How do I move the icon above the button text? - vue.js

I'm new.
Can you tell me how to move the icon above the text?
<v-btn text title>

This is an open feature request, but the only way I've found to achieve this is to use a CSS override:
.v-btn__content {
<v-btn icon>


How to use lighten or darken colors as background of a v-btn in Vuetify?

I have a button like this on vuetify:
<v-btn color="blue" icon>
And the result is this:
Now I try to do this:
<v-btn class="blue lighten-4" icon>
But the result is this:
While I was expecting just a lightened colour.
How can I achieve my goal? Note that here vuejs 2 is used.
I solved it by writing this:
<v-btn color="blue--text text--lighten-4" icon>
This is because the icon is considered as text and not as background
As #Adam Muse pointed out, a better solution could be adding the class on the <v-icon> tag:
<v-btn icon>
<v-icon color="blue lighten-4">mdi-pencil</v-icon>
Add the color to your v-icon
<v-icon color="blue lighten4">
I'd avoid in-line stying it with blue--text
you can also use class="blue--text" for text

Vuetify tooltip hover with link

Is it possible to have Vuetify's v-tooltip with a clickable link?
At this point using the default code provided by documentation
<v-tooltip bottom>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
clickable link
We can't click the anchor link because once we mouse out the icon, the tooltip automatically closes. Is this a limitation on Vuetify ?
You have 2 problems to solve:
Tooltip hides as soon as mouse leaves the activator (the icon). Just use close-delay prop set to (for example) 2000 (ms) the tooltip wont disappear immediately but only after 2 seconds when you move mouse out of the icon...
By default, Vuetify tooltip's content is rendered with the pointer-events: none; CSS property. Which means the content do not generate any pointer events. Only thing you can do about it is to override the default style...
<v-tooltip bottom close-delay="2000">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
clickable link
.v-tooltip__content {
pointer-events: initial;
You can control visibility by using v-model on the tooltip.
The following is taken from vuetifys example on visibility:
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-icon color="grey lighten-1">
<span>Programmatic tooltip</span>
And then define show in data:
show: false

make space between two Icons in Vuetify

I have two icons, how can I make a space between them?
two Icons in App.vue:
<v-btn icon class="grey lighten-4">
<v-btn icon class="grey lighten-4">
It's recommended to use built-in class name like mx-2 to add some margin around the buttons after wrapping them by a div:
<div >
<v-btn icon class="grey lighten-4 mx-2">
<v-btn icon class="grey lighten-4 mx-2">
according to vuetify v-icon api.
we need to use left or right .
left: Applies appropriate margins to the icon inside of a button when placed to the left of another element or text.
right: Applies appropriate margins to the icon inside of a button when placed to the right of another element or text

how I can change the background color by clicking button using vuetify?

Here, I have used vuetify to create buttons which pop up dialog box that contains buttons with different colors and I want to use buttons to change the background color of navigation and menu bar but due to my limited knowledge on vue and vuetify I am not able to change my background color. Can anyone help me???
My code is here:
<v-row justify="center">
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" persistent max-width="600px" class="pa-md-4 mx-lg-auto">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<v-btn color="primary" dark v-on="on">Theme</v-btn>
<div class="text-center">
<v-btn v-for="(item) in colors" :color="item" dark large class="ma-2" style="width:100px;">
<span class="text-truncate" style="width:120px;">
{{item.replace(/-/g, '')}}
<v-btn color="blue darken-1" text #click="dialog = false">Close</v-btn>
<v-btn color="blue darken-1" text #click="dialog = false">Save</v-btn>
export default {
colors: ["red","pink","purple","deep-purple","indigo","blue","light-blue","cyan","teal","green","light-green","lime","yellow","amber","orange","deep-orange","brown","blue-grey","grey", "black"],
dialog: false
} </script>
To do this you actually use themes that you setup in vuetify.js and you can assign different colors to the different values for example primary: '#c3c3c3' and define different themes within your app. It comes with light and dark theme but you can also add/remove themes programmatically.
It's quite a bit of code so I will post the links on where directions can be found here.
And the actual usage can be found here:

How to close modal by state in vue

I'm using v-dialog component.I can popup v-dialog by state but can't close when press close button which have to get value false
Here is my code
<v-dialog :value="productSellingStatus" persistent max-width="290">
<v-card-title class="headline">Use Google's location service?</v-card-title>
<v-card-text>Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running.</v-card-text>
<v-btn color="green darken-1" text #click="!productSellingStatus">Disagree</v-btn>
<v-btn color="green darken-1" text #click="this.dialog=!productSellingStatus">Agree</v-btn>
//in script
computed: {
I can open modal when my productSellingStatus state become true in mutation
You should have a mutation in the Vuex store...
[TOGGLE_SELLING_STATUS] (state, bool) {
state.productSellingStatus = bool
and then toggle it from a method in the component...
toggleSellingStatus (val) {
this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_SELLING_STATUS', val)
You can also use $store directly.
<v-btn color="green darken-1" text #click="this.dialog=!$store.state.productSellingStatus">Agree</v-btn>