I just want to know that is there any specific way that we can integrate Kurento WebRTC Media Server within a react-native application. If we can integrate this, I just want to know how exactly are we going to do this.
If you have any certain Ideas/Knowledge regarding this. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Hoping for the best response from the community!
I am trying to set up apple and google pay for an app and I am struggling to find any good documentation on how to do this. I am using React-Native with expo and was wondering if anyone could share any documentation on how to implement this properly.
We already have it set up on our web app and we have the whole payment flow setup already but I am struggling to find any ways to properly implement it into the app without using stripe.
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated
I have tried using react-native-payments and also tried to use #stripe/react-native-stripe to see if I could do it without having to use the stripe payment flow. I have also looked into creating a native module but struggled to find anything to help build it
This question might sound quite silly, but I need your help.
I have successfully implemented the agora.io live interactive streaming in flutter and is running fine. I wanted to know if I can implement this same feature in vue.js. I was trying to find any documentation but couldn't find any.
Can anyone help me find any documentation or at least a git repo which I can refer to.
Thank you in advance.
While Agora doesn't officially have any documentation for making a interactive streaming web app in Vue, it does have one for Group Video Calls at https://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/OpenAgoraWeb-Vue.
Since video calls work almost the same as broadcasts, you can use the OpenAgoraWeb repo link and tune it in a way to make it only one way streaming for audiences.
A sample interactive streaming web app for web using Vanilla JS: https://github.com/digitallysavvy/agora-web-broadcast-demo.
You can also use this Vanilla Sample link to convert it into a VueJS application or you can use a combination of both.
You can also create it from scratch using the documentation at: https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/start_live_web?platform=Web.
Can anyone recommend me libraries and APIs I can use to develop a video chat app using React Native? I would appreciate it if your suggestions doesn't require you to pay in order to fully utilize the library/api.
I've used this jitsi-meet library. It's pretty easy to use it ,and also it integrates all the webrtc module by itself and also it gives a ready made UI.For you to start instantly you can use this library, even ive launched an app both on playstore and appstore for video calling.
And if you wnat the full custom way, you can use rn-webrtc , here you have to make your own UI and manage everything.
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts
Is there any option or workaround to implement audio and video calling using comet chat pro API in react native. I have seen in the doc as it's not supported, but I wanted to know if anyone has found any workaround or solution.
I have already tried implementing the code, the call is getting connected and the users are joining successfully. Also, all the events are working fine. The only issue is sound is not audible or not working.
React Native is so popular and many developers use it and it's sad that Comet chat is not supporting it.
Can anyone help with this issue?
I am having a requirement to broadcast live audio on my website. Scenario is
1) one user will talk/sing in my application and
2) his followers will have to listen that live audio instantly in the same application.
Can you please suggest me any 3rd party libraries for this?
Note: I am developing my web application in ASP.Net MVC5.
Thanks in advance.
Towards that goal, if you plan on using WebRTC, you'll need to add media servers that route media around.
Look at Kurento, Jitsi or Janus for open source alternatives - especially if you plan on adding video support to it.
You can also try using Asterisk or FreeSWITCH - these are telephony based solutions but can be re-purposed to use WebRTC and offer a conference call like experience where you mute everyone and have a single speaker "broadcast" his audio to all the rest.