracle DB and then execute a SQL file.
The problem is that sqlplus is not installed on that Cent-OS machine and most probably it won't be installed either.
Is there a way how to do this?
You can easily install Oracle Instant Client including sqlplus executable ("Free to download, deploy and distribute").
If some java version is installed on the server, you can create a simple class that will connect to oracle DB via JDBC, load the sql script and execute it.
Create and compile java class
Upload class file, sql script + oracle_driver (jar file) (
Execute the java program
You can’t. You need to install oracle client which include sqlplus or sqlloader.
Or you can use Python and library Cx_Oracle, but you still need sqlclient to connect to database.
If you don’t want to install oracle client, you can use external table to load data to database or some etl tool.

Run sql file for a specific derby database

Using the ij tool and Apache Derby, is it possible to execute an sql file in a single command line?
In other words, is it possible to supply the connection string to ij?
At the moment I'm doing it with several steps:
connect 'jdbc:derby://someserver:1527//databases/timesheets';
run 'my_file.sql';
It is possible to run ij using properties, see examples here.
Use the following command:
java -Dij.database="jdbc:derby://someserver:1527//databases/timesheets" my_file.sql

How can I execute SQL scripts using TeamCity?

I´m new with TeamCity and I don´t know how to run SQL scripts with it.
Is the way simply selecting the path of those scripts in a Command Line Build Runner ?
I´m pretty lost.
In a command line build step:
Command executable: c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe
Command parameters: -S <server> -i <path_to_file> <== Note: that's a capital -S!
You may need to change the 100 to something else, depending on the version of the SQL Server tools that you have installed on the build agent.
I believe that SQLCMD / SQLPLUS / MYSQL are available as standalone executables which you can install on the TeamCity server.
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Feature Pack
Oracle SQL Plus
MYSQL Command Line
However, without knowing your actual SQL Platform this may differ and the provider should have an alternative.
You can then create a Command Line Runner to call the executeable and pass in the parameters required, which are further explained here.
Using the sqlcmd Utility
Using sqlplus utility
If you are looking at doing Database Migrations as part of your CI process, it would also be worth checking out RoundhousE

Teradata client on Unix Solaris

I deploy some .bteq and .sql scripts on a TERADATA database. For doing this, I use a client on my desktop called BTEQWin version
I get the .bteq/.sql from a version control like pvcs/svn etc and all I do once the files are in my workspace folder (from Version control tool), to just drag and drop the files from Windows browser to BTEQWin client (which I connect to a database prior to drag/drop for running those scripts).
Now, I have to automate this whole process in UNIX.
I have written a SHELL KSH/BASH script which is getting all the .bteq/.sql from a TAG/LABEL in the version control tool to a given UNIX folder. Now, all I need to do is the pass these files one by one (i'll take care of the order) to Teradata client.
My ?
- what client do I need to tell Unix admin team to install on Unix server - so that I can run something like below:
someTeraDataCommand -u username -p password -h hostname -d database -f filenametoexectue | tee output_filename.log
Where, someTeraDataCommand is the client / executable - which will let me run Teradata scripts (like I was doing using BTEQWin on my desktop - GUI session). Other parameters can be username, password, which database to connect on what server and which file to run or make that file passed to the command using "<" operator at command line.
Any idea?
- What client ?
Assuming the complete Teradata Tools and Utilities package is installed on your UNIX server (which will have the connectivity tools to talk to Teradata), you should have access to bteq from the command line. Something like this:
bteq < script_file > output_file
Your script file should contain a .LOGON statement to establish the connection:
.LOGON yourTDPID/your_account,your_pw
You might also need to use other commands to set your default database or non-default session values.
Another option would be to combine the SQL and call to BTEQ in a Korn shell script:
SHELL_NAME=`basename $0`
PRG_NAME=`basename $(SHELL_NAME} .ksh`
bteq <<EOBTQ > ${LOG_FILE} 2>$1
--.RUN file=${LOGON}
/* Add your SQL/BTEQ commands here */
.QUIT 0;
The double hyphen indicates a single line comment. Typically in a UNIX script you do not leave your password in plain text of a KSH script. The .RUN command would reference a text file in a barely sufficient secure location containing the .LOGON {TPDID}/{USERID},{PWD}; command.
The .RUN command in BTEQ allows you to reference another text file containing a series of valid BTEQ commands that you want to run in the current BTEQ script.
Easiest way is to setup the Solaris TTU, is to request root sudo, and run an interactive installation into defaults as a root. That would cure all client issues.

sqlplus - command line select statement doesn't use login.sql settings

I have an sh script containing this:
sqlplus -S $JDBC_URL <<EOF
That works fine. However, it doesn't pick my formatting preferences from login.sql. Those settings work fine when I start SQL Plus in interactive mode.
Does anyone know how to make my script read login.sql? Is there some other file perhaps?
Depending on the version of sqlplus you are using and the operating system, you likely need to set and export the ORACLE_PATH (linux) or SQLPATH (windows) environment variable to include the directory that contains login.sql.
I just found that past version used to look in the present-working-directory but that was not happening on the linux server I was working on. Setting SQLPATH did not work either because it is used in windows; setting ORACLE_PATH did work.
Attribution for this information
You could use glogin.sql instead - see OraFAQ on SQL Plus