How to find the previous element of an element found in Appium Xpath? - selenium

I am having an issue to identify an element in Appium.
As I can't identify the element, I managed to identify by xpath the next element. Let's call it "FOUND" element.
SO now I try to get the previous element from this element "FOUND".
In this screenshot above, you can see the elements I am speaking about.
To find the "FOUND" element, I am looping in all the element with the class "android.widget.TextView", I extract the attribute 'text' and compate it to the string 'Website'.
Then from the element FOUND, I try to find the element I need. I tried so many various expression, but I didn't succeed to get it. I use a "try, except" to try to cath it, but without success.
here is the code:
elements_of_profile_detail_page = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("android.widget.TextView")
while i<len(list_xpath):
website = element_of_profile_detail_page.find_element_by_xpath(list_xpath[i]).get_attribute('text')
print(f"website : {website}")
print(f"xpath : {xpath}")
print("It didn't work!")
And here is another screenshot with more details of the element I need:
I am using Appium 1.15.1 and Python 3.7. I don't think it is important as it is a matter of Xpath.
I hope I gave enough details to find the solution. I am working on it since very early this morning.

You can directly find the element by using its text in the xpath like:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(#text,'AlfangeAcademy')]")


How can I check that a dropdown field is disabled using selenium?

I am trying to write a function in selenium to check if a Reasons dropdown is showing as disabled, but can't quite get the xpath right. The code for the dropdown is in the pic, the function I'm working on is the second one (InputDisabled), having based it on the working first one (SearchDisabled):
` public By SearchDisabled(string searchId) => By.XPath($"//div[#id='{searchId}']//div[contains(#class, 'v-input--is-disabled')]");
public By InputDisabled(string inputId) => By.XPath($"//div[#id='{inputId}']//div[contains(#class, 'v-input--is-disabled')]");`
The inputId going into it is 'ai-confirm-allergy-modal-reason'. I've tried it as 'input[contains...' and 'contains(#disabled, 'disabled'...' among other things, but my xpath knowledge isn't great yet!
dropdown code
Use below code
String value = driver.findElement(By.XPath("//input[contains(#id, 'ai-confirm-allergy')]").getAttribute("disabled");
Assert.AssertEquals(value, "disabled");
I do not quite get your question.
well if you are trying to use xpath to locate an element, you can just use the id; assuming that it is
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(#id, 'ai-confirm-allergy')]")
should locate the webelement.
However, your xpath for the SearchDisabled is locating a div containing class 'v-input--is-disabled' with in another div with id of '{searchId}';
the same logic goes for the next one. your xpath is trying to locate a div containing class 'v-input--is-disabled' which is located with in another div located using input id. I don't think this combination can locate the element highlighted in the picture.

Protractor get the second element of an ocurrence

I have an issue and I'm quite new with protractor.
I need to get an element by its text, right now it is not possible to change how the UI is built to use better selectors.
So what I have right now is a span tag with the text Summary inside of it, to retrieve the element using XPath I do the following:
const myElement = element(by.xpath("//span[text()='Summary']"));
That works for the first occurrence when there's only one element on the screen, however, when there are two elements, it fails with the following error:
Failed: element not interactable
Possibly because it is trying to access the first element which is toggled.
So I tried accessing the element index as I read around with:
And got the following error:
Failed: Invalid locator
I read somewhere that the values start on 1 and not on 0 so I tried with:
Yet, I'm still getting the same error:
Failed: Invalid locator
Is there a way I can get to these second element?
When you are using list slicing then there exist more then one elements. So you can try to use elements instead of element
You can try this XPath, it has additional brackets, you have been almost there.
XPath query to get nth instance of an element

Selecting elements using xpath

So very new here to Selenium but I'm having trouble selecting the element I want from this website. In this case, I got the x_path using Chrome's 'copy XPath tool.' Basically, I'm looking to extract the CID text (in this case 4004) from the website, but my code seems to be unable to do this. Any help would be appreciated!
I have also tried using the CSS selector method as well but it returns the same error.
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.binary_location = '/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary'
driver= webdriver.Chrome()
chem_name = "D008294"
url = "" + chem_name
elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="collection-results-container"]/div/div/div[2]/ul/li/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/span/a/span/span')
As of now, this is the error I receive: 'list' object has no attribute 'text'
Here is the xpath that you can use.
//span[.='Compound CID']//following-sibling::a/descendant::span[2]
Why your script did not worked: I 2 issues in your code.
elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="collection-results-container"]/div/div/div[2]/ul/li/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/span/a/span/span')
driver.close() # <== don't close the browser until you are done with all your steps on the browser or elements
print(elements.text) # <== you can not get text from list (python will through error here
How to fix it:
CID = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[.='Compound CID']//following-sibling::a/descendant::span[2]").text # <== returning the text using find_element (not find_elements)
print(CID) # <== now you can print `CID` though browser closed as the value already stored in variable.
Function driver.find_elements_by_xpath return list of Element. You should loop to get text of each element,
Like this:
for ele in print(elements.text):
Or if you want to match first Element, use driver.find_element_by_xpath function instead.
Using xpath provided chrome is always does not work as expected. First you have to know how to write xpath and verify it chrome console.
see these links, which helps you to know about xpaths
In this case, first find the span contains text Compound CID and move to parent span the down to child a/span/span. something like //span[contains(text(),'Compound CID']/parent::span/a/span/span.
And also you need to findelement which return single element and get text from it. If you use findelements then it will return list of elements, so you need to loop and get text from those elements.
xpath: //a[contains(#href, 'compound')]/span[#class='breakword']/span
you can use the "href" as your attribute reference since I noticed that it has unique value for each component.

How to select one from duplicate tag in page in java in selenium webdriver

I am using Selenium WebDriver and I have number of items on a page and each item on page is a separate form type.
I have saved all of these form elements in a list and I am iterating over every item in an attempt to get the name of the element by using the "alt" attribute.
However when I try to get the "name" attribute from the input element it is always returning the first input tag found on that page, not the name attribute of the element I have currently selected.
The syntax I am using is:
((Webdriver imgtags.get(i)).findelement(By.xpath("//input[#name='qty']")).sendKeys ("100");
I have also tried to get the id from the tag by using:
((Webdriver imgtags.get(i)).getAttribute("id");
It's returning a blank value, but it should return the value of the id attribute in that input tag.
I also tried to get the id by using .bytagname but as id is an attribute it is not accessible
(driver) findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(local-name(), 'input') and contains(#name, 'qty')]")).sendKeys("100");
To answer the comment by #rrd: to be honest, I have no idea why OP uses ((Webdriver imgtags.get(i)). I don't know what that is. Normally, I just use driver.findElement[...]
Hoping that he knows what works in his framework :D
Selenium Xpath handling is not fully compliant and it does not always treat // as a synonym of descendant-or-self.
Instead try tweaking your code to use the following Xpath:
((Webdriver imgtags.get(i)).findElement(By.xpath("./descendant-or-self::input[#name='qty']")).sendKeys("100");
This will base your search off the currently selected WebElement and then look for any descendants that have a name attribute with a value of "qty".
I would also suggest storing your imgtags array as an array of WebElement e.g.
List<WebElement> imgtags = new ArrayList<>();
This is a much better idea than casting to WebDriver to be able to use .findElement(). This will cause you problems at some point in the future.

Not able to identify a lenghty linktext in selenium webdriver

I want to identify an element by linktext, I am facing strange issue
If the linktext value is short i.e addFirst, addLast will be able to locate the element by using
driver.findelement(By.linktext("addLast, addFirst")).click
IF the linktext is addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF, addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF lengthy as above not able to identify the element
Please help me to find the solution
Why don't you try partial link text.
driver.findelement(By.partialLinkText("addLast, addFirst")).click
try out contains method. use the XPATH value and in XPATH use contains for link text.
.//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]").click
Alternatively you can also use starts with XPATH value.
Hope it helps you.