OOP pattern for sharing reference (using VBA) - vba

I'm starting to learn OOP so forgive me (or offer suggestions) if my UML is not keeping to standards.
Currently writing in VBA due to business restrictions so I don't have access to inheritance but it does have support for events and interfaces.
I have a Folder class (in blue) which has an object mFileSystemObject of type FileSystemObject
The Folder class holds many File objects in an array called Files.
Each File object has a FileDetails object (green).
I'd like to use the functions from the FileSystemObject class in the FileDetails class.
I'd like to use the same instance of the FileSystemObject in the Folder class as I don't want to instanciate a new one for every FileDetails class and fill up the heap and I'm not doing any work concurrently.
So I'd like to pass the reference to the FileDetails class so they all use the same one.
The only way I can think of doing this is to pass it through the File object even though File will not use it which just seems a bit ugly.
My question is - is there a pattern that solves this "passing through" problem - I've searched online and looked at several design patterns but they don't seen to offer any suggestions for a solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks

So this would be a singleton pattern; there are a few ways to do this in VBA. I'll give you two.
Create a new Module, let's call it FileDetailsBuilder. In this module, give it a private instance of your FileDetails class. Then expose a public function that will return its instance , or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
Option Explicit
Private mFD As FileDetails
Public Function GetObject() As FileDetails
If mFD Is Nothing Then
Set mFD = New FileDetails
End If
Set GetObject = mFD
End Function
Now when you create new File objects, you can set their FileDetails member using a line of code like this:
Set mFileDeatils = FileDetailsBuilder.GetObject()
The mFD instance member will live on as long as your application is running.
You can alter some code in your FileDetails class to make it be treated like a single, pre-declared object. To do this, you need to export the class and alter some code that you can't see from the VBE.
In a text editor, at the top of the .cls file that you exported, you would see some attribute assignments. One of which is VB_PredeclaredId. Well my friend, you can edit this .cls file and set that attribute to true:
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Save the file, and import it back into your VBE project. Now, you don't have to instantiate this object. Just use it like a static object. When you create new File objects, assign their member like this:
Set mFileDeatils = FileDetails '// note the lack of new keyword


How to create a global function and pass variables to it in VBA Access?

In my program I am trying to cut down on repetitive code by putting it into global functions.
In my current setup I am calling the function like:
Call [Global variable].Close
(global variable is the name of the class module).
This function is looks like;
Public Function Close()
Cancel = True
End Function
Unfortunately this wont compile properly. What am I doing wrong?? (As an aside I also want to pass variables to and from this function and want to know how this would be done).
Thanks for your help.
If you're using a class module, you need an instance of that module before you can call its members. That requires either creating the class module as pre-declared (which involves exporting the code, editing in Notepad, and re-importing), or creating an instance with the New keyword:
Dim myClassInstance As MyClass
Set myClassInstance = New MyClass
But, depending on your use-case, you might better off with the function being available in a standard module - then you can just call it from anywhere, including from within a query.

Visual Basic - stack overflow from object references

I'm making a little text based adventure game in VB and I have different classes for different functions in the game (to keep organized). Well, I need two classes to reference each other. I'll explain.
So these two classes are Direct.vb and Commands.vb. I created references in the files so that they could execute methods in each other's code.
Direct.vb references Commands.vb like so:
Dim comm As New Commands
And then Commands.vb references Direct.vb in the same way.
Dim dir As New Direct
But when I run the program to see if it works, it throws a StackOverflowException. I think these classes are doing an infinite loop of references.
Is there a way I can fix this?
You can reference one class from the other, but you can't have them both create a new instance of the other.
In your current case, say you create one Commands, this creates one Direct, this creates one Commands, this creates one Direct, etc., etc.
This will fill the heap and the stack, but the stack runs out first with constructor functions.
The solution is to use a reference only, so omit the New keyword from at least one of these classes. Without knowing the specifics, it's not really possible to give more specific advise. Typically, though, this kind of construction would work:
Public Class Commands
Private dir As Direct
Public Sub New()
dir = New Direct(Me)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Direct
Private cmd As Commands
Public Sub New(ByVal cmdInstance As Commands)
cmd = cmdInstance
End Sub
End Class

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference in VB.net

I have a VB.net program that I got from someone else. It is comprised of a main form and 6 other modules (all .vb files). These files all have a "VB" icon next to them in the Explorer pane. I am trying to make a call to a sub-routine in one of the modules from the main form. My line of code is:
where QuoteMgr is the name of the module and StartGettingQuotesLevel2(sSym) is the name of the sub-routine. When I enter this, I get the error message:
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
The sub-routine is defined in the QuoteMgr Module as follows:
Public Sub StartGettingQuotesLevel2(ByVal oSymbol As String)
What is strange is when I enter:
(the name of the module with a period), it does not show me all the sub-routines and functions in the module. It only shows:
These are Public Const in the module.
Can you tell me what I need to do?
What the compiler is trying to tell you with this error message
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference
is that the StartGettingQuotesLevel2 subroutine is an instance method not a shared or class method, see a more detailed explanation here
To call an instance method, you need to have an object instance to call it on. In your case, an object instance of the class type QuoteMgr. Like in the example below:
' create a new QuoteMgr object instance
Dim myQuoteMgr As QuoteMgr = New QuoteMgr()
' call its instance method with "abc" as its oSymbol argument.
It is possible that you only want a single QuoteMgr object instance to be created and used by your main form. In that case, you can make it a member variable of your main form and create it once.
Public Partial Class MainForm
' Create it as a private member variable of the main form
Private m_QuoteMgr As QuoteMgr = New QuoteMgr()
' Use it when "some" button is pressed
Private Sub btnSome_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSome.Click
' And possibly do something with the results.
End Sub
End Class
Also, if instances of your QuoteMgr class depend on other object instances for their tasks, you will have to supply these to the constructor method of the QuoteMgr class as the arguments for its constructor's method parameters. Constructors (Sub New(...)) look like this:
Public Class QuoteMgr
' This is a constructor that takes two arguments
' - oMainSymbol: a string value
' - oKernel: an instance of the type Kernel
Public Sub New(oMainSymbol As String, ByRef oKernel As Kernel)
' ....
End Sub
End Class
That means, that when you create a QuoteMgr instance, you have to call its constructor method with the things it need, for example
' There must be an instance of Kernel created somewhere.
Dim myKernel As Kernel = ....
' create a new QuoteMgr object instance with these arguments:
' - oMainSymbol = "SYMABC"
' - oKernel = myKernel
Dim myQuoteMgr As QuoteMgr = New QuoteMgr("SYMABC", myKernel)
Some other recommendations
The explanations I have provided, are about basic VB.NET language features (e.g. the terms highlighted in bold). I suggest that before you make any changes to the code you have, you (1) make a backup of it, and (2) try to read a tutorial and practice on something smaller.
The compiler is (virtually) always right. When it gives you an error message, read it carefully, it will indicate the line where something is wrong and a message that tells you what it needs or is missing.
It is not the purpose of Stack Overflow to provide tutorials or code. It is a Q&A site where the best questions and answers deal with specific, delineated programming problems, for which succinct answers are possible.
Right click your application and go to Properties.
Make sure your application type is "Windows Forms Application".
It means that the routine you are trying to call needs to reference an instance of the form to access the routine. You can either reference an instance as Alex says, or you can make the routine 'Shared', so it doesn't need an instance. To do this, change the definition in QuoteMgr.vb to
Friend Shared Sub StartGettingQuotesLevel2(ByVal oSymbol As String)
Switching it to `Shared' may start showing compiler errors, if the routine accesses form controls or module-level variables. These will need to be added to the parameter list.

What is a public object module in VBA?

I'm trying to get as close to function pointers / abstract classes as I can in VBA.
I have a class called VerificationManager and verifies a bunch of cells in a couple of spreadsheets match up. This will be done in different ways depending on the information and spreadsheets being used with it.
I'd like to be able to make the code reusable by specifying a method to be called in a string using the Application.Run function. So I can rewrite the function that changes.
Now if I was using Java or C# I would be able to extend an abstract class and rewrite the internals to the function. If I was using JavaScript I could store a function in a variable and pass the variable to the class and call it from there.
Inside my class I have a public property called "verificationModule" which I set to the name of the function I want it to call.
Sub VerifyWorkLocations(empLoc As EmployerLocation)
For i = 0 To empLoc.numOfEmp
Application.Run verificationModule, empLoc.taxdescmatch, empLoc.employees(i)
Next i
End Sub
However, when I try to call Application.Run I receive the following error:
Compile Error:
"Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be
coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions"
I already tried placing my User Defined Types in a Class Module but it basically said that a class module was the wrong place for a type.
The error comes from full-fledged VB, where you can create an ActiveX dll project, create a public class there and put a UDT into that class.
In VBA, you use classes instead of UDTs when you need to coerce to or from a variant.
So just declare a class with all the fields you have in your UDT, and delete the UDT.
Alternatively, create a DLL in VB6 that would only contain the declaration of the type, and reference that dll from VBA. Or, if you're comfortable with IDL, just create a TLB file directly.
To add a module to a VBA application, try the following steps (assuming you've already entered the VBA IDE):
From the Project Explorer, right-click on your project.
Click on "Insert..."
Select "Module."
If no modules exist, a new folder within the VBA/Excel project will be created, named "Modules," and a module with a default name of "Module1" will be created.
Double-click the module to open it in the source editor.
This is where you have to place UDT's. I believe this is because of the difference in the way such types are stored internally by VBA relative to the COM-style structure of elements/objects declared/manipulated as Classes...

How to prevent VBA variables from being shared across Word documents?

I have a VBA template project that runs automatically when a Word document is opened. However, if I open multiple documents, they all share the variables values. How can declare these variables to be only associated with the active window or active document?
I tried declaring them in a Class Module, but that did not help. Switching between opened document I can see that these variables are shared.
Any input is appreciated...
This what I have in my Module:
Option Private Module
Dim CurrentCommand As String
Public Function SetCurrentCommand(command)
CurrentCommand = command
End Function
Public Function GetCurrentCommand()
GetCurrentCommand = CurrentCommand
End Function
More Info: The code/Macro start at AutoExec like this:
Public Sub Main()
Set oAppClass.oApp = Word.Application
If PollingRate <> "" Then Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue(PollingRate), "CaptureUserViewState"
End Sub
And the CaptureUserViewState is a Sub that resides in a different Module and does all teh checks (comparing new values to last recorded ones) and here how this Sub does the check:
If WL_GetterAndSetter.GetLastPageVerticalPercentage <> pageVerticalPercentScrolled Then
'Update the last value variable
WL_GetterAndSetter.SetLastPageVerticalPercentage (pageVerticalPercentScrolled)
'log change
End If
You don't give us much information, but I assume you declared public variables at module level like this:
Public myString As String
Public myDouble As Double
From VBA documentation:
Variables declared using the Public statement are available to all procedures in all modules in all applications unless Option Private Module is in effect; in which case, the variables are public only within the project in which they reside.
The answer is to use Option Private Module.
When used in host applications that allow references across multiple projects, Option Private Module prevents a module’s contents from being referenced outside its project.
[...] If used, the Option Private statement must appear at module level, before any procedures.
EDIT You have now clarified that you declare your variables using Dim at module level. In this case, Option Private Module is irrelevant.
Variables declared with Dim at the module level are available to all procedures within the module.
i.e. regardless of whether you're using Option Private Module or not.
If you're finding that the values are retained between runs, then that must be because you are running a procedure from the same module from the same workbook. You may think you're doing something else, but in reality this is what you're doing.
In your class module, instead of Dim CurrentCommand As String try Private CurrentCommand As String. Without more information it's hard to debug your program. I'm just taking random potshots here.
What you need to do is store multiple versions of the variables, one set per document.
So I would suggest that you create a simple class to hold the different values.
You then store them in a collection mapping the data-set with the document name or similar as the key.
In classmodule (MyData), marked as public:
Public data1 as String
Public data2 as Integer
In module with the event-handlers:
Dim c as new Collection 'module global declaration
Sub AddData()
Dim d as new MyData 'Your data set
d.data1 = "Some value"
d.data2 = 42
c.add Value:=d, Key:=ActiveDocument.name
End Sub
Then when you enter the event-handler you retrieve the data and use the specific set for the currently active document.
Sub EventHandler()
Dim d as MyData
set d = c.item(ActiveDocument.name)
'use data
End Sub
Please not that this code is just on conceptual level. It is not working, You have to apply it to your problem but it should give you some idea on what you need to do. You will need to add alot of error handling, checking if the item is already in the collection and so on, but I hope you understand the concept to continue trying on your own.
The reason for this is because, as I understand the situation from your question, you only have one version of your script running, but multiple documents. Hence the script have to know about all the different documents.
On the other hand, If each document would have their own code/eventhandlers, hence having multiple versions of the script running, then you don't need the solution provided above. Instead you need to be careful what document instance you reference in your script. By always using "ThisDocument" instead of "ActiveDocument" you could achieve isolation if the code is placed in each open document.
However, as I understood it, you only have one version of the script running, separate from the open documents, hence the first solution applies.
Best of luck!
You might want to store the Document Specific details using
The Document.CustomDocumentProperties Property
This returns a
DocumentProperties Collection
Which you can add new Properties to Using
Document.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(PropertyName, LinkToContent, Value, Type)
And then Read From using
A downside, or bonus, here is that the properties will remain stored in the document unless you delete them.
This may be a good thing or a bad thing