How can I count the number of somethings in each column, and rename as something?
For example - this is my table:
PatientNum City
1 New York City
2 Boston
3 Birmingham
4 Tyler
5 Boston
6 New York City
This is my SQL query:
City, COUNT(DISTINCT PatientNum) AS Freq
Expected result
City Freq
Birmingham 1
Boston 2
New York City 2
Tyler 1
What is the relational algebra for this SQL query?
I am new to relational algebra, thank you for help!
I have do some research and write that. Is that right?
You need to use the group by operator, γ. The columns listed before the γ are the grouping columns, the columns listed after are your projections
So, your expression in relational algebra would be like this:
City γ City, COUNT PatientNum (PATIENT)
Relational projections always return distinct tuples.
MY SQL returns the following array...
Nova Scotia
I would like to have the record displayed like this...
Ontario, Quebec
Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Alberta, Nova Scotia
what approach should I use to approach this?
Would be better to post the tables as well for clearer context.
You can use Aggregate functions and Grouping to help doing this. A GROUP BY to group the rows by staff column, then use GROUP_CONCAT() to concatenate province values in one string.
A reference of how you want it to be, unsure what table you are using or if there are any other factors but you can adapt as needed.
SELECT staff, GROUP_CONCAT(province SEPARATOR ', ') as province
FROM table_name
GROUP BY staff;
We are learning SQL at school, and my professor has this sql code in his documents.
SELECT, (COUNT(*) / locations.area) AS population_density
FROM world_poulation AS wp
INNER JOIN location
ON =
WHERE locations.state = “Hessen”
GROUP BY, locations.area
Everything is almost clear for me, just the aggregate function with /locations.area doesn't make any sense to me. Can anybody help?
Thank you in advance!
Look at what the query is grouped on, that tells you what each group consists of. In this case, each group is a city, and contains all the rows that have the same value for (and as the location table is joined on that value too, the locations.area is only included in the grouping so that it can be used in the result).
So each group has a number of rows, and the COUNT(*) aggregate will contain the number of rows for each group. The value of (COUNT(*) / locations.area) will be the number of rows in the group divided by the value of locations.area for that group.
If you would have data like this:
name city
--------- ---------
John London
Peter London
Sarah London
Malcolm London
Ian Cardiff
Johanna Stockholm
Sven Stockholm
Egil Stockholm
city state area
----------- -------------- ---------
London Hessen 2
Cardiff Somehere else 14
Stockholm Hessen 1
Then you would get a result with two groups (as Cardiff is not in the state Hessen). One group has four people from London which has the area 2, so the population density would be 2. The other group has three people from Stockholm which has the area 1, so the population density would be 3.
Side note: There is a typo in the query, as it joins in the table location but refers to it as locations everywhere else.
Try writing it like:
COUNT(*) AS population,
(COUNT(*) / locations.area) AS population_density
FROM world_poulation AS wp
INNER JOIN location
ON =
WHERE locations.state = “Hessen”
GROUP BY, locations.area
The key is the GROUP BY statement. You are showing pairs of cities and areas. The COUNT(*) is the number of times a given pair shows up in the table you created by joining world population and location. The area is just a number, so you can divide the area by the COUNT.
I have two tables tblJobs and tblJobseeker.
JobId skill location
5 .net, php Mexico
8 java Boston
9 sql, c++ London, Mexico
ID skill location
3 .net Mexico
7 sql Boston
10 java Boston
12 php Mexico
13 c++ London, Boston
Now I want to loop through first table tblJobs and find matching Jobseeker based on skill and location. For each record in tblJobs a result will come which I need to union with other records result set. I was trying to use cursor and dynamic query but how I can set condition of column skill and location in dynamic query. Also the records in both tables may vary
In above case, result should be
ID skill location
3 .net Mexico
12 php Mexico
10 java Boston
13 c++ London, Boston
I have edited the question. Here I am using charindex to match the result and inner join is not possible.There can be n number of locations or skills so different columns are not possible.
Simple inner join would do:
select s.*
from tblJobseeker s
inner join tblJobs j
on s.skill = j.skill
and s.location = j.location;
This is a heavily simplified version of an SQL problem I'm dealing with. Let's say I've got a table of all the cities in the world, like this:
country city
Canada Montreal
Cuba Havanna
China Beijing
Canada Victoria
China Macau
I want to count how many cities each country has, so that I would end up with a table as such:
country city_count
Canada 50
Cuba 10
China 200
I know that I can get the distinct country values with SELECT distinct country FROM T1 and I suspect I need to construct a subquery for the city_count column. But my non-SQL brain is just telling me I need to loop through the results...
Assuming the only reason for a new row is a unique city
select country, count(country) AS City_Count
from table
group by country
I want to do some statistic for the Point in my appliation,this is the columns for Point table:
id type city
1 food NewYork
2 food Washington
3 sport NewYork
4 food .....
Each point belongs to a certain type and located at the certain city.
Now I want to caculate the numbers of points in different city for each type.
For example, there are two types here :food and sport.
Then I want to know:
how many points of `food` and `sport` at NewYork
how many points of `food` and `sport` at Washington
how many points of `food` and `sport` at Chicago
I have tried this:
select type,count(*) as num from point group by type ;
But I can not group the by the city.
How to make it?
id type city
1 food NewYork
2 sport NewYork
3 food Chicago
4 food San
And I want to get something like this:
NewYork Chicago San
food 2 1 1
sport 1 0 0
I will use the html table and chart to display these datas.
So I need to do the counting, I can use something like this:
select count(*) from point where type='food' and city ='San'
select count(*) from point where type='food' and city ='NewYork'
However I think this is a bad idea,so I wonder if I can use the sql to do the counting.
BTW,for these table data,how do people organization their structure using json?
this's what you want:
SELECT city,
COUNT(CASE WHEN [type] = 'food' THEN 1 END) AS FoodCount,
COUNT(CASE WHEN [type] = 'sport' THEN 1 END) AS SportCount
FROM point
To get the results in an aggregated row/column format you need to use a pivot table. In Access it's called a Crosstab query. You can use the Crosstab query wizard to generate the query via a nice UI or cut straight to the SQL:
FROM point
PIVOT city
The grouping is used to count the number of Id's for each type. The additional PIVOT clause groups the data by city and displays each grouping in a separate column. The end result looks something like this:
NewYork Chicago San
food 2 1 1
sport 1 0 0