Is lg*(n) time complexity better than lg(n)? - time-complexity

I am trying to understand the time complexity of the lg*(n) [log*(n) base 2] in comparison to lg(n) and I wonder which of them is faster...can someone explain it, please? Thanks in advance.

According to Wikipedia, the iterative logarithm (log*) is one of the slowest growing time complexities. In fact, of all the commonly uses complexities, it is the second slowest, beaten only by the inverse Ackerman function. This means it grows significantly slower, and as a result completes much faster, than the log function.

I've never seen lg*(n) notation before, but I assume you're referring to log base 2 vs log base 10. It turns out that log2(N) == log10(N) * 3.32192809489..., which is a constant factor difference, and we drop constant factors when analyzing algorithmic complexity. As a result, all logarithms are considered equal, and we do not need to bother specifying the base in algorithmic complexity.
When studying actual runtimes, then log10(N) is faster than log2(N), but very rarely do developers actually analyze runtimes in this manner, they usually do it with a profiler.


What is the relationship between time complexity and the number of steps in an algorithm?

For large values of n, an algorithm that takes 20000n^2 steps has better time complexity (takes less time) than one that takes 0.001n^5 steps
I believe this statement is true. But, why?
If there are more steps wouldn't that take more time?
Computational complexity is considered in the asymptotic sense because the important question is usually of scaling. Even with your clear case, the ^5 algorithm begins to take longer around 275 items - which isn't very many. See this figure from wolfram alpha:
Quoting from the wikipedia article linked above:
Usually asymptotic estimates are used because different implementations of the same algorithm may differ in efficiency. However the efficiencies of any two "reasonable" implementations of a given algorithm are related by a constant multiplicative factor called a hidden constant.
All that said, if you have two comparable algorithms and the one with less complexity has a significant constant coefficient and you're only going to process 10 items, then it very well may be a good idea to choose the less efficient one. Some common libraries even switch algorithms depending upon the size of the data being processed; this is called a hybrid algorithm and Python's sorted implementation, Timsort uses it to switch between insertion sort and merge sort.

To what extent shall we optimize time complexity?

Theory vs practice here.
Regarding time complexity, and I have a conceptual question that we didn't get to go deeper into in class.
Here it is:
There's a barbaric BROOT force algorithm, O(n^3)... and we got it down o O(n) and it was considered good enough. If we dive in deeper, it is actually O(n)+O(n), two separate iterations of the input. I came up with another way which was actually O(n/2). But those two algorithms are considered to be the same since both are O(n) and as n reaches infinity, it makes no difference, so not necessary at all once we reach O(n).
My question is:
In reality, in practice, we always have a finite number of inputs (admittedly occasionally in the trillions). So following the time complexity logic, O(n/2) is four times as fast as O(2n). So if we can make it faster, why not?
Time complexity is not everything. As you already noticed, the Big-Oh can hide a lot and also assumes that all operations cost the same.
In Practice you should always try to find a fast/the fastest solution for your problem. Sometimes this means that you use a algorithm with a bad complexity but good constants if you know that your problem is always small. Depending on your use case, you also want to implement optimizations that utilize hardware properties like cache optimizations.

Is there any time complexity difference between recursive and iterative approach?

I am aware that we do have space complexity difference between a recursive and iterative algorithm. But , do we also have time complexity differences between them?
For example: If I have a program that counts the number of nodes in a list recursively and then I implement the same program as iterative, will I have any difference in its Time complexity i.e. O(n)? Thank you
Short answer: no.
Unless you optimize the algorithm using dynamic programming or such, there is no change to time complexity. There is also no change to space complexity, don't know where you got that idea..
However, in many programming languages there is an inherent overhead to using recursion, since they must store the stack as well, which uses more memory. This can be slower, especially if it is not tail recursion.

basic operations cpu time cost

I was wondering, how to optimize loops for systems with very limited resources. Let's say, if we have a basic for loop, like ( written in javascript):
for(var i = someArr.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
I honestly don't know, isn't != cheaper than > ?
I would be grateful for any resources covering computing cost in context of basic operators, like the aforementioned, >>, ~, !, and so on.
Performance on a modern CPU is far from trivial. Here are a couple of things that complicate it:
Computers are fast. Your CPU can execute upwards of 6 billion instructions per second. So even the slowest instruction can be executed millions of times per second, meaning that it only really matters if you use it very often
Modern CPU's have hundreds of instructions in flight simultaneously. They are pipelined, meaning that while one instruction is being read, another is reading from registers, a third one is executing, and a fourth one is writing back to a register. Modern CPU's have 15-20 of such stages. On top of this, they can execute 3-4 instructions at the same time on each of these stages. And they can reorder these instructions. If the multiplication unit is being used by another instruction, perhaps we can find an addition instruction to execute instead, for example. So even if you have some slow instructions mixed in, their cost can be hidden very well most of the time, by executing other instructions while waiting for the slow one to finish.
Memory is hundreds of times slower than the CPU. The instructions being executed don't really matter if their cost is dwarfed by retrieval of data from memory. And even this isn't reliable, because the CPU has its own onboard caches to attempt to hide this cost.
So the short answer is "don't try to outsmart the compiler". If you are able to choose between two equivalent expressions, the compiler is probably able to do the same, and will pick the most efficient one. The cost of an instruction varies, depending on all the above factors. Which other instructions are executing, what data is in the CPU's cache, which precise CPU model is the code running on, and so on. Code that is super efficient in one case may be very inefficient in other cases. The compiler will try to pick the most generally efficient instructions, and schedule them as well as possible. Unless you know more than the compiler about this, you're unlikely to be able to do a better job of it.
Don't try such microoptimizations unless you really know what you're doing. As the above shows, low-level performance is a ridiculously complex subject, and it's very easy to write "optimizations" that result in far slower code. Or which just sacrifice readability on something that makes no difference at all.
Further, most of your code simply doesn't have a measurable impact on performance.
People generally love quoting (or misquoting) Knuth on this subject:
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil
People often interpret this as "don't bother trying to optimize your code". If you actually read the full quote, some much more interesting consequences should become clear:
Most of the time, we should forget about microoptimizations. Most code is executed so rarely that optimizations won't matter. Keeping in mind the number of instructions a CPU can execute per second, it is obvious that a block of code has to be executed very often for optimizations in it to have any effect. So about 97% of the time, your optimizations will be a waste of time. But he also says that sometimes (3% of the time), your optimizations will matter. And obviously, looking for those 3% is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. If you just decide to "optimize your code" in general, you're going to waste your time on the first 97%. Instead, you need to first locate the 3% that actually need optimizing. In other words, run your code through a profiler, and let it tell you which code takes up the most CPU time. Then you know where to optimize. And then your optimizations are no longer premature.
It is extraordinarily unlikely that such micro-optimizations will make a noticeable difference to your code in any but the most extreme (real time embedded systems?) circumstances. Your time would probably be better served worrying about making your code readable and maintainable.
When in doubt, always begin by asking Donald Knuth:
Or, for a slightly less high-brow take on micro-optimization:
Most comparations have same coast, because the processor simply compares it in all aspects, then after that it takes a decision based on flags generated by this previous comparation so the comparation signal doesn't matter at all. But some architectures try to accelerate this process based on the value you are comparing with, like comparations against 0.
As far as I know, bitwise operations are the cheapest operations, slightly faster than addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division operations are a little more expensive, and comparation is the highest coast operation.
That's like asking for a fish, when I would rather teach you to fish.
There are simple ways to see for yourself how long things take. My favorite is to just copy the code 10 times, and then wrap it in a loop of 10^8 times. If I run it and look at my watch, the number of seconds it takes translates to nanoseconds.
Saying don't do premature optimization is a "don't be". If you want a "do be" you could try a proactive performance tuning technique like this.
BTW my favorite way of coding your loop is:
for (i = N; --i >= 0;){...}
Premature Optimization can be dangerous the best approach would be to write your application without worrying about that and then find the slow points and optimize those. If you are really worried about this use a lower level language. An interpreted language like javascript will cost you some processing power when compared to a lower level language like C.
In this particular case, > vs = is probably not a perfomance issue. HOWEVER > is generally safer choice because prevents cases where you modified the code from running off into the weeds and stuck in a infinite loop.

Overhead of using bignums

I have hit upon this problem about whether to use bignums in my language as a default datatype when there's numbers involved. I've evaluated this myself and reduced it to a convenience&comfort vs. performance -question. The answer to that question depends about how large the performance hit is in programs that aren't getting optimized.
How small is the overhead of using bignums in places where a fixnum or integer would had sufficed? How small can it be at best implementations? What kind of implementations reach the smallest overhead and what kind of additional tradeoffs do they result in?
What kind of hit can I expect to the results in the overall language performance if I'll put my language to default on bignums?
You can perhaps look at how Lisp does it. It will almost always do the exactly right thing and implicitly convert the types as it becomes necessary. It has fixnums ("normal" integers), bignums, ratios (reduced proper fractions represented as a set of two integers) and floats (in different sizes). Only floats have a precision error, and they are contagious, i.e. once a calculation involves a float, the result is a float, too. "Practical Common Lisp" has a good description of this behaviour.
To be honest, the best answer is "try it and see".
Clearly bignums can't be as efficient as native types, which typically fit in a single CPU register, but every application is different - if yours doesn't do a whole load of integer arithmetic then the overhead could be negligible.
Come to think of it... I don't think it will have much performance hits at all.
Because bignums by nature, will have a very large base, say a base of 65536 or larger for which is usually a maximum possible value for traditional fixnum and integers.
I don't know how large you would set the bignum's base to be but if you set it sufficiently large enough so that when it is used in place of fixnums and/or integers, it would never exceeds its first bignum-digit thus the operation will be nearly identical to normal fixnums/int.
This opens an opportunity for optimizations where for a bignum that never grows over its first bignum-digit, you could replace them with uber-fast one-bignum-digit operation.
And then switch over to n-digit algorithms when the second bignum-digit is needed.
This could be implemented with a bit flag and a validating operation on all arithmetic operations, roughly thinking, you could use the highest-order bit to signify bignum, if a data block has its highest-order bit set to 0, then process them as if they were normal fixnum/ints but if it is set to 1, then parse the block as a bignum structure and use bignum algorithms from there.
That should avoid performance hits from simple loop iterator variables which I think is the first possible source of performance hits.
It's just my rough thinking though, a suggestion since you should know better than me :-)
p.s. sorry, forgot what the technical terms of bignum-digit and bignum-base were
your reduction is correct, but the choice depends on the performance characteristics of your language, which we cannot possibly know!
once you have your language implemented, you can measure the performance difference, and perhaps offer the programmer a directive to choose the default
You will never know the actual performance hit until you create your own benchmark as the results will vary per language, per language revision and per cpu and. There's no language independent way to measure this except for the obvious fact that a 32bit integer uses twice the memory of a 16bit integer.
How small is the overhead of using bignums in places where a fixnum or integer would had sufficed? Show small can it be at best implementations?
The bad news is that even in the best possible software implementation, BigNum is going to be slower than the builtin arithmetics by orders of magnitude (i.e. everything from factor 10 up to factor 1000).
I don't have exact numbers but I don't think exact numbers will help very much in such a situation: If you need big numbers, use them. If not, don't. If your language uses them by default (which language does? some dynamic languages do …), think whether the disadvantage of switching to another language is compensated for by the gain in performance (which it should rarely be).
(Which could roughly be translated to: there's a huge difference but it shouldn't matter. If (and only if) it matters, use another language because even with the best possible implementation, this language evidently isn't well-suited for the task.)
I totally doubt that it would be worth it, unless it is very domain-specific.
The first thing that comes to mind are all the little for loops throughout programs, are the little iterator variables all gonna be bignums? That's scary!
But if your language is rather functional... then maybe not.