CLion/PyCharm/PHPStorm/IntelliJ won't start, says "IDE has not been initialized yet" - intellij-idea

When I try to start my CLion IDE (or another JetBrains IDE, like PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, PHP Storm etc), it fails, and I get the following message on the console:
IDE has not been initialized yet
(after the usual JVM warning I always get before and didn't prevent the IDE from starting up.)
Why is this happening? What can I do about it?
I have a valid license.
May be related to this (resolved) issue for IntelliJ Idea.

Another instance of the IDE may be running
While you might not see it for some reason, there is another instance of your IDE already running (probably for your own user). The error message is somewhat misleading.
Let's assume you're running CLion for example. The executable's name is clion. Look for it with the ps command: ps aux | grep -i clion, or with pgrep: pgrep clion. Then terminate it (e.g. using kill with the process ID), and re-run.
Caveat: There may not be the only scenario in which you get the same error message.


java does not run with j-grasp on my iMac

I am getting this error when I try to run Java with j-grasp:
----jGRASP wedge: exit code for process is 1.
----jGRASP: operation complete.
----jGRASP exec: javac -g
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports javac.
Please visit for information on installing Java.
----jGRASP wedge: exit code for process is 1.
----jGRASP: operation complete.
The simplest solution is to download and install one of the "bundled" versions of jGRASP, which comes with Java and will prefer that java and javac over all others.
If you are unable to do that, you can turn on "Settings" > "Verbose Messages" in jGRASP then compile to see what "javac" is actually running ("actual command sent" in the verbose output). Most likely it is not a "normal" javac, since the error message doesn't look like I would expect - I don't know what this "" website is. If you do have a normal Java installation, deleting that rogue "javac" may fix the problem.

clojure.lang.Repl deprecated in IntelliJ with Cursive

When I run the Cursive repl in IntelliJ, the following warning is displayed:
WARNING: clojure.lang.Repl is deprecated.
Instead, use clojure.main like this:
java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main -i init.clj -r args...
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue within IntelliJ?
To get to this point I:
Followed the Cursive instructions for setup.
Double-checked that lein repl works from my terminal.
Double-checked that the Cursive repl is running on the correct namespace.
Researched and found many workarounds relating to a similar issue in the actual Clojure Framework.
For the time being, in order to execute (-main) from the repl I am first running (in-ns 'fileName) to enter the correct namespace and then executing the -main function. I have found this preferable to typing out the full (fileName/-main) every time, but this is still not an ideal workaround.

8192 limit, when debugging a Haxe project in IntelliJ IDEA

Setup: Win10, IntelliJ IDEA 15, Haxe 3.2.1, OpenFL 3.6.1
The project is a simple "hello world", compiled with OpenFL, targeted to Flash.
The problem:
When running it in the debug mode from the IDE, the classic "Failed to connect" message is shown, which goes as follows:
"D:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
15.0.6\jre\jre\bin\java.exe" "-Dapplication.home=D:\Program Files_sdk\flex_sdk_4.6" -Xmx384m
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m -classpath "D:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
15.0.6\plugins\flex\lib\idea-fdb-;D:/Program Files/_sdk/flex_sdk_4.6/lib/fdb.jar"
Adobe fdb (Flash Player Debugger) [build 23201]
Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Adobe, Inc. All rights reserved.
Waiting for Player to connect
Failed to connect; session timed out.
Ensure that:
you compiled your Flash movie with debugging on, and
you are running the Debugger version of the Flash Player.
As I've investigated, this message is shown only when the Make command output is too long. In my case it looks like this.
Note the long asset names, they are made like that to reproduce the problem. If I make the output shorter, the debug Flash player connects as expected. Also, the project runs normally, when started in the non-debug mode, even if the output is long. Perhaps, it is somehow related to the problem, described here:
Any suggestions how can I resolve that? Maybe it is possible to turn off the -verbose flag somehow? I wasn't able to find where can I do that.
If anyone else struggles with this problem, I can recommend rebuilding the plugin (see instructions here: and remove the
line from the

Cannot auto configure pydev in eclipse

I have installed PyDev successfully, I have python 3.4.0 installed successfully and the folder containing python.exe is in my path and I can run it from the command line.
However, when I go to window\preferences\pydev\interpreters\python interpreter and select 'quick auto-config' to configure it using normal python I get an error saying 'auto configurator could not find a valid interpreter... Note the system environment variables used for Jython are PATH and PYTHONHOME.'
Unless this is a bug in the text I am not selecting Jython (I get a different error if I select IronPython, btw, so this is not a generic error message).
The trace is as follows:
Errors getting info on discovered interpreter(s).
See error log for details.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot run program "python": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
As I say, python.exe is in my path.
You have to install the actual python package separately from here
Close LiClipse/Eclipse => Download Python Here:
=> reopen LiClipse => Auto Config for the interpreter Will WORK!
I found the answer, but I'll leave this up in case anyone else gets it. It's a pretty stupid auto config option if you ask me ;)
In the higher level window\preferences\pydev\interpreters\ preference you need to untick jython and ironpython.
No idea why given I selected the Python sub-preference specifically.

Eclipse JUNO not starting

I tried to start Eclipse, it just shows loading eclipse and then stops/crashes after a while, I haven't changed anything from before.
even I tried to replace it with other version but some thing happens, when I open it with terminal I get this error:
-- ERROR: RebelPlugin.getDefault() retured null!! Likely cause: plugin not started properly!
[Process completed]
It seems like the RebelPlugin is causing issues. The simplest option is to install a new Eclipse and run that instead. You can reuse your previous workspace and the code will be untouched, so you will just loose some time.
There are other alternatives to try, but they may be a bit more advanced. From commandline you can try to uninstall the RebelPlugin and see if that makes a difference, and then reinstalling.
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_<version>.jar
-application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate
-command uninstall
-featureId <feature_id of rebelplugin>
-version <version>
See the Eclipse manual for more information