delete all lines starting by: INSERT INTO `mdl_logstore_standard_log` VALUES - sql

I have a SQL text file on my Linux server, and I need to remove all lines starting by
INSERT INTO `mdl_logstore_standard_log`

Looks like a duplicate of this.
Following the "Better Solution" in the chosen answer there, you would likely want to consider using sed. This will delete the lines without needing to open the file.
For your specific case, you can run
sed '/^INSERT INTO `mdl_logstore_standard_log`/d' text_file.sql > new_text_file.sql
where you'd replace text_file.sql and new_text_file.sql with your current file and the file with lines deleted. You may also want to consider looking at the -i (or equivalent --in-place) option if you'd prefer to overwrite your previous file with the new one.

You can achieve it with vim. Open the file, type :g and then make sure you run the following:
:g/^INSERT INTO `mdl_logstore_standard_log`/d
- ^ is the start of the string, here means starts with
- d at the end means delete
- the pattern between the slashes is the pattern to find
If it looks good, hit :w to save your file.


.bat file to merge .txt into one file, including filename but separated by a ';'

I'm having trouble with a kinda specific problem.
The monitoring software (used for robots in the manufacturing halls) used by the company i am working for, generates a log file (.sdat) every 15 minutes. The content of a log file looks like this:
The syntax: Time;machine;status
I've managed to concatenate all the log files into one big file, including the filename at the start of each new row, like this:
The syntax: Filename:Time;Machine;Status
The reason I did this is because i need the time as well as the date(which is included in the filename) a certain status for a machine has been logged. However, if i import this into SQL management studio, it recognizes 3 columns instead of 4, because the filename and first column(time) are separated by a ':' instead of a ';'. I tried solving it with an SQL Query, separating the date and time with a LEFT() and RIGHT(), but guess what: the time field format changes when the time switches from 9:59:59 to 10:00:00, creating an extra character for the time field (so the data in the column would look like this ':9:59:59', which isn't a valid time field). Perhaps it could be done with SQL but it just seems to me like it would take too much complexity in the SQL code for such a small problem.
So at this point, i thought it would be better to tackle this problem early on; within the batch file which generates the large file, so Management Studio does recognize 4 instead of 3 columns. This is how my .bat file looks like at the moment:
#echo off
findstr "^" *.sdat >output.txt
What do i have to do to get this right?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Sohns
#echo off
(for %%f in (*.sdat) do (
for /f "delims=" %%a in (%%f) do #echo %%f;%%a
NOTE: this will swallow empty lines, but I think in your case that's not a problem. If yes, the code can be adapted.
Given that all the log files you are concatenating have the sdat extension, you have to replace sdat: for sdat; in order to have a ; separated CSV.
To achieve this, you can use the batch script in this other answer(How to replace substrings in windows batch file), that replaces substrings in a text file using a batch script.

How to rename photo files using awk, such that they are named (and hence ordered) by "date taken"?

I have 3 groups of photos, from 3 different cameras (with time sychronised onboard all cameras) but with different naming schemes (e.g.: IMG_3142.jpg, DCM_022.jpg). I would like to rename every photo file with the following naming convention:
1_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for earliest
2_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for next earliest, and so on,
until we reach around 5000_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.jpg for the last one (i.e. the most recent)
I would like the yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss field to be replaced by the “date and time taken” value for when this photo was taken. Which is saved in the metadata/properties of each file.
I have seen awk used to carry out similar operations but I'm not familiar enough to know how to access the “time taken” metadata, etc.
Also, not that this should make a difference: my computer is a mac.
You can use jhead for this. The command is:
jhead -n%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S *.jpg
Make a COPY of your files first before running it! You can install jhead with homebrew using:
brew install jhead
Or, if you don't have homebrew, download here for OS X.
That will get you the date in the filename as you wish. The sequence number is a little more difficult. Try what I am suggesting above and, if you are happy with that, we can work on the sequence number maybe. Basically, you would run jhead again to set the file modification times of your files to match the time they were shot - then the files can be made to show up in the listing in date order and we can put your sequence number on the front.
So, to get the file's date set on the computer to match the time it was taken, do:
jhead -ft *.jpg
Now all the files will be dated on your computer to match the time the photos were taken. Then we need to whizz through them in a loop with our script adding in the sequence number:
# List files in order, oldest first
for f in $(ls -rt *jpg)
# Work out new name
echo Rename $f as $new
# Remove "#" from start of following command if things look good so the renaming is actually done
# mv "$f" $new"
You would save that in your HOME directory as renamer, then you would go into Terminal and make the script executable like this:
chmod +x renamer
Then you need to go to where your photos are, say Desktop\Photos
cd "$HOME/Desktop/Photos"
and run the script
That should do it.
By the way, I wonder how wise it is to use a simple sequence number at the start of your filenames because that will not make them come up in order when you look at them in Finder.
Think of file 20 i.e. 20_2015_02_03_11:45:52.jpg. Now imagine that files starting with 100-199 will be listed BEFORE file 2o, also files 1000-1999 will also be listed before file 20 - because their leading 1s come before file 20's leading 2. So, you may want to name your files:
then they will come up in sequential order in Finder. If you want that, use this script instead:
for f in $(ls -rt *jpg)
# Generate new name with zero-padded sequence number
new=$(printf "%04d_$f" $seq)
echo Rename $f as $new
# Remove "#" from start of following command if things look good so the renaming is actually done
# mv "$f" $new"

How to Input Redirect Two Files to Standard Input?

Is it possible to redirect two or more files to standard input in one command? For example
$ myProgram < file1 < file 2
I tried that command however, it seemed like the OS is only taking the first file and ignoring the other...
If not, how can I achieve that?
NOTE: concatenating the two files will not help in my case.
When you do this from bash, it isn't inputting multiple files to standard input, it is called Process Substitution
The output is sent to an file descriptor under /dev/fd/<n> for each substitution

How do I append to end of a file, without deleting its previous content, in eiffel

i am programming with eiffel and every time i open a file and start writing into it, it deletes its content and starts writing into it like it's an empty file, is there a way to do it without deleting the previouse content?
Here is a example of code
create f.make_open_write("C://myName/desktop//myfile.txt")
and now the file will contain 3 and all the previouse data will be lost!
Creation procedure make_open_append should be used in this case:
create f.make_open_append ("C:/myName/desktop/myfile.txt")
If you want to append text at the end of the file, use make_open_append like that:
If you want to rewrite from the beginning of the file (like in your example, replacing the first character of the file with 3), you can open in read write mode and write to it like this:

correct way to write to the same file from multiple processes awk

The title says it all.
I have 4 awk processes logging to the same file, and output seems fine, not mangled, but I'm not sure that just redirecting print output like this: print "xxx" >> file in every process is the right way to do it.
There are many similar questions around the site, but this one is particularly about awk and a pragmatic, code-correct way to approach the problem.
Sorry folks, of course I wasn't "just redirecting" like I wrote, I was appending.
No it is not safe.
the awk print "foo" > "file" will open the file and overwrite the file content, till the end of script.
That is, if your 4 awk processes started writing to the same file on different time, they overwrite the result of each other.
To reproduce it, you could start two (or more) awk like this:
awk '{while(++i<9){system("sleep 2");print "p1">"file"}}' <<<"" &
awk '{while(++i<9){system("sleep 2");print "p2">"file"}}' <<<"" &
and same time you monitoring the content of file, you will see finally there are not exactly 8 "p1" and 8 "p2".
using >> could avoid the losing of entries. but the entry sequence from 4 processes could be messed up.
Ok, the > was a typo.
I don't know why you really need 4 processes to write into same file. as I said, with >>, the entries won't get lost (if you awk scripts works correctly). however personally I won't do in this way. If I have to have 4 processes, i would write to different files. well I don't know your requirement, just speaking in general.
outputting to different files make the testing, debugging easier.. imagine when one of your processes had problem, you want to solve it. etc...
I think using the operating system print command is save. As in fact this will append the file write buffer with the string you provide as log. So the system will menage the actual writing process of the data to disc, also if another process will want to use the same file the system will see that the resource is already claimed and will wait for 1st thread to finish its processing, than will allow the 2nd process to write to the buffer.