I can't start Internet Explorer 11, always Edge is opened in Windows 10 - testing

I have to test a product on Internet Explorer but when I try to start it always Edge browser is opened. I tried to set IE as default browser but did not help. I try to set Chrome or Firefox as default but also not help. I tried to uninstall then reinstall IE component from 'Uninstall programs - Turns windows feature on or off' but also did not help.
I have upgraded my Windows to Version 1909 x64 but also before this update the problem existed. I am using a Dell Latitude E5470 laptop. I also search the IE and Edge group policy settings but I don't find anything which help solving this problem.
Your suggestions, ideas and help would be very appreciated.

For me, I was able to fix the behavior by searching for "Internet Explorer Compatibility" in the Edge settings panel. Then setting the "Open Sites in Edge" setting to "Never."

I have had a similar behavior in Windows 10 20H2 (As of writing this answer, the latest Windows 10 build so far). I had a scheduled task which opens a website at a given time, the command there is:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" https://some.webiste.com
After upgrading to 20H2 it always opened in Edge, also manually browsing to that website was redirected to Edge.
I found a setting in Internet Explorer under Internet Options -> Advanced Tab -> Browsing section -> Uncheck Enable third party extensions.
Note: This might need a restart to take effect and disable also other extensions but unfortunately as of this day there seems to be no other options to browse a website in IE which needs IE for one or the other reason.
This behavior I was experiencing seems to be a DLL (ie_to_edge_bho.dll) file which comes with Edge and is being installed in IE. There is a static list of websites which get automatically redirected to Edge. Disabling this extension is greyed out and not supported out of the box, other than disabling all extensions via the option described above.

This setting lets you decide whether to open all sites not included in the Enterprise Mode Site List in Microsoft Edge. If you use this setting, you must also turn on the Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Use the Enterprise Mode IE website list policy setting and you must include at least one site in the Enterprise Mode Site List.
Enabling this setting automatically opens all sites not included in the Enterprise Mode Site List in Microsoft Edge.
Disabling, or not configuring this setting, opens all sites based on the currently active browser.
Note: If you've also enabled the Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Microsoft Edge\Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer 11 policy setting, then all intranet sites will continue to open in Internet Explorer 11.

The problem was with 20H2(Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise ver 10.0.19042) when I received the same complaint from multiple users.
So this has been sorted out using below registry fix as mentioned by #alpar
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\EnterpriseMode and set RestrictIE value from 1 to 0

For me, the correct answer was the one provided by #josibu.
I was trying to use the performance profiler in Visual Studio 2019 for a Web project. For this function, there is no way to convince Visual Studio 2019 to use anything other than Internet Explorer. Even on Windows 11, it tries to run iexplore.exe when no such program exists. For those machines that do have Internet Explorer installed, but crippled by Microsoft, disable third party extension, as directed by #josibu.
You may get a message that the setting will not take effect until you restart your system. In my case, this was not needed. The change worked after I simply closed Internet Explorer.


Can you change Visual Studio 2022's default browser for Dockerised ASP .NET Core applications?

When debugging my ASP .NET Core Web API application in Visual Studio 2022, I have the Docker configuration set to launch a browser:
This browser defaults to Edge. Is there a way to change this, to Firefox for example? That is my browser of choice and I would prefer it to simply open a new tab in an existing instance of that rather than an entirely separate Edge window.
Firefox is set as my default browser.
You can choose a default browser to use with the docker profile but it's not clear how to modify the list of possible browsers or if you can modify the launch settings for those browsers... anyway, from the debug toolbar menu you'll see the very small drop down menu arrow. Clicking on that gives you a series of drop down menus that lets you choose a browser.
Note the "Browse With..." does not work for me. The project rebuilds and nothing happens when I click that. And "Select Web Browsers..." gives a limited choice of chrome, edge, IE.
Turns out it does seem to use the default browser.
This is a new install of Win 11, and I had installed Firefox within the same session as my attempted debugging with it - a reboot seemed to result in VS using it as expected.
The default browser behaviour is documented here.

How do some sites automatically open in Edge when tried to open in IE11?

When I try to browse to netflix.com (for example) in IE11 (on Windows 10), IE11 shows a page with the title "We recommend viewing this website in Microsoft Edge", and the site automatically gets opened in Edge.
Does anyone know how that works? Is it done via an internally compiled list of sites or something I can set up on my website?
You had asked, "Does anyone know how that works? Is it done via an internally compiled list of sites or something I can set up on my website?"
When a user goes to a site that is incompatible with Internet Explorer, they will be automatically redirected to Microsoft Edge. For more detailed information, you can refer to the Redirection from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites.
Microsoft maintains a list of all sites that are known to be incompatible with Internet Explorer. You can view the site list here. If you want to add your site to the incompatible site list then you can refer to the Request an update to the IE compatibility list.
The MS Edge 87 or greater browser installs the BHO named IEToEdgeBHO that performs the redirection based on IE compatibility list from IE to Edge browser.
You can find this BHO at the location below on your machine.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\<Your_browser_version>\BHO
If you want to achieve something similar using the code in your own site then you can refer to the example on this answer. The test shows results for the Edge legacy browser but it can also work with the Edge (Chromium) browser.
Note: that the example code mentioned in the answer may break when the Edge browser is not installed on the machine. so you can try to modify the example to handle that kind of situation.
Helpful reference:
What “magic” causes “cnn.com” when typed in IE11 to automatically launch Edge (Chromium)?
Netflix specifically is on a list of websites that automatically open in Edge when they are accessed from Internet Explorer. The list is maintained by Microsoft.
If you do not want to go through the application process to get your website added to this list, you can resort to detecting which browser the user is on and handling the notice yourself.
Here is a decent list of current Internet Explorer user agents.

Internet Explorer 11 getting stuck randomly while executing tests through IEDriverServer and Selenium

I'm having issues that IE version 11 stuck randomly on some page. the code is working fine because whenever i restart the program sometimes it work but the most annoying will be randomly stuck after click and load the page. is this normal on IE? i never had this type of issues when using Chrome. but this website works only at IE. can i know the cause of this problem is it the driver?, the website itself? or Network security?
While you work with Internet Explorer v11 you need to configure your test framework with the Required Configuration. Apart from these specifically only for IE 11 you will need to set a registry entry on the target computer so that the driver can maintain a connection to the instance of Internet Explorer it creates as follows:
For 32-bit Windows installations, the key you must examine in the registry editor is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE.
For 64-bit Windows installations, the key is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE.
How does the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\…\FEATURE_BFCACHE for InternetExplorerDriver solves the Internet Explorer 11 issue?
Internet Explorer Protective mode setting and Zoom levels
Selenium InternetExplorerDriver doesn't get focus on the window
How to ignore protected Mode Settings for Internet Explorer using setCapability() through Selenium and Java?

IE11 Developer Tools Blank Network and Profile Tab

Extensively used IE9 Developer Tools and I just updated to IE11 "11.0.2" and the Developer Tools are garbage.
My Network and Profile Tabs are blank.
Is there a "special" setting that I'm missing in order to enable them, or could there be a specific windows hot fix between the IE11 RTM and 11.0.2 that I may be missing?
I had the same problem (version 11.0.9600.17633) on WIN7
Only on one of 4 accounts. Reinstalling IE11, etc did not help.
With regedit, I renamed HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer Old
I logged off, then logged on again and started Internet Explorer. This recreated the key. The network tab and profiler tab are no longer blank. Internet Explorer settings have been lost however. I assume the settings and state of Internet Explorer are the same as just after creating a new account.
The network tab was not working for me on Windows 10 Creators Update (Version 1703 OS Build 150063.540) in IE OR Edge.
After trying the various registry changes mentioned by others without success, I removed Internet Explorer as a Window Feature (Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off).
I rebooted and opened Edge and the network tab was working again.
Then I went back into Programs and Feature and added IE back as in installed feature. I rebooted and now the network tab is working in both IE and Edge.
To make blank Network Panel/Profiler Panel appear again(also pin F12 developer tool not working either), delete the following registry DWORD key:
This key could be recreated automatically.
I still have this problem using IE 11.0.9600.18097 on Win 7 [Version 6.1.7601]. I post my solution here in case someone faces the same situation like me, that your company doesn't allow updating IE on your own. My
Possible related issue tracker:
Here is the solution: install the following patch from Microsoft and restart your computer:
This helped me for IE 11, Windows 10:
sc config diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service start=demand
(see https://www.systemcamp.com/network-collection-agent-failed-to-start-in-ie-11-or-edge/)
It's definitely worth getting the latest updates.
There shouldn't be any special settings. The only special/different thing about the network and profiler tools are the two tools that weren't rebuilt in IE11 and were just themed. However they should most definitely work just fine. Though there are some timing bugs that can cause the tools to hang and crash :(. But, that doesn't seem to be happening for you.
I'm a bit of a loss as to make recommendations on how to fix the issue as we've not seen the issue before (I work on the F12 tools at Microsoft).
If you try a different user account does the same issue happen? Is it happening on all your machines or just one? Does it happen on all pages or just some? (try both an intranet and internet site.)
I created a new local account, logged into that account and that solved this problem for me. All of the tabs in the developer tools work and I can now dock the developer tools as well which I could never do before.
more info:
Not sure if this is the full answer but this appears to be related to settings on your computer more then IE itself. For whatever reason I could not change visual settings or apply themes or change the desktop wallpaper. I followed all the online setting changes for fixing those things. Basically it can be setting changes in group policies/registry settings that disable this. However I'm pretty sure at one point I had a virus on my computer and that destroyed my settings so there was no real undoing of all the damage that it had done. So creating a new account was my only answer.
I doubt this would fix the issue but just to make sure it is not being caused by an extension have you tried running IE without extensions?
from run: iexplore.exe -extoff
This happened to me and the answer was that my machine (win8.1) wasn't being patched per the group policy since the rest of the company's on win7 and the patches are controlled.
When I forced the update-- there's a link on the windows update dialog box that says "Check online for updates from Microsoft Update". I got a gig a of stuff to dl and installed it and we were fine after that.
NOTHING until then- wiping bits of the registry, uninstall ie11, reinstall, etc, worked.
Change the value data in DWORD "TabProcGrowth" that located in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" to 1. close and open IE11 .
For me, Network tab stopped working one day and following worked:
Restart Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
Just close IE11 and all its tabs and reopen

Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer

I installed Microsoft SharePoint and Project PWA on Windows Server 2008 R2.
When I want to open Library in Windows Explorer, I randomly get an error:
Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer
When I open IE it's working for 1st and 2nd time, but after some clicks it's not working anymore and I need to restart IE and then it normally works for couple of times.
When it not working through Sharepoint it also not works via \server\DavWWWRoot\PWA and oposite.
I'm searching through the web for weeks and didn't find any solution.
Do you have any idea what should be wrong here. Any suggestion is welcome :)
I had the same exact issue with Windows 7 and explorer view. The following steps resolved the issue for me:
First - be sure that the Web Client service is running (run>services.msc).
Next - In I.E. check Tools>Internet Options>Security>Local Intranet>Sites>Advanced and add the site that you want to use explorer view with.
This finally fixed it for me. I hope that you have already found a solution to this issue! I was surprised at how difficult it was to find a solution to this problem!
This error message is a symptom to a billion different problems.
I solved this problem when I realized my XP32 box could do this just fine with IE8. So I reverted to IE8 in 7x64 (you have to do it by uninstalling updates for IE until you're back at 8) and it didn't work. The build versions were different and on the 7x64 "about" box it said IE8 was using 256-bit cipher while in XP32 it had 128-bit. That to me was a hint that there may be 64-bit issues even when you run the 32-bit executable.
Then I found this hotfix so I reinstalled the windows update for IE10 and then installed this hotfix. Now I'm able to open the TeamCenter site in question in windows Explorer. IE10 reports it's version 10.0.9200.16686. I cannot guarantee that it was the hotfix alone (and not also the reinstallation of IE10) which fixed it. But I'm willing to bet it was the hotfix alone.
In XP I found it impossible to then map this network location to a drive letter, as mapping doesn't like URL's. However in Windows 7 you can transform the URL so that it is interpreted as a Windows share. If the URL of a given folder is of this form:
you can also access it as
and, in this form, it can be mapped to a drive letter.
I do have issues at that point that even with IE10 open and logged in to the site I see some random time-out like problems and I get kicked off (and prompted to log in again in IE10). My situation is complicated because the site I'm accessing requires an Exostar token to log in, so I have to log in via website no matter what.
If it helps any one do the steps suggested above:
Make sure to use 32 bit internet explorer (program files (x86)/internet explorer).
Like was mentioned above Web client must be started.
You may also need to add your site to trusted sites in internet explorer.
Make sure enabled protected mode in internet options is disabled.
This is what finally fixed it for me: Check "Keep me signed in" on the login page. This was the key for me. Will not work without it checked in my case.
I had the same symptoms, and it turned out I don't have a root site collection. Creating one solved this for me.
Summarized the troubleshooting steps here:
There can be multiple reasons for it.
One could be using IE x64 version. It won't work there.
Secondly, check out this blog:
I experienced the same problem as well.
And I found out that if none of the above options are working, and if you work in an organisation, maybe the proxy is blocking the "Open with Explorer" option.
I did the same, and removed the proxy and it worked just fine.
this fixed it for me ( however in windows server 2008 you may need to install desktop experience i think its called)
After you log into windows go into services then restart the WebClient then see if you can use explorer view without the error " your client does not support. blah blah blah" if it does work then. make a batch file that says:
net stop webclient
net start webclient
then make a scheduled tasks that runs that batch file at start up. Have it run as a user with administrative rights, make sure you tell it to run even if user is not logged in. it should prompt you for the password of the admin account you selected. this worked for me with windows 7.
I found online where the error can occur intermittently with SharePoint 2010, however I think the SharePoint version is irrelevant. They said the client polls for a SharePoint root site and that the error occurs if one isn't found.
We have not seen the error since I created a root site even though we’re only using WSS3. Our errors began when we changed clients to Windows 7. So in our case it sounds like the issue could be the root site polling due to an IE8 security change in Windows 7.
*you on x64 bit machine* so solution is that there is no problem but you are using the wrong IE shortcut.
There are different IE types you can use (just type Internet Explorer in start search bar) and you will see..
Internet Explorer (64-bit) - won't show any sharepoint add-ons
Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) - won't show any sharepoint add-ons
Internet Explorer - only this will show sharepoint add-ons and will
work so basically make sure you always use this version of IE