How can I delete the yonguer musician in a SQL statement? - sql

I have the following table musician_groups:
This table is sorted but I need to delete the duplicated titles.
In the table, I have 4 Master of puppets I need to get only the first one and delete the others.
I need something like this:
Cliff Burton is on the top because is older than Kirk Hammet.
Someone can illuminate me?
Best regards,

Please use below query:
delete from musician_groups
where id not in (SELECT * from (SELECT MIN( FROM musician_groups n GROUP BY n.title) x )

"first" is not well defined in SQL. But you can keep one of the names, such as the first alphabetically:
delete from musician_groups mg
where > (select max(
from musician_groups mg2
where mg2.title = mg.title
If you do have an id column or another way to choose the row you want to keep, then you can use that.
If you have a large table, deleting large numbers of rows is expensive. Often, the fastest method is to re-insert into the table:
create table temp_musician_groups as
select distinct on (title) mg.*
from musician_groups mg
order by title, name;
truncate table musician_groups; -- back up the table first!
insert into musician_groups
select *
from temp_musician_groups;


SQL How to update every nth row which meets requirement

I have a table that I would like to update one column data on every nth row if it meets row requirement.
My table has many columns but the key are Object_Id (in case this could be useful for creating temp table)
But the one I'm trying to update is online_status, it looks like below, but on bigger scales so I usually have 10rows that has same time but they all have %Online% in it and in total around 2000 rows (with Online and about another 2000 with Offline). I just need to update every 2-4 rows of those 10 that are repeating itself.
Table picture here: (for some reason table formatting doesn't come up good)
So what I tried is: This pulls a list of every 3rd record that matches criteria Online, I just need a way to update it but can't get through this.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, row_number() over() rn FROM people
WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%' AND foo.rn % 3 =0
What I also tried is:
However this has updated every single row. not the ones I needed.
UPDATE people
SET online_status = 'Offline 00:00-24:00'
WHERE people.Object_id IN
(SELECT people.Object_id, row_number() over() rn FROM people
WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo WHERE people LIKE '%Online%' AND foo.rn % 3 =0);
Is there a way to take list from Select code above and simply update it or run a few scripts that could add it to like temp table and store object ids, and the next script would update main table if object id would match temp table.
Thank you for any help :)
Don't select other columns but Object_id in the subquery at WHERE people.Object_id IN (..)
UPDATE people
SET online_status = 'Offline 00:00-24:00'
WHERE Object_id IN
( SELECT Object_id
( SELECT p.Object_id, row_number() over() rn
FROM people p
WHERE p.online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo
WHERE foo.rn % 3 = 0

SQL deleting one of two duplicate records?

I have a DB that has a problem that there are two of the same records for everything but they all have a different ID, but they have 2 columns (the actual data) that are the same. I was wondering if there was a good way to have a DELETE statement where I could select all these records that have the 2 columns match but have a different ID and delete one (doesn't matter which one)?
If you could could you give me a code example?
Delete from ...
where id in (select max(id), count as c
from ...
group by data1, data2
having c >1)
The idea is to select the bigger id of all duplicate rows, by grouping the rows on the column that are the same and making sure that there are multiple rows (having clause).
delete from your_table
where id not in
select min(id)
from your_table
group by col2

Delete multiple occurrences of the same ID # and code in a junction table

enter code here
My problem is this: in this database the junction table contains some rows where the kha_id and the icd_fk are the same. While it's OK that kha_id appears in icd_junction more than once , it has to be with a separate icd_fk. I can run a query and get all of the ID#s and the codes which are listed more than once, but is there an industry-standard way of going about deleting all but one occurrence of each?
example: what i have is above
KHA_ID: 123456 V23
123456 V23
123456 V24
I need one of the rows kha_id=123456 and ICD_FK=V23 taken out.
FROM ICD_Junction AS j1
FROM ICD_Junction AS j2
AND j2.ID < j1.ID
will delete, for each KHA_ID and ICD_FK, all but one relevant row of ICD_Junction. (Specifically, it will keep the one with the least ID, and delete the rest.)
Once you've run the above, you should fix whatever code caused the duplication, and add a unique constraint to prevent this from happening again.
(Disclaimer: Not tested, and it's been a while since I last used SQL Server.)
Edited to add: If I'm understanding your comment correctly, you also need help with the query to find duplicates? For that, you can write:
COUNT(1) -- the number of duplicates
FROM ICD_Junction
The original question was delete but the comment was find
Select jDup.*
FROM ICD_Junction AS j
JOIN ICD_Junction AS jDup
On j.KHA_ID = jDup.KHA_ID
AND j.ID < jDup.ID
Select max(jDup.ID), min(jDup.ID), count(*), jDup.KHA_ID, jDup.ICD_FK
FROM ICD_Junction AS jDup
Group By jDup.KHA_ID, jDup.ICD_FK
Having Count(*) > 1
You want something that uses ROW_NUMBER() and partition by. The reason is that it will let you pick one row to keep from a table that doesn't have a unique id. Like if this was a pure intersection table with no identity, you could use a variation on this to delete all rows where RowID > 1, leaving you just the unique rows. And it works just as well when you do have a unique id, where you can choose to preserve the earliest id.
select * from (select KHA_ID, ICD_FK, ROW_NUMBER()
from ICD_Junction ) ordered where RowID > 1

how to delete duplicates from a database table based on a certain field

i have a table that somehow got duplicated. i basically want to delete all records that are duplicates, which is defined by a field in my table called SourceId. There should only be one record for each source ID.
is there any SQL that i can write that will delete every duplicate so i only have one record per Sourceid ?
Assuming you have a column ID that can tie-break the duplicate sourceid's, you can use this. Using min(id) causes it to keep just the min(id) per sourceid batch.
delete from tbl
where id NOT in
select min(id)
from tbl
group by sourceid
delete from table
where pk in (
from table i1
inner join table i2
on i1.SourceId = i2.SourceId
good practice is to start with
select * from … and only later replace to delete from …

How to delete duplicate rows with SQL?

I have a table with some rows in. Every row has a date-field. Right now, it may be duplicates of a date. I need to delete all the duplicates and only store the row with the highest id. How is this possible using a SQL query?
date id
'07/07' 1
'07/07' 2
'07/07' 3
'07/05' 4
'07/05' 5
What I want:
date id
'07/07' 3
'07/05' 5
(SELECT MAX(id) FROM table GROUP BY date);
I don't have comment rights, so here's my comment as an answer in case anyone comes across the same problem:
In SQLite3, there is an implicit numerical primary key called "rowid", so the same query would look like this:
(SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM table GROUP BY date);
this will work with any table even if it does not contain a primary key column called "id".
For mysql,postgresql,oracle better way is SELF JOIN.
DELETE FROM table t1 USING table t2 WHERE AND<;
USING table, table as vtable
SQL aggregate (max,group by) functions almost always are very slow.