Pipe console output of IntelliJ to a script - intellij-idea

It is possible to pipe the console output of an intellij application to a bash command so I can pretty-print it on the console directly?
I know I can save the log output to a file, but I still want to keep it on the stout window only, but just parse it through a script.

Piping output is a feature of the terminal shell.
IntelliJ IDEA is not using a terminal to run your app, therefore it's not possible with the default Run/Debug configurations.
You could use an external tool that will open a command line shell and run your app there, but the shell has to be open in a separate window and it will not be possible to get the formatted output directly in the IDE.
There is a related feature request in YouTrack, but it's unlikely to be implemented soon.


Start IntelliJ run-configuration from command line

I work on a Kotlin-based cloud microservice. From time to time I need to run it in the IntelliJ debugger, but we often accidentally break the "local debug flow". There is no pipeline that checks if the IntelliJ run-configuration and the somewhat complex set of cloud-simulating proxies and mock-servers are in sync with the code base.
I would like to write a script that helps me check if the local debug flow works. The script should do the following:
build the project
start up the "mock cloud"
start the service locally using an IntelliJ run-configuration
run a Postman-collection against the locally running service
I need help with step 3 (and possibly step 1): How can I start the IntelliJ run-configuration via command line? I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 and MacOS 12.3.1.
There is no built-in way to start a Run Configuration from the command line. Instead, you should execute java/kotlin binary with classpath etc.
For example, for "Application" configuration it is needed to run the command like that:

Get Output from Terminal Window IDE

I am developing a plugin in Intellij to be used in Pycharm. One problem that I am currently facing is, how can I get the output from the IDE terminal after I execute some command. To execute a command I use the ShellTerminalWidget that creates a new tab in the IDE terminal and executes the command I want. But I need a way to read that output.
Command Execution
It seems consoleFilterProvider extension is what you need.
A simple plugin example with the feature can be found here:

CMD window Close automatically after Jenkins build is over

I trying to run Selenium grid and node using Jenkins but the CMD windows always closes after executing the steps
i am running the below code in Jenkins Window Batch Command
cd "C:\TapsiumACSS\Grid3.9"
start Hub.bat
I need the CMD window to be opened
You can create a shortcut of the bat file and under properties in the target section you have to add &PAUSE
This will pause the command prompt until an user input is done.
Just a opinion, Not a good idea to use Jenkins and ask the user to do something as that defeats the whole automation aspect... Instead copy the selenium results into a html or text file which can be viewed later :)
P.S. you will have to refer to this bat file location in Jenkins i.e. the shortcut location
Hope it helps :)

JMeter Test Results Monitoring/ Analysis

I want to start load testing by running JMeter from command line for more accurate test results, but how can I monitor the run and then analyze the results after the test finishes.
You can generate JTL (JMeter results) file while executing the JMX (JMeter script) file from command line. A sample command for generating JTL file will look like this..
jmeter -n -t path-to-jmeterScript.jmx -l path-to-jtlFile.jtl
After completion of script execution you can open the JMeter GUI and simply open the JTL file in any listener (as per your requirement).
Most of the listeners in JMeter have an option to save the results into a file. This file contains usually not the report itself, but the samples which are generated by the tests. If you define this filename, you can generate the reports using these saved files. For example see http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/component_reference.html#Summary_Report .
If you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode passing results file name via -l parameter it will output results there. After test finishes you will be able to open the file with the Listener of your choice and perform the analysis.
By default JMeter writes results in chunks, if you need to monitor them in real time add the following line to user.properties file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
You can use other properties which names start with jmeter.save.saveservice.* to control what metrics you need to store. The list with default values can be seen in jmeter.properties file. See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on various JMeter properties types and ways of working with them.
You can also consider running your JMeter test via Taurus tool - it provides some statistics as the test goes either in console mode or via web interface.

Run a project from jetty in intellij with run time info outputted to a file

I have the following scenario:
I run my application in development mode and use jetty as the web server.Maven is used to build the application. Is it possible to output the run time log to a file instead of in the IntelliJ environment ?That is instead of viewing the information in the window with the red arrow pointing towards it I want to display it in a file.
You have a Logs tab in Jetty Server running configuration where you can choose to save console output to a file.