Tensorflow Serving Performance Very Slow vs Direct Inference - tensorflow

I am running in the following scenario:
Single Node Kubernetes Cluster (1x i7-8700K, 1x RTX 2070, 32GB RAM)
1 Tensorflow Serving Pod
4 Inference Client Pods
What the inference clients do is they get images from 4 separate cameras (1 each) and pass it to TF-Serving for inference in order to get the understanding of what is seen on the video feeds.
I have previously been doing inference inside the Inference Client Pods individually by calling TensorFlow directly but that hasn't been good on the RAM of the graphics card. Tensorflow Serving has been introduced to the mix quite recently in order to optimize RAM as we don't load duplicated models to the graphics card.
And the performance is not looking good, for a 1080p images it looks like this:
Direct TF: 20ms for input tensor creation, 70ms for inference.
TF-Serving: 80ms for GRPC serialization, 700-800ms for inference.
The TF-Serving pod is the only one that has access to the GPU and it is bound exclusively. Everything else operates on CPU.
Are there any performance tweaks I could do?
The model I'm running is Faster R-CNN Inception V2 from the TF Model Zoo.
Many thanks in advance!

This is from TF Serving documentation:
Please note, while the average latency of performing inference with TensorFlow Serving is usually not lower than using TensorFlow directly, where TensorFlow Serving shines is keeping the tail latency down for many clients querying many different models, all while efficiently utilizing the underlying hardware to maximize throughput.
From my own experience, I've found TF Serving to be useful in providing an abstraction over model serving which is consistent, and does not require implementing custom serving functionalities. Model versioning and multi-model which come out-of-the-box save you lots of time and are great additions.
Additionally, I would also recommend batching your requests if you haven't already. I would also suggest playing around with the TENSORFLOW_INTER_OP_PARALLELISM, TENSORFLOW_INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM, OMP_NUM_THREADS arguments to TF Serving. Here is an explanation of what they are

Maybe you could try OpenVINO? It's a heavily optimized toolkit for inference. You could utilize your i7-8700K and run some frames in parallel. Here are some performance benchmarks for very similar i7-8700T.
There is even OpenVINO Model Server which is very similar to Tensorflow Serving.
Disclaimer: I work on OpenVINO.


Distributed training in Tensorflow using multiple GPUs in Google Colab

I have recently become interested in incorporating distributed training into my Tensorflow projects. I am using Google Colab and Python 3 to implement a Neural Network with customized, distributed, training loops, as described in this guide:
In that guide under section 'Create a strategy to distribute the variables and the graph', there is a picture of some code that basically sets up a 'MirroredStrategy' and then prints the number of generated replicas of the model, see below.
Console output
From what I can understand, the output indicates that the MirroredStrategy has only created one replica of the model, and thereofore, only one GPU will be used to train the model. My question: is Google Colab limited to training on a single GPU?
I have tried to call MirroredStrategy() both with, and without, GPU acceleration, but I only get one model replica every time. This is a bit surprising because when I use the multiprocessing package in Python, I get four threads. I therefore expected that it would be possible to train four models in parallel in Google Colab. Are there issues with Tensorflows implementation of distributed training?
On google colab, you can only use one GPU, that is the limit from Google. However, you can run different programs on different gpu instances so by creating different colab files and connect them with gpus but you can not place the same model on many gpu instances in parallel.
There are no problems with mirrored startegy, talking from personal experience it works fine if you have more than one GPU.

What exactly is "Tensorflow Distibuted", now that we have Tensorflow Serving?

I don't understand why "Tensorflow Distributed" still exists, now that we have Tensorflow Serving. It seems to be some way to use core Tensorflow as a serving platform, but why would we want that when Tensorflow Serving and TFX is a much more robust platform? Is it just legacy support? If so, then the Tensorflow Distributed pages should make that clear and point people towards TFX.
Distributed Tensorflow can support training one model in many machines by implementing a parameter server, with either data parallelism or model parallelism.

Can device run tensorflow lite be used as a work task when performing distribute training?

Can a device running tensorflow lite be used as a work task of parameter server when performing distribute training?
At this point TensorFlow Lite performs only the forward pass (aka inference), not the back propagation (BP), so it doesn't fit into the training pattern (many iterations of forward and BP).
Plus, TensorFlow Lite is designed to be small and fast on resource constrained devices so it does not make much sense to try to use it in training.

What's the impact of using a GPU in the performance of serving a TensorFlow model?

I trained a neural network using a GPU (1080 ti). The training speed on GPU is far better than using CPU.
Currently, I want to serve this model using TensorFlow Serving. I just interested to know if using GPU in the serving process has a same impact on performance?
Since the training apply on batches but inferencing (serving) uses asynchronous requests, do you suggest using GPU in serving a model using TensorFlow serving?
You still need to do a lot of tensor operations on the graph to predict something. So GPU still provides performance improvement for inference. Take a look at this nvidia paper, they have not tested their stuff on TF, but it is still relevant:
Our results show that GPUs provide state-of-the-art inference
performance and energy efficiency, making them the platform of choice
for anyone wanting to deploy a trained neural network in the field. In
particular, the Titan X delivers between 5.3 and 6.7 times higher
performance than the 16-core Xeon E5 CPU while achieving 3.6 to 4.4
times higher energy efficiency.
The short answer is yes, you'll get roughly the same speedup for running on the GPU after training. With a few minor qualifications.
You're running 2 passes over the data in training, which all happens on the GPU, during the feedforward inference you're doing less work, so there will be more time spent transferring data to the GPU memory relative to computations than in training. This is probably a minor difference though. And you can now asynchronously load the GPU if that's an issue (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7679).
Whether you'll actually need a GPU to do inference depends on your workload. If your workload isn't overly demanding you might get away with using the CPU anyway, after all, the computation workload is less than half, per sample, so consider the number of requests per second you'll need to serve and test out whether you overload your CPU to achieve that. If you do, time to get the GPU out!

Strategies for improving performance when using Tensorflow w / C++?

I'm fairly new to Tensorflow in and ML in general and am wondering what strategies I can use to increase performance of an application I am building.
My app is using the Tensorflow C++ interface, with a source compiled TF 0.11 libtensorflow_cc.so (built with bazel build -c opt --copt=-mavx and optionally adding --config=cuda) for either AVX or AVX + CUDA on Mac OS X 10.12.1, on an MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 (2 cores 8 threads) with 16GB ram and a Nvidia 750m w/ 2GB VRam)
My application is using Inception V3 model and pulling feature vectors from pool_3 layer. I'm decoding video frames via native API's and passing those in memory buffers to the C++ interface for TF and running them into a session.
I'm not currently batching, but I am caching my session and re-using it for each individual decoded frame / tensor submission. Ive noticed that both CPU and GPU performance is about the same, taking about 40 to 50 seconds to process 222 frames, which seems very slow to me. Ive confirmed CUDA is being invoked, loaded, and the GPU is functioning (or appears so).
Some questions:
In general what should I expect for reasonable performance time wise of TF doing a frame of Inception on a consumer laptop?
How much of a difference does batching make for these operations? For tensors of 1x299x299x3 , I imagine I am doing more PCI transfer waiting than waiting on for meaningful work from the GPU?
if so Is there a good example of batching under C++ for InceptionV3?
Is there operations that cause additional CPU->GPU Syncronization that might otherwise be avoided?
Is there a way to ensure my sessions / graphs share resources ? Can I use nested scopes somehow in this manner? I couldn't quite get that to work but likely missed something.
Any good documentation of general strategies for things to do / avoid?
My code is below:
Thank you very much
For reference, OpenCV analysis using perceptual hash, histogram, dense optical flow, sparse optical flow for point tracking, and simple saliency detection takes 4 to 5 seconds for the same 222 frames using CPU or CPU + OpenCL.
Answering your last question first, if there's documentation about performance optimization, yes:
The TensorFlow Performance Guide
The TensorFlow GPU profiling hints
Laptop performance is highly variable, and TF isn't particularly optimized for laptop GPUs. The numbers you're getting (222 frames in 40-50 seconds) ~= 5 fps don't seem crazy on a laptop platform, using the 2016 version of TensorFlow, with inception. With some of the performance improvements outlined in the performance guide above, that should probably be doubled in late 2017.
For batching, yes - the newer example inception model code allows a variable batch size at inference time. This is mostly about whether the model itself was defined to handle a batch size, which is something improved since 2016.
Batching for inference will make a pretty big difference on GPU. Whether it helps on CPU depends a lot -- for example, if you build with MKL-DNN support, batching should be considered mandatory, but basic TensorFlow may not benefit as much.