MS Graph API - AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials - authentication

A recurring job has started to fail, I've recreated the issue with Postman.
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password."
"error_codes": [50126]
"error_uri": ""
The Username & Password used, work with MS Graph Explorer so I'm confident that the password has not changed. I did change the grant_type=client_credentials and this works so I believe the rest of the settings are also correct. I did ramp up the frequency of the job from daily to hourly lately, but the error message indicates an authentication issue.
I'm running out of ideas to try & troubleshoot, perhaps someone knows something that I don't.
Postman settings:
These are the production settings used in MS Power Automate, the same as above.

If its an unattended process and uses the client credentials flow, then the username and password are not being used at all.
An Access token is being obtained using the clientId and the client secret alone.
It'd help if you can list the operations that you are planning to call in the question.
Note that MS Graph uses both delegated and application permissions and depending on the Api being called, you would be required to sign-in as an app of sign-in a user. Its a bit of a learning curve and I'd recommend you go through a session like this one.

Problem: Authentication error when trying to authenticate to MS Graph API with an AD account that had previously worked.
Final Hypothesise: A potential issue between cloud authentication & on-prem AD authentication.
Solution: A new AzureAD service account specifically for the purpose was created & provisioned with similar access to the original service account & all worked as normal.
Summary: The issue seems to have been the link between AzureAD & on-premAD. Hope this helps someone out in future


MSGraph Multi-Factor Authentication "interaction_required"

I'm using the Microsoft Graph login endpoint:[tenantId]/oauth2/token with a grant type of "password" to log users in:
"grant_type": "password",
"client_id": "xxx",
"client_secret": "xxx",
"scope": "openid",
"resource": "",
"username": "username",
"password": "********",
When I post this with users that are not enrolled in multi-factor authentication on our AD I get back the expected results including an access_token and refresh_token
However on users that are enrolled I get back a HttpStatusCode.BadRequest with an error of "interaction_required"
According to documentation from Microsoft found here:
In this case, your app receives a 400 with an interaction_required
error during access token acquisition or a 403 with
insufficient_claims error when calling Microsoft Graph. In both cases,
the error response contains additional information that can be
presented to the authorize endpoint to challenge the user for
additional information (like multi-factor authentication or device
However I do not see any additional information in the results and can't find much information on next steps. The JSON I get back looks like this:
"error_description":"AADSTS50079: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must enroll in multi-factor authentication to access '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'.\r\nTrace ID: aee10c85-fd12-42ec-be6c-76d546500100\r\nCorrelation ID: 0ee3ebac-f702-4fbc-be76-fd6a291ad488\r\nTimestamp: 2021-09-09 17:45:24Z",
"error_codes":[50079],"timestamp":"2021-09-09 17:45:24Z",
But I am getting back "interaction_required" and confirmed with our AD administrator that they are definitely enrolled. So I am at a bit of a loss for next steps to resolve this.
Cause :User is attempting a authentication method that requires Multi-factor authentication
Try to catch the error you get, and perform a new request according to steps for your flow scenarios by referring from this MS docs
Microsoft Graph has special considerations when building apps in
Conditional Access environments. Since Conditional Access policies are
assigned the specific datasets, Azure AD will enforce Conditional
Access policies based on the data behind Graph - rather than Graph
(or check below points)
Conditional access policies prevent non-interactive flows to work.
Possible solutions...
Use a interactive flow instead.
If you are using a interactive flow and still getting this error, please make sure openid is one of the scopes during the interactive sign-in. You might be getting the error after the interactive sign-in and trying to exchange the authorization code for a access token...
Notice "scope=openid" in the request above
Add the client application to the exception list of the Conditional Access Policy
Add the user to the exception list of the Conditional Access Policy
If you are not using conditional access policies and the user is directly enabled for MFA, then as a last thing, disable MFA for the user if solutions above do not work for you.
Or you can use certificate based authentication instead of MFA
SO thread

OAuth2 Failing at consent stage

I have been happily using the xoauth client to negotiate PKCE grants flows up to earlier today.
Tokens were obtained and refreshed, all was looking fine until I needed to amend my scopes and needed to re-consent.
Now I receive an error on the callback - http://localhost:8080/callback?error=access_denied&state=8AJEDHk6tlNX2E98Y3JuFmXmDrcS2DNB#_=_
This error would usually indicated that consent was canceled by the user but I am definitely pressing Allow.
I have:
Deleted the app and made a new one, tried a new Code Flow app, tried a trial organisation instead of the Demo organisation, all without luck.
However, it will succeed if I specify the bare minimum of scopes: openid and offline_access
Any ideas?
My Client ID is: 17B89D9AF3984680BCA620A3986AE8EB
Update: It does however work in a private browser window so I suspect something local. Will poke some more and close if so.
So that last piece makes it sound like some kind of browser / cache issue.
We did have another user where an ad blocker was causing the problem during the granting access page. Maybe that was you..? API team is looking into this further.
If you are continued to be blocked you can open a ticket by emailing

DocuSign API Error (Invalid_Client) Preventing OAuth2 Token Generation

(DocuSign Support Center directed me here)
We use DocuSign as an integration in another application but I still cannot generate the token through external services/tools and have not been able to get a solid answer from DocuSign support and was directed to post my question here.
"error": "Invalid client_id", "error_description": "One or both of Username and Password are invalid."
We have been using this DocuSign Account/Integrator Key for over a year with no problems up until now!
This error is related to generating the "OAuth2 Token". (I have included all relevant account information at the bottom of this text box for your convenience).
This issue presented itself just after the ticket was opened about the inquiry into the advanced API plan and maybe something got shuffled unknowingly that broke the account's status for which API plan was purchased because it looks like at first glance I am prompted to buy the "basic" plan still on our live account.
(Ran this through Postman)
password: "redacted",
client_id: "redacted",
grant_type: "password",
scope: "api",
username: "redacted"
The body of the response is as follows:
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": "One or both of Username and Password are invalid."
These are the exact credentials used to log in to the DocuSign portal itself so the error message is extremely confusing. I tried escaping password characters, changing the password, and even went so far as to create an entirely new integrator key by making a new sandbox account to run the 20 API calls to get it promoted assuming the problem was the key. I was able to successfully generate the OAuth Token for the account with the credentials for my sandbox account (the username used for the sandbox account was an entirely new account/email setup).
DocuSign has a demo (sandbox) environment for testing as well as it's core production environment. In the demo system all the API endpoints start with the following base URI:
However when live in production your account may reside in one of many different data centers. For example, some possible sites are:
I see you mention you are using Postman to test production API requests using as you base, have you confirmed this is the correct base URI for your user/account? It's possible the account resides in a different data center and that would make sense why you are getting an invalid credentials error as it's not the right account.
Determining the correct base_uri for a given user of your app is done during the OAuth process, you need to make the Get User Info call and parse the base_uri that is returned in the response and use THAT for subsequent API calls.

Issue with "Resource owner password credentials grant" in Azure AD OAuth

Unable to get the access token by directly passing the username and password
Endpoint :{tenant_id}/oauth2/token
grant_type: password
username: <>
password: <password>
Scope : openid
App is created in
Getting Invalid grant error:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50126: Invalid username or password\r\nTrace ID: 1ff96bc3-29c8-48f1-b7cc-f77c01525500\r\nCorrelation ID: 9821fdf5-25dc-4b07-84b3-f084194ea123\r\nTimestamp: 2018-09-14 20:04:01Z",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "2018-09-14 20:04:01Z",
"trace_id": "1ff96bc3-29c8-48f1-b7cc-f77c01525500",
"correlation_id": "9821fdf5-25dc-4b07-84b3-f084194ea123"
Looks like there are more than one issues in play here.
You were using Azure AD token endpoint but had registered your application with Azure AD B2C by mistake (so case 2 as per my original answer).
Now after correcting that one, you should be using clientid and client secret for this new application that is registered with Azure AD.
Make sure you have added Microsoft Graph permissions for your application in Azure AD under "required permissions" and at the end of selecting appropriate permissions, make sure you press on the "Grant Permissions" button to give consent.
Looking at the error message and code you are getting (invalid_grant and "AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50126"), I tried out ROPC exactly like you from Postman with a test application of my own and I tried multiple different combinations of passing wrong inputs, but the exact error codes you see come only in scenario where either my password or the username is incorrect (as the message says :)). In all other cases, error code will be different.
So, for username - make sure you give fully qualified name e.g.
for password - pretty obvious.
Give it another try based on instructions above and lets see how it goes.
App is created in
This means that your application is registered with Azure AD B2C.
Where you have registered your application isn't matching with the token endpoint you are using.
Case 1 - You are looking to use Azure AD B2C
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is still in public preview and you will need to follow the instructions provided by Microsoft here -
Configure the resource owner password credentials flow in Azure AD B2C
The endpoint you will hit to get the token will also be different that the one you have mentioned.<>/oauth2/v2.0/token?p=B2C_1_ROPC_Auth
Case 2 - You are looking to use Azure AD B2B
In this case you are using the correct end point to get the token, but you have wrongly registered your application with Azure AD B2C, you will need to change that and register your application from Azure Portal.
Instructions and details here - Integrating applications with Azure Active Directory
Just in case you need to read up on differences between Azure AD B2B v/s B2C - look at this SO Post
Here is another useful SO Post that gives information about registering your application through Azure Portal v/s (New application registration portal)
It seems like you didn't Grant Permissions to your app. Make sure all of the users are added to the app and ensure that you have the correct web.config parameters.
Also, ensure that the username and password are correct for the managed domain to connect. I've gotten this error before using the incorrect user. A regular azure global admin user may not be able to authenticate. You need to make sure you are using a CSP admin user.
This works
But keep in mind that there are limitations like:
You cannot use when a password is expired or needs to be changed.
MFA is not supported
Social logins are not supported

Login to Sharepoint Online failure

We have a code that logins to Sharepoint Online using : or, but recently we starting to get authentication failed saying that "Incorrect Username or Password" and after some retries it returns:
"0x80048823 message : AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50053: You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password."
While using same username and password to login in the browser works fine, and neither password or username were changed, also code didn't changed. As same code works fine for another Sharepoint tenants. Seems that something changed in the Microsoft login servers, where it's started to not accept user credentials, while web browser login works fine.
Please advise.
Microsoft Rep has helped me get this far.
They had us create a "Cloud Only" user. This user was setup as "#" so if your name is bill and your corporate sharepoint site is name is then you would have the person as ""
This user was able to login to by just passing username and password.
Our on prem AD users are still having issues, i mentioned this and got the following response.
There is no issue with sync as you are able to login to portal using the same account and password.
The solution you need is documented in
You need to create a home realm discovery (HRD) policy where "AllowCloudPasswordValidation":true.
We have not yet implemented the last solution but the creating of a cloud account may help some of you.
So I think I understand what they are trying to say. There are 2 paths that you are able to authenticate with according to the node-sp-auth example.
"Managed" and "Federated"
"Managed" was the easier version and allowed for you to be able to just provide username and credentials in a soap assertion to login.
Federated is a lot more complicated. You need to first perform a post to Microsoft to validate the user hitting your adfs server.
Then you take the saml:Assertion from that response and put it into the "Token" section of the call you make to utilizing the templates from the node-sp-auth.
I have C# code that performs all these steps but I am getting an error
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50008: SAML token is invalid. AADSTS50006: Invalid signature. Signature verification failed.
Even though the signature is being generated by Microsoft in their SAML.
node-sp-auth code refrence is OnlineUserCredential.ts file.
If someone can figure out the last mile I can post a comprehensive C# solution.