Materialize select element will not show passed options (empty ul) - materialize

My question is probably really easy. I want to populate a Materialize select element with a few options. I don't want to put my options in the HTML, I want to do it from a JSON with javascript (I get the json from a different service). In my HTML file, I just have an empty select.
In the documentation, I see that during the select initalization, you can pass an options object. I assume this can be used to populate the select dropdown. A bit lower it is stated that the correct key is dropdownOptions, and you are supposed to pass an UL to it. I did so, but the UL is empty. Console log shows that the ul is built correctly. What am I missing?
let ul = document.createElement("ul");
arr.forEach(oddelek => {
let li = document.createElement("li");
console.log(ul); // looks good
M.FormSelect.init(selects, {
"dropdownOptions": ul
What could be the reason that only an empty ul appears?
Because the above code didn't work, I decided to just add the elements to the HTML with javascript, and then run the init with an empty options object. But it doesn't work, the dropdown is still empty.
The init with empty options object works perfectly if the items are added manually in the html, but does not work if they are added through javascript. I have no idea why, I call the init after I add the elements. Inspecting the resulting html without the init looks just like in the documentation. Any advice?


Click on first element contained in a div

I have a div that contains a set of dynamic elements. I want to click on the first search result.
I want to click on the first element contains in
I tried using creating a custom xPath like so but it didn't work. Any ideas here?
//div[1][contains(text(), 'listing')]
First of all It would've helped if you had provided more information.
best will be using pseudo-child like div.firstChild or if the elements are generated dynamically you can add a class and use document.querySelectorAll(".class") which will give you an array of elements that had the class.
You can use array[0] to use click on the first element.
For anyone coming across this thread here is the solution
const listings = await page.$x('//*[contains(#id,"listing_")]')

How to select the element in HTML tags based on its text in Behat?

I'm running the following Behat scenario:
Then I should see "Testing body" in the "strong" element
for the following HTML snippet:
<strong>Testing body</strong>
However I am getting an error:
The text "Testing body" was not found in the text of the element matching css "strong"
What is the best way to check if element contains below tags?
<em>Testing body</em>
<ol><li>Testing body</li>
<ul><li>Testing body​​​​​​​</li>
I am trying to use wysiwyg.feature with syntax:
Then I should see "Testing body" in the "<Element>" element with the "<Property>" CSS property set to "<Value>" in the "Pearson Content" region
Make sure the selector used is unique.
Depending on the method used you might need id|name|label|value or css selector.
I your case the selector used is too general, you need to narrow the section by adding an extra element in front of this to tell him to search in a smaller section.
For example: #myid strong -> will search strong in the element that has the id myid
Same thing for the other elements, you could have ol>li or ul>li, but if more elements are found you will need to add an extra selector in front to narrow the section.
Always check the CSS manually in the browser and make sure is unique or the element that you need is found first.
If you want to check for an element that contains some text, you could use XPath like this:
//strong[contains(text(), 'Testing body')]
You can also use a css if you can identify this section as I said above, but I need more from the html, a large section in order to get a better selector.
The following method may help:
* #Given I should see :text in the :tag element
public function iShouldSeeInTheElement($text, $tag) {
$this->verifyElementByXpath("//${tag}[contains(text(), '${text}')]");
Instead of contains, you can also use starts-with and other.
Note: I haven't tested it, so please suggest improvements if you do.

getAttribute not returning complete value for style in selenium

I am using the selenium getAttribute("style") method on the following id element:-
<div id="ntsDiv_1" style="width: 250px; text-align: left; white-space: normal; top: 1090px; left: 131px; visibility: hidden;" class="mlt-pop-container">
but the API is returning only the half of the value. It is returning width: 250px; text-align: left; white-space: normal; and the remaning portion of the style is clipped.
I'm trying to extract the value of the visibility, but the method is not returning the complete value of style. Hence, i am unable to determine the correct value of visibility.
I executed System.out.println("Style is:- "+super.getElement(NEXTAG_STORES_DIV).getAttribute("style"));
NEXTAG_STORES_DIV corresponds to the xpath of the id element, and super.getElement extracts element by xpath
Please help me out!!
I just tried this with Selenium 2.30.0 and it works fine, the whole attribute is returned.
Try the following things (all the examples assume element is the WebElement you need to test):
Make really sure only a part of the attribute is returned. Aren't you just printing it into console? Many consoles have a limited line length. Try setting your console to show long lines. Check programatically the length of the returned value, or try evaluating
Try upgrading your Selenium library, if you can. I am not aware of any bug related to attribute getting, but there might have been some which is now (with version 2.30.0) solved.
Try it in a different browser / OS / architecture. If it works somewhere, you'll know it's an issue of a particular browser / driver / OS / architecture / whatever and you might be able to focus it down and either fix it or file a bug.
If you simply want to know whether an element is visible or not, the correct and generally preferred way is to call
This method takes care of all the rules you might need to inspect in order to determine whether it actually is visible or not.
If the style value changes dynamically on the page (i.e. it's not statically written in the source code of the page), WebDriver can't really see it as it doesn't pick up dynamic changes. Try accessing the value via JavaScript:
if (!driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JavaScript not enabled for this driver!");
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
String styleAttribute = (String)js.executeScript("return arguments[0].style", element);
If you actually need to get the computed value of the CSS visibility attribute that is actually used by the browser and not the one in the style atribute (if there either isn't any or is somehow overridden), you need to use the JavaScript's getComputedStyle() method. One way (described by this article on is this:
var elem = arguments[0];
if (elem.currentStyle) {
var vis = elem.currentStyle['visibility'];
} else {
var vis = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('visibility');
return vis;
Again, this should be invoked via
String visibility = (String)js.executeScript(here_goes_the_whole_script, element);

mvc4 jquery autocomplete items showing up as asterisks instead of readable data

I got my autocomplete stuff working well enough to see that it's returning some data when I type in a field--but the data shown in the dropdown below the textbox is just a vertical column of asterisks or list item bullets. (I can't really tell what they are.)
When I query the web service directly in the browser, it returns a Json array as expected which looks like this where, for example ?term=chi (I've added some line breaks for readability)
{"Name":"Chinese Crested"},
{"Name":"Chinese Shar-Pei"},
{"Name":"Japanese Chin"},
My JavaScript looks like this:
$(function() {
source: "#Url.Action("BreedList", "Patient")"
like I say, my textbox in question (#Breed) does respond sort of like an autocomplete box, but the dropdown data is weird. Any ideas?
Although I did have a CSS bundling problem (somehow I had omitted the jquery ui css from my bundle), a bigger issue was that the Json returned by my service needed a lower case "value" property for each item. I was using the column name as cased on my Linq query. The tip that pointed me in the right direction on this came from the answer here: jQueryUI autoComplete returns back empty list

What does the dojo.query() return?

I'm just getting started with dojo, and I've understood that dojo.query is the same as $ in jQuery.
But I haven't figured out what it returns. Is it a specialized object like in jQuery?
What I'm trying to do (with no luck) is:
dojo.query("output").innerHTML = data;
//this doesn't work either:
//tried accessing by id as well
//and tried to access a div, incase dojo has some issues with html5 elements
And I'm currently using the new html5 elements:
<output id="output">Output goes here</output>
<div id="divOutput">non-html5 output goes here</div>
And I can't seem to find a good list on what to do with objects returned by dojo.query()..
edit: Okay, I think dojo is just messing with me now. I found this method: addContent() and that works on the above selector. But I don't want to add content, I want to replace content...
The query method returns a NodeList object.
In the ref for NodeList you can find a list of functions that you can apply to the list
of elements. There is no innerHTML function for the list, but the html function should work.
There is no "output" element in HTML, perhaps you try to target elements with the class name "output"?
Or the element with id "output"?
If you want to replace all the output tags' content with the same thing, then this code should always work:
// replace the contents of ALL <output> tags
dojo.query('output').forEach(function(node) { node.innerHTML = data; });
Dojo also provides a little shortcut for these kinds of things. You can specify a string to NodeList's forEach function like this:
// replace the contents of ALL <output> tags (as long as data is global)
dojo.query('output').forEach("item.innerHTML = data;");
The word item in the string is special. (This is a pain to debug, so it might not be worth it.)
As was said above, query method returns NodeList object, so you can iterate it's result as array, or use dojo methods that work with NodeList (e.g. attr):
dojo.query("#divOutput").attr("innerHTML", data);
But as soon as you are trying to query nodes by id, it would be better to use dojo.byId() method, which returns domNode:
dojo.byId("divOutput").innerHTML = data;
Or in more dojo style:
dojo.attr(dojo.byId("divOutput"), "innerHTML", data)
Try this by adding the [0] like this:
dojo.query("output")[0].innerHTML = data;
Also, there is a dojox.jq wrapper (in development, coming in 1.4) which emulates the JQuery return object APIs
The documentation seems to be a mess, this is the only thing i get to work with 1.7,
dojo.query("whatever").forEach(function(node, index, array)