How does the variable scope in BitBake works - variables

I use Yocto and I was wondering how the variable scope works in a BitBake recipe:
My recipe looks like:
SRC_URI += "file://something"
python do_fetch_prepend() {
d.appendVar("SRC_URI", "")
bb.error("SRC_URI_1: %s " % d.getVar("SRC_URI"))
d.setVar("TEST_VAR", "test")
python do_unpack_append() {
bb.error("SRC_URI_2: %s " % d.getVar("SRC_URI"))
bb.error("TEST_VAR: %s " % d.getVar("TEST_VAR"))
I run bitbake -v -c unpack myrecipe
SRC_URI_1 is printed as expected: "file://something"
SRC_URI_2 is printed as: "file://something"
TEST_VAR is printed as: None
I looks like setting/changing a variable in datastore (d) is only done in the scope of the do_fetch. Is this expected behaviour, because I read in the documentation that 'd' is global variable.
If this is expected behaviour, is there away to change global variables in a task of a recipe?
The reason behind the question is that I need another native-recipe before I can add the extra URI to the SRC_URI. I tried first Inline Python Variable Expansion, but the BitBake parser already expanse the variable before the native recipe is put in 'native directory'. So I try to change the SRC_URI during fetch task and I 'load' my native recipe as follow:
python () {
d.appendVarFlag('do_parse', 'depends', 'my-recipe-native:do_populate_sysroot')
In the do_fetch_prepend I use this native recipe which gives me the correct URL, which I wanted to append to the SRC_URI. So the fetching, unpacking, cleaning, etc works. It looks like I fetching works, but the unpacking not because the SRC_URI is not updated.

With a given task, variable changes are only local. This means do_unpack does not 'see' a change made by the do_fetch task.
This is necessary to allow some tasks to rerun when others are covered by sstate, to ensure things are deterministic.
If you really want to do what you describe, you'd need something like a prefunc for the tasks where you need to modify SRC_URI.
python myprefunc() {
d.appendVar("SRC_URI", "")
do_fetch[prefuncs] += "myprefunc"
do_unpack[prefuncs] += "myprefunc"
However note that whilst this will do some of what you want, source archives, license manifests and sstate checksums may not work correctly since you're "hiding" source data from bitbake and this data is only present at task execution time, not parse time.


how to customize nix package builder script

The root problem is that nix uses autoconf to build libxml2-2.9.14 instead of cmake, and a consequence of this is that the cmake-configuration is missing (details like version number, platform specific dependencies like ws2_32 etc which are needed by my project cmake scripts). libxml2-2.9.14 already comes with cmake configuration and works nicely, except that nix does not use it (I guess they have their own reasons).
Therefore I would like to reuse the libxml2-2.9.14 nix package and override the builder script with my own (which is a trivial cmake dance).
Here is my attempt:
defaultPackage = forAllSystems (system:
pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
cmakeLibxml = pkgs.libxml2.overrideAttrs( o: rec {
PROJECT_ROOT = builtins.getEnv "PWD";
builder = "${PROJECT_ROOT}/";
Where is my script calling cmake with all the options I need. It fails like this:
last 1 log lines:
> bash: / No such file or directory
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/andvld0jy9zxrscxyk96psal631awp01-libxml2-2.9.14.drv'.
As you can see the issue is that PROJECT_ROOT does not get set (ignored) and I do not know how to feed my builder script.
What am I doing wrong?
Guessing from the use of defaultPackage in your snippet, you use flakes. Flakes are evaluated in pure evaluation mode, which means there is no way to influence the build from outside. Hence, getEnv always returns an empty string (unfortunately, this is not properly documented).
There is no need to refer to the builder script via $PWD. The whole flake is copied to the nix store so you can use your files directly. For example:
builder = ./;
That said, the build will probably still fail, because cmake will not be available in the build environment. You would have to override nativeBuildInputs attribute to add cmake there.

Get directories count of IPFS

I installed the ipfs version 0.8.0 on WSL Ubuntu 18.04. Started ipfs using sudo ipfs daemon. Added 2 directories using the command sudo ipfs add -r /home/user/ipfstest, it results like this:
added QmfYH2KVxANPA3um1W5MYWA6zR4Awv8VscaWyhhQBVj65L ipfstest/
added QmTXny9ZjuFPm4C4KbQSEYxvUp2MYbSCLppPQirW7ap4Go ipfstest
Likewise, I added one more directory having 2 files. Now, I need the total files and directories in my ipfs using go-ipfs-api. Following is my code:
package main
import (
var sh *shell.Shell
func main() {
sh := shell.NewShell("localhost:5001")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("Dir are: %d", dir)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("Pins are: %d", len(pins))
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
http.ListenAndServe(":8090", nil)
If I run this code, I get the output as:
Dir are: [824634392256] Pins are: 18
Pinned files are incremented as I added files. But what is this output [824634392256]? And why only one?
I tried giving a path to the function dir,err:=sh.FilesLs(context.TODO(),"/.ipfs"). As I guess the files and dir's must be stored in ~/.ipfs. But this gives an error:
error: files/ls: file does not exist
How can I get all directories of ipfs? Where I am mistaken? what path should I prove as a parameter? Please help and guide.
There's a bit to unpack here.
Why are you using sudo?
IPFS is meant to be run as a regular user. Generally you don't want to run it as root, but you'd instead run the same commands, just without sudo:
ipfs daemon
ipfs add -r /home/user/ipfstest
Code doesn't compile
Let's begin with the code, and make sure that's working as intended before moving forward, first off your import:
Should read:
shell ""
As otherwise the code won't compile, because of your usage of shell later in the code.
Why does dir produce the output it does?
Next, let's look at your usage of dir. You're storing *[]MfsLsEntry (MfsLsEntry), which is a slice of pointers. You're outputting that with string formatting %d, which will be a base10 integer (docs), so the "824634392256" is just the memory address of the MfsLsEntry object in the first index of the slice.
Why does sh.FilesLs(context.TODO(),"/.ipfs") fail?
Well FilesLs isn't querying your own regular filesystem that your OS runs on, but actually MFS. MFS is stored locally though, but using the add API doesn't automatically add something to your MFS. You can use FilesCp to add a CID to your MFS after you add it though.
How do I list my directories on IPFS?
This is a bit of a tricky question. The only data really retain on IPFS is either data pinned, or data referenced in the MFS. So above we already learned the FilesLs command lists the files/directories on your MFS. To list your recursive pins (directories), it's quite simple using the command line:
ipfs pin ls -t recursive
For the API though, you'll first want to call something like Shell.Pins(), filter out for the pins you want (maybe a quick scan through, pull out anything recursive), then query the CIDs using Shell.ObjectStat or whatever you prefer.
If working with the pins though, do remember that it won't feel quite like a regular mutable filesystem, because it isn't. It's much easier to navigate through CIDs added to MFS. So that's how I'd recommend you list your directories on IPFS.

How to use Bamboo plan variables in an inline script task?

When defining a Bamboo plan variable, the page has this.
For task configuration fields, use the syntax
${bamboo.myvariablename}. For inline scripts, variables are exposed as
shell environment variables which can be accessed using the syntax
However, that doesn't work in my Linux inline script. For example, I have the following defined a a plan variable
name: my_plan_var value: some_string
My inline script is simply...
echo "Plan var: $PLAN_VAR"
and I just get a blank string.
I've tried this
But I get
${bamboo.my_plan_var}: bad substitution
on the log viewer window.
Any pointers?
I tried the following and it works:
On the plan, I set my_plan_var to "it works" (w/o quotes)
In the inline script (don't forget the first line):
echo "testing: $PLAN_VAR"
And I got the expected result:
testing: it works
I also wanted to create a Bamboo variable and the only thing I've found to share it between scripts is with inject-variables like following:
Add to your bamboo-spec.yaml the following after your script that will create the variable:
- script:
- inject-variables:
file: bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
scope: RESULT
# namespace: plan
- script: echo ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION} # just for testing
Note: Namespace defaults to inject.
In create the file bamboo-specs/vars.yaml:
versionStr=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty --abbrev=4)
echo "GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}" > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
Or for multiple lines you can use:
SW_NUMBER_DIGITS=${1} # Passed as first parameter to build script
cat <<EOT > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}
Scope can be local or result. Local means it's only available for current job and result means it can be used in subsequent stages of this plan and releases that are created from the result.
Namespace is just used to avoid naming collisions with other variables.
With the above you can use that variable in later scripts with ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION}. The last script task is just to see that it is working in other scripts. You can also see the variables in the web app as build meta data.
I'm using the above script before the build (in my case compiling C-Code) takes place so I can also create a version.h file that can be used by the source code.
This is still a bit cumbersome but I'm happy with it and I hope it will help others to configure Bamboo. Bamboo documentation could be better. (Still a lot try and error)

How do I escape a "$" in bitbake/yocto?

One of my recipes in Yocto need to create a file containing a very specific line, something like:
To do this, I have the recipe task:
do_install() {
echo '${libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
Keeping in mind that I want that string exactly as shown, I can't figure out how to escape it to prevent bitbake from substituting in its own value of libdir.
I originally thought the echo command with single quotes would do the trick (as it does in the bash shell) but bitbake must be interpreting the line before passing it to the shell. I've also tried escaping it both with $$ and \$ to no avail.
I can find nothing in the bitbake doco about preventing variable expansion, just stuff to do with immediate, deferred and Python expansions.
What do I need to do to get that string into the file as is?
Bitbake seems to have particular issues in preventing expansion from taking place. Regardless of whether you use single or double quotes, it appears that the variables will be expanded before being passed to the shell.
Hence, if you want them to not be expanded, you need to effectively hide them from BitBake, and this can be done with something like:
echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
This uses the hexadecimal version of $ so that BitBake does not recognise it as a variable to be expanded.
You do need to ensure you're running the correct echo command however. Under some distros (like Ubuntu), it might run the sh-internal echo which does not recognise the -e option. In order to get around that, you may have to run the variant of echo that lives on the file system (and that does recognise that option):
/bin/echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
By default this task will be executed as shell function via /bin/sh, but it depends on your system what it will be as you can have a symlink named /bin/sh pointing to bash. The BitBake's manual prevents from using bashism syntax though.
You can consider just adding this task in your recipe as python function:
python do_install () {
with open('/path/to/your/file', 'a') as file:
'a' stands for append.
This should eliminate the problem with variable expansion.
There is no standard way to escape these sorts of expressions that I am aware of, other than to try to break up the expression - accordingly this should work:
do_install() {
echo '$''{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
The best solution is simply this:
bitbake_function() {
command $libdir/whatever
Bitbake will only expand ${libdir}; $libdir is passed through verbatim.
We don't have to worry about dollar signs that are not followed by {, and in this case, there is no need for libdir to be wrapped in braces.
The only time we run into a problem with just $foo is if we have something like ${foo}bar where the braces are required as delimiters so that bar isn't included into the variable name. In that situation, there are other solutions, such as for instance generating the shell syntax "$foo"bar. This is less cryptic than resorting to \x24.
If you need to use $ in variable assignment, remember that bitbake won't evaluate $whatever so you have to escape it for the underlying shell.
For instance I set gcc/ld Rpath option to use $ORIGIN keyword this way:
TARGET_LDFLAGS_append = " -Wl,-rpath-link=\\$$ORIGIN"
You can define a variable to be a literal dollar sign.
DOLLAR = "$"
do_install() {
echo '${DOLLAR}{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
no extra quoting required.

rpm spec file skeleton to real spec file

The aim is to have skeleton spec fun.spec.skel file which contains placeholders for Version, Release and that kind of things.
For the sake of simplicity I try to make a build target which updates those variables such that I transform the fun.spec.skel to fun.spec which I can then commit in my github repo. This is done such that rpmbuild -ta fun.tar does work nicely and no manual modifications of fun.spec.skel are required (people tend to forget to bump the version in the spec file, but not in the buildsystem).
Assuming the implied question is "How would I do this?", the common answer is to put placeholders in the file like ##VERSION## and then sed the file, or get more complicated and have autotools do it.
We place a file in our project directories which define environment variables. Sample content includes:
As part of a script which builds the RPM, we can source this file:
. $(pwd)/
if [ -z "${RELPKG}" ]; then exit 1; fi
if [ -z "${RELFULLVERS}" ]; then exit 1; fi
This leaves us a couple of options to access the values which were set:
We can define macros on the rpmbuild command line:
% rpmbuild -ba --define "relpkg ${RELPKG}" --define "relfullvers ${RELFULLVERS}" foopackage.spec
We can access the environment variables using %{getenv:...} in the spec file itself (though this can be harder to deal with errors...):
%define relpkg %{getenv:RELPKG}
%define relfullvers %{getenv:RELFULLVERS}
From here, you simply use the macros in your spec file:
Name: %{relpkg}
Version: %{relfullvers}
We have similar values (provided by environment variables enabled through Jenkins) which provide the build number which plugs into the "Release" tag.
I found two ways:
a) use something like
Version: %(./waf version)
where version is a custom waf target
def version_fun(ctx):
class version(Context):
"""Printout the version and only the version"""
cmd = 'version'
fun = 'version_fun'
this checks the version at rpm build time
b) create a target that modifies the specfile itself
from waflib.Context import Context
import re
def bumprpmver_fun(ctx):
spec = ctx.path.find_node('oregano.spec')
data = None
with open(spec.abspath()) as f:
data =
if data:
data = (re.sub(r'^(\s*Version\s*:\s*)[\w.]+\s*', r'\1 {0}\n'.format(VERSION), data, flags=re.MULTILINE))
with open(spec.abspath(),'w') as f:
logs.warn("Didn't find that spec file: '{0}'".format(spec.abspath()))
class bumprpmver(Context):
"""Bump version"""
cmd = 'bumprpmver'
fun = 'bumprpmver_fun'
The latter is used in my pet project oregano # github