SQL Server : how to get previous year data and create a row in output - sql

I have a delivery table as below:
I want the count of delivery age wise. Vehicles delivered in 2010 will be counted as age 0 in 2010, age 1 in 2011 and age 2 in 2012 and so on for the years.
Please help me to know how to do this in SQL query. I am new to this forum so don't have permission to add images.

Assuming that you have a delivery in each year, I see this as a JOIN and aggregation:
with years as (
select distinct year(deliverydate) as yyyy
from vehicle
select y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate)) as age , count(*)
from vehicle v join
years y
on y.yyyy >= year(v.deliverydate)
group by y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate))
order by y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate));
If you don't have a delivery in each year, you can explicitly list them:
select y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate)) as age , count(*)
from vehicle v join
(values (2010), (2011), (2012), (2013)) y(yyyy)
on y.yyyy >= year(v.deliverydate)
group by y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate))
order by y.yyyy, (y.yyyy - year(v.deliverydate));
Here is a db<>fiddle.

here is a way to do this
select year(deliverydate)
,(year(deliverydate)-2010) as age_of_vehicle
from table
group by year(deliverydate)

SELECT DATEDIFF(year, '2011/08/25', getdate()) AS DateDiff
This will give you the age of vehicle and use group by clause to get value base on years as desired

I am sure there are better ways to do this (recursive cte), but the following also gives the correct result:
;with cte as
select YEAR(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(date, DeliveryDate, 105), 23)) [Year], 0 Age
from vehicle v
select * into #temp
from cte
union all
select t1.[Year]+ (t2.[Year] - t1.[Year]), (t2.[Year] - t1.[Year]) as Age
from cte t1
join (select distinct [Year], Age from cte) t2 on t2.[Year] > t1.[Year]
select [Year], Age AgeofVehicle, COUNT(1) Deliveries
from #temp
group by [Year], Age
order by [Year], Age
Please see the db<>fiddle here.


How to Count Entries on Same Day and Sum Amount based on the Count?

I am attempting to produce Table2 below - which essentially counts the rows that have the same day and adds up the "amount" column for the rows that are on the same day.
I found a solution online that can count entries from the same day, which works:
DATE_TRUNC('day', datetime) AS date,
COUNT(datetime) AS date1
FROM Table1
GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', datetime);
It is partially what I am looking for, but I am having difficulty trying to display all the column names.
In my attempt, I have all the columns I want but the Accumulated Count is not accurate since it counts the rows with unique IDs (because I put "id" in GROUP BY):
SELECT *, count(id) OVER(ORDER BY DateTime) as accumulated_count,
SUM(Amount) OVER(ORDER BY DateTime) AS Accumulated_Amount
FROM Table1
GROUP BY date(datetime), id
I've been working on this for days and seemingly have come across every possible outcome that is not what I am looking for. Does anyone have an idea as to what I'm missing here?
Cumulative sum and count should be calculated for each day
with Table1 (id,datetime,client,product,amount) as(values
(1 ,to_timestamp('2020-07-08 07:30:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill Payment',24),
(2 ,to_timestamp('2020-07-08 07:50:30','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill Payment',27),
(3 ,to_timestamp('2020-07-09 08:20:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill Payment',37)
count(*) over (partition by DATE_TRUNC('day', datetime)
order by datetime asc ) accumulated_count,
sum(amount) over (partition by DATE_TRUNC('day', datetime) order by datetime asc) accumulated_sum
FROM Table1;
Not to familiar with postgresql but this does what you ask fror.
with data (id,date_time,client,product,amount) as(
select 1 ,to_timestamp('Jul 08 2020, 07:30:10','Mon DD YYYY, HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill',24 Union all
select 2 ,to_timestamp('Jul 08 2020, 07:50:30','Mon DD YYYY, HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill',27 Union all
select 3 ,to_timestamp('Jul 09 2020, 08:20:10','Mon DD YYYY, HH24:MI:SS'),'Tom','Bill',37
select d.id,d.date_time,d.client,d.product,d.amount,
(select count(*) from data d1
where d1.date_time <= d.date_time and date(d1.date_time) = date(d.date_time) ) acc_count,
(select sum(amount) from data d1
where d1.date_time <= d.date_time and date(d1.date_time) = date(d.date_time) ) acc_amount
from data d

Detect if a month is missing and insert them automatically with a select statement (MSSQL)

I am trying to write a select statement which detects if a month is not existent and automatically inserts that month with a value 0. It should insert all missing months from the first entry to the last entry.
My table looks like this:
After the statement it should look like this:
You need a recursive CTE to get all the years in the table (and the missing ones if any) and another one to get all the month numbers 1-12.
A CROSS join of these CTEs will be joined with a LEFT join to the table and finally filtered so that rows prior to the first year/month and later of the last year/month are left out:
limits AS (
SELECT MIN(year) min_year, -- min year in the table
MAX(year) max_year, -- max year in the table
MIN(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) min_date, -- min date in the table
MAX(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) max_date -- max date in the table
FROM tablename
years(year) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the years of the table (and the missing ones if any)
SELECT min_year FROM limits
SELECT year + 1
FROM years
WHERE year < (SELECT max_year FROM limits)
months(monthnum) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the month numbers 1-12
SELECT monthnum + 1
FROM months
WHERE monthnum < 12
SELECT y.year, m.monthnum,
DATENAME(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1)) month,
COALESCE(value, 0) value
FROM months m CROSS JOIN years y
LEFT JOIN tablename t
ON t.year = y.year AND t.monthnum = m.monthnum
WHERE DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1)
BETWEEN (SELECT min_date FROM limits) AND (SELECT max_date FROM limits)
ORDER BY y.year, m.monthnum
See the demo.
You should not be storing date components in two separate columns; instead, you should have just one column, with a proper date-like datatype.
One approach is to use a recursive query to generate all starts of month between the earliest and latest date in the table, then brin the table with a left join.
In SQL Server:
with cte as (
select min(datefromparts(year, monthnum, 1)) as dt,
max(datefromparts(year, monthnum, 1)) as dt_max
from mytable
union all
select dateadd(month, 1, dt)
from cte
where dt < dt_max
select c.dt, coalesce(t.value, 0) as value
from cte c
left join mytable t on datefromparts(t.year, t.month, 1) = c.dt
If your data spreads over more that 100 months, you need to add option(maxrecursion 0) at the end of the query.
You can extract the date components in the final select if you like:
year(c.dt) as yr,
month(c.dt) as monthnum,
datename(month, c.dt) as monthname,
coalesce(t.value, 0) as value
from ...

Find the max date to last one year transaction for each group

I have to query in sql server where I have to find for each id it's volume such that we have last 1 year date for each id with it's volume.
for example below is my data ,
for each id I need to query the last 1 year transaction from when we have the entry for that id as you can see from the snippet for id 1 we have the latest date as 7/31/2020 so I need the last 1 year entry from that date for that id, The highlighted one is exclude because that date is more than 1 year from the latest date for that id
Similarly for Id 3 we have all the date range in one year from the latest date for that particular id
I tried using the below query and I can get the latest date for each id but I am not sure how to extract all the dates for each id from the latest date to one year, I would appreciate if some one could help me.
I am using Microsoft sql server would need the query which executes in sql server, Table name is emp and have millions of id
Select *
From emp as t
inner join (
Select tm.id, max(tm.date_tran) as MaxDate
From emp tm
Group by tm.id
) tm on t.id = tm.id and t.date_tran = tm.MaxDate
To exclude transactions where the date difference between the tran_date and the maximum tran_date for each id is greater than 1 year, something like this:
;with max_cte(id, max_date) as (
Select id, max(date_tran)
From emp tm
Group by id )
Select *
From emp e
join max_cte mc on e.id=mc.id
and datediff(d, e.date_tran, mc.max_date)<=365;
Update: per comments, added volume. Thnx GMB :)
;with max_cte(id, date_tran, volume, max_date) as (
Select *, dateadd(year, -1, max(date_tran) over(partition by id)) max_date
From #emp tm)
Select id, sum(volume) sum_volume
From max_cte mc
where mc.date_tran>max_date
group by id;
You can do this with window functions:
select id, sum(volume) total_volume
from (
select t.*, max(date_tran) over(partition by id) max_date_tran
from mytable t
) t
where date_tran > dateadd(year, -1, max_date_tran)
group by id
Alternatively, you can use a correlated subquery for filtering:
select id, sum(volume) total_volume
from mytable t
where t.date_tran > (
select dateadd(year, -1, max(t1.date_tran))
from mytable t1
where t1.id = t.id
The second query would take advantage of an index on (id, date_tran).
this should do the trick for you:
MAX(date_tran) max_date_tran
, Id
) emp2
ON emp2.Id = emp.Id
AND DATEADD(YEAR, -1, emp2.max_date_tran) <= emp.date_tran;
Your code is good. Just add the date difference function to get the particular time in between the transaction, like the following:
Select *
From emp as t
inner join ( Select id as id, max(date_tran) as maxdate
From emp tm
Group by id
) tm on t.id = tm.id and datediff(d, e.date_tran, mc.maxdate)<=365;

get list of student with attendance min15days in a month and come for continuous 4 months in a year

I need a query to get the list of students attended there class for atleast 15 days in a month for continuous 4 months.
table maybe like
studentid monthyear attendance
1 Apr2018 16
1 May2018 23
1 Jun2018 18
1 Jul2018 16
1 Aug2018 25
2 Apr2018 2
2 May2018 15
and so on...
Db fiddle
Try this query:
select #rn := 0;
select studentid from (
select studentid, month(dt) - (#rn := #rn + 1) grp from (
select * ,
str_to_date(concat('01 ', insert(monthyear, 4, 0, ' ')), '%d %M %Y') dt
from tbl
where attendance >= 15 --only those records, where attenadnce is at least 15
) a where year(dt) = 2018 --particular year
order by studentid,dt
) a group by studentid,grp having count(*) >= 4
Demo - I exapnded your data with some more cases :)
The idea is simple - if student has attended for some consecutive months, consecutive months would increment by one, just like row number, so I used difference between months and row numbers - for consecutive months, the difference should be constant, so it's enought to group by that difference and take those groups, where count is >= 4 :)
For SQL Server:
select studentid from (
select studentid, month(dt) - row_number() over (order by studentid, dt) grp from (
select * ,
cast(concat('01 ', stuff(monthyear, 4, 0, ' ')) as date) dt
from tbl
where attendance >= 15 --only those records, where attenadnce is at least 15
) a where year(dt) = 2018 --particular year
) a group by studentid, grp having count(*) >= 4
SQL Server demo
In general, a simple selft join that would catch the difference of months would suffice
In this case, a conversion of the column monthyear is required in the join command itself
The query, without the conversion :
SELECT t1.studentid, count(*) as cnt
table t1
INNER JOIN table t2 ON t1.studentid = t2.studentid AND
t2.attendance >= 15
AND t1.monthyear BETWEEN t2.monthyear AND (t2.monthyear - 3)
t1.attendance >= 15
count(*) >=4
The conversion is as follows:
CONCAT(SUBSTR(t1.monthyear,1, LENGTH(t1.monthyear) - 4),' ', RIGHT(t1.monthyear, 4), %M %Y)
so the query should be:
SELECT t1.studentid, count(*) as cnt
table t1
INNER JOIN table t2 ON t1.studentid = t2.studentid AND
t2.attendance >= 15
CONCAT(SUBSTR(t1.monthyear,1, LENGTH(t1.monthyear) - 4),' ', RIGHT(t1.monthyear, 4), %M %Y) BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE(
CONCAT(SUBSTR(t2.monthyear,1, LENGTH(t2.monthyear) - 4),' ', RIGHT(t2.monthyear, 4), %M %Y) AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE(
CONCAT(SUBSTR(t2.monthyear,1, LENGTH(t2.monthyear) - 4),' ', RIGHT(t2.monthyear, 4), %M %Y), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)
t1.attendance >= 15
count(*) >=4
I think this is the simplest method:
select distinct studentid
from (select t.*, cast(monthyear as date) as my,
lag(cast(monthyear as date), 3) over (partition by studentid order by cast(monthyear as date)) as prev_my
from tbl t
where attendance >= 15
) t
where prev_my = dateadd(month, -3, my);
Here is a db<>fiddle.
The logic is pretty simple:
Only consider rows that satisfy the attendance criterion.
Use LAG() to look at the 3rd record in past.
If all months meet the attendance criterion, then this will be exactly 3 months before.
The select distinct is because you want students, not the specific periods.

How to find the missing rows?

I have a table as shown in the image.
The column MONTH_NO should be having months from 1 to 12 for every year. For some years, we missed to load data for some months. I need a query which will fetch the years which doesn't have all the 12 months along with the missing month number.
Please help.
For example -
with mth
as (select level as month_no
from dual
connect by level <= 12),
yrs as (select distinct year from rag_month_dim)
select m.year, m.month_no
from (select year, month_no
from yrs, mth) m,
rag_month_dim r
where m.year = r.year(+)
and m.month_no = r.month_no(+)
group by m.year, m.month_no
having max(r.month_no) is null
order by year, month_no
Try it like this:
post this into an empty query window and adapt to your needs.
MyData contains a "full" year 2013, Sept is missing in 2014 and June and Sept are missing in 2015.
INSERT INTO #OneToTwelve VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12);
DECLARE #myData TABLE(yearNo INT, MonthNo INT)
WITH AllYears AS
,AllCombinations AS
FROM #OneToTwelve AS months
FROM AllCombinations
LEFT JOIN #myData AS md ON AllCombinations.Nmbr =md.MonthNo AND AllCombinations.yearNo=md.yearNo
select distinct year, m.lev
from rag_month_dim a
select level lev
from dual
connect by level <= 12
) m
on 1=1
select year, month_no
from rag_month_dim
order by 1, 2
select *
from (select count (-1) total, year from rag_month_dim group by year) as table
where total < 12.
you got a year that doesnt have 12 month data and total month record in your data.