Getting Request Object in Spring Webflux elastic thread - spring-webflux

I am facing one issue.
I am calling some API's in parallel using Spring Webflux. If any child thread faces any issue, it needs to log the request. Now the issue is , for logging a normal POJO class in which there is a static method which gets a bean via ApplicationContent and store the data in a Queue.
Now the issue is, I want to access request params like Request URL / Controller etc.
I tried
ServletRequestAttributes sra =
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = sra.getRequest();
but In this case, sra is null. I tried adding the following code,
public class InheritableRequestContextListener extends RequestContextListener {
private static final String REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE =
InheritableRequestContextListener.class.getName() + ".REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES";
public void requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent requestEvent) {
if (!(requestEvent.getServletRequest() instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Request is not an HttpServletRequest: " + requestEvent.getServletRequest());
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) requestEvent.getServletRequest();
ServletRequestAttributes attributes = new ServletRequestAttributes(request);
request.setAttribute(REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE, attributes);
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(attributes, true);
but this is not helping. Can anyone help. I am using springboot version ; 2.0.2.RELEASE.

There are several reasons as to why your implementation does not work.
Webflux is thread agnostic, which means that any thread can deal with anything at anytime in the application. If the application finds it efficiant to switch the current executing thread, it will do so.
Servlet applications on the other hand assigns one thread to each request and sticks with that thread throughtout execution.
ApplicationContext uses as you can see ServletRequests, so it is not usable in a Webflux application. It in turn uses threadlocal to store the request object to the designated thread.
In webflux you cant use threadlocal, bucase as soon as the application switches threads everything in threadlocal is gone. Thats why you get null.
So how do you pass data from thread to thread.
What you need to do is to implement a filter that intercepts the request, extracs the information you want and places it in the reactive context object.
Here is a post that addresses the problem.


How to implement an integration test to check if my circuit breaker fallback is called?

In my application, I need to call an external endpoint and if it is too slow a fallback is activated.
The following code is an example of how my app looks like:
#FeignClient(name = "${}", url = "${config.url:}", fallback = ExampleFallback.class)
public interface Example {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/endpoint", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
MyReturnObject find(#RequestParam("myParam") String myParam);
And its fallback implementation:
public Class ExampleFallback implements Example {
private final FallbackService fallback;
public ExampleFallback(final FallbackService fallback) {
this.fallback = fallback;
public MyReturnObject find(final String myParam) {
return fallback.find(myParam);
Also, a configured timeout for circuit breaker:
hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds: 5000
How can I implement an integration test to check if my circuit break is working, i.e, if my endpoint (mocked in that case) is slow or if it returns an error like 4xx or 5xx?
I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.3 with Spring Cloud (Feign + Hystrix)
Note i donot know Feign or Hystrix.
In my opinion it is problematic to implement an automated integrationtest that simulates different implementatondetails of Feign+Hystrix - this implementation detail can change at any time. There are many different types of failure: primary-Endpoint not reachable, illegal data (i.e. receiving a html-errormessage, when exprecting xml data in a special format), disk-full, .....
if you mock an endpoint you make an assumption of implementationdetail of Feign+Hystrix how the endpoint behaves in a errorsituation (i.e. return null, return some specific errorcode, throw an exception of type Xyz....)
i would create only one automated integration test with a real primary-enpoint that has a never reachable url and a mocked-fallback-endpoint where you verify that the processed data comes from the mock.
This automated test assumes that handling of "networkconnection too slow" is the same as "url-notfound" from your app-s point of view.
For all other tests i would create a thin wrapper interface around Feign+Hystrix where you mock Feign+Hystrix. This way you can automatically test for example what happens if you receive 200bytes from primary interface and then get an expetion.
For details about hiding external dependencies see onion-architecture

Retrieve WS request in CXF Web service

I got a CXF OSGi Web service (based on the example demo in servicemix:
The Web service works fine and i call all the available implemented methods of the service.
My question is how can i retrieve the request inside a WS method and parse in a string XML format.
I have found that this is possible inside interceptors for logging, but i want also to the WS-Request inside my methods.
For storing the request in the database I suggest to extend the new CXF message logging.
You can implement a custom LogEventSender that writes into the database.
I had similar requirement where I need to save data into DB once method is invoked. I had used ThreadLocal with LoggingInInterceptor and LoggingOutInterceptor. For example in LoggingInInterceptor I used to set the message into ThreadContext and in webservice method get the message using LoggingContext.getMessage() and in LoggingOutInterceptor I used to removed the message(NOTE: Need to be careful here you need to explictly remove the message from thread context else you will end up with memory leak, and also incase of client side code interceptors get reversed.
public class LoggingContext {
private static ThreadLocal<String> message;
public static Optional<String> getMessage() {
return Optional.ofNullable(message.get());
public static void setMessage(final String message) {
LoggingContext.message = new ThreadLocal<>();
Not an answer to this question but i achieved to do my task by using JAXB in the end and do some manipulations there.

Ninject Inject Common DbContext Into Numerous Repositories

There’s something which I am doing that is working, but I think it can probably be done a lot better (and therefore, with more maintainability).
I am using Ninject to inject various things into a controller. The problem which I needed to solve is that the DbContext for each repository needed to be the same. That is, the same object in memory.
Whilst, the following code does achieve that, my Ninject common config file has started to get quite messy as I have to write similar code for each controller:
kernel.Bind<OrderController>().ToMethod(ctx =>
var sharedContext = ctx.Kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>();
var userAccountService = kernel.Get<UserAccountService>();
ILogger logger = new Log4NetLogger(typeof(Nml.OrderController));
ILogger loggerForOrderManagementService = new Log4NetLogger(typeof(OrderManagementService));
var orderManagementService = new OrderManagementService(
new AffiliateRepository(sharedContext),
new RegTypeRepository(sharedContext),
new OrderRepository(sharedContext),
new RefDataRepository(),
new WebUserRepository(sharedContext),
new WebinarRepository(sharedContext),
var membershipService = new MembershipService(
new InstitutionRepository(sharedContext),
new RefDataRepository(),
new SamAuthenticationService(userAccountService),
new WebUserRepository(sharedContext)
return new OrderController(membershipService, orderManagementService, kernel.Get<IStateService>(), logger);
Is there a neater way of doing this?
Tried the following code. As soon as I make a second request, an exception is chucked that the DbContext has already been disposed.
string baseUrl = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath;
kernel.Bind<IRefDataRepository>().To<RefDataRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
var config = MembershipRebootConfig.Create(baseUrl, kernel.Get<IStateService>(), kernel.Get<IRefDataRepository>());
var ttsConfig = TtsConfig.Create(baseUrl);
kernel.Bind<IAffiliateRepository>().To<AffiliateRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<IWebinarRepository>().To<WebinarRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<IWebUserRepository>().To<WebUserRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<IOrderRepository>().To<OrderRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<IInstitutionRepository>().To<InstitutionRepository>().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<IRegTypeRepository>().To<RegTypeRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("context", kernel.Get<TTSWebinarsContext>());
kernel.Bind<UserAccountService>().ToMethod(ctx =>
var userAccountService = new UserAccountService(config, ctx.Kernel.Get<IUserAccountRepository>());
return userAccountService;
//RegisterControllers(kernel, ttsConfig);
There's something about InRequestScope I'm misunderstanding.
.InRequestScope() will ensure everything which gets injected that binding will receive exactly the same instance when during injection (creation) the HttpContext.Current is the same. That means when a client makes a request and the kernel is asked to provide instances with .InRequestScope(), it will return the same instance for the exact same request. Now when a client makes another request, another unique instance will be created.
When the request ends, ninject will dispose the instance in case it implements IDisposable.
However consider the following scenario:
public class A
private readonly DbContext dbContext;
public A(DbContext dbContext)
this.dbContext = dbContext;
and binding:
You got yourself a major problem. There's two scenarios how this can pan out:
You are trying to create an A outside of a request. It will fail. Instantiating the DbContext, ninject will look for HttpContext.Current - which is null at the time - and throw an Exception.
You are trying to create an A during a request. Instantiating will succeed. However, When you try to use some functionality of A (which is accessing DbContext in turn) after the request or during a new request, it will throw an ObjectDisposedException
To sum it up, an ObjectDisposedException when you access the DbContext can only be caused by two scenarios:
-you ar disposing the DbContext (or some component which in turn disposes the DbContext) before the request is over.
-you are keeping a reference to the DbContext (again, or to some component which in turn references the DbContext) across request boundaries.
That's it. Nothing complicated about this, but your object graph.
So what would help is drawing an object graph. Start from the root / request root. Then when you're done, start from the DbContext and check who's calling Dispose() on it. If there is no usage inside your code, it must be Ninject who's cleaning up when the request ends. That means, you need to check all references to the DbContext. Someone is keeping a reference across requests.
Original Answer:
You should look into scopes:
Specifically, .InRequestScope() - or in case that is not appliccable to your problem - .InCallScope() should be interesting to you.
As you are already using .InRequestScope() for the original binding, i suggest that binding the shared context type also .InRequestScope() should be sufficient. It means every dependency of the OrderController will receive the same webinar context instance. Furthermore, if someone else in the same request wants to get a webinar context injected, he will also get the same instance.
You should look into scopes:
Specifically, .InRequestScope() - or in case that is not appliccable to your problem - .InCallScope() should be interesting to you.
As you are already using .InRequestScope() for the original binding, i suggest that binding the shared context type also .InRequestScope() should be sufficient. It means every dependency of the OrderController will receive the same webinar context instance. Furthermore, if someone else in the same request wants to get a webinar context injected, he will also get the same instance.

pass custom value in WCF context between IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest and IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest

I have an ASP application which is client of WCF SERVICE1 , which is client of WCF SERVICE2.
I have added IDispatchMessageInspector and IClientMessageInspector to WCF SERVICE1.
Now I need to pass a custom value from ASP to WCF1 , then to WCF2.
from ASP to WCF1 it is trivial , via Message Headers.
The question is , how to pass a custom value from IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest(request from ASP received by WCF1) to IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest(prepare to send request to WCF2) operation of WCF SERVICE 1 ?
Is there is some context which could be used ?
What does your code look like? Assuming that first Dispatch Message Inspector is the one making the request to WCF2, then simply using message properties would suffice.
However, if your dispatch message inspector does something; then the request continues processing and it is the service implementation that actually calls WCF2, then you'll need to jump through a few more hoops. In general, I'd say you'd need the inspector to put some data in the service request message properties that the service implementation would need to pick up and copy to the message to send to WCF2 so that the client inspector can pick them up.
That's ugly, and would kinda make the whole process more brittle.
Can you elaborate a bit more what you're trying to do? What kind of data are you hoping to pass around this way?
In my case, I had to identify and log nested service calls requested by client.
To do that, I stamp each service call by ThreadStatic property and add this property to the header of client call(service1 count as client for service2) than in AfterReceiveRequest method I have checked its existance. If exists,current method was requested by parent service.
public class GenericMessageInspector : IDispatchMessageInspector, IClientMessageInspector
private static string _masterServiceGUID;
public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel, System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext instanceContext)
if (request.Headers.Action == null)
return null;
//Control request header for nested call
string masterRequestId = string.Empty;
var IsMasterExist = request.Headers.FindHeader("MasterServiceGUID", "namespace");
if (IsMasterExist > -1)
//requested by internal service
masterRequestId = request.Headers.GetReaderAtHeader(IsMasterExist).ReadInnerXml();
public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_masterServiceGUID))
request.Headers.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader("MasterServiceGUID", "namespace", _masterServiceGUID));
return null;

How do you set a custom session when unit testing with wicket?

I'm trying to run some unit tests on a wicket page that only allows access after you've logged in. In my JUnit test I cannot start the page or render it without setting the session.
How do you set the session? I'm having problems finding any documentation on how to do this.
WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new MyApp());
//Fails to start below, no session seems to be set
What I frequently do is to provide a fake WebApplication with overrides for things that I want to mock or stub.
Among the things I override is the method
public abstract Session newSession(Request request, Response response);
which allows you to return a fake session setup with anything you want.
This is in Wicket 1.3 - if you're using 1.4, some of this may have changed, and as noted in another response, it may be related to a wicket bug.
But assuming the interface hasn't changed too much, overriding this method may also be another way of working around the issue in WICKET-1215.
You may be running into WICKET-1215. Otherwise what you're doing looks fine. For example, I have a Junit4 setup method that looks like:
public void createTester() {
tester = new WicketTester( new MyApp() );
// see
MyAppSession session = (MyAppSession) tester.getWicketSession();
Using Wicket 1.4, I use my normal WebApplication and WebSession implementations, called NewtEditor and NewtSession in my app. I override newSession, where I do the same than in the regular app code, except that I sign in right away. I also override newSessionStore for performance reasons, I copied this trick from WicketTesters code.
tester = new WicketTester(new NewtEditor()
public Session newSession(Request request, Response response)
NewtSession session = new NewtSession(request);
return session;
protected ISessionStore newSessionStore()
// Copied from WicketTester: Don't use a filestore, or we spawn lots of threads,
// which makes things slow.
return new HttpSessionStore(this);