MS Access - multiple count from same table - sql

First time poster...
I am using access to build a report for alarms from a control system. The list is an export from the alarm utility which needs needs 3 important bits of data:
Module - Name of instrument associated with alarm
Description - description of the instrument
Alarm type - High, High High etc.
I would like to do a top ten of all the alarms but the issue I'm having is that the instrument module contains multiple different types of alarms and I need to filter for each one. I used the group by then count, but it takes all instances of module and does not break it down.
I am not very good at SQL and access and I'm sure its a simple fix.
Any help would be appreciated

I you want multiple count from same table you can write the query like below
record = session.createSQLQuery("select count(village_id),count(date_of_action), from TABLE_NAME where CONDITION ORDER BY date_of_action DESC" ).list();
if (record != null && record.size() > 0) {
for(Object[] obj:(List<Object[]>)record ){
int i = 0;
BigInteger villageCounts = (BigInteger)obj[i];
BigInteger memberCounts = (BigInteger)obj[++i];


How to improve the efficiency of below query in SQL Server?

I have a ten million level database. The client needs to read data and perform calculation.
Due to the large amount of data, if it is saved in the application cache, memory will be overflow and crash will occur.
If I use select statement to query data from the database in real time, the time may be too long and the number of operations on the database may be too frequent.
Is there a better way to read the database data? I use C++ and C# to access SQL Server database.
My database statement is similar to the following:
SELECT TOP 10 y.SourceName, MAX(y.EndTimeStamp - y.StartTimeStamp) AS ProcessTimeStamp
SELECT x.SourceName, x.StartTimeStamp, IIF(x.EndTimeStamp IS NOT NULL, x.EndTimeStamp, 134165256277210658) AS EndTimeStamp
LEAD(Active) OVER(PARTITION BY SourceName ORDER BY TicksTimeStamp) NextActive,
TicksTimeStamp AS StartTimeStamp,
LEAD(TicksTimeStamp) OVER(PARTITION BY SourceName ORDER BY TicksTimeStamp) EndTimeStamp
FROM Table1
WHERE Path = N'App1' and TicksTimeStamp >= 132165256277210658 and TicksTimeStamp < 134165256277210658
) x
WHERE (x.Active = 1 and x.NextActive = 0) OR (x.Active = 1 and x.NextActive = null)
) y
GROUP BY y.SourceName
ORDER BY ProcessTimeStamp DESC, y.SourceName
The database structure is roughly as follows:
ID Path SourceName TicksTimeStamp Active
1 App1 Pipe1 132165256277210658 1
2 App1 Pipe1 132165256297210658 0
3 App1 Pipe1 132165956277210658 1
4 App2 Pipe2 132165956277210658 1
5 App2 Pipe2 132165956277210658 0
I use the ExecuteReader of C #. The same SQL statement runs on SQL Management for 4s, but the time returned by the ExecuteReader is 8-9s. Does the slow time have anything to do with this interface?
I don't really 'get' the entire query but I'm wondering about this part:
WHERE (x.Active = 1 and x.NextActive = 0) OR (x.Active = 1 and x.NextActive = null)
SQL doesn't really like OR's so why not convert this to
WHERE x.Active = 1 and ISNULL(x.NextActive, 0) = 0
This might cause a completely different query plan. (or not)
As CharlieFace mentioned, probably best to share the query plan so we might get an idea of what's going on.
PS: I'm also not sure what those 'ticksTimestamps' represent, but it looks like you're fetching a pretty wide range there, bigger volumes will also cause longer processing time. Even though you only return the top 10 it still has to go through the entire range to calculate those durations.
I agree with #Charlieface. I think the index you want is as follows:
CREATE INDEX idx ON Table1 (Path, TicksTimeStamp) INCLUDE (SourceName, Active);
You can add both indexes (with different names of course) and see which one the execution engine chooses.
I can suggest adding the following index which should help the inner query using LEAD:
CREATE INDEX idx ON Table1 (SourceName, TicksTimeStamp, Path) INCLUDE (Active);
The key point of the above index is that it should allow the lead values to be rapidly computed. It also has an INCLUDE clause for Active, to cover the entire select.

Conditional Distinct

Sorry for the kinda longish introduction, but I want to make clear what I'm trying to do. If someone is able to come up with a more appropriate title, please feel free to edit.
I wrote an SNMP Collector that queries every switch in our data center once per hour and checks which ports are online, and stores the results in a MS SQL 2k12 DB. The motivation was that often admins don't report a discontinued server or some other device and we are running out of switch ports.
The DB schema looks like this (simplified screenshot):
The Interfaces table is a child table to the Crawls (Crawl = Run of the SNMP collector) table as the number of interfaces is not constant for every switch but changes between Crawls, as line cards are inserted or removed.
Now I want to write a query that returns every Interface on every Switch that ALWAYS had an ifOperStatus value of 2 and NEVER had an ifOperStatus of 1.
I wrote a query that has three nested sub-queries, is ugly to read and slow as hell. There sure has to be an easier way.
My approach was to filter the ports that NEVER changed by using
HAVING (COUNT(DISTINCT dbo.Interfaces.ifOperStatus) = 1)
and than inner-joining against a list of ports that had an ifOperStatus of 2 during the last crawl. Ugly, as I said.
So, a sample output from the DB would look like this:
And I'm looking for a query that returns rows 5-7 because ifOperStatus never changed, but DOES NOT return rows 3-4 because ifOperStatus flapped.
How about
HAVING (MIN(dbo.Interfaces.ifOperStatus) = 2 AND MAX(dbo.Interfaces.ifOperStatus) = 2)
MIN and MAX don't require SQL Server to maintain a set of all values seen so far, just the highest/lowest. This may also avoid the need to join "against a list of ports that had an ifOperStatus of 2 during the last crawl".
interfaces i
join crawl c on = i.crawlId
join switches s on = c.switchId
i.ifOperStatus = 2
and not exists
select 'x'
interfaces ii
join crawl cc on = ii.crawlId
join switches ss on = cc.switchId
where =
and ii.ifOperStatus = 1

Returning the first X records in a postgresql query with a unique field

Ok so I'm having a bit of a learning moment here and after figuring out A way to get this to work, I'm curious if anyone with a bit more postgres experience could help me figure out a way to do this without doing a whole lotta behind the scene rails stuff (or doing a single query for each item i'm trying to get)... now for an explaination:
Say I have 1000 records, we'll call them "Instances", in the database that have these fields:
I want to create a method that I can call that pulls in 10 instances that all have a unique other_id field, in plain english (I realize this won't work :) ):
Select * from instances where user_id = 3 and other_id is unique limit 10
So instead of pulling in an array of 10 instances where user_id is 3 and you can get multiple instances with the other_id is 5, I want to be able to run a map function on those 10 instances and get back something like [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
In theory, I can probably do one of two things currently, though I'm trying to avoid them:
Store an array of id's and do individual calls making sure the next call says "not in this array". The problem here is I'm doing 10 individual db queries.
Pull in a large chunk of say, 50 instances and sorting through them in ruby-land to find 10 unique ones. This wouldn't allow me to take advantage of any optimizations already done in the database and I'd also run the risk of doing a query for 50 items that don't have 10 unique other_id's and I'd be stuck with those unless I did another query.
Anyways, hoping someone may be able to tell me I'm overlooking an easy option :) I know this is kind of optimizing before it's really needed but this function is going to be run over and over and over again so I figure it's not a waste of time right now.
For the record, I'm using Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.13, and Postgresql (Heroku)
EDIT: Just wanted to give an example of a function that technically DOES work (and is number 1 above)
def getInstances(limit, user)
out_of_instances = false
available = []
other_ids = [-1] # added -1 to avoid submitting a NULL query
until other_ids.length == limit || out_of_instances == true
instance = Instance.where("user_id IS ? AND other_id <> ALL (ARRAY[?])",, other_ids).limit(1)
if instance != []
available << instance.first
other_ids << instance.first.other_id
out_of_instances = true
And you would run:
getInstances(10, current_user)
While this works, it's not ideal because it's leading to 10 separate queries every time it's called :(
In a single SQL query, it can be achieved easily with SELECT DISTINCT ON... which is a PostgreSQL-specific feature.
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of
each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The
DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same rules as for
ORDER BY (see above). Note that the "first row" of each set is
unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired row
appears first
With your example:
FROM instances
WHERE user_id = 3
ORDER BY other_id LIMIT 10

SQL add up rows in a column

I'm running SQL queries in Orion Report Writer for Solarwinds Netflow Traffic Analyzer and am trying to add up data usage for specific conversations coming from the same general sources. In this case it is netflix. I've made some progress with my query.
SELECT TOP 10000 FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation.FullHostname AS Full_Hostname_A,
SUM(NetflowConversationSummary.TotalBytes) AS SUM_of_Bytes_Transferred,
SUM(NetflowConversationSummary.TotalBytes) AS Total_Bytes
((NetflowConversationSummary LEFT OUTER JOIN FlowCorrelation FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation ON (NetflowConversationSummary.SourceIPSort = FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation.IPAddressSort)) LEFT OUTER JOIN FlowCorrelation FlowCorrelation_Dest_FlowCorrelation ON (NetflowConversationSummary.DestIPSort = FlowCorrelation_Dest_FlowCorrelation.IPAddressSort)) INNER JOIN Nodes ON (NetflowConversationSummary.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID)
( DateTime BETWEEN 41539 AND 41570 )
(FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation.FullHostname LIKE 'ipv4_1.lagg0%')
GROUP BY FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation.FullHostname, FlowCorrelation_Dest_FlowCorrelation.FullHostname, Nodes.Caption, Nodes.NodeID, FlowCorrelation_Source_FlowCorrelation.IPAddress
So I've got an output that filters everything but netflix sessions (Full_Hostname_A) and their total usage for each session (Sum_Of_Bytes_Transferred)
I want to add up Sum_Of_Bytes_Transferred to get a total usage for all netflix sessions
listed, which will output to Total_Bytes. I created the column Total_Bytes, but don't know how to output a total to it.
For some asked clarification, here is the output from the above query:
I want the Total_Bytes Column to be all added up into one number.
I have no familiarity with the reporting tool you are using.
From reading your post I'm thinking you want the the first 2 columns of data that you've got, plus at a later point in the report, a single figure being the sum of the total_bytes column you're already producing.
Your reporting tool probably has some means of totalling a column, but you may need to get the support people for the reporting tool to tell you how to do that.
Aside from this, if you can find a way of calling a separate query in a latter section of the report, or if you embed a new report inside your existing report, after the detail section, and use that to run a separate query then you should be able to get the data you want with this:
SELECT Sum(Total_Bytes) as [Total Total Bytes]
FROM ( yourExistingQuery ) x
yourExistingQuery means the query you've already got, in full (doesnt have to be put on one line), the paretheses are required, and so is the "x". (The latter provides a syntax-required name for the virtual table which your query defines).
Hope this helps.

What is an unbounded query?

Is an unbounded query a query without a WHERE param = value statement?
Apologies for the simplicity of this one.
An unbounded query is one where the search criteria is not particularly specific, and is thus likely to return a very large result set. A query without a WHERE clause would certainly fall into this category, but let's consider for a moment some other possibilities. Let's say we have tables as follows:
Suppose that we want to pull in a specific transaction, and we know the ID of the sale:
In this case the query is bounded, and we can guarantee it's going to pull in either one or zero rows.
Another example of a bounded query, but with a large result set would be the one produced when the director of district 23 says "I want to see the total sales for each store in my district for every day last year", which would be something like
In this case the query should return 365 (or fewer, if stores are not open every day) rows for each store in district 23. If there's 25 stores in the district it'll return 9125 rows or fewer.
On the other hand, let's say our VP of Sales wants some data. He/she/it isn't quite certain what's wanted, but he/she/it is pretty sure that whatever it is happened in the first six months of the year...not quite sure about which year...and not sure about the location, either - probably in district 23 (he/she/it has had a running feud with the individual who runs district 23 for the past 6 years, ever since that golf tournament where...well, never mind...but if a problem can be hung on the door of district 23's director so be it!)...and of course he/she/it wants all the details, and have it on his/her/its desk toot sweet! And thus we get a query that looks something like
S.something, S.something_else, S.some_more_stuff
This is an example of an unbounded query. How many rows will it return? Good question - that depends on how business conditions were, how many location were open, how many days there were in February, etc.
Put more simply, if you can look at a query and have a pretty good idea of how many rows it's going to return (even though that number might be relatively large) the query is bounded. If you can't, it's unbounded.
Share and enjoy.
An unbounded result set is where a query is performed and does not explicitly limit the number of returned results from a query. Usually, this means that the application assumes that a query will always return only a few records. That works well in development and in testing, but it is a time bomb waiting to explode in production.
The query may suddenly start returning thousands upon thousands of rows, and in some cases, it may return millions of rows. This leads to more load on the database server, the application server, and the network. In many cases, it can grind the entire system to a halt, usually ending with the application servers crashing with out of memory errors.
Here is one example of a query that will trigger the unbounded result set warning:
var query = from post in blogDataContext.Posts
where post.Category == "Performance"
select post;
If the performance category has many posts, we are going to load all of them, which is probably not what was intended. This can be fixed fairly easily by using pagination by utilizing the Take() method:
var query = (from post in blogDataContext.Posts
where post.Category == "Performance"
select post)
Now we are assured that we only need to handle a predictable, small result set, and if we need to work with all of them, we can page through the records as needed. Paging is implemented using the Skip() method, which instructs Entity Framework to skip (at the database level) N number of records before taking the next page.
But there is another common occurrence of the unbounded result set problem from directly traversing the object graph, as in the following example:
var post = postRepository.Get(id);
foreach (var comment in post.Comments)
// do something interesting with the comment
Here, again, we are loading the entire set without regard for how big the result set may be. Entity Framework does not provide a good way of paging through a collection when traversing the object graph. It is recommended that you would issue a separate and explicit query for the contents of the collection, which will allow you to page through that collection without loading too much data into memory.