I've been working on a SQL query which needs to pull a value with a two-column key, where one of the columns may be null.And if it's null, I want to pick that value only if there is no row with the specific key
I'm trying to run a query that will pull this into one field, i.e., the value of VENDCO at 50, and the value of BUYCO at 10, ignoring the VENDCO row with 25. This would be as part of a joined subquery, so I can't use the actual keys of VENDCO/BUYCO etc. Essentially, pick the cost value with the plan if it exists, but the one where it's null if the plan is not there.
It might also be worthwhile to point out that if I "select * from table where PLAN is null" I don't get results -- I have to select where PLAN=''. I'm not sure if that indicates anything weird about the data.
Hope I'm making myself clear.
I think that not exists should do what you want:
select t.*
from mytable t
plan is not null
or not exists (
select 1 from mytable t1 where t1.custom = t.custom and t1.plan is not null
Basically this gives priority to rows where plan is not null in groups sharing the same custom.
Demo on DB Fiddle:
:----- | :--- | ---:
BALLCO | null | 10
Suppose there is a table which has several identical rows. I can copy the distinct values by
but if the table has a column named value and for the sake of simplicity its value is 1 for one particular item in that table. Now that row has another 9 duplicates. So the summation of the value column for that particular item is 10. Now I want to remove the 9 duplicates(or copy the distinct value as I mentioned) and for that item now the value should show 10 and not 1. How can this be achieved?
item| value
A | 1
A | 1
A | 1
A | 1
B | 1
B | 1
I want to show this as below
item| value
A | 4
B | 2
Thanks in advance
You can try to use SUM and group by
SELECT item,SUM(value) value
| item | value |
| A | 4 |
| B | 2 |
Broadly speaking, you can just us a sum and a GROUP BY clause.
Something like:
SELECT column1, SUM(column2) AS Count
GROUP BY column1
Here it is in action: Sum + Group By
Since your table probably isn't just two columns of data, here is a slightly more complex example showing how to do this to a larger table: SQL Fiddle
Note that I've selected my rows individually so that I can access the necessary data, rather than using
And I have achieved this result without the need for selecting data into another table.
Further to your comments, it sounds like you want to alter the actual data in your table rather than just querying it. There may be a more elegant way to do this, but a simple way use the above query to populate a temporary table, delete the contents of the existing table, then move all the data back. To do this in my existing example:
WITH MyQuery AS (
SELECT name, type, colour, price, SUM(number) AS number
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY name, type, colour, price
SELECT * INTO MyTable2 FROM MyQuery;
INSERT INTO MyTable(name, type, colour, price, number)
WARNING: If youre going to try this, please use a development environment first (i.e one you don't mind breaking!) to ensure it does exactly what you want it to do. It's imperative that your initial query captures ALL the data you want.
Here is the SQL Fiddle of this example in action: SQL Fiddle
I understand the distinction between WHERE and HAVING in a SQL query, but I don't see why they are separate clauses. Couldn't they be combined into a single clause that could handle both aggregated and non-aggregated data?
Here's the rule. If a condition refers to an aggregate function, put that condition in the HAVING clause. Otherwise, use the WHERE clause.
Here's another rule: You can't use HAVING unless you also use GROUP BY.
The main difference is that WHERE cannot be used on grouped item (such as SUM(number)) whereas HAVING can.The reason is the WHERE is done before the grouping and HAVING is done after the grouping is done.
ANOTHER DIFFERENCE IS WHERE clause requires a condition to be a column in a table, but HAVING clause can use both column and alias.
Here's the difference:
SELECT `value` v FROM `table` WHERE `v`>5;
Error #1054 - Unknown column 'v' in 'where clause'
SELECT `value` v FROM `table` HAVING `v`>5; -- Get 5 rows
WHERE clause requires a condition to be a column in a table, but HAVING clause can use both column and alias.
This is because WHERE clause filters data before select, but HAVING clause filters data after select.
So put the conditions in WHERE clause will be more effective if you have many many rows in a table.
Try EXPLAIN to see the key difference:
EXPLAIN SELECT `value` v FROM `table` WHERE `value`>5;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | table | range | value | value | 4 | NULL | 5 | Using where; Using index |
EXPLAIN SELECT `value` v FROM `table` having `value`>5;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | table | index | NULL | value | 4 | NULL | 10 | Using index |
You can see either WHERE or HAVING uses index, but the rows are different.
So there is a need of both of them especially when we need grouping and additional filters.
This question seems to illustrate a misunderstanding that WHERE and HAVING are both missing up to 1/2 of the information necessary to fully process a query.
Consider the following SQL:
drop table if exists foo; create table foo (
ID int,
bar int
); insert into foo values (1, 1);
select now() as d, bar as b
from foo
where bar = 1 and d <= now()
having bar = 1 and ID = 1
In the where clause, d is not available because the selected items have not been processed to create it yet.
In the having clause ID has been discarded because it was not selected. In aggregate queries ID may not even have meaning in context of multiple rows combined into one. ID may also be meaningless when joining different tables into a single result.
Could it be done? Sure, but on the back-end it'd do the same as it does now, because you have to aggregate something before you can filter based on that aggregation. Ultimately that's the reason, it's a logical separation of different processes. Why waste resources aggregating records you could have filtered with a WHERE?
The question could only be fully answered by the designer since it asks intent. But the implication is that both clauses do the same thing only against aggregated vs. non-aggregated data. That's not true. "The HAVING clause is typically used together with the GROUP BY clause to filter the results of aggregate values. However, HAVING can be specified without GROUP BY."
As I understand it, the important thing is that "The HAVING clause specifies additional filters that are applied after the WHERE clause filters."
I have an update statement that works fine but takes a very long time to complete.
I'm updating roughly 150 rows in one table with some tens of thousands of rows exposed through a view. It's been suggested that I use the Partition By clause to speed up the process.
I'm not too familiar with Partition By statement but I've been looking around and I think maybe I need to use a field that has a numeric value that can be compared against.
Is this correct? Or can I partition the larger table with something else?
if that is the case I'm struggling with what in the larger table can be used. The table is composed as follows.
ID has a type of NUMBER and creates the unique id for a particular item.
Start_Date has a date type and indicates the start when the ID is valid.
End date has a date type and indicates the end time when the ID cease to be valid.
ID_Type is NVARCHAR2(30) and indicates what type of Identifier we are using.
ID_Type2 is NVARCHAR2(30) and indicates what sub_type of Identifier we are using.
Identifier is NVARCHAR2(30) and any one ID can be mapped to one or more Identifiers.
So for example - View_ID
ID | Start_Date | End_Date | ID_Type1| ID_Type2 | Identifier
1 | 2012-01-01 | NULL | Primary | Tertiary | xyz1
1 | 2012-01-01 | NULL | Second | Alpha | abc2
2 | 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Primary | Tertiary | ghv2
2 | 2012-02-01 | NULL | Second | Alpha | mno4
Would it be possible to Partition By the ID field of this view as long as there is a clause that the id is valid by date?
The update statement is quite basic although it selects against one of several possible identifiers and and ID_Type1's.
UPDATE Temp_Table t set ID =
WHERE inDate BETWEEN Start_Date and End_Date
AND v.Identifier = (NVL(t.ID1, NVL(t.ID2, t.ID3)))
AND v.ID_Type1 in ('Primary','Secondary'));
Thanks in advance for any advice on any aspect of my question.
Additional Info ***
After investigating and following Gordon's advice I changed the update to three updates. This reduced the overall update process 75% going from just over a minute to just over 20 seconds. Thats a big improvement but I'd like to reduce the process even more if possible.
Does anyone think that Partition By clause would help even further? If so what would be the correct method for putting this clause into an update statement. I'm honestly not sure if I understand how this clause operates.
If the UPDATE using a SELECT statement only allows for 1 value to be selected does this exclude something like the following from working?
UPDATE Temp_Table t SET t.ID =
Row_Number () (OVER PARTITION BY ID_Type1) AS PT1
FROM View_ID v
WHERE inDate BETWEEN v.Start_Date and v.End_Date
AND v.Identifier = t.ID1
AND PT1.Row_Number = 1 )
I combined advice from both Responders below to dramatically improve performance. From Gordon I removed the NVL from my UPDATE and changed it to three separate updates. (I'd prefer to combine them into a case but my trials were still slow.)
From Eggi, I looked working with some kind of Materialized view that I can actually index myself and settled on a WITH Clause.
UPDATE Temp_Table t set ID =
(WITH IDs AS (SELECT /*+ materialize */ DISTINCT ID, Identifier FROM View_ID v
WHERE inDate BETWEEN Start_Date and End_Date
AND v.Identifier = ID1)
WHERE g.Identifier = t.ID1;
Thanks again.
It is very hard to imagine how windows/analytic functions would help with this update. I do highly recommend that you learn them, but not for this purpose.
Perhaps the suggestion was for partitioning the table space, used for the table. Note that this is very different from the "partition by" statement, which usually refers to window/analytic functions. Tablespace partitioning might help performance. However, here is something else you can try.
I think your problem is the join between the temp table and the view. Presumably, you are creating the temporary table. You should add in a new column, say UsedID, with the definition:
coalesce(t.ID1, t.ID2, t.ID3) as UsedId
The "WHERE" clause in the update would then be:
WHERE inDate BETWEEN Start_Date and End_Date AND
v.Identifier = t.UsedId AND
v.ID_Type1 in ('Primary', 'Secondary')
I suspect that the performance problem is the use of NVL in the join, which interferes with optimization strategies.
In response to your comment . . . your original query would have the same problem as this version. Perhaps the logic you want is:
WHERE inDate BETWEEN Start_Date and End_Date AND
v.Identifier in (t.ID1, t.ID2, t.ID3) AND
v.ID_Type1 in ('Primary', 'Secondary')
The best option for partitioning seems to be the start date, because it seems to always have a value and you also get it as input parameter in your query.
If you have not already done that I would add a bitmap index on ID_Type1.
Is there a way to optimize this further or should I just be satisfied that it takes 9 seconds to count 11M rows ?
devuser#xcmst > mysql --user=user --password=pass -D marctoxctransformation -e "desc record_updates"
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| record_id | int(11) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| date_updated | datetime | YES | MUL | NULL | |
devuser#xcmst > date; mysql --user=user --password=pass -D marctoxctransformation -e "select count(*) from record_updates where date_updated > '2009-10-11 15:33:22' "; date
Thu Dec 9 11:13:17 EST 2010
| count(*) |
| 11772117 |
Thu Dec 9 11:13:26 EST 2010
devuser#xcmst > mysql --user=user --password=pass -D marctoxctransformation -e "explain select count(*) from record_updates where date_updated > '2009-10-11 15:33:22' "
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | record_updates | index | idx_marctoxctransformation_record_updates_date_updated | idx_marctoxctransformation_record_updates_date_updated | 9 | NULL | 11772117 | Using where; Using index |
devuser#xcmst > mysql --user=user --password=pass -D marctoxctransformation -e "show keys from record_updates"
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| record_updates | 1 | idx_marctoxctransformation_record_updates_date_updated | 1 | date_updated | A | 2416 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
| record_updates | 1 | idx_marctoxctransformation_record_updates_record_id | 1 | record_id | A | 11772117 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
If mysql has to count 11M rows, there really isn't much of a way to speed up a simple count. At least not to get it to a sub 1 second speed. You should rethink how you do your count. A few ideas:
Add an auto increment field to the table. It looks you wouldn't delete from the table, so you can use simple math to find the record count. Select the min auto increment number for the initial earlier date and the max for the latter date and subtract one from the other to get the record count. For example:
SELECT min(incr_id) min_id FROM record_updates WHERE date_updated BETWEEN '2009-10-11 15:33:22' AND '2009-10-12 23:59:59';
SELECT max(incr_id) max_id FROM record_updates WHERE date_updated > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 DAY);`
Create another table summarizing the record count for each day. Then you can query that table for the total records. There would only be 365 records for each year. If you need to get down to more fine grained times, query the summary table for full days and the current table for just the record count for the start and end days. Then add them all together.
If the data isn't changing, which it doesn't seem like it is, then summary tables will be easy to maintain and update. They will significantly speed things up.
Since >'2009-10-11 15:33:22' contains most of the records,
I would suggest to do a reverse matching like <'2009-10-11 15:33:22' (mysql work less harder and less rows involved)
(select count(*) from record_updates where add_date<"2009-10-11 15:33:22")
from information_schema.tables
where table_schema = "marctoxctransformation" and table_name="record_updates"
You can combine with programming language (like bash shell)
to make this calculation a bit smarter...
such as do execution plan first to calculate which comparison will use lesser row
From my testing (around 10M records), the normal comparison takes around 3s,
and now cut-down to around 0.25s
MySQL doesn't "optimize" count(*) queries in InnoDB because of versioning. Every item in the index has to be iterated over and checked to make sure that the version is correct for display (e.g., not an open commit). Since any of your data can be modified across the database, ranged selects and caching won't work. However, you possibly can get by using triggers. There are two methods to this madness.
This first method risks slowing down your transactions since none of them can truly run in parallel: use after insert and after delete triggers to increment / decrement a counter table. Second trick: use those insert / delete triggers to call a stored procedure which feeds into an external program which similarly adjusts values up and down, or acts upon a non-transactional table. Beware that in the event of a rollback, this will result in inaccurate numbers.
If you don't need an exact numbers, check out this query:
select table_rows from information_schema.tables
where table_name = 'foo';
Example difference: count(*): 1876668, table_rows: 1899004. The table_rows value is an estimation, and you'll get a different number every time even if you database doesn't change.
For my own curiosity: do you need exact numbers that are updated every second? IF so, why?
If the historical data is not volatile, create a summary table. There are various approaches, the one to choose will depend on how your table is updated, and how often.
For example, assuming old data is rarely/never changed, but recent data is, create a monthly summary table, populated for the previous month at the end of each month (eg insert January's count at the end of February). Once you have your summary table, you can add up the full months and the part months at the beginning and end of the range:
select count(*)
from record_updates
where date_updated >= '2009-10-11 15:33:22' and date_updated < '2009-11-01';
select count(*)
from record_updates
where date_updated >= '2010-12-00';
select sum(row_count)
from record_updates_summary
where date_updated >= '2009-11-01' and date_updated < '2010-12-00';
I've left it split out above for clarity but you can do this in one query:
select ( select count(*)
from record_updates
where date_updated >= '2010-12-00'
or ( date_updated>='2009-10-11 15:33:22'
and date_updated < '2009-11-01' ) ) +
( select count(*)
from record_updates
where date_updated >= '2010-12-00' );
You can adapt this approach for make the summary table based on whole weeks or whole days.
You should add an index on the 'date_updated' field.
Another thing you can do if you don't mind changing the structure of the table, is to use the timestamp of the date in 'int' instead of 'datetime' format, and it might be even faster.
If you decide to do so, the query will be
select count(date_updated) from record_updates where date_updated > 1291911807
There is no primary key in your table. It's possible that in this case it always scans the whole table. Having a primary key is never a bad idea.
If you need to return the total table's row count, then there is an alternative to the
SELECT COUNT(*) statement which you can use. SELECT COUNT(*) makes a full table scan to return the total table's row count, so it can take a long time. You can use the sysindexes system table instead in this case. There is a ROWS column in the sysindexes table. This column contains the total row count for each table in your database. So, you can use the following select statement instead of SELECT COUNT(*):
SELECT rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('table_name') AND indid < 2
This can improve the speed of your query.
EDIT: I have discovered that my answer would be correct if you were using a SQL Server database. MySQL databases do not have a sysindexes table.
It depends on a few things but something like this may work for you
im assuming this count never changes as it is in the past so the result can be cached somehow
count1 = "select count(*) from record_updates where date_updated <= '2009-10-11 15:33:22'"
gives you the total count of records in the table,
this is an approximate value in innodb table so BEWARE, depends on engine
count2 = "select table_rows from information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = 'marctoxctransformation' and TABLE_NAME = 'record_updates'"
your answer
result = count2 - count1
There are a few details I'd like you to clarify (would put into comments on the q, but it is actually easier to remove from here when you update your question).
What is the intended usage of data, insert once and get the counts many times, or your inserts and selects are approx on par?
Do you care about insert/update performance?
What is the engine used for the table? (heck you can do SHOW CREATE TABLE ...)
Do you need the counts to be exact or approximately exact (like 0.1% correct)
Can you use triggers, summary tables, change schema, change RDBMS, etc.. or just add/remove indexes?
Maybe you should explain also what is this table supposed to be? You have record_id with cardinality that matches the number of rows, so is it PK or FK or what is it? Also the cardinality of the date_updated suggests (though not necessarily correct) that it has same values for ~5,000 records on average), so what is that? - it is ok to ask a SQL tuning question with not context, but it is also nice to have some context - especially if redesigning is an option.
In the meantime, I'll suggest you to get this tuning script and check the recommendations it will give you (it's just a general tuning script - but it will inspect your data and stats).
Instead of doing count(*), try doing count(1), like this:-
select count(1) from record_updates where date_updated > '2009-10-11 15:33:22'
I took a DB2 class before, and I remember the instructor mentioned about doing a count(1) when we just want to count number of rows in the table regardless the data because it is technically faster than count(*). Let me know if it makes a difference.
NOTE: Here's a link you might be interested to read: http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2007/04/10/count-vs-countcol/
I have the following query:
SELECT `masters_tp`.*, `masters_cp`.`cp` as cp, `masters_cp`.`punti` as punti
FROM (`masters_tp`)
LEFT JOIN `masters_cp` ON `masters_cp`.`nickname` = `masters_tp`.`nickname`
WHERE `masters_tp`.`stake` = 'report_A'
AND `masters_cp`.`stake` = 'report_A'
ORDER BY `masters_tp`.`tp` DESC, `masters_cp`.`punti` DESC
LIMIT 400;
Is there something wrong with this query that could affect the server memory?
Here is the output of EXPLAIN
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | masters_cp | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 8943 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1 | SIMPLE | masters_tp | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 12693 | Using where |
Run the same query prefixed with EXPLAIN and add the output to your question - this will show what indexes you are using and the number of rows being analyzed.
You can see from your explain that no indexes are being used, and its having to look at thousands of rows to get your result. Try adding an index on the columns used to perform the join, e.g. nickname and stake:
ALTER TABLE masters_tp ADD INDEX(nickname),ADD INDEX(stake);
ALTER TABLE masters_cp ADD INDEX(nickname),ADD INDEX(stake);
(I've assumed the columns might have duplicated values, if not, use UNIQUE rather than INDEX). See the MySQL manual for more information.
Replace the "masters_tp.* " bit by explicitly naming only the fields from that table you actually need. Even if you need them all, name them all.
There's actually no reason to do a left join here. You're using your filters to whisk away any leftiness of the join. Try this:
`masters_cp`.`cp` as cp,
`masters_cp`.`punti` as punti
INNER JOIN `masters_cp` ON
`masters_tp`.`stake` = `masters_cp`.stake`
and `masters_tp`.`nickname` = `masters_cp`.`nickname`
`masters_tp`.`stake` = 'report_A'
`masters_tp`.`tp` DESC,
`masters_cp`.`punti` DESC
LIMIT 400;
inner joins tend to be faster than left joins. The query can limit the number of rows that have to be joined using the predicates (aka the where clause). This means that the database is handling, potentially, a lot less rows, which obviously speeds things up.
Additionally, make sure you have a non-clustered index on stake and nickname (in that order).
It is simple query. I think everything is ok with it. You can try add indexes on 'stake' fields or make limit lower.