vuetify: Stop parent animation on click - vuejs2

I have a card which have 2 buttons and I want to have difference function when clicking on:
Button Yes
Button No
I layout the card this way
With modifier stop I can emit btn:yes or btn:no event without emit event card:clicked on card, but the clicked animation on card still show and is very confusing.
My question is how I can stop the animation happen like stopping the event card:clicked when I click on the button instead of the card.

After some more search I find out the animation call ripple with vuetify.
With the right words I am able to find the answer at Child and parent ripple triggered
And I can solve my issue by adding #mousedown.stop like below


Vue: Don't close dialog on invalid login

I'm a complete beginner to Vue and I have an extremely basic question that is tripping me up.
I have a Dialog that opens up and asks for user input. When the user clicks okay, it makes a call to an API and tries to add the user input to a database. This works fine and I'm able to successfully hit the database. The issue I'm having is if the API doesn't return a 200. I want to persist the dialog and add text that says "Invalid Input. Try again." However, everything I've tried just closes the dialog automatically.
The code I have looks like:
<v-dialog v-model="show" width="500">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn text color="green" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on"> Add User </v-btn>
<v-card-title class="text-h5 grey lighten-2"> Add User </v-card-title>
<v-text-field label="User to add" v-model="addUser"></v-text-field>
<!-- <v-card-text v-if="successfullyAdded == false"><strong class="red--text text--lighten-1">Please input a valid username</strong></v-card-text> -->
show = false
How do I persist a dialog conditionally such that it stays open if addUser returns False and otherwise closes normally?

How to prevent event propagation to the parent element? #input.stop doesn't work. (NuxtJS)

I have a text field built right into a vuetify expansion panel.
After clicking the "rename box" icon
The issue is that every time I type a spacebar into the text box the expansion panel toggles. I have prevented the event propagation of a click by using click.stop="" attribute but I cant seem to prevent this space bar event from affecting the parent.
Attributes that I have tested are:
keydown.prevent ('Cant type with this option')
The following are the events emitted according to the vue plugin
Here is the code
v-for="(item, i) in $"
<div v-if="editorQ !== i">Q. {{ item.q }}</div>
<template v-slot:actions>
v-if="editorQ === i"
<v-icon> mdi-check </v-icon>
<v-icon> mdi-rename-box </v-icon>
It was just trial and error for me, the following prevents the active toggle:
when applied to the v-text-field within a v-expansion-panel-header.

Modify the size of the signup button

This is a form for logging in. As noted in the black screen, the registration button is small. The question is how can I make the registration button as large as in the white image
This is part of the code for the record button
<v-layout row>
<v-flex xs12>
<v-btn class="red accent-4 margine color myfont">
Sign up
If you check the Vuetify documentation, you'll find, that in order for the button to extend the full width of its container, you give it the block property.
Like such:
<v-btn class="red accent-4 margine color myfont" block>
Sign up
You'll find it all in the vuetify documentation

Vuetify - Close menu dialog with out v-dialog (using activator)

I have a menu dialog inside a table column to update a corresponding value.
The menu dialog when opened shows a card with a select box and update button.
The menu is activated using v-on which works exactly as intended but I have no way of closing the menu.
Since it's inside a table, using a v-model and changing the value causes multiple menus/select boxes to be shown to be opened.
<v-menu :close-on-content-click="false" :close-on-click="false">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on: { click } }">
<v-chip #click="click" small>{{item[header.value]}}</v-chip>
<!-- <v-card-title class="subtitle-2 pb-0 pt-1">Update Status</v-card-title> -->
<v-select items="Status" class="px-4 pb-2" hide-details label="Status"></v-select>
<!-- <v-spacer></v-spacer> -->
<v-btn color="primary" #click="" text>Update</v-btn>
<v-btn color="warning" text>Cancel</v-btn>
How can I close the menu without using a v-model?
It was an easy solution...
I added a v-model to the menu dialog and created an object in data display: {}. The v-model on the menu dialog was v-model="display[]" using the item id as an index of sorts and then I could just use a method to close it.
close(id) {
this.display[id] = false;

Display titles of different cards in vuetify

How can I display to v-dialog the data coming from my database?
<v-row class="albumLayout">
<div v-for="(album, index) in allAlbums" :key="index">
<v-btn color="green" style="margin:10px" #click="dialog = !dialog">VIEW ALBUM</v-btn>
<v-btn color="red" style="margin:10px">DELETE ALBUM</v-btn>
<v-dialog v-model="dialog">
As of now, it just display the I AM TITLE #3 every time I clicked view album button of each card.
Question is, how can I change this to show titles to each specific card.
Your click handler needs to do 2 things: Set the album and show the dialog.
add selectedAlbum:null to your data
to open the dialog on click, set selectedAlbum = album
set the dialog model to !!selectedAlbum, to only show when album is set
use selectedAlbum instead of album in your dialog
To close set selectedAlbum to null