Find and replace a content which is inside Content Control-docx4j - docx4j

I tried to replace a text using docx4j. As a first step I've applied bookmark for the texts which are need to replace. Using bookmark i'll find the text and replace it. This is working fine. I have a replace problem when the bookmarked content is inside a Content control.Can anyone help me out. Thanks in advance.
For example in the below Sample input, If CTBookmark value equals of "replacetext_1_0" which is inside a Content Control then I need to insert the replace value.
Code Snippet:
private void replaceViaBookmarkWithTrack(P p, ObjectFactory factory, String search, String replace, String replaceBkName) throws JAXBException {
List<Object> pContents = p.getContent();
int rIndex = 0;
int runCount=0;
int c = 0;
boolean delete = false;
List<Object> deletes = new ArrayList<Object>();
BigInteger start = null;
int startValue = -1;
RunIns runIns = factory.createRunIns();
RunDel runDel = factory.createRunDel();
for (Object run : pContents) {
Object temp = run;
if (temp instanceof JAXBElement) {
temp = ((JAXBElement<?>) temp).getValue();
// if(temp instanceof SdtContentBlock){
//"Content Control here");
// }
if (temp instanceof CTBookmark) {
if (((CTBookmark) temp).getName().contains(replaceBkName)) {
start = ((CTBookmark) temp).getId();
startValue = start.intValue();
if (c == 0) {
runDel.setAuthor("Auto Process");
runIns.setAuthor("Auto Process");
R newDelRun = factory.createR();
R newInsRun = factory.createR();
DelText deltext = factory.createDelText();
Text t = factory.createText();
} else if (temp instanceof CTMarkupRange) {
if (((CTMarkupRange) temp).getId().intValue() == startValue) {
delete = false;
if (delete) {
for (Object o : deletes) {
p.getContent().add(rIndex, runIns);
p.getContent().add(rIndex, runDel);
Sample Input:
<w:pStyle w:val="Para"/>
<w:jc w:val="left"/>
<w:bookmarkStart w:name="para10007" w:id="10007"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">Stress [</w:t>
<w:id w:val="1764518332"/>
<w:alias w:val="1-4"/>
<w:id w:val="2002151603"/>
<w:alias w:val="Tag"/>
<w:tag w:val="Tag1"/>
<w:rStyle w:val="tag"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">1</w:t>
<w:bookmarkStart w:name="replacetext_1_0" w:id="7"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">-</w:t>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="7"/>
<w:bookmarkStart w:name="BMMISSING0" w:id="0"/>
<w:id w:val="1537287788"/>
<w:alias w:val="Tag"/>
<w:tag w:val="Tag4"/>
<w:rStyle w:val="tag"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">4</w:t>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">] </w:t>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">rtreyy</w:t>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="10007"/>


File provider error to receive pdf from another program

`# Dears, this class works well to receive PDF files from another application on below Android 6, but it gives an error for Android uper 6
` #RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public int ExtractImage(Intent intent) {
try {
String filepath = null;
if (intent != null) {
String action = intent.getAction();
String type = intent.getType();
if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action) && type.endsWith("pdf")) {
Uri file_uri = intent.getData();
if (file_uri != null) {
filepath = file_uri.getPath();
} else if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action) && type.endsWith("pdf")) {
Uri uri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
if (uri != null) {
filepath = uri.getPath();
File file = new File(filepath);
PdfRenderer renderer = null;
Bitmap bm;
try {
renderer = new PdfRenderer(,
} catch (Exception e) {
assert renderer != null;
final int pageCount = renderer.getPageCount();
totalPage = pageCount;
for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
PdfRenderer.Page page = renderer.openPage(i);
// Create a bitmap and canvas to draw the page into
int width = 570;
int zarib = 570 / (page.getWidth() + 1);
int height = (page.getHeight() * 2) + 1;
heightArray.add(i, height);
// Create a bitmap and canvas to draw the page into
bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Create canvas to draw into the bitmap
Canvas c = new Canvas(bm);
// Fill the bitmap with a white background
Paint whiteBgnd = new Paint();
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, whiteBgnd);
// paint the page into the canvas
page.render(bm, null, null, PdfRenderer.Page.RENDER_MODE_FOR_PRINT);
// Save the bitmap
OutputStream outStream = null;
try {
outStream = new
+ "/printDo2ta" + i + ".png");
} catch (Exception e) {
bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 80, outStream);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
runOnUiThread(() -> Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),
"خطا در پردازش فایل: " + e.getMessage(),
return totalPage;
I inserted this code in AndroidManifest.xml
android:resource="#xml/provider_paths" />
And I made the class provider_paths.xml
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<external-path name="external_files" path="."/>
I don't know what else I need to change to make it work on Android 8
please help me`

find and replace parts of a string in sql

I'm using a Telerik RadEditor to insert text with rich formatting. The problem is that my rdlc reports can format all of the html mark up except for <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Underlined this Text </span>. If I use <u>Underlined this Text</u> it renders fine on the reports, but the control will not save it in that format. (yes I know <u> is depreciated...).
What I'm wanting to do is update the record after it is inserted and replace any <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> tags with <u> tags and their closing tags</span> with </u>. But I'm not sure how to do this in sql.
This is what a sample saved record currently looks like:
Plain Text <strong> Bold Text </strong><span style="color: #ff0000;"> Color Text </span>/<em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Underlined and Italics Text </span></em> and <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> Underlined Only Text </span>
This is what a sample saved record should look like:
Plain Text <strong> Bold Text </strong><span style="color: #ff0000;"> Color Text </span>/<em><u> Underlined and Italics Text </u></em> and <u> Underlined Only Text </u>
Any ideas as to how I can do this?
You can implement a custom content filter as shown below which will convert the span tag to U tag. Use the same approach for the other tags:
<telerik:radeditor runat="server"ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad" ContentFilters="MakeUrlsAbsolute,FixEnclosingP">
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(editor, args) {
editor.get_filtersManager().add(new FixUnderline());
FixUnderline = function() {
this.IsDom = true;
this.Enabled = true;
this.Name = "FixUnderline";
this.Description = "This filter changes CSS underline to u tag";
FixUnderline.prototype = { _getElements: function(a, c) {
var b = a.getElementsByTagName(c);
if (!b) {
b = a.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName(c);
} return b;
}, _replaceElementWithSpan: function(l, h, k) {
var m = this._getElements(l, h);
var d = [];
for (var b = m.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
Array.add(d, m[b]);
} for (var a = 0, c = d.length; a < c; a++) {
var e = l.ownerDocument.createElement("span"); = k;
var f = d[a];
var g = f.innerHTML;
if ($telerik.isIE && g == " ") {
e.innerText = g;
} else {
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.setElementInnerHtml(e, g);
} f.parentNode.replaceChild(e, f);
}, _replaceSpanWithElement: function(o, n, f) {
var q = this._getElements(o, "span");
var e = [];
for (var b = q.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
Array.add(e, q[b]);
} for (var a = 0, c = e.length; a < c; a++) {
var m = [];
var g = e[a];
for (var p = 0; p < g.childNodes.length; p++) {
Array.add(m, g.childNodes[p].cloneNode(true));
} if ( == f || == (f + ";")) {
var h = o.ownerDocument.createElement(n);
for (var d = 0; d < m.length; d++) {
} g.parentNode.replaceChild(h, g);
}, getHtmlContent: function(a) {
this._replaceSpanWithElement(a, "u", "text-decoration: underline");
return a;
}, getDesignContent: function(a) {
this._replaceElementWithSpan(a, "u", "text-decoration: underline");
return a;
FixUnderline.registerClass("FixUnderline", Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Filter);
See more at and

Traverse whole PDF and change blue color to black ( Change color of underlines as well) + iText

I am using below code to remove blue colors from pdf text. It is working fine. But it is not changing underlines color, but changing text color correctly.
original file part:
Manipulated File:
As you see in above manipulated file, underline color didn't change.
I am looking fix for this thing since two weeks, can anyone help on this. Below is my change color code:
public void testChangeBlackTextToGreenDocument(String source, String filename) throws IOException {
try (InputStream resource = getClass().getResourceAsStream(source);
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(source);
OutputStream result = new FileOutputStream(filename);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(result);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfReader, pdfWriter);) {
PdfCanvasEditor editor = new PdfCanvasEditor() {
protected void write(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands) {
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS.contains(operatorString)) {
List<PdfObject> listobj = new ArrayList<>();
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfLiteral("rg"));
if (currentlyReplacedBlack == null) {
Color currentFillColor =getGraphicsState().getFillColor();
if (ColorConstants.GREEN.equals(currentFillColor) || ColorConstants.CYAN.equals(currentFillColor) || ColorConstants.BLUE.equals(currentFillColor)) {
currentlyReplacedBlack = currentFillColor;
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("rg"), listobj);
} else if (currentlyReplacedBlack != null) {
if (currentlyReplacedBlack instanceof DeviceCmyk) {
List<PdfObject> listobj = new ArrayList<>();
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfLiteral("k"));
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("k"), listobj);
} else if (currentlyReplacedBlack instanceof DeviceGray) {
List<PdfObject> listobj = new ArrayList<>();
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfLiteral("g"));
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("g"), listobj);
} else {
List<PdfObject> listobj = new ArrayList<>();
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfNumber(0));
listobj.add(new PdfLiteral("rg"));
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("rg"), listobj);
currentlyReplacedBlack = null;
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
Color currentlyReplacedBlack = null;
final List<String> TEXT_SHOWING_OPERATORS = Arrays.asList("Tj", "'", "\"", "TJ");
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
editor.editPage(pdfDocument, i);
File file = new File(source);
Here is the original file.
Related Links:
Traverse whole PDF and change some attribute with some object in it using iText
Removing Watermark from PDF iTextSharp
Maven Dependcy Details:
Accepted answer is not working for below files: (Page 41) (Page 60).
Please Help.
(The example code here uses iText 7 for Java. You mentioned neither the iText version nor your programming environment in tags or question text but your example code appears to indicate that this is your combination of choice.)
Replacing blue fill colors
The test you based your original code on attempts explicitly only to change text color. The "underline" in your document, though, is (as far as PDF drawing is concerned) not part of the text but instead drawn as a simple path. Thus, the underline explicitly is not touched by the original code and it has to be adapted for your task.
But actually your task, changing everything blue to black, is easier to implement than only changing the blue text, e.g.
try ( PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SOURCE_PDF);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(RESULT_PDF);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfReader, pdfWriter) )
PdfCanvasEditor editor = new PdfCanvasEditor()
protected void write(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (SET_FILL_RGB.equals(operatorString) && operands.size() == 4) {
if (isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(0), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(1), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(2), 1)) {
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("g"), Arrays.asList(new PdfNumber(0), new PdfLiteral("g")));
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
boolean isApproximatelyEqual(PdfObject number, float reference) {
return number instanceof PdfNumber && Math.abs(reference - ((PdfNumber)number).floatValue()) < 0.01f;
final String SET_FILL_RGB = "rg";
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
editor.editPage(pdfDocument, i);
(ChangeColor test testChangeFillRgbBlueToBlack)
Beware, this is merely a proof-of-concept, not a final and complete solution. In particular:
It merely looks at the fill (non-stroking) colors. In your case that suffices as both your text (as usual) and your underline use fill colors only - the underline actually is not drawn as a stroked line but instead as a slim, filled rectangle.
Only RGB blue (and only such blue set using the rg instruction, not set using sc or scn, let alone blues combined out of other colors using funky blend modes) is considered. This might be an issue particularly in case of documents explicitly designed for printing (likely using CMYK colors).
PdfCanvasEditor only inspects and edits the content stream of the page itself, not the content streams of displayed form XObjects or patterns; thus, some content may not be found. It can be generalized fairly easily.
The result:
Replacing blue fill and stroke colors
Testing the code above you soon found documents in which the underlines were not changed. As it turned out, these underlines are actually drawn as stroked lines, not as filled rectangle as above.
To also properly edit such documents, therefore, you must not only edit the fill colors but also the stroke colors, e.g. like this:
try ( PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SOURCE_PDF);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(RESULT_PDF);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfReader, pdfWriter) )
PdfCanvasEditor editor = new PdfCanvasEditor()
protected void write(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (SET_FILL_RGB.equals(operatorString) && operands.size() == 4) {
if (isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(0), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(1), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(2), 1)) {
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("g"), Arrays.asList(new PdfNumber(0), new PdfLiteral("g")));
if (SET_STROKE_RGB.equals(operatorString) && operands.size() == 4) {
if (isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(0), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(1), 0) &&
isApproximatelyEqual(operands.get(2), 1)) {
super.write(processor, new PdfLiteral("G"), Arrays.asList(new PdfNumber(0), new PdfLiteral("G")));
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
boolean isApproximatelyEqual(PdfObject number, float reference) {
return number instanceof PdfNumber && Math.abs(reference - ((PdfNumber)number).floatValue()) < 0.01f;
final String SET_FILL_RGB = "rg";
final String SET_STROKE_RGB = "RG";
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
editor.editPage(pdfDocument, i);
(ChangeColor tests testChangeRgbBlueToBlackControlOfNitrosamineImpuritiesInSartansRev and testChangeRgbBlueToBlackEdqmReportsIssuesOfNonComplianceWithToothMac)
The results:
Replacing different shades of blue from other RGB'ish color spaces
Testing the code above you again found documents in which the blue colors were not changed. As it turned out, these blue colors were not from the DeviceRGB standard RGB but instead from ICCBased colorspaces, profiled RGB color spaces to be more exact. In particular other color setting operators were used than before, sc / scn instead of rg. Furthermore, in one document not a pure blue 0 0 1 but instead a .17255 .3098 .63529 blue was used
If we assume that sc and scn instructions with three numeric arguments set some flavor of RGB colors as here (in general this is an oversimplification, Lab and other color spaces can also come with 4 components, but your documents seem RGB oriented) and are less strict in recognizing the blue color, we can generalize the code above as follows:
class AllRgbBlueToBlackConverter extends PdfCanvasEditor {
protected void write(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
String operatorString = operator.toString();
if (RGB_SETTER_CANDIDATES.contains(operatorString) && operands.size() == 4) {
if (isBlue(operands.get(0), operands.get(1), operands.get(2))) {
PdfNumber number0 = new PdfNumber(0);
operands.set(0, number0);
operands.set(1, number0);
operands.set(2, number0);
super.write(processor, operator, operands);
boolean isBlue(PdfObject red, PdfObject green, PdfObject blue) {
if (red instanceof PdfNumber && green instanceof PdfNumber && blue instanceof PdfNumber) {
float r = ((PdfNumber)red).floatValue();
float g = ((PdfNumber)green).floatValue();
float b = ((PdfNumber)blue).floatValue();
return b > .5f && r < .9f*b && g < .9f*b;
return false;
final Set<String> RGB_SETTER_CANDIDATES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("rg", "RG", "sc", "SC", "scn", "SCN"));
(ChangeColor helper class)
Used like this
try ( PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(INPUT);
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(OUTPUT);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfReader, pdfWriter) ) {
PdfCanvasEditor editor = new AllRgbBlueToBlackConverter();
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
editor.editPage(pdfDocument, i);
we get

How to fill PDF form with specific font using pdfbox?

I am trying to fill pdf form and I am able to fill it using the following approach through PDFBox library.
val pdf: PDDocument = PDDocument.load(file)
val docCatalog: PDDocumentCatalog = pdf.getDocumentCatalog
val acroForm: PDAcroForm = docCatalog.getAcroForm
def populateFields(inputJson: String, targetPdfPath: String): Unit = {
val valueMap: Array[Field] = gson.fromJson(inputJson, classOf[Array[Field]])
valueMap.foreach((field) => {
val pdField: PDField = acroForm.getField(
if (pdField != null) {
} else {
println(s"No field with name ${}")
The only problem is, I don't see any option to set the font before filling the pdf. Can you help me here?
You can achieve it by using these methods (note that you have to use PDFBox 1.8.15, not the newer 2.0).
// Set the field with custom font.
private void setField(String name, String value, String fontSource) throws IOException {
PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog;
PDAcroForm acroForm;
PDField field;
COSDictionary dict;
COSString defaultAppearance;
docCatalog = pdfTemplate.getDocumentCatalog();
acroForm = docCatalog.getAcroForm();
field = acroForm.getField(name);
dict = (field).getDictionary();
defaultAppearance = (COSString) dict.getDictionaryObject(COSName.DA);
if (defaultAppearance != null)
dict.setString(COSName.DA, "/" + fontName + " 10 Tf 0 g");
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Field1")) {
dict.setString(COSName.DA, "/" + fontName + " 12 Tf 0 g");
if (field instanceof PDTextbox)
field = new PDTextbox(acroForm, dict);
// Set the field with custom font.
private List<String> prepareFont(PDDocument _pdfDocument, List<PDFont> fonts) {
PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog = _pdfDocument.getDocumentCatalog();
PDAcroForm acroForm = docCatalog.getAcroForm();
PDResources res = acroForm.getDefaultResources();
if (res == null)
res = new PDResources();
List<String> fontNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (PDFont font: fonts)
return fontNames;
// Set the field with custom font.
private PDFont loadTrueTypeFont(PDDocument _pdfDocument, String resourceName) throws IOException
return PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF(_pdfDocument, new File(resourceName));
Now, you only have to source the method setField with the name of the field, the value you want to insert and a string which is the path to the TTF font you wanna use.
Hope it helps!

How can I convert XHTML nested list to pdf with iText?

I have XHTML content, and I have to create from this content a PDF file on the fly. I use iText pdf converter.
I tried the simple way, but I always get bad result after calling the XMLWorkerHelper parser.
The expected value:
PDF result:
First Second Second
In the result there is no nested list. I need a solution for calling the parser, and not creating an iText Document instance.
Please take a look at the example NestedListHtml
In this example, I take your code snippet list.html:
And I parse it into an ElementList:
// CSS
CSSResolver cssResolver =
HtmlPipelineContext htmlContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null);
// Pipelines
ElementList elements = new ElementList();
ElementHandlerPipeline end = new ElementHandlerPipeline(elements, null);
HtmlPipeline html = new HtmlPipeline(htmlContext, end);
CssResolverPipeline css = new CssResolverPipeline(cssResolver, html);
// XML Worker
XMLWorker worker = new XMLWorker(css, true);
XMLParser p = new XMLParser(worker);
p.parse(new FileInputStream(HTML));
Now I can add this list to the Document:
for (Element e : elements) {
Or I can list this list to a Paragraph:
Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
for (Element e : elements) {
You will get the desired result as shown in nested_list.pdf
You can not add nested lists to a PdfPCell or to a ColumnText. For instance: this will not work:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
table.addCell("Nested lists don't work in a cell");
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell();
for (Element e : elements) {
This is due to a limitation in the ColumnText class that has been there for many years. We have evaluated the problem and the only way to fix this, would be to rewrite ColumnText entirely. This is not an item on our current technical road map.
Here's a workaround for nested ordered and un-ordered lists.
The rich Text editor I am using giving the class attribute "ql-indent-1/2/2/" for li tags, based on the attribute adding ul/ol starting and ending tags.
public String replaceIndentSubList(String htmlContent) {
org.jsoup.nodes.Document document = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(htmlContent);
Elements element_UL ="ul");
Elements element_OL ="ol");
if (!element_UL.isEmpty()) {
htmlContent = replaceIndents(htmlContent, element_UL, "ul");
if (!element_OL.isEmpty()) {
htmlContent = replaceIndents(htmlContent, element_OL, "ol");
return htmlContent;
public String replaceIndents(String htmlContent, Elements element, String tagType) {
String attributeKey = "class";
String startingULTgas = "<" + tagType + ">";
String endingULTags = "</" + tagType + ">";
int lengthOfQLIndenet = new String("ql-indent-").length();
HashMap<String, String> startingLiTagMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> lastLiTagMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("ql-indent-\\d");
HashSet<String> hash_Set = new HashSet<String>();
Elements element_Tag ="li");
for (org.jsoup.nodes.Element element2 : element_Tag) {
org.jsoup.nodes.Attributes att = element2.attributes();
if (att.hasKey(attributeKey)) {
String attributeValue = att.get(attributeKey);
Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(attributeValue);
if (matcher.find()) {
if (!startingLiTagMap.containsKey(attributeValue)) {
startingLiTagMap.put(attributeValue, element2.toString());
if (!startingLiTagMap.get(attributeValue)
.equalsIgnoreCase(element2.toString())) {
lastLiTagMap.put(attributeValue, element2.toString());
Iterator value = hash_Set.iterator();
while (value.hasNext()) {
String liAttributeKey = (String);
int noOfIndentes = Integer
if (noOfIndentes > 1)
for (int i = 1; i < noOfIndentes; i++) {
startingULTgas = startingULTgas + "<" + tagType + ">";
endingULTags = endingULTags + "</" + tagType + ">";
htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(startingLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey),
startingULTgas + startingLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey));
if (lastLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey) != null) {
System.out.println("Inside last Li Map");
htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(lastLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey),
lastLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey) + endingULTags);
else {
htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(startingLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey),
startingLiTagMap.get(liAttributeKey) + endingULTags);
startingULTgas = "<" + tagType + ">";
endingULTags = "</" + tagType + ">";
System.out.println(htmlContent);[enter image description here][1]
return htmlContent;