Angular8 Library: 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files - angular8

I am new at building Angular Library. I have created an angular library successfully from CLI. However, I wanted to add a new service(class) in the library. And while I want to build the library, its always throwing the error as in the screenshot:
Error Screenshot
I have checked some discussions on the web but none of them resolve my problem.
The library structure as in the screenshot:
Library structure screenshot
I have created separated the folders of classes, services, and components.
The newly created component from CLI is working fine, only for the services and classes, the error is throwing while building.
I can provide more info if required.


Could not build Objective-C module 'Your Framework'

I am using broadcast extension to capture my iPhone screen, In same project I am using some framework, which are working perfect in my project target, If same Framework I am importing in BroadCast Extension target like in side "SampleHandler" class(This is broadcast extension "RPBroadcastSampleHandler" Class), I am facing compiler issue as "Could not build Objective-C module 'your framework name'", As framework build in objective-c and my project is in swift. I am using "POD" to install all framework. I have also try with killing Xcode, Clean drive data, uninstall POD and install back several time, But still not getting any luck. I have also try creating Bridging-Header and import these library in side Bridging-Header and getting "Could not build module 'Your framework name'"
Kindly suggest which changes need to do in framework code to compile in different target in same project. As we are only writing that framework.
to make this work
Go to traget -> setting-> Require Only App-Extension-Safe API = NO

Bootstrapping Aurelia

Finally, I start to work with Aurelia. There is a starter kit available Here which facilitates initializing Aurelia. But it is a template which should be used within a Web Site template.
I have a pre-configured WebApi project and I want to use Aurelia in it. I've just added the starter kit files and folders to my project. But unfortunately it shows 27651 errors fo files in jspm_packages.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any Nuget bootstrapper for Aurelia available?
Start with the aspnetcore template from Here
You can use web api from the template.
You will be up and running in minutes.
If you are using Web API, starting from an MVC5 project might be faster.
The following link is an Aurelia starter kit with MVC5.
You will have to update it to the latest version of Aurelia, but I managed to make it work with web api 2 and oAuth authentication.
A tutorial can be found here.
Hope this helps.
Well you asked what the errors are from. First thing is that you should exclude the jspm_packages folder from VisualStudios solution explorer Right click on it and mark 'exclude from project'.
Next, setup your project on source control (git) if not already and add the following to your git .ignore file
I would suggest creating a second project aside from your WebAPI project that can contain static html, css and js files and do your Aurelia application there separate from your Web API project but in the same solution.
I could possibly give you a solution that is already setup, that shows how to use web api along with aurelia. But it would take some time for me to setup.
For all of my projects using Aurelia, I use the aurelia-cli which you get through npm and I would also recommend this approach.
You can be up and running with hello world in under 5 minutes.
You will then be able to build all the appropriate bits and pieces to talk to your api.

How to create re-usable library

I want to create a Kotlin library that can be reused across my Android apps. However I don't want it to be an Android library since I was hoping to hook it up to some testing and mocking frameworks.
In my Android app, I right-clicked on the top-level app node and did New -> Module and then selected Java Library. However in the new Java library it seems like Kotlin is only partially being supported. Syntax for the most part works but other things don't.
For instance, forEach on my HashMap is unresolved as well as attempting to index it such as items[0]. Am I going about this the right way?
I had to go into module settings and under dependencies (for the reusable library) I added a library dependency on the kotlin-std-lib. Everything resolves now and seems to be working.

Web API Help page not showing XML

I have a Web API project in which I removed by hand Areas folder few months ago when we started development. Now after everything is finished I want to add API help pages but it is not working as expected.
I installed nuget package for help pages.
I uncommented line in HelpPageConfig.cs
I checked Generate documentation file (to App_Data folder)
When I open http://localhost:51665/help I get this: (No methods are shown)
Any idea what could be wrong? If I start new project from scratch everything works properly.
I suppose you've setup your project in two steps:
You should choose Build tab in API project Properties and set up XML Documentation file in Output section. For example: App_Data\XmlDocument.xml
Then you can updateHelpPageConfig.cs in method Register... in my case
config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XmlDocument.xml")));
When your project is in compilation process, take a look in output window, whether documentation is really generated.
Try to use older version of ASP.NET Help pages (version 5.2.2 works for me).
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage -Version 5.2.2

Using static library in both App and Cocoa Touch Framework targets

I've created a new "Cocoa Touch Framework" target called MyAppCore in my iPad project called MyApp, with the intention of putting some common code in there. Overall it works great, however, I've encountered problems with adding the static library provided by Google Analytics.
I want to be able to use Google Analytics not only in the MyApp target, but inside of the MyAppCore target as well. In order to make both targets build, I have to link both targets with libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a. That appears to work, but when I run the app, the log is bombarded with messages like these:
Class GAI is implemented in both /path/to/MyAppCore.framework/MyAppCore
and /path/to/
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
How can I share Google Analytics between the two targets in a successful way?
I managed to solve this issue by creating a wrapper class for Google Analytics (which is pretty handy to have, anyways) in the MyAppCore target. All access to Google Analytics will go through this wrapper. That way the only target that will use Google Analytics directly is MyAppCore, so I only have to link that target with Google Analytics.
This does not solve the underlying issue of sharing static libraries between my app target and a Cocoa Touch Framework, but for this purpose it works just as well.
Even if your static library depends on the external static library, don't link against it. Your main app will link against BOTH your library and the 3rd party library. A static library is a bunch of built code so you have two copies of everything doing things the way you are doing now.
You should still be able to reference the headers for the 3rd party library and things should compile on your static library without any warnings.
In my application I have two static libraries. "Wraith" is dependent on "PhilosophersStone" and the app is dependent on both. (Target Dependencies in Build Phases)
"Wraith" does not link against "PhilosophersStone", main app links against both. (Link Binary With Libraries in Build Phases)