Xero API 401 unauthorized when retrieving Accounts API endpoint - xero-api

I am currently trying to retrieve the account details for the list of accounts using the following API endpoint : https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Accounts.
I have the following scopes included:
openid profile email accounting.transactions accounting.reports.read accounting.contacts.read.
I am however receiving the following error:
[Title] => Unauthorized
[Status] => 401
[Detail] => AuthorizationUnsuccessful

The full list of scopes can be found here: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/oauth2/scopes
You'll find that accounting.settings and accounting.settings.read scopes give access to the Accounts endpoint


Linked API for get Company Post

I have tried to use the API for linkedin company posts.
But i am getting this error.
{"serviceErrorCode":100,"message":"Not enough permissions to access: GET-networkShares /activityFeeds","status":403}
I guess i need some extra permission to get response. I have the "client id" and "secret id". So can i get the company posts by any other API ?
If you are attempting to use application authorization via OAuth 2 then you will need to generate an access token along with your client ID & secret. This can then be attempted to the request via Basic authorization.
This article should explain that in more detail

How to authenticate Google Sheets API using OAuth 2.0 from Postman/PowerAutomate(MS Flow)?

I am new to Google Suit. As part of a requirement, we are trying to access Google Sheets from Microsoft Flows (Power Automate) using HTTP call. I have the details to access Google Sheets API such as client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri. It would be if any thoughts on the approach to achieve the authentication with the above details.
Scenario: We have some Google Sheets which holds data to be READ and WRITE Back.
I have tried calling Google Token API with below details, but getting an error
Error 400: invalid_request
Required parameter is missing: response_type
Our main goal is to bypass user consent and authenticate Google APIs using client id and secret and perform the required actions on the data.
Steps performed to authenticate the Google API
Method: Get
URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
"client_id": "xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx0r0e4oe1dllujkiejtm7ii42jqk.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"redirect_uri": "https://console.cloud.google.com",
"response_type": "code",
"scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets",
"access_type": "offline",
"prompt": "none"
I am following https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server#httprest as a reference.
Your formatting the request wrong. The first call is a http get you just place it in a browser window
https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id={clientid}&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope={scopes comma separated}&response_type=code
It will display the consent screen to the user. All parameters form a query string. They are not sent as headers there is nothing in the docs that says it should be sent as headers.
Useful links:
Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow
Understanding Google OAuth 2.0 with curl
The Discovery document

G Suit - Token Validation like unprotect

I have an G-Suite Account..I have created a project in developer console. In that i have chosen the Oauth client Id credential for Application Type (Others). I have received client secret and Client ID..... Using this i have tried the sample mvc https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/web/quickstart/dotnet I have received the token with Below information
4.Token_Type and so on…
I cant find any user related information (eg: UserId) in the token for Authenticate in our application (used tokeninfo api to validate token). I get below response
"issued_to": "123456789234.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"audience": "123456789234.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly",
"expires_in": 3520,
"access_type": "online"
How to get userid in access_token?
If you are try to get their user information you have to add https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile in your scopes.
View your basic profile info
Here is some additional reference:
How to get user email from google plus oauth
How to identify a Google OAuth2 user?
Hope this helps.

Azure AD Bearer invalid_token error using Postman

I am really new to Azure AD. I have read the Azure AD documentation which provides information on authentication and accessing web API's.
What I want to do : I want to use Dynamics CRM API to create a lead or contact through AWS Lambda. Meaning, whenever the Lambda function is ran, it should call the CRM API. The way I need to create a lead is with username and password creds included in Lambda. I am not sure which application scenario I need to use when I am using AWS Lambda as the source to access the web api. I want to pass the user creds with POST request.
Creating an application in Azure AD : So, I am not sure which application type I need to use (Web API or Native App?). And what should be the sign-on URL or Redirect URI?
I have tried creating an application and use Postman as the temporary way just to test whether I can get the access token and access the web api. I could able to get the access token but when I tried to access the API it says
Bearer Error invalid_token, error validating token!
I have given enough permissions while creating application in Azure AD to access Dynamics CRM API. But still unable to access the API.
POST request to get access token through Postman:
request: POST
URL: https://login.windows.net/<tenant-id>/oauth2/token
grant_type: cliet_credentials
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxxxx
client_id: <app id>
resource: <resource> //I am not sure what to include here
client_secret: <secret_key>
I get the access token in the response. Sending the second POST request using the access token
request: POST
URL: https://xxx.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/accounts
Content-type: application/json
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
"name": "Sample Account",
"creditonhold": false,
"address1_latitude": 47.639583,
"description": "This is the description of the sample account",
"revenue": 5000000,
"accountcategorycode": 1
It would really help me if I can get a bit more information on where I am stuck. I have already used my one week of time to get this done. Any help will be appreciated.
To do Server-to-Server (S2S) authentication , the application is authenticated based on a service principal identified by an Azure AD Object ID value which is stored in the Dynamics 365 application user record. Please click here and here for detail steps and code samples.

instagram api OAuthPermissionsException live mode

I'm having an issues with the new API policy of Instagram
I already got my app approved and got basic permissions
IG API Permissions
When using the app on sandbox mode I can get API response only for my own user, however when I move to Live Mode and try using the API all I receive is error 400 code
For example
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthPermissionsException",
code: 400,
error_message: "This client has not been approved to access this resource."
Even using the same API with my own username still getting the same error
I was trying to search on it but all I can find is the same error happens to unauthorized users
Any idea ?
I have fixed the This client has not been approved to access this resource Issue by Authorizing the Instagram public_content scope by visiting the following URL and clicking Authorize.
I found the reason, I can't use that endpoint because I have only permission for basic. for more information https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/