Best way to release and reinitialize exoplayer in RecyclerView - android-recyclerview

I have two instances of Exoplayer with different mediasources.
Before initializing either of player. I am checking if any player attached to the surface if yes then releasing the player and initializing again with new operator
if(videoPlayerView.getPlayer() != null) {
videoPlayerView is my PlayerView in SimpleExoPlayer
But after View detached list item becomes black instead of playing again.

I used to do similar things with you.You need a global players pool to manager players.You needn't to release it everytime.Just call stop method.And when switch video,just reset source.To make it play instantly witout black, you need to prepare it.When activity is finishing, release all players.

I strongly suggest you have a single instance of Exoplayer, init in first use and release when activity or fragment (based on your usecase) destroyed


Observers remaining in dispatch table after object removed

Kind of a newbie question, so forgive me if I'm missing some basic concepts...
I have a view controller within a window, which contains multiple NSTableViews, each of which having a variety of associated observers added via addObserver. These work fine and as expected, with notifications going to each of the correct table views. However, if I close the window, then open a new window (of the same type), posted notifications are being sent to the table views of the window that was previously closed.
I was under the impression that as of macOS 10.11 observers did not have to be explicitly removed, which I would assume would happen when the original window is closed... UNLESS I'm missing something fundamental about closing windows. At the moment, I don't do anything special when the user closes a window, and the window just vanished from the screen. Do the views created in my viewDidLoad method live on even after the window is closed? Or no I need to explicitly dispose of these views in a method such as viewWIllDisappear?
Even when object you added as observer is disposed the observer is not. According to official documentation you have to pair each addObserver with corresponding removeObserver. This is true and for NotificationCenter and for KVO. By the way adding object as observer does not increase its owners, so under correct memory management left observer result in run-time crash - that is why needed paired removeObserver (if there is no crash in such situation it means there is leak).
The place where to do this depends on usage. If you add observer in viewWillAppear then it is better to remove it in viewWillDisappear, if you add on creation then remove should be done in deinit

OSX 10.10 App doesn't get focus or event loop

Restarting app development after a 15 year hiatus. Current project is conversion of old windows-type command line utility into interactive OS X windowed app.
I created a view delegate inside main window and can draw and update NSTable view.
The updates are generated in the App's main loop which takes a UDP/TCP stream, parses and updates view via appropriate delegation.
Here's the problem: When I run the app, the main window does not apparently get
focus (window control buttons on upper left are grey), the Menu created from my .xib is inert, and the window itself does not respond to resizing or to mouse hits inside the table view scroll bars. Also, the mouse pointer is the spinning beachball when over the App's window.
My guess is that I am not providing time to the Objective C run loop for event processing. I do send a "display" to my window on every iteration of my app loop, but I guess it is not sufficient (Apple is not very clear about what objects get what messages when sending this kind of update message). Am I on the right track?
Is there a way to let the system Event loop run an iteration each time through my app main loop?
Update: I tried explicitly providing event loop time in my app's main loop with:
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1]];
There was no apparent change in app behavior.
My guess is that I am not providing time to the Objective C run loop for event processing.
In this case, I recommend you read about Grand Central Dispatch, which provides concurrency, allowing the GUI to remain responsive.
There's a good explanation of GCD here and whilst it looks like a large and complicated subject, you'll probably only need a few lines of code to make use of GCD. For example: -
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
// do some work
Despite comparing the nibs and connections between my code and a freshly created .xib prototype, i could find no reason for my code to not get focus.
The fix was to move my code guts into the project with a new .xib.
This works but is unsatisfying

NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification called before application is ready to use (launched)

I'm using both NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification and NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification notifications to know which app the user is interacting with.
The problem is that, if an application is just opened and still launching, I first receive a activate notification, and soon afterwards a launch notification.
Is there any way to know within the activate method that the app is still launching and not yet ready for use? (Still bouncing in the dock)
I see that the ichat sample project by apple does not use the above approach and instead only listens to launch notifications. It then uses kAXApplicationActivatedNotification to add an AXObserver to the app. Is this the preferred way? (And also NSRunningApplications to add an observer to all already loaded apps).
I wanted to keep using just plain simple NSNotifications because I think it may be less memory intensive. (No need to keep an observer around for each and every app loaded).
check the NSRunningApplication object passed in the userinfo of the NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification
NSRunningApplication *app = [note.userInfo objectForKey:NSWorkspaceApplicationKey];

ARC: Memory does not get reclaimed?

I am working on an iPad (only) app and I stumbled across a weird problem. The app gets terminated after a memory warning on iPad 1 but works fine on iPad 2.
I am using ARC and targeting iOS 5. I use nibs and most of my assets are displayed using UIImageViews. I also have a few hundred buttons and plenty of gesture recognizers... I re-watched the WWDC11 videos (sessions 323 and 322) on ARC and I don't seem to be doing anything special.
The app is UIImage intensive, I am doing lots of animations using UIImage. I am however using the initWithContentsOfFile constructor rather than the imageNamed call. I'm trying to prevent the images from being cached by the system.
I'm also using GCD to schedule sound effects and to animate views. I'm always doing this on the main thread.
The app uses a UINavigationController that never has more than 1 UIViewController on it's stack. I can confirm that this is true because the didReceiveMemoryWarning only gets called on the current view controller (I'm logging the call).
The thing I don't understand is why Instruments is reporting high numbers (as if the view controllers don't get deallocated) in both the Allocations and VM Tracker instruments. The Allocations instrument shows a small drop when I navigate from one view controller to another (which is what I expect) but the VM Tracker Instrument shows that the Dirty Size is not dropping when I do the same thing. Eventually the app uses too much memory and gets terminated (on iPad 1). When I get memory warnings on the iPad 2 the app does NOT get terminated though...
It feels as if my images, sounds or views don't get destroyed and the memory does not get reclaimed... My object hierarchy is very basic and there should not be any retain cycles of any sort. I don't even have simple delegates...
Do you have any suggestions? I really don't want to release this app only for the iPad 2 or newer... It's an app for kids and it would be a pitty... I'd be so much happier to learn that I'm doing something wrong, as I really want to make sure this app is the best it can be...
There are ways to say, 'optimise' your objects by setting their properties to nil when certain things aren't needed -- so while you can't write a dealloc method anymore, you can do self.object = nil (when pertinent) which ends up doing something like this in a non-ARC world for an 'retain' (i.e., strong) property:
- (void)setObject:(id)newObject
[object release]; // send release message to current object
object = newObject; // set reference to newObject
[object retain]; // send retain message to newObject
Now while in ARC you don't/can't write retain/release yourself in your code, the compiler inserts these calls for you, meaning that in practise, setting a property to nil would do this in the above example:
[object release]; // send release message to current object
object = nil; // set reference to nil
[object retain]; // send retain message to nil (no effect)
Moreover, this is just the tip of the iceberg -- you should make sure that there are no retain cycles in your code, which could be resulting in objects leaking without recourse to their destruction. This means, that there may be places where you're using strong references to a property (i.e., an object), when you should be using a weak property. The difference being, that strong references are retained, and weak references are assigned, the former having its retainCount incremented and the latter resulting in a property assignment that looks like this if handwritten:
- (void)setObject:(id)newObject
object = newObject;
I don't like answering my own question but I figured it could be helpful to future googlers. I implemented my own UIImage based animation and I no longer use the animationImages property. Turns out my memory issues are now gone as I no longer need to store all the images in memory and I load them as they are required using a timer.
I actually think that rolling out a custom animation is beneficial since it allows for callbacks and more powerful customisation options.
Once I'm happy with it and I feel like it's ready to be shared I will post the class(es) on GitHub.

use applicationDidBecomeActive to call viewDidLoad

I want to make sure that all my initializations for my views and stuff are handled every time my application starts, even when it is called back after being sent to the background, such as with multitasking.
What's the best way to do this? should i use applicationDidBecomeActive to call viewDidLoad on my viewcontroller directly? I'm guessing this is not wise. I just want to make sure that stuff gets done on load every time the user calls up the app, no matter what state it is in at the time.
I have several apps published that do just that - call viewDidLoad on one or several UIViewControllers from applicationDidBecomeActive.
It works just fine. Apple doesn't object to it either.
However, be aware that if you have allocations in your viewDidLoad you need to either check for already allocated instances or release the instances you allocate in viewDidLoad when your app suspends. The same goes for DB connections that need to be closed, notification listeners, and so on.
As long as you watch for these elements and handle them correctly, the approach is valid and very usable.