ftplib.error_perm: 550 Create directory operation failed while using FTP_TLS - ssl

I am trying to connect to a secure FTP server created based on this link. I have not followed step 8 in the link. I am able to establish the connection and also change and print directories but am unable to create new directories. I am also unable to fetch files list.
Here is my code snippet:
import ssl
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
import sys
import os
import os.path
def connect():
ftp = FTP_TLS()
ftp.debugging = 2
ftp.connect('ipaddress', 21)
ftp.login('user', 'passwd')
return ftp
ftps = connect()
destdir = "/"
resp = ftps.pwd()
except Exception:
root = 'C:\\Users\\****\\****\\Logs' # local dir
for (dir, _, files) in os.walk(root):
newdir = destdir+dir[len(root):len(dir)].replace("\\", "/")
except Exception:
I am using python 3.7.3 and the corresponding ftplib. I would be happy to provide any other details required.
PS: I am able to connect with Filezilla and create directories.
This is the error after running.
I am able to create the directories successfully once I change the dir to /logs. I am getting an error "ftplib.error_perm: 500 Illegal PORT command." whenever I send cmd like retrlines or storbinary
, I get this error
I have searched about this and people have asked to set it to pasv mode. When I do that, I get this error. FYI, I have enabled pasv mode in the config file
I tried changing the port number to a number between pasv ports enabled in the config file (between 30000-31000). It does not connect also in this case. Error returned "ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
I am working the first time with an FTP server or for that matter any server communications, so my problems might seem trivial. I am sorry for your trouble.


ldap server unreachable cause plone/zope server down

I have a plone installation (4.2.5) with plone.app.ldap add-on. There is a site with plone-ldap enabled and our ldap server was changed to another domain/IP. So on, zope server downs on plone-ldap retrieving ldap information. Nothing more works even root ZMI.
Any request to server doesn't load anything few seconds after plone restart. Therefore I can't reconfigure our new ldap server neither by our site or ZMI interface.
In such case, How can I proceed to reconfigure the new ldap server on plone-ldap component? Is there some script application similar to ZMI to do this? Is it a known bug?
Some logs:
1) Zeoserver.log
2016-06-06T15:52:04 new connection ('', 40051): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40051)>
2016-06-06T15:52:04 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-06-06T15:52:04 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:04 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40052): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40052)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40053): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 40053)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 new connection ('', 40054): **<ManagedServerConnection ('', 40054)>
2016-06-06T15:52:08 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-06-06T15:52:08 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-06-06T15:52:08 (unconnected) disconnected**
2) client1/event.log
2016-06-06T15:53:12 ERROR event.LDAPDelegate {'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.LDAPUserFolder-2.26-py2.7.egg/Products/LDAPUserFolder/LDAPDelegate.py", line 366, in search
connection = self.connect(bind_dn=bind_dn, bind_pwd=bind_pwd)
File "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.LDAPUserFolder-2.26-py2.7.egg/Products/LDAPUserFolder/LDAPDelegate.py", line 265, in connect
raise e
**SERVER_DOWN: {'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}**
Backup first
Disclaimer - I never seen before an LDAP configuration that freeze also the root-level admin ZMI access to the Plone site.
What I can quickly suggest you is to delete the ldap plugin from the site's acl_users and starts from scratch.
As ZMI is not usable you must use the console access.
For doing this run a zope instance as follow:
$ bin/instance debug
(where "instance" is one of your instances)
The you can delete the ldap plugin:
del app.Plone.acl_users['ldap-plugin-id']
Where Plone is the is of your site and ldap-plugin-id the is of the LDAP plugin.
If you don't remember it, look for it in this set:
Finally you must persist your changes:
import transaction;transaction.commit()
...then exit using CTRL+D
Now you must be able to access ZMI and you must create and reconfigure a new plugin.
Please note: when configuring an LDAP or AD plugin always set a "Connection timout" and an "Operation timeout". This is probably why your access attempt totally freeze the instance.

Apache, LDAP and WSGI encoding issue

I am using Apache 2.4.7 with mod_wsgi 3.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 (x86_64) and python 3.4.0. My python app relies on apache to perform user authentication against our company’s LDAP server (MS Active Directory 2008). It also passes some additional LDAP data to the python app using the OS environment. In the apache config, I query the LDAP like so:
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://server:389/DC=company,DC=lokal?sAMAccountName,sn,givenName,mail,memberOf?sub?(objectClass=*)"
AuthLDAPBindDN …
AuthLDAPBindPassword …
AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute sAMAccountName
This passes some user data to my WSGI script where I handle the info as follows:
# Make sure the packages from the virtualenv are found
import site
# Patch path for app (so that libispot can be found)
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/my-app/')
import os
from libispot.web import app as _application
def application(environ, start_response):
os.environ['REMOTE_USER'] = environ.get('REMOTE_USER', "")
os.environ['REMOTE_USER_FIRST_NAME'] = environ.get('AUTHENTICATE_GIVENNAME', "")
os.environ['REMOTE_USER_LAST_NAME'] = environ.get('AUTHENTICATE_SN', "")
os.environ['REMOTE_USER_EMAIL'] = environ.get('AUTHENTICATE_MAIL', "")
os.environ['REMOTE_USER_GROUPS'] = environ.get('AUTHENTICATE_MEMBEROF', "")
return _application(environ, start_response)
I can then access this info in my python app using os.environ.get(…). (BTW: If you have a more elegant solution, please let me know!)
The problem is that some of the user names contain special characters (German umlauts, e.g., äöüÄÖÜ) that are not encoded correctly. So, for example, the name Tölle arrives in my python app as Tölle.
Obviously, this is an encoding problem, because
$ echo "Tölle" | iconv --from utf-8 --to latin1
gives me the correct Tölle.
Another observation that might help: in my apache logs I found the character ü represented as \xc3\x83\xc2\xbc.
I told my Apache in /etc/apache2/envvars to use LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 and python 3 is utf-8 aware as well. I can’t seem to specify anything about my LDAP server. So my question is: where is the encoding getting mixed up and how do I mend it?
It is bad practice to copy the values to os.environ on each request as this will fail miserable if the WSGI server is running with a multithreaded configuration, with concurrent requests interfering with each other. Look at thread locals instead.
As to the issue of encoded data from LDAP, if I under stand the problem, you would need to do:

Cant connect to database pymysql using a .my.cnf file

This function should connect to database because I've used an exception I'll get my own created message, when incorrect input is found. But when I remove try and except I get : "Acces denied for /'user/'#'/'localhost' (using password : NO).
It seems that it doesnt read my password I have no clue why a little help will be appreciated. Without this file connection to the database works fine without any errors.
self.conn = pymysql.connect(read_default_file="~/my.cnf")
self.curr = self.conn.cursor()
except pymysql.err.OperationalError :
sys.exit("Invalid Input: Wrong username/database or password found, please try again")
Information found in the .my.cnf file is :
host = 'localhost'
port = 3306
user = myusername
password = "mypassword"
You used:
You should have used:
Note the missing dot in the filename. You were just loading a different or non existent file.
The ~ is being expanded as shown here:
Also I can confirm that no quotes or spaces are required in the .my.cnf file:
echo -e "[client]\nuser=root\npassword=defaultrootpwd" > ~/.my.cnf
First off, can you connect to your database using the following command.
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',
If that doesn't work, then you might have some other problem (for instance, your database may be configured to only connect via socket for local clients)
As for the config file, I think this will work if you remove the quotation marks, like this:
host = localhost
port = 3306
user = myusername
password = mypassword
I saved your config file as test.cnf and ran the following code
# test.cnf
host = 'localhost'
port = 3306
user = myusername
password = "mypassword"
$ python3
>>> import configparser
>>> reader = configparser.RawConfigParser()
>>> reader.read('test.cnf')
>>> reader.get('client', 'host')
>>> reader.get('client', 'user')
As you can see, the config parser is treating quotes as part of the value.
Update: Workaround
The OP mentioned the provided solution (i.e. removal of quotes did not solve the problem he was facing). Here's a workaround that achieves separation of configuration / connection properties from program logic.
Save the configuration in a python file called dbsettings.py.
# dbsettings.py
connection_properties = {
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 3306,
'user': 'myusername',
'passwd': 'mypassword'
And then in your main program use the following lines for setting up the connection.
from dbsettings import connection_properties
self.conn = pymysql.connect(**connection_properties)
self.curr = self.conn.cursor()
except pymysql.err.OperationalError :
sys.exit("Invalid Input: Wrong username/database or password found, please try again")
If your entire program is written in python, then this allows the same separation of connection / config info from program logic as using the my.cnf method, and it is just as flexible if not mroe so. However, if other non python scripts need to reference the my.cnf file, then you'll have to maintain two separate mysql config files.

Jenkins: configure slave node address dynamically using command or groovy script

I have kinda ssh slave build jenkins setup.
Jenkins server connect to Mac slave thru ssh. build ios apps there. two remote nodes are configured in Jenkins connected to the Mac.
The Mac has dhcp.
Every time my mac starts I want to run a script that tell the Jenkin server to configure the node's IP address pointing to the dhcp address that the mac receives. Since its dhcp it changes always.
Is possible to configure such? using shell script or perl ...
e.g. http://jenkins-server:8080/computer/mac-slave-enterprise/configure
is the node config url. If its possible to setup by sending host= & Submit=Save or something like this?
I found it is possible run Groovy script at
or from mac command line or sh script,
$ curl -d "script=<your_script_here>" http://jenkins/script
I tried to get some info with this code but no luck, seems I have create SSLLauncher, but lost in how to grab a launcher things. There is no direct setHost or setLauncher thing.
following the tutorial at,
but cannot set the host address.
println("node desc launcher = " + aSlave.getComputer().getLauncher());
//println("node desc launcher = " + aSlave.getComputer().getLauncher().setHost(""));
println("node launcher host = " + aSlave.getComputer().getLauncher().getHost());
hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher ssl = aSlave.getComputer().getLauncher();
int port = ssl.getPort();
String userName, password, privateKey;
userName = ssl.getUsername();
password = ssl.getPassword();
privateKey = ssl.getPrivatekey();
println("user: "+userName + ", pwd: "+password + ", key: "+privateKey);
// all these values returns null.
Another way would be to just delete the node and recreate it.
Here is some groovy on how to delete it from here:
for (aSlave in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
if (aSlave.name == "MySlaveToDelete") {
println('Name: ' + aSlave.name);
println('Shutting down node!!!!');
And here is how to create one (source):
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.slaves.*
Jenkins.instance.addNode(new DumbSlave("test-script","test slave description","C:\\Jenkins","1",Node.Mode.NORMAL,"test-slave-label",new JNLPLauncher(),new RetentionStrategy.Always(),new LinkedList()))

DCOM and OpenMPI

I did the DCOMCNFG with both the launch and the remote access permissions, granting my local logon on each node . Have OpenMPI_v1.6.1-x64 installed in root and remote machines. HAve specified the path of .exe in the target node. But while running the .exe from root node with mpirun. I am getting the following error:
D:\x64\Release>mpirun -np 2 -hostfile myhostfile.txt MPISample.exe
connecting to n1234
Save Credential?(Y/N) n
[n1205:04420] Could not connect to namespace cimv2 on node n1234. Error code =-2147023174
mpirun was unable to start the specified application as it encountered an error.
More information may be available above.
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent t
o a process whose contact information is unknown in file ..\..\..\openmpi-1.6.1\
orte\mca\rml\oob\rml_oob_send.c at line 145
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] attempted to send to [[28225,0],1]: tag 1
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent t
o a process whose contact information is unknown in file ..\..\..\openmpi-1.6.1\
orte\orted\orted_comm.c at line 126
and to be more specific, i am using windows7-64bit os in both nodes,with same same user loged in.
turned off firewall, and it worked smoothly.