Only on Local Machine: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] _ssl.c:1108) Error - ssl

I can connect fine with Python to any external https site without this error:
SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1108)')))
But I have a local webserver on my laptop with a self-signed certificate that works fine in itself but Python generates an _ssl.c:1108 error when I try to connect to it.
Any ideas?

The python client does not have access and trust the CA certificate that signed the web server certificate. In your case that is the self-signed web server certificate.
To get the python client working, you can do the following:
disable certificate verification. That is not a good idea but I guess is ok for a quick test. The emphasis is on "it is not recommended".
Download the self-signed certificate and make it accessible to the python client and specify it as trusted CA certificate.
Download and install a certificate from well known CAs such as LetsEncrypt (free) or commercial CAs. This is the recommended approach.
You could go into depth on the items mentioned herein and get a conceptual understanding how TLS operates.
EDIT 1: You could also get a free certificate from LetsEncrypt CA. Or you could get a free test certificate from most of the commercial CAs like DigiCert etc. See this link for getting and installing a free test certificate signed by a DigiCert test CA.
See this for details on python client configuration for TLS.


Get SSL certificate for Tableau

I can't connect with my Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop because it shows me that error: SSL certificate is not valid. I'm searching for a solution, but I'm only reading how to change the certificate with another, beacause I do not have any other certificate.
My question goes before that: how can I get a certificate? where I can get it from?
This is the guide from Tableau I use whenever I need to setup SSL for my servers. It includes obtaining an SSL Certificate from a certificate authority Steps for SSL Cert
To configure Tableau Server to use SSL, you must have an SSL certificate. To obtain the SSL certificate, complete the steps:
Set the OpenSSL configuration environment variable (optional)
Generate a key file
Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
Send the CSR to a certificate authority (CA) to obtain an SSL certificate
Use the key and certificate to configure Tableau Server to use SSL

Unable to validate SMTP certificate on Ubuntu, but works for Windows

I'm trying to send email using MailKit through provider's SMTP server using valid Let's Encrypt Authority X3 certificate. On Windows everything works great, but when sending from Ubuntu I get certificate error:
MailKit.Security.SslHandshakeException: An error occurred while attempting to establish an SSL or TLS connection.
One possibility is that you are trying to connect to a port which does not support SSL/TLS.
The other possibility is that the SSL certificate presented by the server is not trusted by the system for one or more of the following reasons:
The server is using a self-signed certificate which cannot be verified.
The local system is missing a Root or Intermediate certificate needed to verify the server's certificate. (I believe this is my problem?)
The certificate presented by the server is expired or invalid.
When I dig deeper into X509Chain status it says
RevocationStatusUnknown unable to get certificate CRL
Up until now I've been ignoring this error, but I'd rather have the underlying problem fixed and I don't know what exactly I'm missing. Thanks.
If you are running your .NET application on Mono, there's a Mono FAQ that explains how to import root certificates into your certificate store:
If you are using .NET Core CLR, you might find this answer helpful: Trusted Root Certificates in DotNet Core on Linux (RHEL 7.1)

Is there a way to use drone with self-signed certificates?

I'm trying to set up Drone using TLS but the drone agent can't connect to the server with the error:
connection failed, retry in 15s. websocket. Dial wss://drone-server:8000/ws/broker: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I've generated the necessary files and my docker-compose file for the drone server has DRONE_SERVER_CERT and DRONE_SERVER_KEY values set with the certificates, so I think the only problem is that it's self-signed. But I'm not sure how to set up the certificates with the drone image to have it recognize the certificate's CA. Is there a way to set that up or am I going about this in completely the wrong way?
As far as I understand the drone CLI client, uses the systems' trusted certificate storage as most* applications do. So for your client to start trusting the server's self signed certificate, you should add the CA cert to your system storage.
A good guide on how to install a CA cert can be found in this answer.
*browsers usually have their own CA cert DB

SSL Self Signed Certificate Error

I have installed SSL Certificate manually that I had brought from Godadday. It installed successfully but it shows self signed certificate which is not trusted or displays cross on https.
What is the solution ?
It is showing because it does not recognized the certificate that you get from Godaddy.
The CSR certificate has to upload on your site and make changes on apache config file.
Make sure your CSR file should not match with the private key that you submitted to verify your site.
Installing a SSL certificate requires some server administration knowhow, especially updating web server configuration.
DigitalOcean has a great tutorial on how to install a SSL certificate from GoDaddy:
Maybe it helps.
To check if you installed it correctly, you can use Qualys SSL Server Test at

Using self-signed certificates with keytool for development purposes

When generating a self-signed certificate using keytool, can I use an IP address for the Common Name?
Once I generated the certificate, I exported it so I can install it in my clients/browsers. In Windows, I ran mmc.exe and added it as a Trusted Root Certificate Authority.
However, when I navigate to the IP address in my browser, it is still an untrusted connection. I ensured Tomcat had all the correct Connector settings.
Am I doing this correctly? do I need to be my own CA? How can I use SSL for development purposes? I'm still trying to understand SSL completely.
First question: if you'll be connecting by IP, then yes.
Second question: No, you don't install your self-signed certificate as CA, you just add exception when your browser warns you that it's self-signed.
You can set up CA — you generate root certificate first, install it in the client, and then generate CSR and then server certificate from it (see e.g. this), but for development purposes this is a complete waste of time.