I have a curve represented as a parametric function, z(t)=(x(t), y(t)), x=f(t), y=g(t). If I wanna find a approximate curve using least square(using polynomial funtions), am I supposed to get one for x and one for y or just one for z?
So the problem is like this: given a parametric curve r(t) = (x(t), y(t)), find a approximate cubic polynomial curve. I collect multiple points in x(t) and y(t) and then use least square to find a corresponding curve for x(t), y(t). The final approximate curve is like r'(t) = (x'(t), y'(t))
So I have a bezier curve >
Now, I would like to get a y point, value every says, 0.01 value on x-axis.
As far as I know, there is no method to "find Y given X" using bezier.
So I have to subdivide it into flat straight chunks and then get... "somehow" nearest chunk value as an approximation?
So my question is, how can I... "equally" subdivide the bezier curve so that chunk distance is more equal on... x-axis?
Right now the chunk distancing that I get is quite... "random" using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve as my current algo.
As far as I know, there is no method to "find Y given X" using bezier.
Then you probably need to look for "finding Y given X" a bit more =) https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#yforx
As for the result you want, with regularly spaced intervals based on distance along the curve is the general problem of reparameterizing the curve for distance rather than time., and it's a hard problem for quadratic, and literally impossible problem for higher order Beziers.
So instead of trying to do that, what we typically do is just build a lookup table by sampling the curve, storing those "t maps to x/y and distance d along the curve", and then we use that combined with interpolation to get good-enough approximate coordinates (e.g. sub-sub-pixel accurate) rather than mathematically perfect coordinates. https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#tracing
For a cubic bezier curve, if its parameter t is 0.5 then does this split the curve equal pieces lengthwise? Reasoning is appreciated.
In general, no, unless in some special cases, for example all control points of the cubic Bezier curve are collinear and evenly-spaced. The reason is simple: a Bezier curve is in general not arc-length parameterized.
Simple example: take three 2D control points
(1,0), (2,0) and (4,0)
The point t=0.5 is (2,0). But this point does not have equal distances to the first and last point.
Well, and this should not depend on the cubic or linear case.
So I'm trying to animate a sprite, and I just found the CCBezierBy/CCBezierTo methods, which are saving me a lot of trouble, but they only work as cubic functions.
HOw can I make them quadratics? (I need s-curves)
Having only 3 controlpoints limits severely what you can do.
Thank you.
I don't think you understand Bezier curves here: S curves cannot be modeled by quadratic Beziers, they can only do curves with a single inflection point. Cubic curves can have two inflection points, so quadratic curves can only model curves that look like | or C, and cubic curves can model anything that looks like |, C or S
Cubic functions have a starting on-curve point, two control points, and an ending on-curve point, for a total of four control points; Quadratic functions have a starting on-curve point, one control point, and an ending on-curve point, for a total of three control points.
So what you want is a cubic curve, and that's exactly what the CCBezierBy/CCBezierTo methods offer. They let you specify a bezier curve as the two control points and end point, because you'll already have the starting point.
Considering the following nice solution for finding cubic Bézier control points for a curve passing through 4 points:
How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation
I wonder, if there is a straightforward extension to this for making the Bézier curve pass through N points, for N > 2 and maybe N ≤ 20?
This is a really old question, but I'm leaving this here for people who have the same question in the future.
#divanov has mentioned that there's no Bezier curve passing through N arbitrary points for N >4.
I think the OP was asking how to compute the control points to join multiple bezier curves to produce a single curve that looks smooth.
This pdf will show you how to compute the control points: http://www.math.ucla.edu/~baker/149.1.02w/handouts/dd_splines.pdf
which I found on this writeup https://developer.squareup.com/blog/smoother-signatures/ from Square about how they render a smooth curve that passes through all the sampled points of a mouse drawn signature.
In general, there is no Bezier curve passing through N arbitrary points, where N > 4. One should consider curve fitting to minimize least square error between computed Bezier curve and given N data points. Which is discussed, for example, here.
I have a quadratic bezier curve and I want to calculate the slope of the tangent in a given point. For example, let it be the middlepoint of the quadratic bezier curve, therefore t=0.5 (please see the link below for a picture of this). I've calculated the first derivative of the formula for the quadratic bezier curve; however I get 400 as value for the slope, though it should be 0. Maybe I'm using the first derivative in a wrong way? I know I could also calculate the tangents using trigonometric functions; however I'd like to do it using the first derivative, shouldn't this be possible? Thanks for any hint!
For clarification / please note: I'm interested in a general way to get the slope in a arbitrary given point on a quadratic bezier curve, not only to get the tangent in the start- and end point.
A picture of my problem including the text above:
Thank you very much for any hint!
Using your formula for B'(t), evaluated at t=1/2, we get
B'(1/2) = -P0 + P2
From the look of your graph, P0 = (0,0) and P2 = (400,0). So
B'(1/2) = (400,0).
This is the "velocity" of a point traveling along B(t) at t=1/2.
(400,0) is a horizontal vector, with magnitude 400.
So all is as it should be. Since B'(t) is horizontal, it does have "slope" 0.
Derivatives of a Bézier Curve