how to select two attributes at same time - sql

I am new to sql, I would like to search account id and rule name in my table, but I got this error
Expression"AccountID must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in aggregate function".
I added it in count, it seems wrong, how to resolve this problem ?
This is the query:
SELECT AccountID, RuleName, COUNT(1) as COUNT
WITH (***)
GROUP BY RuleName;

As the error said you need to add AccountID as well to group by
SELECT AccountID, RuleName, COUNT(1) as COUNT
FROM tbl
GROUP BY AccountID, RuleName;


Why does adding GROUP BY cause a seemingly unrelated error?

The following code works fine:
SELECT name, (SELECT count(item_id) FROM bids WHERE item_id =
FROM items;
However, when I add
SELECT name, (SELECT count(item_id) FROM bids WHERE item_id =
FROM items
GROUP BY name;
I get ERROR: subquery uses ungrouped column "" from outer query
Can anyone tell me why this is happening? Thanks!
If you GROUP BY name then any other columns you select from items must have an aggregate function applied. That's what GROUP BY means.
In your case, you are using another column from items -- id -- in a correlated scalar subquery. That's not an aggregate function, and id is not in the GROUP BY clause, so you get an error.
You could instead GROUP BY name, id. That should give you the same results as the first query, and is probably pointless.
If you actually have multiple rows in items with the same value for name, and you want to group the results of the scalar subquery for those values, you need to specify how to group them. Perhaps you want the total of the subquery results for each value of name. If so, I think you could do:
SELECT name, SUM(SELECT count(item_id) FROM bids WHERE item_id =
FROM items
GROUP BY name;
(I'm not positive about the specific syntax as I don't have a Postgres instance to test against.)
A clearer way to express it might be:
SELECT name, SUM(bid_count)
SELECT name, (SELECT count(item_id) FROM bids WHERE item_id = AS bid_count
FROM items
Join the tables then perform the GROUP BY:
select, count(b.item_id)
from items i
inner join bids b
on b.item_id =
group by
db<>fiddle here

SQL: Finding the Minimum aggregate using only count

I'm using DB2 for a project and looking to find which Group has the fewest members without using the min feature. My idea is to find all the groups and then subtract out any group which has more members from some other group thus leaving me with the group with that has no more members than any other group, i.e. the min.
So far I have
SELECT DISTINCT as Group, count( as Count
FROM People P
SELECT, count(
FROM People P, People O
WHERE count(P.cid) > count(O.cid);
With a schema for People like
create table People (
group varchar(25) not null,
id smallint not null,
I am getting the following error:
SQL0119N An expression starting with "CLUB" specified in a SELECT clause,
HAVING clause, or ORDER BY clause is not specified in the GROUP BY clause or
it is in a SELECT clause, HAVING clause, or ORDER BY clause with a column
function and no GROUP BY clause is specified. SQLSTATE=42803
If you could help point out what I am doing wrong or the correct format for such a query it would be greatly appreciated!
find which Group has the fewest members
You can aggregate by group, order by member count, and fetch the top row only:
select as grp, count(*) as cnt
from people p
group by
order by count(*)
fetch first 1 rows only
You should try to use min(). Very straight forward. From your Error message, it seems like your HAVING clause is wrong so it would look into that.

SQL select count distinct

I want to know how many items of distinct name I have in my database.
When I use:
select count(distinct name) from products
I obviously gain only number of different, distinct names I have in my
database. I was experimenting with group by, but as a total beginner I
failed. I'll appreciate any help.
Group by name and use count() to get the counts for each group
select name, count(*)
from products
group by name
select count(name) as ct, name from products group by name

Sort by count SQL reporting services

I have a simple query in a tabloid control that gets all the leads in one month. I then use the tabloid control to group them into lead source. And then I have an associated count column. I want to sort my report on the count descending, without doing it in the query. I keep getting an error saying you cannot sort on an aggregate.
you can do one more thing..
just write your query in subquery part and write order by clause in outer query.
(suppose you have group by query as follow-
select lead_source, count(*) cnt
from your_table
group by lead_source
so you can do as follow -
select lead_source, cnt from (
select lead_source, count(*) cnt
from your_table
group by lead_source
order by cnt
this your_table and group by column list you have to edit accordingly your table structure ..

SQL To get Distinct Name and Number from table

Looking for sql to get distinct names and count of those names from a sql table:
other details
Do I use distinct to get each group and then count through those to get:
name1 count(name1)
name2 count(name2)
When you want a COUNT() or a SUM(), you're using an AGGREGATE FUNCTION based on a GROUP BY clause.
As GROUP BY brings together all records with the same values specified in the GROUP BY columns, you're already getting the same effect as DISTINCT.
Except that DISTINCT doesn't allow aggregates, and GROUP BY does.
COUNT(*) AS count_of_name
Try :
SELECT *, COUNT(*) FROM my_table GROUP BY name
Something like this?
select name,COUNT(name) FROM Persons GROUP BY name
In the end I used:
SELECT DISTINCT `school`,COUNT(`school`) AS cat_num FROM table GROUP BY school order by cat_num DESC