How to calculate Total records Counts in table with my scenario - sql

I am Writing a SQL Code which basically count stars values Like ratings Feedback forms.To calculate how many peoples rate
1 star,2,3 and so on i am using pivot unpivot SQL properties to calculate count against of each number hits.Now i want to calculate count of all records in the table along with my this query.
i want to achieve my desire result without sub-query.
WITH survey AS (
survey_id = 1
) UNPIVOT ( star
IN ( performance AS 'PERFORMANCE',
teacher_behaviour AS 'TEACHER_BEHAVIOUR'
) )
survey PIVOT (
COUNT ( student_id )
FOR star
IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )
enter image description here

Hmmm . . . I'm not a fan of PIVOT and UNPIVOT. They really offer no new functionality and are quite bespoke and not powerful enough.
So, I would just unpivot and use conditional aggregation:
SELECT survey_id, which, COUNT(rating) as total,
SUM(CASE WHEN rating = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rating_1,
SUM(CASE WHEN rating = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rating_2,
SUM(CASE WHEN rating = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rating_3,
SUM(CASE WHEN rating = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rating_4,
SUM(CASE WHEN rating = 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as rating_5
(CASE WHEN which = 'PERFORMANCE' THEN performance
WHEN which = 'TEACHER_BEHAVIOUR' THEN teacher_behavior
END) as rating
FROM survey_feedback sf CROSS JOIN
) n
) sf
WHERE sf.survey_id = 1
GROUP BY sf.survey_id, which;
In Oracle 12C+, I would use a lateral join for unpivoting.


How to do this query using self join or anything but without using window function

Below is the solution but I want to know other ways to accomplish the same results (preferably in PostgreSQL).
This is the DB
Question - How many customers have churned straight after their initial free trial? what percentage is this rounded to the
nearest whole number?
WITH ranking AS (
PARTITION BY s.customer_id
ORDER BY s.plan_id) AS plan_rank
FROM dbo.subscriptions s
JOIN dbo.plans p
ON s.plan_id = p.plan_id)
COUNT(*) AS churn_count,
ROUND(100 * COUNT(*) / (
FROM dbo.subscriptions),0) AS churn_percentage
FROM ranking
WHERE plan_id = 4 -- Filter to churn plan
AND plan_rank = 2
You can achieve the same results with a single aggregation on customer_id with a few CASE WHEN statements:
SELECT count(*) as total_customers
,count(case when total_subscriptions = 2
and includes_free = 1
and includes_churn = 1 then 1 end) as churn_count
,100 * count(case when total_subscriptions = 2
and includes_free = 1
and includes_churn = 1 then 1 end) / count(*) as target_percent
SELECT customer_id
,count(*) as total_subscriptions
,max(case when plan_id = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as includes_free
,max(case when plan_id = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as includes_churn
FROM dbo.subscriptions
GROUP BY customer_id
) AS tbl
-- Remove any records for people who didnt use the free trial
-- or people who are still on the free trial
WHERE includes_free = 1 AND total_subscriptions > 1
The difference between our solutions are:
Yours doesn't specify that the customer actually had a free trial
Mine doesn't include customers who went from Free -> Churn -> (something else)
Depending on your requirements you might want to make further alterations/use a different approach.

How to count with cases without subqueries in this situation

I have a table grades[Student, Grade]
My task is to сount the amount of students, have 2 A's (2) and at least one D (2).
The most painful part is that i shouldn't use sql subqueries
That abomination i come up with would only list such nulls and students which fit by condition
Any ideas how to count them ? Or rework query?
sum(CASE WHEN g1.grade = 5
END) > 2
sum(CASE WHEN g1.grade = 2
END) > 0
THEN g1.student_name
END as student_name
FROM grades g1
group by g1.student_name
You don't need any sub queries you can just count and filter using having and conditional sum
select Student
from Grades
group by Student
having sum(case when Grade='A' then 1 end)=2
and sum(case when Grade='D' then 1 end)>0
To get just the count of qualifying rows you can do
select distinct count(*) over()
from Grades
group by Student
having sum(case when Grade='A' then 1 end)=2
and sum(case when Grade='D' then 1 end)>0
Oh how I miss homework....
Depending on your database, you can use PIVOT:
FROM grades PIVOT (COUNT(*) AS CNT FOR grade IN (5 AS A, 2 AS D)) g
WHERE g.a_cnt >= 2 AND g.d_cnt > 0;
SELECT g.student
FROM grades g
GROUP BY g.student
HAVING COUNT(DECODE(g.grade, 5, 1, NULL)) >= 2 AND COUNT(DECODE(g.grade, 2, 1, NULL)) > 0;

aliasing pivot column

i am trying to alias the pivot column to scenario1, scenario2, scenario3 instead of 1,2,3. I am getting error.
select *
from (select *
from (select s.campaign_id campaign_id, s.scenario_index scenario_index
from scenario s, campaign c where s.campaign_id = c.campaign_id)
pivot (max(scenario_index)for scenario_index in (1,2,3))
thank you, aggregation gives the result with alias now. The requirement i have is to combine these columns with another query which is
select CASE WHEN AWARD_TYPE = 0 THEN award_rate||' points'
when AWARD_TYPE = 1 then Award_rate||' %'
when award_type=2 then RATIO_POINTS||' points per '||RATIO_MON_UNIT||' AED' End
from points_rule p
where c.pt_basic_rule_id = p.point_rule_id ) as pool_awards,
this query comes as a column and then the scenario1, 2,3 should come as 3 columns with the value of the pool_award based on the campaign_id
Just use conditional aggregation:
select s.campaign_id,
max(case when scenario_index = 1 then 1 end) as scenario1,
max(case when scenario_index = 2 then 1 end) as scenario2,
max(case when scenario_index = 3 then 1 end) as scenario3
from scenario s join
campaign c
on s.campaign_id = c.campaign_id
group by campaign_id;
You can use an alias in IN clause of the PIVOT as follows:
select *
from (select *
from (select s.campaign_id campaign_id, s.scenario_index scenario_index
from scenario s, campaign c where s.campaign_id = c.campaign_id)
pivot (max(scenario_index)for scenario_index in (1 as scenario1,2 as scenario2,3 as scenario3))

Optimizing code with multple conditions on multiple tables?

I want to check whether these customers have LEAD action or SELL action which both stay in another tables. However, It takes like forever to finish it.
create table ct_nguyendang.visitor
select user_id, updated_at::date,
when user_id in (select distinct d_visitor_id from xiti.lead_detail) then 'lead'
else 'None'
end as lead_action,
when user_id in (select distinct account_id from ct_nguyendang.daily_listor) then 'sell'
else 'None'
end as sell_action
I think you can use union all and aggregation:
select user_id, max(is_lead) as has_lead, max(is_sale) as has_sale
from ((select d_visitor_id as user_id, 1 as is_lead, 0 as is_sale
from xiti.lead_detail
) union all
(select account_id, 0, 1
from ct_nguyendang.daily_listor
) ls
group by user_id;
If you have a table of users, then you can use correlated subqueries:
select u.*,
(case when exists (select 1
from xiti.lead_detail l
where u.user_id = l.d_visitor_id
then 1 else 0
end) as has_lead,
(case when exists (select 1
from ct_nguyendang.daily_listor s
where u.user_id = s.account_id
then 1 else 0
end) as has_sale
from users u;
Note that I prefer using 1 for "true" and 0 for "false". Of course, you can use string values if you prefer.
To optimize this query, you want indexes on xiti.lead_detail(d_visitor_id) and ct_nguyendang.daily_listor(account_id).

Looping in select query

I want to do something like this:
select id,
count(*) as total,
FOR temp IN SELECT DISTINCT somerow FROM mytable ORDER BY somerow LOOP
sum(case when somerow = temp then 1 else 0 end) temp,
from mytable
group by id
order by id
I created working select:
select id,
count(*) as total,
sum(case when somerow = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_a,
sum(case when somerow = 'b' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_b,
sum(case when somerow = 'c' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_c,
sum(case when somerow = 'd' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_d,
sum(case when somerow = 'e' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_e,
sum(case when somerow = 'f' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_f,
sum(case when somerow = 'g' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_g,
sum(case when somerow = 'h' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_h,
sum(case when somerow = 'i' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_i,
sum(case when somerow = 'j' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_j,
sum(case when somerow = 'k' then 1 else 0 end) somerow_k
from mytable
group by id
order by id
this works, but it is 'static' - if some new value will be added to 'somerow' I will have to change sql manually to get all the values from somerow column, and that is why I'm wondering if it is possible to do something with for loop.
So what I want to get is this:
id somerow_a somerow_b ....
0 3 2 ....
1 2 10 ....
2 19 3 ....
. ... ...
. ... ...
. ... ...
So what I'd like to do is to count all the rows which has some specific letter in it and group it by id (this id isn't primary key, but it is repeating - for id there are about 80 different values possible).!15/18feb/2
Are arrays good for you? (SQL Fiddle)
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
id | total | somecol | totalcol
1 | 6 | {b,a,c} | {2,1,3}
2 | 5 | {d,f} | {2,3}
In 9.2 it is possible to have a set of JSON objects (Fiddle)
select row_to_json(s)
from (
sum(totalcol) as total,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
In 9.3, with the addition of lateral, a single object (Fiddle)
select to_json(format('{%s}', (string_agg(j, ','))))
from (
select format('%s:%s', to_json(id), to_json(c)) as j
sum(totalcol) as total_sum,
array_agg(somecol) as somecol_array,
array_agg(totalcol) as totalcol_array
from (
select id, somecol, count(*) as totalcol
from mytable
group by id, somecol
) s
group by id
) s
cross join lateral
total_sum as total,
somecol_array as somecol,
totalcol_array as totalcol
) c
) s
In 9.2 it is also possible to have a single object in a more convoluted way using subqueries in instead of lateral
SQL is very rigid about the return type. It demands to know what to return beforehand.
For a completely dynamic number of resulting values, you can only use arrays like #Clodoaldo posted. Effectively a static return type, you do not get individual columns for each value.
If you know the number of columns at call time ("semi-dynamic"), you can create a function taking (and returning) polymorphic parameters. Closely related answer with lots of details:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
(You also find a related answer with arrays from #Clodoaldo there.)
Your remaining option is to use two round-trips to the server. The first to determine the the actual query with the actual return type. The second to execute the query based on the first call.
Else, you have to go with a static query. While doing that, I see two nicer options for what you have right now:
1. Simpler expression
select id
, count(*) AS total
, count(somecol = 'a' OR NULL) AS somerow_a
, count(somecol = 'b' OR NULL) AS somerow_b
, ...
from mytable
group by id
order by id;
How does it work?
Compute percents from SUM() in the same SELECT sql query
SQL Fiddle.
2. crosstab()
crosstab() is more complex at first, but written in C, optimized for the task and shorter for long lists. You need the additional module tablefunc installed. Read the basics here if you are not familiar:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id)::int AS total
, somecol
, count(*)::int AS ct -- casting to int, don't think you need bigint?
FROM mytable
$$SELECT unnest('{a,b,c,d}'::text[])$$
) AS f (id int, total int, a int, b int, c int, d int);