Hangouts Chat API - No Display Name for Room - hangouts-chat

It is evident from the documentation that a space will have a displayName only if it is of type ROOM.
However sometimes I receive the addedToSpace event request from hangouts chat without a displayName in the space object, even if the space type is a ROOM.
Is that in any way possible? Please help me out !

Found the Answer guys. If the room is a group, then there will be no display name for the same. Hence no display name is available. However, the group members are not sent via the request. Anyways, Thank you all for your help.


MessageBird originator handling

I am a bit confused conerning the services of the SMS Provider MessageBird; their API permits to include an "Originator", which is used as the sender of the SMS. On one hand, the documentation
states that in some countries the originator is not used and refers to a list of country-specific information. On the other hand, this list
does not include an entry for Denmark. The specific problem is that using the same account, the originator is used for Germany, but apparently doesn't work for Denmark. Does anyone have any experience with this or any information which might be helpful? If so, I would appreciate any comment.
The originator as you said it is going to be used as the sender of the SMS.
But there are restrictions as you noted on the docs. For example when you are sending messages to the US you cannot use alphanumeric originators like "Codor LLC". You need to use a numeric phone number.
If you are trying to send an SMS to Denmark from a german originator number it should work. No restrictions apply here.
Something else can be broken. Please contact support ( and we'll help you out (I work at MessageBird).

Show conversations in Layer (with Atlas) even if there are no messages

I am trying to show all conversations that have been created, even if a message was not sent. However, I can't for the life of me figure it out. I've hit a million dead ends. Does anyone know if this is even possible?
Perhaps a more specific question that would help me answer it is: is it possible to get an LYRConversation object of an existing conversation with just the user id of the other participant?
After going through their docs for hours I finally found this:
If you create a conversation the recipient won't see it until the first message is sent. If you want to be able to create a conversation without any messages, use the Platform API.
Source and link to information about the Platform API
Seems to me this should be better documented, but there it is. Hope this helps someone!

No data return for last night

I use live sdk REST API to retrieve data from onedrive storage.
It contains no data in the response string event the status_code is 200.
I wonder if the is still alive from last night and where could I feedback this problem to?
For support, try going to and click the Settings wheel at the top righ corner. Select Feedback, and once you've inputted your issue, it will be routed to the right folks.

Is there a way to get the user name set for siri?

I need to get the name of the user of an iPhone, but the only related things to get data from the device related to the user is using the UIDevice Class, but all I can get is the device name.
Anybody know how I can get the user's name without asking to them?
There is no Siri API today.
See this for more info:

How to make a name show instead of a number when sending sms through a Gateway?

this question is a tad more on the technical side, but I hope it can be easilly solved.
You see, my problem here is the following:
I have a Gateway for sending SMS, however, I want those SMS to show a name instead of the number (company/Bank name for instance) like some Banks/providers have over here.
However I can't seem to find any sort of documentation on how to achieve this.
Is there any sort of way to achieve what I want?