import and module.exports in Vuex module show Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object - vue.js

i have a vuex module by Vue CLI
import { Sev } from "../api";
const modules = {
actions: {
getData() {
module.exports = modules;
and i got an error in browser console
test.js?5df4:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object '#<Object>'
at Module.eval (test.js?5df4:10)
at eval (test.js:12)
at Module../src/config/store_modules/test.js (app.js:1263)
then i change the code to
import { Sev } from "../api";
// const modules = {
export default {
actions: {
getData() {
// module.exports = modules;
then work well. But i don't know what different. is it a bug ?

VueJS is browser code and use ES6 modules
import xxx from './path/to/xxx';
export xxx;
export default xxx;
while CommonJS is used by NodeJS and is completely different
const yyy = require('./path/to/yyy');
module.exports = { yyy };
exports.zzz = yyy;
You're writing Vue code so you must use ES6 modules and the import/export syntax, the module object doesn't behave as you'd expect in ES6


Get config value in vue file

possibly a very simple question: I need to get a configuration value from within an html block in a vue file.
I have this simple config.js
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV
const development = {
images: {
server: "http://localhost:4001",
const production = {
images: {
server: "",
const config = {
module.exports = config[env]
And this simple vue.js
<img :src="`${config.images.server}/images/someimage.jpg`"/>
At run time, the above throws
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'images')
What should I do to make this work ?
Thanks in advance
Note: I can get configuration values from within the script block using, this works perfectly, for example
import config from "../../config"
var c = config.images.server
Using vue 3, one can easily achieve this by adding
import config from "../config"
app.config.globalProperties.$config = config
to the main.js file. From there on, $config can be used in templates and scripts across all files. Source:
In Vue, you need to initiate a variable and assign what you imported to it, and eventually return this variable. It looks like below:
import config from "../../config"
export default {
data() {
return {
config: config
import config from "../../config"
export default {
setup() {
return {
Then the url in the template should work fine.
If you want to use config globally, you can register it as a Plugin.
Create plugin.js
import config from "../../config"
export const Config = {
install(Vue, options) {
Vue.prototype.$config = function() {
return config
Then, in your main.js, add below code
import * as Plugins from '#/plugin.js'
Then you can use $config within templetes like $route without any other import. Surely you can write other global functions in plugin.js and register each of them in main.js.

npm package for vuex module give error after dispatching

I’ve just made an npm package as a module for my vuex. after a long try finally, I could install it and mix it with my vuex. using this link
I console log my store and the action section contain my npm package luckily. but when I want to dispatch it gives me an error :(
use it in my app like :
send me error:
[vuex] unknown action type: orderiomApiPackageAuth/auth
in my module.js:
import axios from "axios";
const state ={
restaurantInfo: {},
imprint: null
const mutations = {
setRestaurantInfo(state, restaurantInfo) {
state.restaurantInfo = restaurantInfo
setImprint(state, imprint) {
state.imprint = imprint
const actions = { //some action here }
export default {
namespaced: true,
in my index.js for package:
import myModule from '/.module.js'
function install(Vue, options ={}) {
if (! console.log('Please provide a store!!')'desiredName', myModule )
export default {
and use it in my main.js in the project:
import myPackage from 'myPackage'
import store from './store'
Vue.use(myPackage, { store })
I console.log(this.$store) and I realize that the action section contains my modules. but I have a problem with dispatch them.
I took a snapshot from my console share it here :
enter image description here
any help? :(

How do I mock this Vue injection?

I have a Vue 3 component that, when mounted in tests, cause warnings:
console.warn node_modules/#vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.cjs.js:40
[Vue warn]: injection "Symbol(VueToastification)" not found.
at <ModifyJob ref="VTU_COMPONENT" >
I assume it's this one complaining
I have nearly 100 of these warnings, so it's kind of hard to read test-run output. I've tried to mock provide for this dependency, but I can't seem to succeed:
let provide = {}
provide[VueToastification] = VueToastification
provide['VueToastification'] = VueToastification
provide[Symbol(VueToastification)] = VueToastification
provide[Symbol('VueToastification')] = VueToastification
provide['Symbol(VueToastification)'] = VueToastification
let options = {
global: {
provide: provide,
mount(ModifyJob, options)
Is this some Vue2/Vue3 incompatibility or do I just not understand the docs at ? Can someone help me get rid of these warnings, ideally by allowing me to inject a mock so I can test that toasts are made?
That error actually indicates that the plugin isn't installed in the test Vue instance. You could make VueToastification available to the component under test through the global.plugins mounting option:
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import MyComponent from '#/components/MyComponent.vue'
import VueToastificationPlugin from 'vue-toastification'
it('initializes', () => {
shallowMount(MyComponent, {
global: {
plugins: [VueToastificationPlugin]
Alternatively, if you want to verify that toast() (from VueToastification's useToast()) is called, you could mock vue-toastification:
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import MyComponent from '#/components/MyComponent.vue'
it('should call toast', () => {
const toast = jest.fn()
I solved setting a global list of plugins according to
// In a jest.setup.js file
import { config } from "#vue/test-utils";
import VueToastificationPlugin from "vue-toastification"; = [VueToastificationPlugin];
// In your jest.config.js
module.exports = {
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./jest.setup.js"],

Nuxtjs using Vuex-module-decorator doesn't wordk

I want to use my vuex modules as classes to make my code more clean and readable. I used the section (Accessing modules with NuxtJS) at the bottom of this document:
I've searched for the solution for almost 3 days and tried out this link:
vuex not loading module decorated with vuex-module-decorators
but, it didn't work.
Also, I used getModule directly in the component like the solution in this issue page:
import CounterModule from '../store/modules/test_module';
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators';
let counterModule: CounterModule;
created() {
counterModule = getModule(CounterModule, this.$store);
Then, accessing method elsewhere
computed: {
counter() {
return counterModule.getCount
it didn't work for me!
This is my Module in store folder in Nuxtjs project:
import { ICurrentUser } from '~/models/ICurrentUser'
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation, MutationAction } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
#Module({ stateFactory: true, namespaced: true, name: 'CurrentUserStore' })
export default class CurrentUser extends VuexModule {
user: ICurrentUser = {
DisplayName: null,
UserId: null,
setUser(userInfo: ICurrentUser) {
this.user = userInfo;
get userInfo() {
return this.user;
In index.ts file in sore folder:
import { Store } from 'vuex'
import { getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import CurrentUser from './currentUser'
let currentUserStore: CurrentUser
const initializer = (store: Store<any>): void => {
currentUserStore = getModule(CurrentUser, store)
export const plugins = [initializer]
export {
I think the problem stems from this line:
currentUserStore = getModule(CurrentUser, store)
currentUserStore is created as object but properties and methods are not recognizable.
when I want to use getters or mutation I get error. For instance, "unknown mutation type" for using mutation
Probably several months late but I struggled with a similar issue, and eventually found the solution in
It talks about multiple requirements (which are summarised elsewhere)
The one that relates to this issue is that the file name of the module has to match the name you specify in the #Module definition.
In your case, if you rename your file from currentUser to CurrentUserStore' or change the name of the module toCurrentUser`, it should fix the issue.

Difference between import and require in jest

I am writing my first test for a react-native project using react-native-router-flux and react-redux
My code is something like
jest.setMock('react-native', {
NativeModules: {}
jest.setMock('react-native-router-flux', {
Actions: {}
const mockStore = require('../../mock/Store');
const actions = require('../myActions');
// Some tests that test if the right actions are dispatched.
The above works, However when I use ES6 import instead of require I have a problem.
If I replace
const actions = require('../myActions');
import * as actions from "../myActions"
I get the below error.
Runtime Error
- Error: Cannot find module 'ReactNative' from 'react-native.js'
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-cli/node_modules/jest-resolve/src/index.js:117:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-native/Libraries/react-native/react-native.js:175:25)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-native-router-flux/src/Scene.js:10:18)
While I can work with this, I am curious to understand the reason for failure,
Also note that I am just not able to transpile react-native-router-flux with es2015 presets in .bablerc file and I think I will have to live with that limitation (of not being able to transpile react-native-router-flux).
myActions.js looks like
import {Actions} from 'react-native-router-flux';
export function searchRequest() {
return {
type: "search_request"
export function searchRequestFailure(error) {
return {
type: "search_request_failure",
error: error.toString()
export function searchRequestSuccess(payload) {
return {
type: "search_request_success",
payload: payload
export function search(nameOrAddress) {
return dispatch => {
return fetch("http://localhost:8080/search", {
method: "GET"
}).then((response) => {
return response.json()
}).then((responseData) => {
Actions.list() //react-native-router-flux dependency
}).catch(error => {
Using react-native 0.26 and jest 12.1.1
That is not the correct ES6 conversion.
const actions = require('../myActions'); // requires the defaultMember of the exported module and
//ES6 (ES2015) equivalent is
import actions from '../myActions';