Camera Permission in Andoid React Native - react-native

I have created an app using react native expo cli. The app is basically loading a website using webview. There is abutton to capture image. How to give permissions


Create a website with React Native Expo or React Native Web

I have a mobile app created with React Native. I wanted to create a website of the app and I was thinking of using expo. I also saw there is an React Native Web.
Is expo web the same as react native web
Does Expo use React native web
Which tool should be used.


I'm using React Native without Expo. How can I display the iOS CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION in the UI? I can't see how to access this information in the React code.

Is there any way I can play videos with Third-Party Video players in my mobile using React-Native?

I am storing my videos in Firebase Storage. I want to give an option to play the videos i am retrieving from Firebase in a Third-Party player.
If you are using Expo, yes there is:
Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React - Expo Website
The Expo SDK, which include components and many more cool stuff, come built-in with create-react-native-app has the Video Component
It is a component that displays a video inline with the other React Native UI elements in your app. The display dimensions and position of the video on screen can be set using usual React Native styling.
You can use that to play the videos hosted on firebase

In react native how to display dropbox entries in react native App

I am developing React Native application both iOS and Android.
My intention is display dropbox entries in my application similar to webview. Is there any possible way in react native application ?

Uploading video from camera roll with Expo (React Native)

I am able to get the ImagePicker working, but is there any way to uplaod video currently using Expo?
If not do I need to eject from expo and use the React Native camera roll?
I am curious what steps to take to get video uploading working with Expo (React Native)
The expo team are working hard on bringing in new features. As of now video recording/streaming is still under development.
You can stay updated at