NTILE function performance in hive - sql

Is there any way we can optimize the NTILE function run time. Currently, we have around 51M records with 17 variables.
We are performing below query to divide the datasets in to 100 buckets.
create table secondary_table
stored as orc
select a.*,NTILE(100) OVER(ORDER BY score) AS score_rank
from main_table a;
Here score variable represents 12 digit decimal values.
As of now all the load is getting dumped to one reducer which is taking a lot of time after completing 99%. Is there any approach we can optimize it as the current query is taking around 35 min. to execute.
Appreciate any response.
Thanks In advance.

This is not quite an answer, but it might provide some guidance.
The issue is the lack of partition by in the window function. Replacing it with equivalent constructs using, say, row_number() and count(*) won't help.
When I have encountered this, I have been able to work around it in one of two ways.
If there are lots of duplicates, then aggregate and use cumulative sums to define the tiles.
Otherwise, break the values into groups.
As an example of the second. Assuming the scores range from 0 to 1000, with pretty even distributions. Then:
select t.*,
1 + floor((t.seqnum_within + tt.running_cnt - tt.cnt - 1) * 100 / cnt)
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by trunc(score) order by score) as seqnum_within
from t
) t join
(select trunc(score) as score_trunc, count(*) as cnt,
sum(count(*)) over (order by min(score)) as running_cnt,
sum(count(*)) over () as total_cnt
from t
group by trunc(score)
) tt
on trunc(t.score) = score_trunc;
The GROUP BY and JOIN should make better use of the parallel hardware.


Is there a SQL query that can perform this?

I have a data set that is many years of data with millions of rows.
I am looking for a query that will return a sample amount of each DAY for all of that time.
For instance grab the first 1000 rows for each date day would work, but it would be better if it was not the FIRST 1000 rows but a random 1000 rows in that day or at least spread out enough that it would cover many hours of that day so it would be an accurate representation of that day.
This query involves intimate knowledge of dates in SQL which is one of my weak points.
You can use window functions:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by trunc(date_col order by dbms_random.value) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 1000;

How do I group a set of entities (people) into 10 equal portions but based on their usage for EX using Oracle's Toad 11g (SQL)

Hi I have a list of 2+ mil people and their usage put in order from largest to smallest.
I tried ranking using row_number () over (partition by user column order by usage desc) as rnk
but that didnt work ..the results were crazy.
Simply put, I just want 10 equal groups of 10 with the first group consisting of the highest usage in the order of which i had first listed them.
You can use ntile():
select t.*, ntile(10) over (order by usage desc) as usage_decile
from t;
The only caveat: This will divide the data into exactly 10 equal sized groups. If usage values have duplicates, then users with the same usage will be in different deciles.
If you don't want that behavior, use a more manual calculation:
select t.*,
ceil(rank() over (order by usage desc) * 10 /
count(*) over ()
) as usage_decile
from t;

Can I speed up this subquery nested PostgreSQL Query

I have the following PostgreSQL code (which works, but slowly) which I'm using to create a materialized view, however it is quite slow and length of code seems cumbersome with the multiple sub-queries. Is there anyway I can improve the speed this code executes at or rewrite so it's shorter and easier to maintain?
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW station_views.obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_powerbi AS
SELECT t.station_num,
initcap(t.station_name) AS station_name,
to_char(to_timestamp(t.month_int::text, 'MM'), 'TMMonth') AS Month,
round(((date_part('year', age(t2.dmax, t2.dmin)) * 12 + date_part('month', age(t2.dmax, t2.dmin))) / 12)::numeric, 1) AS record_years,
round((t2.count_all_vals / t2.max_10_periods * 100)::numeric, 1) AS per_datset,
max(t.avg_bom_fdi) AS max,
avg(t.avg_bom_fdi) AS avg,
percentile_cont(0.95) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t.avg_bom_fdi) AS percentile_cont_95,
percentile_cont(0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t.avg_bom_fdi) AS percentile_cont_99
FROM ( SELECT a.station_num,
date_part('day', a.ten_minute_intervals_utc) AS day,
date_part('month', a.ten_minute_intervals_utc) AS month_int,
FROM analysis.obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom a,
obs_minute_stn_det d
WHERE d.station_num = a.station_num) t,
( SELECT obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.station_num,
min(obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.ten_minute_intervals_utc) AS dmin,
max(obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.ten_minute_intervals_utc) AS dmax,
date_part('epoch', max(obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.ten_minute_intervals_utc) - min(obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.ten_minute_intervals_utc)) / 600 AS max_10_periods,
count(*) AS count_all_vals
FROM analysis.obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view
GROUP BY obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.station_num, obs_10_min_avg_ffdi_bom_view.station_name) t2
WHERE t.station_num = t2.station_num
GROUP BY t.station_num, t.station_name, Month, t.month_int, t.day, record_years, per_datset
ORDER BY t.month_int, t.day
The output I get is a row for each weather station (station_num & station_name) along with the day & month that a weather variable is recorded (avg_bom_fdi). The month value is retained and converted to a name for purposes of plotting values averaged per month on the chart. I also pull in the total number of years that recordings exist for that station (record_years) and a percentage of how complete that dataset is (per_datset). These both come from the second subquery (t2). The first subquery (t) is used to average the data per day and return the daily max, average and 95/99th percentiles.
I agree with the running the explain plan / execution plan on this
Also , if not needed remove order by
If you see , lot of
time spent on fetching a particular value while reviewing execution plan,
try creating an index on that particular column.
Depending on high
and low cardinality , you can create B-Tree or Bit Map index,if you are deciding on index.
I think you need read something about Execution plan. It's good way to understand what doing with you query.
I recommended you documentation about this problem - LINK

20 Day moving average with joins alone

There are questions like this all over the place so let me specify where I specifically need help.
I have seen moving averages in SQL with Oracle Analytic functions, MSSQL apply, or a variety of other methods. I have also seen this done with self joins (one join for each day of the average, such as here How do you create a Moving Average Method in SQL? ).
I am curious as to if there is a way (only using self joins) to do this in SQL (preferably oracle, but since my question is geared towards joins alone this should be possible for any RDBMS). The way would have to be scalable (for a 20 or 100 day moving average, in contrast to the link I researched above, which required a join for each day in the moving average).
My thoughts are
select customer, a.tradedate, a.shares, avg(b.shares)
from trades a, trades b
where b.tradedate between a.tradedate-20 and a.tradedate
group by customer, a.tradedate
But when I tried it in the past it hadn't worked. To be more specific, I am trying a smaller but similar exmaple (5 day avg instead of 20 day) with this fiddle demo and cant find out where I am going wrong. http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/ed008/41
select a.ticker, a.dt_date, a.volume, avg(b.volume)
from yourtable a, yourtable b
where b.dt_date between a.dt_date-5 and a.dt_date
and a.ticker=b.ticker
group by a.ticker, a.dt_date, a.volume
I don't see anything wrong with your second query, I think the only reason it's not what you're expecting is because the volume field is an integer data type so when you calculate the average the resulting output will also be an integer data type. For an average you have to cast it, because the result won't necessarily be an integer (whole number):
select a.ticker, a.dt_date, a.volume, avg(cast(b.volume as float))
from yourtable a
join yourtable b
on a.ticker = b.ticker
where b.dt_date between a.dt_date - 5 and a.dt_date
group by a.ticker, a.dt_date, a.volume
http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/ed008/48/0 (thanks to #DaleM for DDL)
I don't know why you would ever do this vs. an analytic function though, especially since you mention wanting to do this in Oracle (which has analytic functions). It would be different if your preferred database were MySQL or a database without analytic functions.
Just to add to the answer, this is how you would achieve the same result in Oracle using analytic functions. Notice how the PARTITION BY acts as the join you're using on ticker. That splits up the results so that the same date shared across multiple tickers don't interfere.
select ticker,
avg(cast(volume as decimal)) over( partition by ticker
order by dt_date
rows between 5 preceding
and current row ) as mov_avg
from yourtable
order by ticker, dt_date, volume
Analytic functions will likely run much faster.
http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/ed008/45 would appear to be what you need.
select a.ticker,
(select avg(cast(b.volume as float))
from yourtable b
where b.dt_date between a.dt_date-5 and a.dt_date
and a.ticker=b.ticker)
from yourtable a
order by a.ticker, a.dt_date
not a join but a subquery

SQL Average Inter-arrival Time, Time Between Dates

I have a table with sequential timestamps:
2011-03-17 10:31:19
2011-03-17 10:45:49
2011-03-17 10:47:49
I need to find the average time difference between each of these(there could be dozens) in seconds or whatever is easiest, I can work with it from there. So for example the above inter-arrival time for only the first two times would be 870 (14m 30s). For all three times it would be: (870 + 120)/2 = 445 (7m 25s).
A note, I am using postgreSQL 8.1.22 .
EDIT: The table I mention above is from a different query that is literally just a one-column list of timestamps
Not sure I understood your question completely, but this might be what you are looking for:
SELECT avg(difference)
SELECT timestamp_col - lag(timestamp_col) over (order by timestamp_col) as difference
FROM your_table
) t
The inner query calculates the distance between each row and the preceding row. The result is an interval for each row in the table.
The outer query simply does an average over all differences.
i think u want to find avg(timestamptz).
my solution is avg(current - min value). but since result is interval, so add it to min value again.
SELECT avg(target_col - (select min(target_col) from your_table))
+ (select min(target_col) from your_table)
FROM your_table
If you cannot upgrade to a version of PG that supports window functions, you
may compute your table's sequential steps "the slow way."
Assuming your table is "tbl" and your timestamp column is "ts":
SELECT AVG(t1 - t0)
-- All this silliness would be moot if we could use
-- `` lead(ts) over (order by ts) ''
SELECT tbl.ts AS t0,
next.ts AS t1
FROM tbl
tbl next
WHERE next.ts = (
FROM tbl subquery
WHERE subquery.ts > tbl.ts
) derived;
But don't do that. Its performance will be terrible. Please do what
a_horse_with_no_name suggests, and use window functions.