DSE Can't Install Graph From LCM - datastax

I've installed fresh version of DSE 6.8 for dev purposes, after installing a cluster with one node (Cassandra + Solr) I want to allow Graph, the job keeps failing with error:
Graph is enabled and should have native-transport-address set to name="node1" ssh-management-address="IP" rack="rack1"
Changed the cassandra.yaml from:
native_transport_address: IP
native_transport_address: localhost
The job keeps failing, any ideas?

As it says, you need to configure setting native_transport_address in the node definition dialog to, and native_transport_broadcast_address to actual IP address.
This change should be done in the LCM UI as described in documentation, and then you can say reconfigure, or reinstall - you shouldn't change cassandra.yaml directly - it's generated by LCM.


Minikube on Windows and HyperV: Stuck on prompt "minikube login"

I'm "extremely" new to Kubernetes, and I wanted to try it out on my local machine, which is running Windows 10 along with HyperV. I saw that minikube is used for local development, and I was able to find in on Chocolatey, so I installed it using that:
choco install minikube -y
(I think this also installs kubectl)
The problem I have is that I'm not able to start it; I'm running the following command:
minikube start --vm-driver=hyperv
I have an external switch configured in HyperV (I found it as a suggestion somewhere), but when I run the command, it's stuck in Creating VM ...
I thought maybe it would give me a clue if I look at the VM created in HyperV, and when I open that, I see the following:
So, it seems that it's waiting for input, and that's why it's stuck! I tried searching for the problem, but to no avail.
I would appreciate any help
PS: It seems to me that if I wait long enough, the following message appears on the console:
Temporary Error: provisioning: error getting ssh client: Error dialing
tcp via ssh client: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate,
attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
So, somehow by chance, I think I found how to resolve the issue.
First thing is that: the fact the VM is displaying that prompt (minikube login) seems to be normal, and it does NOT prevent the minikube start from succeeding.
To resolve the issue, this is what I did:
Delete ~/.kube directory
Delete ~/.minikube directory (in case it exists)
The MOST IMPORTANT step: stop/start the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Windows service
These steps seem to have solved the issue for me
PS: I used this command to start minikube and enable verbose logging:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv -v 7 --alsologtostderr
Farzad, what resources have you used for setting up the minikube? Can you please clarify what do you mean by "unable to start". Are the regular kubectl commands working?
For example kubectl get nodes? That is of course if below steps won't help you.
The screenshot you shared shows a running VM:
Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your
laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it
You mentioned that you've created the vSwitch, you should be using a flag that is pointing minikube to use that external vSwitch:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "vSwitch name"
You also mentioned choco, did you install kubernetes-cli (as you did not mention it in the question)? It might be the reason why your commands do not work (seems like the new version downloads kubectl with choco install minikube):
kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against
Kubernetes clusters
At this moment I recommend stoping the minikube VM:
minikub stop
Delete the cluster
minikube delete
Sometimes regular minikube stop, minikube delete does not work so you might have to manually turn off the minikubeVM in Hyper-V, then I recommend to go to c:\users\%username%\ and delete .kube and .minikube.
Use cuninst minikube
Restart and install again as specified in the minikube documentation:
choco install minikube
choco install kubernetes-cli
As for the error you mentioned, let's try to run the cluster properly, and if this persists, we will take care of it.
Try this:
kubectl config use-context minikube
I encountered the same issue. The reason was I chose the wrong disk file to start my VM after creating it in Virtual Box.
This solved my issue.
minikube delete
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv -v 7 --alsologtostderr

epmd error for host myhost: address (cannot connect to host/port) on windows 10

I am trying to install rabbitmq. The installation of both erlang i.e OTP 18.1 file was done successfulyl and also rabbitmq installation completed successfully. But when I try to connect rabbitmq, I get the following error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.5.6\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
Plugin configuration unchanged.
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#INLN50899724A... failed.
* Could not contact node rabbit#INLN50899724A.
Changes will take effect at broker restart.
* Options: --online - fail if broker cannot be contacted.
--offline - do not try to contact broker.
C:\Program Files (x86)\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.5.6\sbin>rabbitmq-server restart
ERROR: epmd error for host INLN50899724A: address (cannot connect to host/port)
Click below to see the image containing error
Error Empd Rabbitmq
I may be replying really late, but still I'm facing this issue. So it may help somebody event while installing rabbitmq version 3.6.5. To change the node name, open "rabbitmq-env.bat" under "installation dir\sbin" and change RABBITMQ_NODENAME to "rabbit#localhost" (line number 90 in rabbitmq 3.6.5). But make sure you remove the windows service, do change the nodename, install service and start it. This worked for me.
No other options worked for me which were marked as right answer in stackoverflow!
Remove the RabbitMQ service. Uninstall RabbitMQ. Kill the epmd.exe process. Delete your c:\users\\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ Directory.
Go to Control Panels -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Add a variable named RABBITMQ_NODENAME and set it to rabbit#localhost
Reinstall RabbitMQ.
Navigate to the RabbitMQ sbin directory (or run the command from the start menu) and run rabbitmqctl status.
You should no longer see the (cannot connect to host/port) error.
And yes, this will fix your Cisco AnyConnect VPN related installation issues.
open C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.15\sbin\rabbitmq-server.bat
Add the below command as the first line in
set RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit#localhost
refer attached image
For Windows Machine:
Go in C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ
Create a file rabbitmq-env.conf
Add the following:
The above is my env-config, for this particular issue setting
the nodename will be sufficient.
Turn off you firewall & start the rabbitmq, it will work. After running it one time, even if you turn on the firewall, it will work.
This works for me in Windows 10 machine.
in your shell
$ export RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit#localhost
$ /sbin/rabbitmq-server -detached
change rabbit#INLN50899724A
to rabbit#localhost and try again.
Or, edits your hosts file so that INLN50899724A points to
For using rabbit mq on windows 10 for similar error I did below
set RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit#localhost
in the path where rabbit MQ is installed i.e for me it was in C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.8.5\sbin>
and then started
.\rabbitmq-server start
Also, I had changed the host to point to my computer name in c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc yourhostnamehere

Redis Server doesn't start or do anything - Redis-64 on Windows

I'm following these steps outlines on this link, however when I try to start the server nothing happens nor can I connect to anything from the client. Does anyone know how to run this?
when I try from a command prompt instead of double clicking the redis-server.exe I get this message
[11868] 23 Jul 11:58:26.325 # QForkMasterInit: system error caught. error code=0
x000005af, message=VirtualAllocEx failed.: unknown error
The easiest way to install Redis is through NuGet:
Open Visual Studio
Create an empty solution so that NuGet knows where to put the packages
Go the Package Manager Console: Tools –> Library Package Manager –>Package Manager Console
Type Install-Package Redis-64
Go to the Packages folder and browse to the Tools folder. Here you’ll find the Redis-server.exe. Double click on it to start it.
Redis is ready to use and start’s listening on a specific port(6379 in
my case)
Let’s open up a client and try to put a value into Redis. Start Redis-cli.exe. It already connects to the same port by default.
Add a value by executing following command:
Read the value again:
Try to run with redis-server --maxheap 4000000
Miguel is correct, but it is not that simple. To start redis-server either as a service or from the command prompt, the amount of available RAM and disk space must be sufficient for Redis to run as configured.
Now, if no configuration file is specified when running Redis, it will use the default configuration values. All of this is documented in the redis.windows.conf file as well as in the document "Redis on Windows.docx" (both deployed with the redis installation).
In my experience, errors when starting Redis usually come from lack of available resources (RAM or disk space) or some incorrect configuration of maxhead or maxmemory parameters.
To troubleshoot this kind of behavior, check your system's available resources and try running redis-server from the command line varying the parameters maxmemory, maxheap, and/or heapdir. The loglevel parameter set to verbose might also help diagnosing the issue.

Deploying Custom Cartridges on Openshift Origin

I have created a new custom cartridge, in which I have packaged into an rpm using tito and installed using yum. This cartridge is being copied from my spec file to the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges directory, however, when I log into the origin home site and try to create an application my cartridge does not show up. I went digging in the ruby scripts and I found that there is a script named cartridge_cache.rb seems to be caching the cartridges it finds within the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges directory. I have tried to get origin to reload the cache to include my new cartridge by removing all the cache files within the /var/www/openshift/broker/cache directory then restarting the broker, but I have had no success. Is there somewhere I need to hardcode my cart name to some global variable or something ? Basically, Does anyone know how to get your custom cart to show up on the webpage for creating a new application.
UPDATE: So I ran into a slide deck that had one slide on how to install the cartridge. However, I still have had no success, but here is what I have tried since the previous post:
moved my cartridge directory from /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges to /usr/libexec/openshift/catridges/v2
ran this command
oo-admin-cartridge -a install -s /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges/v2/myfirstcart
which the output stated it installed the cartridge.
cleared cache with
bundle exec rake tmp:clear
restarted the openshift broker service
Also, just to make sure the cache was cleared out I went into the Rails console and ran Rails.cache.clear. And still no custom cartridge on the openshift webpage.
It works for me after cleaning cache
cd /var/www/openshift/broker
bundle exec rake tmp:clear
and restarting broker service
service openshift-broker restart
MCollective service on Node server (if you have separate servers for broker and node) must be restarted. e.g. with
service ruby193-mcollective restart
After that you should clear the caches on broker server e.g with
/usr/sbin/oo-admin-broker-cache --console
Then you should have new cartridges available

Unable to start Active MQ on Linux

I am trying to get ActiveMQ server running on a RaspberryPI Debian Squeeze box and all appears to be installed correctly but when I try and start the service I am getting the following...
root#raspberrypi:/var/www/activemq/apache-activemq-5.7.0# bin/activemq
INFO: Loading '/etc/default/activemq'
INFO: Using java '/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java'
/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: 1: /usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java:ELF0
4°: not found
/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: 2: /usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Tasks provided by the sysv init script:
restart - stop running instance (if there is one), start new instance
console - start broker in foreground, useful for debugging purposes
status - check if activemq process is running
setup - create the specified configuration file for this init script
(see next usage section)
Configuration of this script:
The configuration of this script can be placed on /etc/default/activemq or /root/.activemqrc.
To use additional configurations for running multiple instances on the same operating system
rename or symlink script to a name matching to activemq-instance-<INSTANCENAME>.
This changes the configuration location to /etc/default/activemq-instance-<INSTANCENAME> and
$HOME/.activemqrc-instance-<INSTANCENAME>. Configuration files in /etc have higher precedence.
It looks like there is an error somewhere but I am a fairly newbie at this and don't know where to look.
Just adding an answer since,becoz as per the documentation , the command is wrong
to start activemqm, use
Navigate to [installation directory/bin] and run ./activemq start or simple bin/activemq start
if you want to see it live in a window use bin/activemq console
To stop, you have to kill the process
The default ActiveMQ "getting started" link sends u here : http://activemq.apache.org/getting-started.html which is the "Getting Started Guide for ActiveMQ 4.x".
If you scroll down main documentation page, you will find this link with the proper commands :