How to install TestNG in Visual studio code - selenium

Can someone please suggest me how to install testng in visual studio code?
Things i have done so far :
1. Added below xml in POM

#Sowjanya H M try adding the Java Test Runner extension. it supports running both junit and testng tests. If you have your pom setup correctly, you can execute all tests in your project by selecting your pom.xml and in the command dropdown selecting Run Code. I have a later version of testng in my pom dependencies section:
then in your build section, you should have configuration plugins for maven-surefire and your testng xml files. something like:
<directory>src/test/resources</directory> #not required
<!-- testng xml files for test execution -->


When running via maven, my tests are not found in the junit project

screenshot 1
As in the screenshot 1 I'm trying to run my set of autotests, the build works successfully, but not a single test is defined.
screenshot 2
Screenshot 2 shows the result after running through maven
If you run tests separately, through "run test", but everything starts and runs according to the script
my POM file:
I want that tests were defined in all classes.
I tried to play with the pom file, apparently there are problems in it, but nothing happens.
link to project
i fix problem
my pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Error while converting java project to maven project

I just installed eclipse for Learning selenium automation i have added java environment variable but after converting java to maven project its giving me some error as follows:
The <maven-compiler-plugin> looks error-prone. You can update it as:
Additionally you need to indent the <dependency> properly as follows:
<!-- -->

Intellij Create Test missing JUnit

I try to create an test class and test it using JUnit, but in my Intellij is missing JUnit library.
What I need to do to have at library option with JUnit?
Add junit-jupiter artifact in Maven
If using Apache Maven to configure your project, and writing JUnit 5 Jupiter to write you tests, add a dependency to your project.
JUnit 5.4 simplified things by providing this new Maven artifact, junit-jupiter. This one aggregate artifact provides all you need to write and run JUnit 5 tests. Previous to 5.4, you had to add multiple artifacts — confusing and messy.
Here is an example, an entire POM file. I started an app using the maven-archetype-quickstart artifact. Next I changed all the versions numbers to the latest, as of this week shown here. Lastly, I replaced the old JUnit 4 dependency with the new JUnit 5 dependency.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<!-- <groupId>junit</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>junit</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>4.11</version>-->
<!-- <scope>test</scope>-->
<!-- -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
JUnit plugins
Be sure the IntelliJ plugin for JUnit is installed and enabled. Verify the checkmark is checked, meaning enabled. (You can disable unneeded plugins to save memory and launch time.)
Generate Test dialog
Your IntelliJ 2019.1 dialog for Generate > Test… should look like this.

Maven bundle packaging problem, known as MNG-4338

I'm having trouble with the maven-bundle-plugin:
I want to deploy my project as a osgi bundle, wherefore I use the packaging as bundle.
But it seems that the pom does not know a packaging as a bundle. Here you can see my pom.xml:
<project ...>...
<name>Simple CXF project using spring configuration</name>
They say, this bug has already been fixed (, but to me it seems it hasn't. Has anyone encountered this problem before and found a solution?
The Error message is like this:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project com.talend.liugang.cxf:java_first_jaxws:1.0.0 (C:\Users\Andreas\workspace\java_first_jaxws\pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Unknown packaging: bundle # line 7, column 13
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Best regards,
Given your pom example above, you should just move the maven-bundle-plugin outside of the <pluginManagement> node. <pluginManagement> is normally used for inheritance purposes in parent poms. The bundle packaging type is provided by the maven-bundle-plugin (which is why you need <extensions>true</extensions>), so this plugin is required to be outside <pluginManagement> in this case.
<project ...>...
<name>Simple CXF project using spring configuration</name>
Yeap, the issue is that <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> needs to be outside of the <pluginManagement>.
I see a similar issue. It occurs to me that it happens when the group id ends like the artifact id starts. I try to bundle something like that:
The slf4j from the artifact id is deleted at it ends up like: org.slf4j.api.plugin in the Manifest as symbolic name.

Compile Jasper reports from Maven with ant task?

How can I compile jrxml jasper files using Maven and JRAntCompileTask ant task? I tried using a maven plugin for compiling jasper reports files but it's still in beta, and it caused me many problems. I'd like to see the configuration in pom.xml.
How can I compile jrxml jasper files using Maven and JRAntCompileTask ant task?
You can use the custom Ant Tasks with the Maven AntRun Plugin. See the example provided in Using tasks not included in Ant's default jar.
You can try jasperreports-maven-plugin, that way you don't have to use ant, Here is an example.
Here's a complete example that solves problems with Eclipse m2e reporting errors with maven configuration, has reports neatly set in a separate folder and has classpath configured.
Just be sure to put your .jrxml files in src/main/jasperreports folder and you're set - every time you change the report, .jasper files will be regenerated.
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
<!-- Include the generated reports in classpath -->
<!--Folder with .jrxml report files -->
<!-- Folder where compiled reports will be generated -->