Scenario Outline for json in feature with Karate - karate

Is it possible to use Scenario Outline as in this mode (which is really great!!):
Scenario Outline:
* print 'hello <name>'
| (read('cats.json')) |
but with a json or a list in Background? Ex:
* json temp = cats_ids (ids that I get from an external job as here [111,222,333...])
* def temp = cats_ids
Scenario Outline:
* path id from temp
* method get
| temp |

Yes, please look at karate.mapWithKey() explained here:
* def temp = karate.mapWithKey(cats_ids, 'id')
Scenario Outline:
* print id


Send a second request nb of times as nb of items returned for first request using Karate

I need to send 2 requests in a Scenario Outline. Ex:
* url 'someurl'
Scenario Outline:
* path <owner_id>, 'cats'
* method get
* status 200
here I need to get ids of cats from response as {"cats": [{"cat_id": "xx"}, {"cat_id": "yy"}...]}
* path <owner_id>, <cat_id>, 'kittens'
* method get
* status 200
|bill_id |
|kate_id | and so on
Is it possible to send the second request (kittens' retrieving) for each cat_id from the first request and this for each owner_id?
I tried another way:
* url 'someurl'
Scenario Outline:
* def cats = call read('GetCats.feature')
then store cat_ids as here:
* def catsIds = cats.c[*].id (I get an error "javascript evaluation failed: cats.c[*]id, <eval>:1:6 Expected an operand but found *")
* def catsIds = karate.mapWithKey(cats.c[*].id, 'cat_id')
* path <owner_id>, <cat_id>, 'kittens'
* method get
* status 200
|bill_id |
|kate_id | ...
And here is GetCats.feature
* url 'someurl'
* path 'cats'
* method get
* status 200
* def c = response
I was thinking about karate.repeat but can we use it for this case?
Anything is possible, you can call other features, all data is in scope etc.
You made a mistake here, note the $:
* def catsIds = $cats.c[*].id

Use variables in json path expressions [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to use a variable in JsonPath filter
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a feature file to retrieve the data from csv file for the given parameter. In order to do it, I need to use a variable in the JsonPath expression to retrieve data for given parameter. I tried may ways, but using variable in jsonPath is not working. I'm using 0.9.4 version
I tried the below ways:
* def userId = get[0] testData[?(#.UserType=='${userType}')].UserId
* def userId = get[0] testData[?(#.UserType==userType)].UserId
* def userId = get[0] testData[?(#.UserType=='#(userType)')].UserId(I suppose this can only be used in json/xml)
Below hard coded value works fine:
* def userId = get[0] testData[?(#.UserType=='SuperAdmin')].UserId
Called feature:
Feature: Utility to extract the various types of data from excel datasource
* def DataUtility = Java.type('')
* def dataUtils = new DataUtility()
* def testData = read('classpath:testdata/TestData.csv')
Scenario: Retrieve userId for a given user type
* def userId = get[0] testData[?(#.UserType=='${userType}')].UserId
Calling feature:
* table params
| userType |
| 'SuperAdmin' |
* def extractedData = call read('DataExtractor.feature') params
* def userID = extractedData[0].userId
I have tried using variables in Json Path.
String elementPath = "$.[" + i + "].item.value";
In this statement, i is a loop variable. After this pass it to the read api of DocumentContext.
It has worked perfectly fine for me.
I am using JsonPath & DocumentContext from jayway to achieve this.
import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;

Refer defined variable in Scenario outline example [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can we parameterize the request file name to the Read method in Karate?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Feature: Test Type
* url host
* def name = 'test_name'
* def label = name
Scenario Outline: Test 2
Given url homeLinks.groupTypesUrl
And headers { tenant: #(tenantId), Authorization: #(authToken) }
* def name = <name>
* def description = <description>
* def label = <label>
* json data = read('path/to/file/create_group_type_request.json')
And request data
When method POST
Then status 400
| name | label | description |
| '\u0000' | 'label' | 'description' |
| #(name) | '\u0000'| 'description' |
I need to refer global name defined inside examples map. How to get that reference?
Getting Javascript evalution error when I tried to like above piece of code.
Yes, Examples do not support JS eval and variables. Use the table form and loop over it with a call to a second feature:
Or you can try to use a dynamic Scenario Outline by initializing the table in the background:

Can I run example in scenario outline for n times?

I want to run examples for n times , n is the length of data of getHotelid.
Feature: match rates from ds api to pricing api.
* url ''
Scenario Outline: Calling production assert feature file.
* def DbNew = Java.type('DbNew')
* def dq = new DbNew()
* def activeHotels = <ds_hotel_id>
* def hotel_id = call read('StringConverter.js') { activeHotels:'#(activeHotels)'}
* print hotel_id
This is look a like Karate - Not able to run dynamic scenario outline in a loop
Your Examples should be as below,
please read this documentation : Karate dynamic scenario

Dynamically set a XML tag value while building payload

I am trying automate testing using Karate.
I have a XML payload.
I have a static XML payload which I am readying from a file and I want to call my service in loop.
For each call I would like to replace value for a tag name dynamically.
How would I achieve this?
Below is my Main Feature which calls my common feature in loop
Feature: Loop Call
* def common = call read('classpath:CommonFeatures.feature')
* table table
| payload_file | field_tag | field_value |
| 'HappyPath.xml' | 'car_fuel' | 'Gas' |
| 'HappyPath.xml' | 'car_color'| 'Red' |
* def response = call read('classpath:Car.feature') table
Feature: Common
* print payload_file
* print field_tag
* print field_value
* xml payload = read('classpath:/payload/'+payload_file)
* print payload
* set payload/$field_tag = field_value
This is where I have issue setting the field_tag value.
I have other option to do this like writing a small java script method to replace the tag value or a small java class which use DOMParser or SAXParser to perform the same.
However I would like to know if there is any karate in build way to perform the same.
Also while using java script method to replace the tag value if I am using var parser = new DOMParser(); and it seems DOMParser is not available to use. Is there a way to make this available?
I think if you go through this sample, it will answer all your questions:
For example this is how you can substitute values, as well replace a whole chunk of XML (which can include tags) using the set keyword:
Scenario: set xml chunks using xpath
* def req = read('envelope1.xml')
* def phone = '123456'
* def search =
* set req /Envelope/Body = search
* match req ==
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:acc="http://foo/bar">
<soapenv:Header />
And please don't think of using DOMParser etc, you will be able to do anything you need via Karate syntax.
Thanks to Peter for all help and the examples.
I feel this is the best way to achieve this.
Wrote a small javascript function
* def replaceTag =
karate.setXml('temp', x.payload);
if (x.field_tag) karate.set('temp', x.field_tag, x.field_value);
return karate.get('temp');
and calling the same from Car.feature like below and I get the dynamically replaced payload.
Feature: Common
* print payload_file
* print field_tag
* print field_value
* xml payload = read('classpath:/payload/'+payload_file)
* print payload
* def args = { payload: #(payload), field_tag: #(field_tag), field_value: #
* print args
* xml payload = call common.replaceTag args
Note: I had to upgrade Karate 0.7.0 version in order to use karate.setXml method.